Michael Flynn vs. The True Believers


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

2. The function of government school, public school, is to turn out these true believers in cultural Marxism, with no morality other than what is best for the party. It would not be inappropriate to refer to them as ‘apparatchiks.’

3. In Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, we find the distinction between conservatives, and the people that inhabited Obama’s administration

“…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.” A primary cause of this dissatisfaction is a spiritual emptiness which must be provided, not by himself, but by society.
In the American tradition, the sanctity of the individual, his freedom, and his life come before any political institution….but not for the ‘true believers.’

True believers seek to 'fundamentally transform'....

4. The leftist believer identifies with movements such as communism, or radical Islamism, modern Liberalism, and spurns democracy, capitalism, individuality and personal freedom, yet his mottos include “peace,” “social justice,” and “equality.”

5. Paramount in the psychology of the leftist is a sense of guilt due to a position of privilege or material comfort or status. Ashamed that he is not a genuine victim, he pays back a karmic debt by being a believer.

Michael Flynn had the bad luck to come face to face with a true believer in a position of power.

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Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

2. The function of government school, public school, is to turn out these true believers in cultural Marxism, with no morality other than what is best for the party. It would not be inappropriate to refer to them as ‘apparatchiks.’

3. In Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, we find the distinction between conservatives, and the people that inhabited Obama’s administration

“…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.” A primary cause of this dissatisfaction is a spiritual emptiness which must be provided, not by himself, but by society.

In the American tradition, the sanctity of the individual, his freedom, and his life come before any political institution….but not for the ‘true believers.’

4. The leftist believer identifies with movements such as communism, or radical Islamism, modern Liberalism, and spurns democracy, capitalism, individuality and personal freedom, yet his mottos include “peace,” “social justice,” and “equality.”

5. Paramount in the psychology of the leftist is a sense of guilt due to a position of privilege or material comfort or status. Ashamed that he is not a genuine victim, he pays back a karmic debt by being a believer.

Michael Flynn had the bad luck to come face to face with a true believer in a position of power.


Per the Good Book when referring to the moral state as we approach the last days.

Having a Form of Godliness, but denying God.
Liars, Slanderers will abound.
Abusers of Men

In other words, everything that Clinton, Obama & The DNC tried to do in this past election is described more or less in the following passage:

2nd Timothy 3-5

1 But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come.

2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good,…

4 traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!
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Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

2. The function of government school, public school, is to turn out these true believers in cultural Marxism, with no morality other than what is best for the party. It would not be inappropriate to refer to them as ‘apparatchiks.’

3. In Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, we find the distinction between conservatives, and the people that inhabited Obama’s administration

“…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.” A primary cause of this dissatisfaction is a spiritual emptiness which must be provided, not by himself, but by society.

In the American tradition, the sanctity of the individual, his freedom, and his life come before any political institution….but not for the ‘true believers.’

4. The leftist believer identifies with movements such as communism, or radical Islamism, modern Liberalism, and spurns democracy, capitalism, individuality and personal freedom, yet his mottos include “peace,” “social justice,” and “equality.”

5. Paramount in the psychology of the leftist is a sense of guilt due to a position of privilege or material comfort or status. Ashamed that he is not a genuine victim, he pays back a karmic debt by being a believer.

Michael Flynn had the bad luck to come face to face with a true believer in a position of power.


Per the Good Book when referring to the moral state as we approach the last days.

Having a Form of Godliness, but denying God.
Liars, Slanderers will abound.
Abusers of Men

In other words, everything that Clinton, Obama & The DNC tried to do in this past election is described more or less in the following passage:

2nd Timothy 3-5

1 But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come.

2 For men will be lovers of themselves,lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive,disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, without love of good,…

4 traitorous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,

5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Turn away from such as these!

Blasphemy to the Left.
Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

2. The function of government school, public school, is to turn out these true believers in cultural Marxism, with no morality other than what is best for the party. It would not be inappropriate to refer to them as ‘apparatchiks.’

3. In Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, we find the distinction between conservatives, and the people that inhabited Obama’s administration

“…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.” A primary cause of this dissatisfaction is a spiritual emptiness which must be provided, not by himself, but by society.
In the American tradition, the sanctity of the individual, his freedom, and his life come before any political institution….but not for the ‘true believers.’

True believers seek to 'fundamentally transform'....

4. The leftist believer identifies with movements such as communism, or radical Islamism, modern Liberalism, and spurns democracy, capitalism, individuality and personal freedom, yet his mottos include “peace,” “social justice,” and “equality.”

5. Paramount in the psychology of the leftist is a sense of guilt due to a position of privilege or material comfort or status. Ashamed that he is not a genuine victim, he pays back a karmic debt by being a believer.

Michael Flynn had the bad luck to come face to face with a true believer in a position of power.


Gosh you are really sucking in the fake news .. True believers my ass.
This is complete hate spewed by a copy /paste retard.

Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

2. The function of government school, public school, is to turn out these true believers in cultural Marxism, with no morality other than what is best for the party. It would not be inappropriate to refer to them as ‘apparatchiks.’

3. In Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, we find the distinction between conservatives, and the people that inhabited Obama’s administration

“…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.” A primary cause of this dissatisfaction is a spiritual emptiness which must be provided, not by himself, but by society.
In the American tradition, the sanctity of the individual, his freedom, and his life come before any political institution….but not for the ‘true believers.’

True believers seek to 'fundamentally transform'....

4. The leftist believer identifies " with movements such as communism, or radical Islamism, modern Liberalism, and spurns democracy, capitalism, individuality and personal freedom, yet his mottos include “peace,” “social justice,” and “equality.”

5. Paramount in the psychology of the leftist is a sense of guilt due to a position of privilege or material comfort or status. Ashamed that he is not a genuine victim, he pays back a karmic debt by being a believer.

Michael Flynn had the bad luck to come face to face with a true believer in a position of power.


Gosh you are really sucking in the fake news .. True believers my ass.
This is complete hate spewed by a copy /paste retard.


I notice that you were not able to find anything to dispute, and could only provide the usual and prosaic Liberal "Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!!" post.

Seems to be the best you morons can do.
6. “On Jan. 24, 2017, two of Comey's FBI agents went to the White House to question Flynn, and there was a lot of speculation later that Flynn lied in that interview, which would be a serious crime.

…. the Washington Post reported in February. "Lying to the FBI is a felony offense."

… lawmakers wanted Comey to tell them what was up. And what they heard from the director did not match what they were hearing in the media.

According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged…” Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied

What happened?

Michael Flynn had the bad luck to come face to face with a true believer in a position of power.

Flynn came under the perusal of true believer Sally Yates, who felt no particular duty to the sworn obligations of her job, or any obligation to honesty…..only an obligation to Leftist doctrine.

And Flynn represented something very different.

Details to follow.
Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

2. The function of government school, public school, is to turn out these true believers in cultural Marxism, with no morality other than what is best for the party. It would not be inappropriate to refer to them as ‘apparatchiks.’

3. In Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, we find the distinction between conservatives, and the people that inhabited Obama’s administration

“…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.” A primary cause of this dissatisfaction is a spiritual emptiness which must be provided, not by himself, but by society.
In the American tradition, the sanctity of the individual, his freedom, and his life come before any political institution….but not for the ‘true believers.’

True believers seek to 'fundamentally transform'....

4. The leftist believer identifies " with movements such as communism, or radical Islamism, modern Liberalism, and spurns democracy, capitalism, individuality and personal freedom, yet his mottos include “peace,” “social justice,” and “equality.”

5. Paramount in the psychology of the leftist is a sense of guilt due to a position of privilege or material comfort or status. Ashamed that he is not a genuine victim, he pays back a karmic debt by being a believer.

Michael Flynn had the bad luck to come face to face with a true believer in a position of power.


Gosh you are really sucking in the fake news .. True believers my ass.
This is complete hate spewed by a copy /paste retard.


I notice that you were not able to find anything to dispute, and could only provide the usual and prosaic Liberal "Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!!" post.

Seems to be the best you morons can do.

Because even if I gave you all of the facts of the truth, you will still find some way to hate liberals because a website told you so..

Flynn true believers = Trump puppets

some conspiracy threads stay in politics
Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

2. The function of government school, public school, is to turn out these true believers in cultural Marxism, with no morality other than what is best for the party. It would not be inappropriate to refer to them as ‘apparatchiks.’

3. In Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, we find the distinction between conservatives, and the people that inhabited Obama’s administration

“…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.” A primary cause of this dissatisfaction is a spiritual emptiness which must be provided, not by himself, but by society.
In the American tradition, the sanctity of the individual, his freedom, and his life come before any political institution….but not for the ‘true believers.’

True believers seek to 'fundamentally transform'....

4. The leftist believer identifies " with movements such as communism, or radical Islamism, modern Liberalism, and spurns democracy, capitalism, individuality and personal freedom, yet his mottos include “peace,” “social justice,” and “equality.”

5. Paramount in the psychology of the leftist is a sense of guilt due to a position of privilege or material comfort or status. Ashamed that he is not a genuine victim, he pays back a karmic debt by being a believer.

Michael Flynn had the bad luck to come face to face with a true believer in a position of power.


Gosh you are really sucking in the fake news .. True believers my ass.
This is complete hate spewed by a copy /paste retard.


I notice that you were not able to find anything to dispute, and could only provide the usual and prosaic Liberal "Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!!" post.

Seems to be the best you morons can do.

Because even if I gave you all of the facts of the truth, you will still find some way to hate liberals because a website told you so..


I notice that you were not able to find anything to dispute, and could only provide the usual and prosaic Liberal "Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!!" post.

Seems to be the best you morons can do.

This latest...and I hope final...post of yours is your admission of imbecility....


You're dismissed.
some conspiracy threads stay in politics

I notice that you were not able to find anything to dispute, and could only provide the usual and prosaic Liberal "Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!!" post, or, more specifically in your muddled post, a demand to hide the truth.

Seems to be the best you morons can do.
some conspiracy threads stay in politics

I notice that you were not able to find anything to dispute, and could only provide the usual and prosaic Liberal "Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!!" post, or, more specifically in your muddled post, a demand to hide the truth.

Seems to be the best you morons can do.

Flynn is a proven liar ,,, true believers?

and who believes proven liars ?
some conspiracy threads stay in politics

I notice that you were not able to find anything to dispute, and could only provide the usual and prosaic Liberal "Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!!" post, or, more specifically in your muddled post, a demand to hide the truth.

Seems to be the best you morons can do.

Flynn is a proven liar ,,, true believers?

and who believes proven liars ?

With very little effort....the hallmark of you Leftists....you have become our best source of greenhouse gases.

Now, either clean off your specs, or have someone with a higher degree of literary capacity than you...any three year old will do....and mull this over:

"According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged…” Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied
Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump

2. The function of government school, public school, is to turn out these true believers in cultural Marxism, with no morality other than what is best for the party. It would not be inappropriate to refer to them as ‘apparatchiks.’

3. In Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer, we find the distinction between conservatives, and the people that inhabited Obama’s administration

“…people with a sense of fulfillment think it is a good world land would like to conserve it as it is, while the frustrated favor radical change.” A primary cause of this dissatisfaction is a spiritual emptiness which must be provided, not by himself, but by society.
In the American tradition, the sanctity of the individual, his freedom, and his life come before any political institution….but not for the ‘true believers.’

True believers seek to 'fundamentally transform'....

4. The leftist believer identifies with movements such as communism, or radical Islamism, modern Liberalism, and spurns democracy, capitalism, individuality and personal freedom, yet his mottos include “peace,” “social justice,” and “equality.”

5. Paramount in the psychology of the leftist is a sense of guilt due to a position of privilege or material comfort or status. Ashamed that he is not a genuine victim, he pays back a karmic debt by being a believer.

Michael Flynn had the bad luck to come face to face with a true believer in a position of power.


Gosh you are really sucking in the fake news .. True believers my ass.
This is complete hate spewed by a copy /paste retard.

Vladimir Putin applauds you for your continued devotion to spread lies and deceit on behalf of Mother Russia. Putin congratulates you for your continued efforts to create turmoil and foster sedition and divisiveness within The Deteriorating American Democracy.

Well DONE, Comrade!


One Ingot of Gold for each favor I can buy from Hillary Clinton? That's a Hell of a Deal!
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Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump
Some interesting background on the former CIA Moscow station head, Scott Uehlinger. Among his many accomplishments, Uehlinger is a conservative politician currently running for Congress. He never mentions a political conversion so it is safe to assume he was one of those 'Deep State' people he talks about, except he was on the Right when he worked for Obama. Was he loyal to Obama when he worked for him or did he work to undermine him?
some conspiracy threads stay in politics

I notice that you were not able to find anything to dispute, and could only provide the usual and prosaic Liberal "Is not, issssss noootttttt!!!!" post, or, more specifically in your muddled post, a demand to hide the truth.

Seems to be the best you morons can do.

Flynn is a proven liar ,,, true believers?

and who believes proven liars ?

With very little effort....the hallmark of you Leftists....you have become our best source of greenhouse gases.

Now, either clean off your specs, or have someone with a higher degree of literary capacity than you...any three year old will do....and mull this over:

"According to two sources familiar with the meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that any inaccuracies in his answers were intentional. As a result, some of those in attendance came away with the impression that Flynn would not be charged…” Byron York: Comey told Congress FBI agents didn't think Michael Flynn lied

It should be noted that Comey stated on the record that Flynn did not lie. It was when Mueller was appointed that Mueller accused Flynn of lying. So you have a major contradiction there, which Mueller apparently is unwilling to sort out.
Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump
Some interesting background on the former CIA Moscow station head, Scott Uehlinger. Among his many accomplishments, Uehlinger is a conservative politician currently running for Congress. He never mentions a political conversion so it is safe to assume he was one of those 'Deep State' people he talks about, except he was on the Right when he worked for Obama. Was he loyal to Obama when he worked for him or did he work to undermine him?
Maybe it was buried in a 100 page document in a footnote, and referred to in extremely vague terms...so you wouldn't notice it.
Hard to know whether the Democrat elites seek out true believers, or those types simply flock to their masters.

1.The former CIA Moscow station head describes this sort this way:

".... the denizens of the Deep State that everyone in Washington likes to tell us doesn’t exist....made up of thousands of similarly credentialed, remarkably “un-diverse” civil servants and political appointees who saw themselves promoted rapidly during the eight years of the Obama administration. The appointees have left, but make no mistake — the progressive civil servants remain.

The present culture of the intelligence community and the shameless political shenanigans of the Obama administration combined to create this disaster.”
How the intel community was turned into a political weapon against President Trump
Some interesting background on the former CIA Moscow station head, Scott Uehlinger. Among his many accomplishments, Uehlinger is a conservative politician currently running for Congress. He never mentions a political conversion so it is safe to assume he was one of those 'Deep State' people he talks about, except he was on the Right when he worked for Obama. Was he loyal to Obama when he worked for him or did he work to undermine him?
Maybe it was buried in a 100 page document in a footnote, and referred to in extremely vague terms...so you wouldn't notice it.
I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're trying to say. What is the 'it' and what is the document?

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