LGBTQ dems and the gay pride movements are taking things far too far now

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Look out, we gotz a tough guy.

well, either you take my warning seriously, or i'll invest the time to make you all hurt.
coz sometimes, only pain can change a person's or group's course of action.

and this warrants the investment of my time and effort.
it won't even take much effort really, just a bunch of keystrokes, a tiny amount of tactical and strategic thinking, and tadaa : we got stupid angry whites shoving faggots and non-binaries and transgenders and all those ultra-weird sexual perverse that are now exactly as brave as that little girl you got on display here, unconscious into deep waters *again*, which is something you managed to live without for a few decades when you were still acting 'normal enough' in the music industry.

you see, if you leave us without any options except violence to protect the basic freedoms and sanity of our children and young women (in the sports industry, hint, transgender fuckups), or in any other industry for that matter, then we WILL use physical violence again.

and eh, judges and politicians : me saying this is NOT an enticement to such behavior by hetros yet. it is merely a statement of what i see will happen in the future if gays and transgenders and their insane buddies continue much further with their campaign to dominate the social, political, media, etc, aspects of western society.

and i AM very much defending my own life in the Netherlands here. our society has a 10 to 20 year lag behind US cultural changes. and rather than wait for that school-education thing and the transgender infiltration of sports for women HIT my country and western europe in 10 to 20 years, i'd rather stop it at it's source RIGHT THE F NOW.

so as of right now, i'm on a media campaign in the US of my own.
why? the fags won't listen to reason. not one bit. they'd rather insult me than show a willingness to compromise.
no, i'm gonna use your own "expressions" against you.
how, i choose to keep to myself.
but you're officially put on notice : you'll hate the consequences and be crying like little girls that you're under immoral attack from the hetros. which of course will be followed by more evidence from people like me (and Fox News and outlets like that) of exactly how you brought your own "suffering" upon yourselves, fools.
put on notice? well that explains the shaking the world just did in fear.
Oh my god, they're teaching about gay people in history. What's next? Other countries exist? What will our young Americans think?
Did I mention that I'm gay? My bad.

Even I know it's rude to push my preferences on innocent children. What's next? There are 27 genders? LGBT becomes ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ?

Go ahead, play the bigot card again, I will f**king destroy you.
it was one thing to see the global gay pride movements gradually and then increasingly annoyingly shove gay pride in the faces of ordinary hetros and their families,

but i find it going far too far that we now see the gays invade the classrooms as teachers and indoctrinating our very young with their views on basic concepts like gender and sexual orientation.
rather than seeing sexuality as something that develops during puberty (and it still does, btw), mothers and children world-wide are now being taught that it should be OK to come out as gay early on in childhood.

and what's worse, when we hetros complain about it, AS IS OUR RIGHT PER FREE SPEECH, and seek to find a compromise we can live with, we are attacked by the LGBTQ community as somehow being racist or hatemongering towards them.


now of course, you can think : hey, we're winning anyways, the hetros are in full retreat, we're even in politics these days, and the hetros fully deserve all of this due to their centuries of smashing up gays. but the fact is, i never smashed up gays, nor did 99.999% of the hetro families out there today. you were wise to foster pro-gay feelings in society and government through the music industry first, and as far as i'm concerned, you can keep sending your people into the music industry for that purpose (and to make lots of money of course). however, i have been disgusted by gays randomly kissing me on my lips while half drunk at parties, but even then, i never hit any gays. nor did i object to lesbians giving me a very cold shoulder when i showed romantic interest in them in clubs (remember, back in the 90s, being a lesbian wasn't exactly visible in clothing or hairstyles yet).

but mark my words : if you encroach on the hetro lifestyle any further, if you start to infiltrate the brains and lives of our children, or if you seek to protect your agents that are trying to win (young) souls into the LGBTQ lifestyles by attacking the hetros that complain about this indoctrination of vulnerable souls that are simply still seeking their own path, then you will trigger a "war" that *will* ultimately end up with you demonizing yourselves. and really, that is *already* happening, i'm merely informing you about it so that you have a chance as a community to change your politics.
I'm sorry you feel uncomfortable for having to coexist with people you're used to shaming into hiding and suicide, you embarrassing snowflake.
More than ever their lifestyle is their choice. They should face whatever consequences that decision brings. They have the same rights I do.

well, either you take my warning seriously, or i'll invest the time to make you all hurt.
coz sometimes, only pain can change a person's or group's course of action.

and this warrants the investment of my time and effort.
it won't even take much effort really, just a bunch of keystrokes, a tiny amount of tactical and strategic thinking, and tadaa : we got stupid angry whites shoving faggots and non-binaries and transgenders and all those ultra-weird sexual perverse that are now exactly as brave as that little girl you got on display here, unconscious into deep waters *again*, which is something you managed to live without for a few decades when you were still acting 'normal enough' in the music industry.

you see, if you leave us without any options except violence to protect the basic freedoms and sanity of our children and young women (in the sports industry, hint, transgender fuckups), or in any other industry for that matter, then we WILL use physical violence again.

and eh, judges and politicians : me saying this is NOT an enticement to such behavior by hetros yet. it is merely a statement of what i see will happen in the future if gays and transgenders and their insane buddies continue much further with their campaign to dominate the social, political, media, etc, aspects of western society.

and i AM very much defending my own life in the Netherlands here. our society has a 10 to 20 year lag behind US cultural changes. and rather than wait for that school-education thing and the transgender infiltration of sports for women HIT my country and western europe in 10 to 20 years, i'd rather stop it at it's source RIGHT THE F NOW.

so as of right now, i'm on a media campaign in the US of my own.
why? the fags won't listen to reason. not one bit. they'd rather insult me than show a willingness to compromise.
Holy shit who's reading all that? Just say you hate faggots.

it's not your existence i am complaining about. where did i do that eh?
I'm about to complain about yours.

God dude. stop rediscovering puberty at our expense.
More than ever their lifestyle is their choice. They should face whatever consequences that decision brings. They have the same rights I do.
Except it's punishable by law for a teacher to refer to a gay couple as parents now. And you don't want to stop there.
it's not what i am.
your conclusion is as much bullshit as what your dick touches every weekend.
Your entire OP is "I am uncomfortable that gay people exist, and I am sad I can't pretend they don't." That's pretty damn pathetic, snowflake.
Your entire OP is "I am uncomfortable that gay people exist, and I am sad I can't pretend they don't." That's pretty damn pathetic, snowflake.
wrong. this thread is about my justified anger, and the justified anger you'll find in a rapidly increasing number of straight families these days, about gays pushing their lifestyle onto young children, and stealing money from actual young women in industries like classical sports.

to label it pathetic, or me a snowflake, or label me with any insult at all for that matter, is ESCAPISM, fool.
Yeah, just shoot the bigotry with extreme precision when it affects you too, that'll solve it. You don't have nothing to fear, you just think that being a good token will save you from their bigotry.
Calling me a "token" is magnitudes more bigoted than anyone else here being against the LGBT agenda.

I don't shoot bigots. I shoot intruders.

People have a right to be bigoted, we call that "free speech." It does not entitle me to enact a vendetta against them for hating what I am.

People DO NOT have a right to intrude upon my home, however. That's exactly what the gun is for.

Damn, how hard is this for you to understand?
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