Kapernick suing the nfl lol

Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

That's a subjective judgement. Technical stats don't score the toxic impact somebody with Kaeperpimpleneck's entitlement attitude will have on a team and its fan base.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

That's a subjective judgement. Technical stats don't score the toxic impact somebody with Kaeperpimpleneck's entitlement attitude will have on a team and its fan base.

People are kneeling on almost every team now. Him kneeling isn't as big as an issue as it was before.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Kaepernick is not a franchise QB, why would a team sign him? They have to change their offense to fit his style. There are two teams that might be suited one is the Seahawks and the other is Carolina, both have good QBs.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

That's a subjective judgement. Technical stats don't score the toxic impact somebody with Kaeperpimpleneck's entitlement attitude will have on a team and its fan base.

People are kneeling on almost every team now. Him kneeling isn't as big as an issue as it was before.

But he started this nonsense. Who knows what the retard will do next
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.

He is being blackballed out of the league through collusion of the NFL owners. He has all the right to sue them.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.

He is being blackballed out of the league through collusion of the NFL owners. He has all the right to sue them.

I’d like to see you prove your claim. Fact is he’s not good enough to warrant the headache
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Kaepernick is not a franchise QB, why would a team sign him? They have to change their offense to fit his style. There are two teams that might be suited one is the Seahawks and the other is Carolina, both have good QBs.

He doesn't have to be a Franchise QB for a team to sign him. EVERY team in the league has at least 2 QBs and he is by far better than almost every backup QB in the league and better than some of the starters.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.

He is being blackballed out of the league through collusion of the NFL owners. He has all the right to sue them.

I’d like to see you prove your claim. Fact is he’s not good enough to warrant the headache

If you have to ask that question, then you don't watch enough NFL, or you'd know.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.

He is being blackballed out of the league through collusion of the NFL owners. He has all the right to sue them.

I’d like to see you prove your claim. Fact is he’s not good enough to warrant the headache

If you have to ask that question, then you don't watch enough NFL, or you'd know.

Yeah ok, you can’t prove anything. The fact is you’re making an assumption and you can’t back it up with facts
I just read something about the NFL getting tax breaks taken away from them because of this .I have no idea what that is about, but I also know prima donas of the NFL better stop pissing off their fan base.
Well if you watch the NFL and pay attention, you'd realize there are a lot of QBs in the NFL that aren't as good as he is. Did you see how well Kevin Hogan played for the Browns today?

Even if he is as good as you say, it’s a teams’ right to not want the distraction of having him on the team.

He is being blackballed out of the league through collusion of the NFL owners. He has all the right to sue them.

I’d like to see you prove your claim. Fact is he’s not good enough to warrant the headache

If you have to ask that question, then you don't watch enough NFL, or you'd know.

Yeah ok, you can’t prove anything. The fact is you’re making an assumption and you can’t back it up with facts

What facts do you want? You want me to post his stats from this year? Oh he doesn't have any... no team has signed him. You want me to post the stats of the second string QBs in the league? Oh yeah... 99% of them don't have stats because they are second string QBs that hardly play.

I'll tell you this much, he lead a team to the Super Bowl. How many QBs in the league right now have done that?

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