Kansas to Black Out “Cosmos” Show Over Controversies

Conservative lawmakers in Kansas are, however, offering Fox a back door through which they could skirt the new law: they won’t press this law into effect if Fox will agree to immediately develop a new show, hosted by young-Earth creationist Ken Ham, which pushes the theories of so-called “intelligent design.” This new show would need to be aired on Sunday evenings, before Cosmos, in order for the small-time Fox affiliates to avoid Kansas’ legislative wrath. - See more at: Kansas to Black Out "Cosmos" Show Over Controversies | National Report

These are truly backward illiterates

Let me guess, I am supposed to believe this even though the site is allegedly written by Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin? You really should try engaging your brain before you post, you will find you look smarter.

That sheep skin the Great Oz gave you doesn't work.
Liberals don't want any opposing ideas seeing the light of day. People might make up their own minds. Then where would liberals be?
Liberals don't want any opposing ideas seeing the light of day. People might make up their own minds. Then where would liberals be?

Oh you mean ideas like destroying SS and Medicare, and throwing grandma out in the street. Or destroying food stamps and making children go hungry. Or making health care for the rich only. Or giving welfare to millionaires. Or basing the economy on war. Or taking women's rights away.
I think liberals are safe. Your stupid ideas won't fly.
Best part, I am the only one that caught on to the fact that the site is fake, and the super intelligent, non partisan, intellectuals actually fell for it.

I didn't go to the site, but to be honest, it didn't sound implausible or incredible. I wouldn't have been surprised.
Conservative lawmakers in Kansas are, however, offering Fox a back door through which they could skirt the new law: they won’t press this law into effect if Fox will agree to immediately develop a new show, hosted by young-Earth creationist Ken Ham, which pushes the theories of so-called “intelligent design.” This new show would need to be aired on Sunday evenings, before Cosmos, in order for the small-time Fox affiliates to avoid Kansas’ legislative wrath. - See more at: Kansas to Black Out "Cosmos" Show Over Controversies | National Report

These are truly backward illiterates

Let me guess, I am supposed to believe this even though the site is allegedly written by Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin? You really should try engaging your brain before you post, you will find you look smarter.

That sheep skin the Great Oz gave you doesn't work.

It is a parody site, and you thought it was real. The best part, even after I point out that it is a parody site, you refuse to admit that it isn't real, all because you want to believe that they are actually trying to do this.

Tell me something, genius, why hasn't any other news site mentioned the bill? Why aren't there protests?

By the way, I love this story from the site.

Washington, DC — President Obama held a press conference today to announce the extension of U.S. military forces in Afghanistan to protect the opium trade.
“We need to preserve the interest of the Afghan people,” Obama told reporters. “These poppy fields are their livelihood, their most valuable cash crop. We cannot let these fields fall into the hands of the wrong people. We need the people on our side if we’re going to succeed in our endeavors there.”
One U.S. military official, who is currently in Afghanistan, spoke on the condition of anonymity. “They tell the media that we can’t do anything to stop this, we can’t destroy the opium fields, because the people will turn against us. What about all the opium and heroin getting into the United States? What about all the millions of people that die every year? What about all the lives ruined? What about all the tax payer money we spend every year on building prisons, drug treatment programs, law enforcement and customs? All of it, begins right here, in the poppy fields of Afghanistan. You wanna win the war on drugs? Well here it is baby, burn it all down!”

What was that? You are drunk, and refuse to admit you actually posted this? I don't blame you.
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Liberals don't want any opposing ideas seeing the light of day. People might make up their own minds. Then where would liberals be?

I'd love for their to be a "creationist science" program either before or after Cosmos: that way people might see how absurd and unscientific creationism is compared to real science (albeit dumbed down and semi-sensationalistic).
Best part, I am the only one that caught on to the fact that the site is fake, and the super intelligent, non partisan, intellectuals actually fell for it.

I didn't go to the site, but to be honest, it didn't sound implausible or incredible. I wouldn't have been surprised.

Of course you wouldn't, because being surprised actually requires an ability to think.
Best part, I am the only one that caught on to the fact that the site is fake, and the super intelligent, non partisan, intellectuals actually fell for it.

I didn't go to the site, but to be honest, it didn't sound implausible or incredible. I wouldn't have been surprised.

Of course you wouldn't, because being surprised actually requires an ability to think.

Yeah. Good one...
Conservative lawmakers in Kansas are, however, offering Fox a back door through which they could skirt the new law: they won’t press this law into effect if Fox will agree to immediately develop a new show, hosted by young-Earth creationist Ken Ham, which pushes the theories of so-called “intelligent design.” This new show would need to be aired on Sunday evenings, before Cosmos, in order for the small-time Fox affiliates to avoid Kansas’ legislative wrath. - See more at: Kansas to Black Out "Cosmos" Show Over Controversies | National Report

These are truly backward illiterates

Maybe they can show Walking With the Dinosaurs.
I didn't go to the site, but to be honest, it didn't sound implausible or incredible. I wouldn't have been surprised.

Of course you wouldn't, because being surprised actually requires an ability to think.

Yeah. Good one...

Did you also find it unsurprising that Obama held a press conference to announce the continued support of the Afghan drug trade?

How about the fact that this bill isn't front page news everywhere?
Best part, I am the only one that caught on to the fact that the site is fake, and the super intelligent, non partisan, intellectuals actually fell for it.

I didn't go to the site, but to be honest, it didn't sound implausible or incredible. I wouldn't have been surprised.

The fact that something is "believable" is not enough of a reason to actually believe it.
Conservative lawmakers in Kansas are, however, offering Fox a back door through which they could skirt the new law: they won’t press this law into effect if Fox will agree to immediately develop a new show, hosted by young-Earth creationist Ken Ham, which pushes the theories of so-called “intelligent design.” This new show would need to be aired on Sunday evenings, before Cosmos, in order for the small-time Fox affiliates to avoid Kansas’ legislative wrath. - See more at: Kansas to Black Out "Cosmos" Show Over Controversies | National Report

These are truly backward illiterates
Now we see the CON$ervoFascist version of the "Fairness Doctrine." Shouldn't it apply to all religious programming also?

From the link:

The bill, which many are expecting will pass, would force local Kansas television stations affiliated with Fox to pay steep fines for airing the program. Should any network continue to air all thirteen episodes of the show’s first season, the State would move to revoke their broadcasting privileges completely, driving those networks off the air.

lol...now even FOX has no freedom of speech.

Fucking loons
All I had to see was the name "National Report" in the URL.

Someone gets busted believing a story from there every few months. There was another National Report thread a few days ago, too.

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