rw Base flips-out over Cosmos show / Neil DeGrasse Tyson

That's kind of the point. We don't know. Stop pretending you know. The "evidence" your kind gives is a joke. The old testament? The new? The book of mormons? The koran? Get out of the stone age buddy!!!!

My kind? WTF are you talking about?
What kind is that? Human? Are you claiming to be alien species or something?
What do I pretend to know? Is my pretend to know conflicting with your pretending to know?
I post up a scientific article saying, and this is not the first wind of this, that the "Big Bang" may not have happened because the math just doesn't work.
Singularity has had it's problems in scientific circles for decades. Right now some scientist are putting out their necks and posting up other theory's. EVERYTIME this happens - when scientist go against the grain - out come the naysayers and instantly dismiss them.
They did the same thing when Einstein built the basis for singularity.
Calm down and drink less coffee.
And BTW - I am not religious. Oops?
I tried to watch the show since I enjoyed Sagan's but this thing was a turd in a punchbowl. Most of it was designed to discredit religion. I'm not religious but there are other shows for that.
If you didn't watch it then you are a fucking brainwashed religious retard who's too sensitive about your fake ass religion. Get over it. That's sort of the fucking point dummy. Your religion is like trying to explain the universe with santa claus. Jesus fucking Christ! Fucking morons!

I tried to watch it but....waaaah. I'm a stupid brainwashed pussy who's feelings got hurt.

If you didn't watch it then you need to. If you won't watch it then you need to shut the fuck up. Read the bible? Fuck that joke of a book. Watch the Cosmos and really be enlightened and SAVED from religious stupidity.
I just said I'm not religious. See, the words are still right up there. I watched about half the first episode and realized it was just a sham for Christian bashing. There was no need to spent time on it when they should have been discussing the universe. Like Sagan.
Both series do a good job presenting the facts which just so happen to contradict the myths of religions.

I find it very strange someone who claims to not be religious would stop watching such a great series just because it tries to explain why and how religions have held back science.

Anyways, I compare you to an athiest who hasnt read the Bible.

No way you are pro science if you didn't watch the whole series.
That's kind of the point. We don't know. Stop pretending you know. The "evidence" your kind gives is a joke. The old testament? The new? The book of mormons? The koran? Get out of the stone age buddy!!!!

My kind? WTF are you talking about?
What kind is that? Human? Are you claiming to be alien species or something?
What do I pretend to know? Is my pretend to know conflicting with your pretending to know?
I post up a scientific article saying, and this is not the first wind of this, that the "Big Bang" may not have happened because the math just doesn't work.
Singularity has had it's problems in scientific circles for decades. Right now some scientist are putting out their necks and posting up other theory's. EVERYTIME this happens - when scientist go against the grain - out come the naysayers and instantly dismiss them.
They did the same thing when Einstein built the basis for singularity.
Calm down and drink less coffee.
And BTW - I am not religious. Oops?
I'm not completely sold on the big bang theory either. But big bang or not that doesn't prove or add credibility to the God hypothesis.
It seems to be one big long Global Warming commercial, but then again, I didn't bother watching it[/QUOTEIt's as far back as we can see in time for now.
  1. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom.
    Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today.
    I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
    And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
    As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
    Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light on January 10th.
    On January 13th, these stars coalesced into the first small galaxies.
    These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago, on March 15th of the cosmic year.
    Hundreds of billions of suns.
    Which one is ours? It's not yet born.
    It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
    See those lights flashing like paparazzi? Each one is a supernova, the blazing death of a giant star.
    Stars die and are born in places like this one a stellar nursery.
    They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust.
    They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars.
    You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff.
    This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars.
    How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time.
    It won't begin to shine for another six billion years.
    Our Sun's birthday is August 31st on the Cosmic Calendar four and a half billion years ago.
    As with the other worlds of our solar system, Earth was formed from a disk of gas and dust orbiting the newborn Sun.
    Repeated collisions produced a growing ball of debris.
    See that asteroid? No, not that one.
    The one over there.
    We exist because the gravity of that one next to it just nudged it an inch to the left.
    What difference could an inch make on the scale the solar system? Just wait, you'll see.
    The Earth took one hell of a beating in its first billion years.
    Fragments of orbiting debris collided and coalesced, until they snowballed to form our Moon.
    The Moon is a souvenir of that violent epoch.
    If you stood on the surface of that long ago Earth, the Moon would have looked a hundred times brighter.
    It was ten times closer back then, locked in a much more intimate gravitational embrace.
    As the Earth cooled, seas began to form.
    The tides were a thousand times higher then.
    Over the eons, tidal friction within Earth pushed the Moon away.
    Life began somewhere around here, September 21st, three and a half billion years ago on our little world.
    We still don't know how life got started.
    For all we know, it may have come from another part of the Milky Way.
    The origin of life is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.
    That's life cooking, evolving all the biochemical recipes for its incredibly complex activities.
    By November 9th, life was breathing, moving, eating, responding to its environment.
    We owe a lot to those pioneering microbes.
    Oh, yeah one other thing.
    They also invented sex.
    December 17th was quite a day.
    Life in the sea really took off, it was exploding with a diversity of larger plants and animals.
    Tiktaalik was one of the first animals to venture onto land.
    It must have felt like visiting another planet.
    Forests, dinosaurs, birds, insects, they all evolved in the final week of December.
    The first flower bloomed on December 28th.
    As these ancient forests grew and died and sank beneath the surface, their remains transformed into coal.
    we humans are burning most of that coal to power and imperil our civilization.
    Remember that asteroid back in the formation of the solar system the one that got nudged a little to the left? Well, here it comes.
    It's 6:24 AM on December 30th on the Cosmic Calendar.
    For more than a hundred million years, the dinosaurs were lords of the Earth, while our ancestors, small mammals, scurried fearfully underfoot.
    The asteroid changed all that.
    Suppose it hadn't been nudged at all.
    It would have missed the Earth entirely, and for all we know, the dinosaurs might still be here but we wouldn't.
    This is a good example of the extreme contingency, the chance nature, of existence.
    The universe is already more than 13 and a half billion years old.
    Still no sign of us.
    In the vast ocean of time that this calendar represents, we humans only evolved within the last hour of the last day of the cosmic year.
    11:59 and 46 seconds.
    All of recorded history occupies only the last 14 seconds, and every person you've ever heard of lived somewhere in there.
    All those kings and battles, migrations and inventions, wars and loves, everything in the history books happened here, in the last seconds of the Cosmic Calendar.
    But if we want to explore such a brief moment of cosmic time we'll have to change scale.
    We are newcomers to the cosmos.
    Our own story only begins on the last night of the cosmic year.
    It's 9:45 on New Year's Eve.
    Three and a half million years ago, our ancestors, yours and mine, left these traces.
    We stood up, and parted ways from them.
    Once we were standing on two feet, our eyes were no longer fixated on the ground.
    Now we were free to look up in wonder.
    For the longest part of human existence, say the last 40,000 generations, we were wanderers, living in small bands of hunters and gatherers, making tools, controlling fire, naming things, all within the last hour of the Cosmic Calendar.
    To find out what happens next, we'll have to change scale to see the last minute of the last night of the cosmic year.
    We're so very young on the time scale of the universe that we didn't start painting our first pictures until the last 60 seconds of the cosmic year, a mere 30,000 years ago.
    This is when we invented astronomy.
    In fact, we're all descended from astronomers.
    Our survival depended on knowing how to read the stars in order to predict the coming of the winter and the migration of the wild herds.
    And then, around 10,000 years ago, there began a revolution in the way we lived.
    Our ancestors learned how to shape their environment, taming wild plants and animals, cultivating land and settling down.
    This changed everything.
    For the first time in our history, we had more stuff than we could carry.
    We needed a way to keep track of it.
    At 14 seconds to midnight, or about 6,000 years ago, we invented writing.
    And it wasn't long before we started recording more than bushels of grain.
    Writing allowed us to save our thoughts and send them much further in space and time.
    Tiny markings on a clay tablet became a means for us to vanquish mortality.
    It shook the world.
    Moses was born seven seconds ago.
    Buddha, six seconds ago.
    Jesus, five seconds ago.
    Mohammed, three seconds ago.
    It was not even two seconds ago that, for better or worse, the two halves of the Earth discovered each other.
    And it was only in the very last second of the Cosmic Calendar that we began to use science to reveal nature's secrets and her laws.
    The scientific method is so powerful that in a mere four centuries, it has taken us from Galileo's first look through a telescope at another world to leaving our footprints on the Moon.
    It allowed us to look out across space and time to discover where and when we are in the cosmos.
    We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.
    Carl Sagan guided the maiden voyage of Cosmos a generation ago.
    He was the most successful science communicator of the 20th century, but he was first and foremost a scientist.
    Carl contributed enormously to our knowledge of the planets.
    He correctly predicted the existence of methane lakes on Saturn's giant moon Titan.
    He showed that the atmosphere of the early Earth must have contained powerful greenhouse gases.
    He was the first to understand that seasonal changes on Mars were due to windblown dust.
    Carl was a pioneer in the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence.
    He played a leading role in every major spacecraft mission to explore the solar system during the first 40 years of the Space Age.
    But that's not all he did.
    This is Carl Sagan's own calendar from 1975.
    Who was I back then? I was just a 17-year-old kid from the Bronx with dreams of becoming a scientist, and somehow the world's most famous astronomer found time to invite me to Ithaca, in upstate New York, and spend a Saturday with him.
    I remember that snowy day like it was yesterday.
    He met me at the bus stop and showed me his laboratory at Cornell University.
    Carl reached behind his desk and inscribed this book for me.
    "For Neil, a future astronomer.
    " At the end of the day, he drove me back to the bus station.
    The snow was falling harder.
    He wrote his phone number his home phone number on a scrap of paper and he said, "If the bus can't get through, call me and spend the night at my home with my family.
    " I already knew I wanted to become a scientist, but that afternoon, I learned from Carl the kind of person I wanted to become.
    He reached out to me and to countless others, inspiring so many of us to study, teach and do science.
    Science is a cooperative enterprise, spanning the generations.
    It's the passing of a torch from teacher to student to teacher, a community of minds reaching back to antiquity and forward to the stars.
    Now, come with me.
    Our journey is just beginning.+
Check this out. Only 3:33 long. Very interesting. Do you religious people at least understand this much about the universe you live in?

"You religious people"...???

yes, because we need to accept the fact that the Universe evolved...randomly. The strong nuclear force, the stability of protons, the attraction of electrons and protons, all just evolved

We don't know that yet. What you claim to do is know. You don't. And your fiction is not as good as reality.

It's as far back as we can see in time for now. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom. Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today. I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory. And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light. These stars coalesced into the first small galaxies. These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago. Hundreds of billions of suns. Which one is ours? It's not yet born. It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
Stars die and are born in places called stellar nursery. They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust. They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars. You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff. This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars. How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time. It won't begin to shine for another six billion years after the big bang.


All by random chance.

That's kind of the point. We don't know. Stop pretending you know. The "evidence" your kind gives is a joke. The old testament? The new? The book of mormons? The koran? Get out of the stone age buddy!!!!

^ that
It seems to be one big long Global Warming commercial, but then again, I didn't bother watching it[/QUOTEIt's as far back as we can see in time for now.
  1. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom.
    Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today.
    I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
    And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
    As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
    Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light on January 10th.
    On January 13th, these stars coalesced into the first small galaxies.
    These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago, on March 15th of the cosmic year.
    Hundreds of billions of suns.
    Which one is ours? It's not yet born.
    It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
    See those lights flashing like paparazzi? Each one is a supernova, the blazing death of a giant star.
    Stars die and are born in places like this one a stellar nursery.
    They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust.
    They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars.
    You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff.
    This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars.
    How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time.
    It won't begin to shine for another six billion years.
    Our Sun's birthday is August 31st on the Cosmic Calendar four and a half billion years ago.
    As with the other worlds of our solar system, Earth was formed from a disk of gas and dust orbiting the newborn Sun.
    Repeated collisions produced a growing ball of debris.
    See that asteroid? No, not that one.
    The one over there.
    We exist because the gravity of that one next to it just nudged it an inch to the left.
    What difference could an inch make on the scale the solar system? Just wait, you'll see.
    The Earth took one hell of a beating in its first billion years.
    Fragments of orbiting debris collided and coalesced, until they snowballed to form our Moon.
    The Moon is a souvenir of that violent epoch.
    If you stood on the surface of that long ago Earth, the Moon would have looked a hundred times brighter.
    It was ten times closer back then, locked in a much more intimate gravitational embrace.
    As the Earth cooled, seas began to form.
    The tides were a thousand times higher then.
    Over the eons, tidal friction within Earth pushed the Moon away.
    Life began somewhere around here, September 21st, three and a half billion years ago on our little world.
    We still don't know how life got started.
    For all we know, it may have come from another part of the Milky Way.
    The origin of life is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.
    That's life cooking, evolving all the biochemical recipes for its incredibly complex activities.
    By November 9th, life was breathing, moving, eating, responding to its environment.
    We owe a lot to those pioneering microbes.
    Oh, yeah one other thing.
    They also invented sex.
    December 17th was quite a day.
    Life in the sea really took off, it was exploding with a diversity of larger plants and animals.
    Tiktaalik was one of the first animals to venture onto land.
    It must have felt like visiting another planet.
    Forests, dinosaurs, birds, insects, they all evolved in the final week of December.
    The first flower bloomed on December 28th.
    As these ancient forests grew and died and sank beneath the surface, their remains transformed into coal.
    we humans are burning most of that coal to power and imperil our civilization.
    Remember that asteroid back in the formation of the solar system the one that got nudged a little to the left? Well, here it comes.
    It's 6:24 AM on December 30th on the Cosmic Calendar.
    For more than a hundred million years, the dinosaurs were lords of the Earth, while our ancestors, small mammals, scurried fearfully underfoot.
    The asteroid changed all that.
    Suppose it hadn't been nudged at all.
    It would have missed the Earth entirely, and for all we know, the dinosaurs might still be here but we wouldn't.
    This is a good example of the extreme contingency, the chance nature, of existence.
    The universe is already more than 13 and a half billion years old.
    Still no sign of us.
    In the vast ocean of time that this calendar represents, we humans only evolved within the last hour of the last day of the cosmic year.
    11:59 and 46 seconds.
    All of recorded history occupies only the last 14 seconds, and every person you've ever heard of lived somewhere in there.
    All those kings and battles, migrations and inventions, wars and loves, everything in the history books happened here, in the last seconds of the Cosmic Calendar.
    But if we want to explore such a brief moment of cosmic time we'll have to change scale.
    We are newcomers to the cosmos.
    Our own story only begins on the last night of the cosmic year.
    It's 9:45 on New Year's Eve.
    Three and a half million years ago, our ancestors, yours and mine, left these traces.
    We stood up, and parted ways from them.
    Once we were standing on two feet, our eyes were no longer fixated on the ground.
    Now we were free to look up in wonder.
    For the longest part of human existence, say the last 40,000 generations, we were wanderers, living in small bands of hunters and gatherers, making tools, controlling fire, naming things, all within the last hour of the Cosmic Calendar.
    To find out what happens next, we'll have to change scale to see the last minute of the last night of the cosmic year.
    We're so very young on the time scale of the universe that we didn't start painting our first pictures until the last 60 seconds of the cosmic year, a mere 30,000 years ago.
    This is when we invented astronomy.
    In fact, we're all descended from astronomers.
    Our survival depended on knowing how to read the stars in order to predict the coming of the winter and the migration of the wild herds.
    And then, around 10,000 years ago, there began a revolution in the way we lived.
    Our ancestors learned how to shape their environment, taming wild plants and animals, cultivating land and settling down.
    This changed everything.
    For the first time in our history, we had more stuff than we could carry.
    We needed a way to keep track of it.
    At 14 seconds to midnight, or about 6,000 years ago, we invented writing.
    And it wasn't long before we started recording more than bushels of grain.
    Writing allowed us to save our thoughts and send them much further in space and time.
    Tiny markings on a clay tablet became a means for us to vanquish mortality.
    It shook the world.
    Moses was born seven seconds ago.
    Buddha, six seconds ago.
    Jesus, five seconds ago.
    Mohammed, three seconds ago.
    It was not even two seconds ago that, for better or worse, the two halves of the Earth discovered each other.
    And it was only in the very last second of the Cosmic Calendar that we began to use science to reveal nature's secrets and her laws.
    The scientific method is so powerful that in a mere four centuries, it has taken us from Galileo's first look through a telescope at another world to leaving our footprints on the Moon.
    It allowed us to look out across space and time to discover where and when we are in the cosmos.
    We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.
    Carl Sagan guided the maiden voyage of Cosmos a generation ago.
    He was the most successful science communicator of the 20th century, but he was first and foremost a scientist.
    Carl contributed enormously to our knowledge of the planets.
    He correctly predicted the existence of methane lakes on Saturn's giant moon Titan.
    He showed that the atmosphere of the early Earth must have contained powerful greenhouse gases.
    He was the first to understand that seasonal changes on Mars were due to windblown dust.
    Carl was a pioneer in the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence.
    He played a leading role in every major spacecraft mission to explore the solar system during the first 40 years of the Space Age.
    But that's not all he did.
    This is Carl Sagan's own calendar from 1975.
    Who was I back then? I was just a 17-year-old kid from the Bronx with dreams of becoming a scientist, and somehow the world's most famous astronomer found time to invite me to Ithaca, in upstate New York, and spend a Saturday with him.
    I remember that snowy day like it was yesterday.
    He met me at the bus stop and showed me his laboratory at Cornell University.
    Carl reached behind his desk and inscribed this book for me.
    "For Neil, a future astronomer.
    " At the end of the day, he drove me back to the bus station.
    The snow was falling harder.
    He wrote his phone number his home phone number on a scrap of paper and he said, "If the bus can't get through, call me and spend the night at my home with my family.
    " I already knew I wanted to become a scientist, but that afternoon, I learned from Carl the kind of person I wanted to become.
    He reached out to me and to countless others, inspiring so many of us to study, teach and do science.
    Science is a cooperative enterprise, spanning the generations.
    It's the passing of a torch from teacher to student to teacher, a community of minds reaching back to antiquity and forward to the stars.
    Now, come with me.
    Our journey is just beginning.+
Check this out. Only 3:33 long. Very interesting. Do you religious people at least understand this much about the universe you live in?

"You religious people"...???

yes, because we need to accept the fact that the Universe evolved...randomly. The strong nuclear force, the stability of protons, the attraction of electrons and protons, all just evolved

We don't know that yet. What you claim to do is know. You don't. And your fiction is not as good as reality.

It's as far back as we can see in time for now. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom. Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today. I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory. And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light. These stars coalesced into the first small galaxies. These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago. Hundreds of billions of suns. Which one is ours? It's not yet born. It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
Stars die and are born in places called stellar nursery. They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust. They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars. You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff. This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars. How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time. It won't begin to shine for another six billion years after the big bang.


All by random chance.

That's kind of the point. We don't know. Stop pretending you know. The "evidence" your kind gives is a joke. The old testament? The new? The book of mormons? The koran? Get out of the stone age buddy!!!!

What are the odds that all this order: the strength of the strong force, weak force and gravity just all magically occurred by random chance? If any one of them were the tiniest bit different no Universe would have formed -- it would have been all chaos

That's a pretty odd explosion to create all that precise order, that "Big Bang"
It seems to be one big long Global Warming commercial, but then again, I didn't bother watching it[/QUOTEIt's as far back as we can see in time for now.
  1. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom.
    Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today.
    I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
    And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
    As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
    Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light on January 10th.
    On January 13th, these stars coalesced into the first small galaxies.
    These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago, on March 15th of the cosmic year.
    Hundreds of billions of suns.
    Which one is ours? It's not yet born.
    It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
    See those lights flashing like paparazzi? Each one is a supernova, the blazing death of a giant star.
    Stars die and are born in places like this one a stellar nursery.
    They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust.
    They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars.
    You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff.
    This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars.
    How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time.
    It won't begin to shine for another six billion years.
    Our Sun's birthday is August 31st on the Cosmic Calendar four and a half billion years ago.
    As with the other worlds of our solar system, Earth was formed from a disk of gas and dust orbiting the newborn Sun.
    Repeated collisions produced a growing ball of debris.
    See that asteroid? No, not that one.
    The one over there.
    We exist because the gravity of that one next to it just nudged it an inch to the left.
    What difference could an inch make on the scale the solar system? Just wait, you'll see.
    The Earth took one hell of a beating in its first billion years.
    Fragments of orbiting debris collided and coalesced, until they snowballed to form our Moon.
    The Moon is a souvenir of that violent epoch.
    If you stood on the surface of that long ago Earth, the Moon would have looked a hundred times brighter.
    It was ten times closer back then, locked in a much more intimate gravitational embrace.
    As the Earth cooled, seas began to form.
    The tides were a thousand times higher then.
    Over the eons, tidal friction within Earth pushed the Moon away.
    Life began somewhere around here, September 21st, three and a half billion years ago on our little world.
    We still don't know how life got started.
    For all we know, it may have come from another part of the Milky Way.
    The origin of life is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.
    That's life cooking, evolving all the biochemical recipes for its incredibly complex activities.
    By November 9th, life was breathing, moving, eating, responding to its environment.
    We owe a lot to those pioneering microbes.
    Oh, yeah one other thing.
    They also invented sex.
    December 17th was quite a day.
    Life in the sea really took off, it was exploding with a diversity of larger plants and animals.
    Tiktaalik was one of the first animals to venture onto land.
    It must have felt like visiting another planet.
    Forests, dinosaurs, birds, insects, they all evolved in the final week of December.
    The first flower bloomed on December 28th.
    As these ancient forests grew and died and sank beneath the surface, their remains transformed into coal.
    we humans are burning most of that coal to power and imperil our civilization.
    Remember that asteroid back in the formation of the solar system the one that got nudged a little to the left? Well, here it comes.
    It's 6:24 AM on December 30th on the Cosmic Calendar.
    For more than a hundred million years, the dinosaurs were lords of the Earth, while our ancestors, small mammals, scurried fearfully underfoot.
    The asteroid changed all that.
    Suppose it hadn't been nudged at all.
    It would have missed the Earth entirely, and for all we know, the dinosaurs might still be here but we wouldn't.
    This is a good example of the extreme contingency, the chance nature, of existence.
    The universe is already more than 13 and a half billion years old.
    Still no sign of us.
    In the vast ocean of time that this calendar represents, we humans only evolved within the last hour of the last day of the cosmic year.
    11:59 and 46 seconds.
    All of recorded history occupies only the last 14 seconds, and every person you've ever heard of lived somewhere in there.
    All those kings and battles, migrations and inventions, wars and loves, everything in the history books happened here, in the last seconds of the Cosmic Calendar.
    But if we want to explore such a brief moment of cosmic time we'll have to change scale.
    We are newcomers to the cosmos.
    Our own story only begins on the last night of the cosmic year.
    It's 9:45 on New Year's Eve.
    Three and a half million years ago, our ancestors, yours and mine, left these traces.
    We stood up, and parted ways from them.
    Once we were standing on two feet, our eyes were no longer fixated on the ground.
    Now we were free to look up in wonder.
    For the longest part of human existence, say the last 40,000 generations, we were wanderers, living in small bands of hunters and gatherers, making tools, controlling fire, naming things, all within the last hour of the Cosmic Calendar.
    To find out what happens next, we'll have to change scale to see the last minute of the last night of the cosmic year.
    We're so very young on the time scale of the universe that we didn't start painting our first pictures until the last 60 seconds of the cosmic year, a mere 30,000 years ago.
    This is when we invented astronomy.
    In fact, we're all descended from astronomers.
    Our survival depended on knowing how to read the stars in order to predict the coming of the winter and the migration of the wild herds.
    And then, around 10,000 years ago, there began a revolution in the way we lived.
    Our ancestors learned how to shape their environment, taming wild plants and animals, cultivating land and settling down.
    This changed everything.
    For the first time in our history, we had more stuff than we could carry.
    We needed a way to keep track of it.
    At 14 seconds to midnight, or about 6,000 years ago, we invented writing.
    And it wasn't long before we started recording more than bushels of grain.
    Writing allowed us to save our thoughts and send them much further in space and time.
    Tiny markings on a clay tablet became a means for us to vanquish mortality.
    It shook the world.
    Moses was born seven seconds ago.
    Buddha, six seconds ago.
    Jesus, five seconds ago.
    Mohammed, three seconds ago.
    It was not even two seconds ago that, for better or worse, the two halves of the Earth discovered each other.
    And it was only in the very last second of the Cosmic Calendar that we began to use science to reveal nature's secrets and her laws.
    The scientific method is so powerful that in a mere four centuries, it has taken us from Galileo's first look through a telescope at another world to leaving our footprints on the Moon.
    It allowed us to look out across space and time to discover where and when we are in the cosmos.
    We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.
    Carl Sagan guided the maiden voyage of Cosmos a generation ago.
    He was the most successful science communicator of the 20th century, but he was first and foremost a scientist.
    Carl contributed enormously to our knowledge of the planets.
    He correctly predicted the existence of methane lakes on Saturn's giant moon Titan.
    He showed that the atmosphere of the early Earth must have contained powerful greenhouse gases.
    He was the first to understand that seasonal changes on Mars were due to windblown dust.
    Carl was a pioneer in the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence.
    He played a leading role in every major spacecraft mission to explore the solar system during the first 40 years of the Space Age.
    But that's not all he did.
    This is Carl Sagan's own calendar from 1975.
    Who was I back then? I was just a 17-year-old kid from the Bronx with dreams of becoming a scientist, and somehow the world's most famous astronomer found time to invite me to Ithaca, in upstate New York, and spend a Saturday with him.
    I remember that snowy day like it was yesterday.
    He met me at the bus stop and showed me his laboratory at Cornell University.
    Carl reached behind his desk and inscribed this book for me.
    "For Neil, a future astronomer.
    " At the end of the day, he drove me back to the bus station.
    The snow was falling harder.
    He wrote his phone number his home phone number on a scrap of paper and he said, "If the bus can't get through, call me and spend the night at my home with my family.
    " I already knew I wanted to become a scientist, but that afternoon, I learned from Carl the kind of person I wanted to become.
    He reached out to me and to countless others, inspiring so many of us to study, teach and do science.
    Science is a cooperative enterprise, spanning the generations.
    It's the passing of a torch from teacher to student to teacher, a community of minds reaching back to antiquity and forward to the stars.
    Now, come with me.
    Our journey is just beginning.+
"You religious people"...???

yes, because we need to accept the fact that the Universe evolved...randomly. The strong nuclear force, the stability of protons, the attraction of electrons and protons, all just evolved
We don't know that yet. What you claim to do is know. You don't. And your fiction is not as good as reality.

It's as far back as we can see in time for now. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom. Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today. I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory. And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light. These stars coalesced into the first small galaxies. These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago. Hundreds of billions of suns. Which one is ours? It's not yet born. It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
Stars die and are born in places called stellar nursery. They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust. They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars. You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff. This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars. How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time. It won't begin to shine for another six billion years after the big bang.


All by random chance.
That's kind of the point. We don't know. Stop pretending you know. The "evidence" your kind gives is a joke. The old testament? The new? The book of mormons? The koran? Get out of the stone age buddy!!!!

What are the odds that all this order: the strength of the strong force, weak force and gravity just all magically occurred by random chance? If any one of them were the tiniest bit different no Universe would have formed -- it would have been all chaos

That's a pretty odd explosion to create all that precise order, that "Big Bang"
Very likely. What are the 5 most common elements in the universe. I've heard the argument you are making before. It's been debunked. It's really a dumb question.

There's probably life surrounding every star you see in the ski. If not now then maybe 10 billion or 5 billion years ago. Or maybe 5 or 10 billion years from now.

There was probably life on Mars billions of years ago. Venus too.

Order? When a universe first explodes it is kaos for billions of years but eventually order starts.

And our Galaxy is on a collision course with another Galaxy. But since stars are so far apart we may just pass each other.

Anyways, we may not have all the answers but nothing you say even if true proves a creator
It seems to be one big long Global Warming commercial, but then again, I didn't bother watching it[/QUOTEIt's as far back as we can see in time for now.
  1. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom.
    Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today.
    I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
    And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
    As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
    Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light on January 10th.
    On January 13th, these stars coalesced into the first small galaxies.
    These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago, on March 15th of the cosmic year.
    Hundreds of billions of suns.
    Which one is ours? It's not yet born.
    It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
    See those lights flashing like paparazzi? Each one is a supernova, the blazing death of a giant star.
    Stars die and are born in places like this one a stellar nursery.
    They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust.
    They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars.
    You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff.
    This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars.
    How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time.
    It won't begin to shine for another six billion years.
    Our Sun's birthday is August 31st on the Cosmic Calendar four and a half billion years ago.
    As with the other worlds of our solar system, Earth was formed from a disk of gas and dust orbiting the newborn Sun.
    Repeated collisions produced a growing ball of debris.
    See that asteroid? No, not that one.
    The one over there.
    We exist because the gravity of that one next to it just nudged it an inch to the left.
    What difference could an inch make on the scale the solar system? Just wait, you'll see.
    The Earth took one hell of a beating in its first billion years.
    Fragments of orbiting debris collided and coalesced, until they snowballed to form our Moon.
    The Moon is a souvenir of that violent epoch.
    If you stood on the surface of that long ago Earth, the Moon would have looked a hundred times brighter.
    It was ten times closer back then, locked in a much more intimate gravitational embrace.
    As the Earth cooled, seas began to form.
    The tides were a thousand times higher then.
    Over the eons, tidal friction within Earth pushed the Moon away.
    Life began somewhere around here, September 21st, three and a half billion years ago on our little world.
    We still don't know how life got started.
    For all we know, it may have come from another part of the Milky Way.
    The origin of life is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.
    That's life cooking, evolving all the biochemical recipes for its incredibly complex activities.
    By November 9th, life was breathing, moving, eating, responding to its environment.
    We owe a lot to those pioneering microbes.
    Oh, yeah one other thing.
    They also invented sex.
    December 17th was quite a day.
    Life in the sea really took off, it was exploding with a diversity of larger plants and animals.
    Tiktaalik was one of the first animals to venture onto land.
    It must have felt like visiting another planet.
    Forests, dinosaurs, birds, insects, they all evolved in the final week of December.
    The first flower bloomed on December 28th.
    As these ancient forests grew and died and sank beneath the surface, their remains transformed into coal.
    we humans are burning most of that coal to power and imperil our civilization.
    Remember that asteroid back in the formation of the solar system the one that got nudged a little to the left? Well, here it comes.
    It's 6:24 AM on December 30th on the Cosmic Calendar.
    For more than a hundred million years, the dinosaurs were lords of the Earth, while our ancestors, small mammals, scurried fearfully underfoot.
    The asteroid changed all that.
    Suppose it hadn't been nudged at all.
    It would have missed the Earth entirely, and for all we know, the dinosaurs might still be here but we wouldn't.
    This is a good example of the extreme contingency, the chance nature, of existence.
    The universe is already more than 13 and a half billion years old.
    Still no sign of us.
    In the vast ocean of time that this calendar represents, we humans only evolved within the last hour of the last day of the cosmic year.
    11:59 and 46 seconds.
    All of recorded history occupies only the last 14 seconds, and every person you've ever heard of lived somewhere in there.
    All those kings and battles, migrations and inventions, wars and loves, everything in the history books happened here, in the last seconds of the Cosmic Calendar.
    But if we want to explore such a brief moment of cosmic time we'll have to change scale.
    We are newcomers to the cosmos.
    Our own story only begins on the last night of the cosmic year.
    It's 9:45 on New Year's Eve.
    Three and a half million years ago, our ancestors, yours and mine, left these traces.
    We stood up, and parted ways from them.
    Once we were standing on two feet, our eyes were no longer fixated on the ground.
    Now we were free to look up in wonder.
    For the longest part of human existence, say the last 40,000 generations, we were wanderers, living in small bands of hunters and gatherers, making tools, controlling fire, naming things, all within the last hour of the Cosmic Calendar.
    To find out what happens next, we'll have to change scale to see the last minute of the last night of the cosmic year.
    We're so very young on the time scale of the universe that we didn't start painting our first pictures until the last 60 seconds of the cosmic year, a mere 30,000 years ago.
    This is when we invented astronomy.
    In fact, we're all descended from astronomers.
    Our survival depended on knowing how to read the stars in order to predict the coming of the winter and the migration of the wild herds.
    And then, around 10,000 years ago, there began a revolution in the way we lived.
    Our ancestors learned how to shape their environment, taming wild plants and animals, cultivating land and settling down.
    This changed everything.
    For the first time in our history, we had more stuff than we could carry.
    We needed a way to keep track of it.
    At 14 seconds to midnight, or about 6,000 years ago, we invented writing.
    And it wasn't long before we started recording more than bushels of grain.
    Writing allowed us to save our thoughts and send them much further in space and time.
    Tiny markings on a clay tablet became a means for us to vanquish mortality.
    It shook the world.
    Moses was born seven seconds ago.
    Buddha, six seconds ago.
    Jesus, five seconds ago.
    Mohammed, three seconds ago.
    It was not even two seconds ago that, for better or worse, the two halves of the Earth discovered each other.
    And it was only in the very last second of the Cosmic Calendar that we began to use science to reveal nature's secrets and her laws.
    The scientific method is so powerful that in a mere four centuries, it has taken us from Galileo's first look through a telescope at another world to leaving our footprints on the Moon.
    It allowed us to look out across space and time to discover where and when we are in the cosmos.
    We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.
    Carl Sagan guided the maiden voyage of Cosmos a generation ago.
    He was the most successful science communicator of the 20th century, but he was first and foremost a scientist.
    Carl contributed enormously to our knowledge of the planets.
    He correctly predicted the existence of methane lakes on Saturn's giant moon Titan.
    He showed that the atmosphere of the early Earth must have contained powerful greenhouse gases.
    He was the first to understand that seasonal changes on Mars were due to windblown dust.
    Carl was a pioneer in the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence.
    He played a leading role in every major spacecraft mission to explore the solar system during the first 40 years of the Space Age.
    But that's not all he did.
    This is Carl Sagan's own calendar from 1975.
    Who was I back then? I was just a 17-year-old kid from the Bronx with dreams of becoming a scientist, and somehow the world's most famous astronomer found time to invite me to Ithaca, in upstate New York, and spend a Saturday with him.
    I remember that snowy day like it was yesterday.
    He met me at the bus stop and showed me his laboratory at Cornell University.
    Carl reached behind his desk and inscribed this book for me.
    "For Neil, a future astronomer.
    " At the end of the day, he drove me back to the bus station.
    The snow was falling harder.
    He wrote his phone number his home phone number on a scrap of paper and he said, "If the bus can't get through, call me and spend the night at my home with my family.
    " I already knew I wanted to become a scientist, but that afternoon, I learned from Carl the kind of person I wanted to become.
    He reached out to me and to countless others, inspiring so many of us to study, teach and do science.
    Science is a cooperative enterprise, spanning the generations.
    It's the passing of a torch from teacher to student to teacher, a community of minds reaching back to antiquity and forward to the stars.
    Now, come with me.
    Our journey is just beginning.+
"You religious people"...???

yes, because we need to accept the fact that the Universe evolved...randomly. The strong nuclear force, the stability of protons, the attraction of electrons and protons, all just evolved
We don't know that yet. What you claim to do is know. You don't. And your fiction is not as good as reality.

It's as far back as we can see in time for now. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom. Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today. I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory. And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light. These stars coalesced into the first small galaxies. These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago. Hundreds of billions of suns. Which one is ours? It's not yet born. It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
Stars die and are born in places called stellar nursery. They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust. They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars. You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff. This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars. How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time. It won't begin to shine for another six billion years after the big bang.


All by random chance.
That's kind of the point. We don't know. Stop pretending you know. The "evidence" your kind gives is a joke. The old testament? The new? The book of mormons? The koran? Get out of the stone age buddy!!!!

What are the odds that all this order: the strength of the strong force, weak force and gravity just all magically occurred by random chance? If any one of them were the tiniest bit different no Universe would have formed -- it would have been all chaos

That's a pretty odd explosion to create all that precise order, that "Big Bang"
What is so unbelievable about the process of the coalescing of matter after the Big Bang Frank57?
It seems to be one big long Global Warming commercial, but then again, I didn't bother watching it[/QUOTEIt's as far back as we can see in time for now.
  1. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom.
    Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today.
    I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
    And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
    As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
    Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light on January 10th.
    On January 13th, these stars coalesced into the first small galaxies.
    These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago, on March 15th of the cosmic year.
    Hundreds of billions of suns.
    Which one is ours? It's not yet born.
    It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
    See those lights flashing like paparazzi? Each one is a supernova, the blazing death of a giant star.
    Stars die and are born in places like this one a stellar nursery.
    They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust.
    They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars.
    You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff.
    This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars.
    How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time.
    It won't begin to shine for another six billion years.
    Our Sun's birthday is August 31st on the Cosmic Calendar four and a half billion years ago.
    As with the other worlds of our solar system, Earth was formed from a disk of gas and dust orbiting the newborn Sun.
    Repeated collisions produced a growing ball of debris.
    See that asteroid? No, not that one.
    The one over there.
    We exist because the gravity of that one next to it just nudged it an inch to the left.
    What difference could an inch make on the scale the solar system? Just wait, you'll see.
    The Earth took one hell of a beating in its first billion years.
    Fragments of orbiting debris collided and coalesced, until they snowballed to form our Moon.
    The Moon is a souvenir of that violent epoch.
    If you stood on the surface of that long ago Earth, the Moon would have looked a hundred times brighter.
    It was ten times closer back then, locked in a much more intimate gravitational embrace.
    As the Earth cooled, seas began to form.
    The tides were a thousand times higher then.
    Over the eons, tidal friction within Earth pushed the Moon away.
    Life began somewhere around here, September 21st, three and a half billion years ago on our little world.
    We still don't know how life got started.
    For all we know, it may have come from another part of the Milky Way.
    The origin of life is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.
    That's life cooking, evolving all the biochemical recipes for its incredibly complex activities.
    By November 9th, life was breathing, moving, eating, responding to its environment.
    We owe a lot to those pioneering microbes.
    Oh, yeah one other thing.
    They also invented sex.
    December 17th was quite a day.
    Life in the sea really took off, it was exploding with a diversity of larger plants and animals.
    Tiktaalik was one of the first animals to venture onto land.
    It must have felt like visiting another planet.
    Forests, dinosaurs, birds, insects, they all evolved in the final week of December.
    The first flower bloomed on December 28th.
    As these ancient forests grew and died and sank beneath the surface, their remains transformed into coal.
    we humans are burning most of that coal to power and imperil our civilization.
    Remember that asteroid back in the formation of the solar system the one that got nudged a little to the left? Well, here it comes.
    It's 6:24 AM on December 30th on the Cosmic Calendar.
    For more than a hundred million years, the dinosaurs were lords of the Earth, while our ancestors, small mammals, scurried fearfully underfoot.
    The asteroid changed all that.
    Suppose it hadn't been nudged at all.
    It would have missed the Earth entirely, and for all we know, the dinosaurs might still be here but we wouldn't.
    This is a good example of the extreme contingency, the chance nature, of existence.
    The universe is already more than 13 and a half billion years old.
    Still no sign of us.
    In the vast ocean of time that this calendar represents, we humans only evolved within the last hour of the last day of the cosmic year.
    11:59 and 46 seconds.
    All of recorded history occupies only the last 14 seconds, and every person you've ever heard of lived somewhere in there.
    All those kings and battles, migrations and inventions, wars and loves, everything in the history books happened here, in the last seconds of the Cosmic Calendar.
    But if we want to explore such a brief moment of cosmic time we'll have to change scale.
    We are newcomers to the cosmos.
    Our own story only begins on the last night of the cosmic year.
    It's 9:45 on New Year's Eve.
    Three and a half million years ago, our ancestors, yours and mine, left these traces.
    We stood up, and parted ways from them.
    Once we were standing on two feet, our eyes were no longer fixated on the ground.
    Now we were free to look up in wonder.
    For the longest part of human existence, say the last 40,000 generations, we were wanderers, living in small bands of hunters and gatherers, making tools, controlling fire, naming things, all within the last hour of the Cosmic Calendar.
    To find out what happens next, we'll have to change scale to see the last minute of the last night of the cosmic year.
    We're so very young on the time scale of the universe that we didn't start painting our first pictures until the last 60 seconds of the cosmic year, a mere 30,000 years ago.
    This is when we invented astronomy.
    In fact, we're all descended from astronomers.
    Our survival depended on knowing how to read the stars in order to predict the coming of the winter and the migration of the wild herds.
    And then, around 10,000 years ago, there began a revolution in the way we lived.
    Our ancestors learned how to shape their environment, taming wild plants and animals, cultivating land and settling down.
    This changed everything.
    For the first time in our history, we had more stuff than we could carry.
    We needed a way to keep track of it.
    At 14 seconds to midnight, or about 6,000 years ago, we invented writing.
    And it wasn't long before we started recording more than bushels of grain.
    Writing allowed us to save our thoughts and send them much further in space and time.
    Tiny markings on a clay tablet became a means for us to vanquish mortality.
    It shook the world.
    Moses was born seven seconds ago.
    Buddha, six seconds ago.
    Jesus, five seconds ago.
    Mohammed, three seconds ago.
    It was not even two seconds ago that, for better or worse, the two halves of the Earth discovered each other.
    And it was only in the very last second of the Cosmic Calendar that we began to use science to reveal nature's secrets and her laws.
    The scientific method is so powerful that in a mere four centuries, it has taken us from Galileo's first look through a telescope at another world to leaving our footprints on the Moon.
    It allowed us to look out across space and time to discover where and when we are in the cosmos.
    We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.
    Carl Sagan guided the maiden voyage of Cosmos a generation ago.
    He was the most successful science communicator of the 20th century, but he was first and foremost a scientist.
    Carl contributed enormously to our knowledge of the planets.
    He correctly predicted the existence of methane lakes on Saturn's giant moon Titan.
    He showed that the atmosphere of the early Earth must have contained powerful greenhouse gases.
    He was the first to understand that seasonal changes on Mars were due to windblown dust.
    Carl was a pioneer in the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence.
    He played a leading role in every major spacecraft mission to explore the solar system during the first 40 years of the Space Age.
    But that's not all he did.
    This is Carl Sagan's own calendar from 1975.
    Who was I back then? I was just a 17-year-old kid from the Bronx with dreams of becoming a scientist, and somehow the world's most famous astronomer found time to invite me to Ithaca, in upstate New York, and spend a Saturday with him.
    I remember that snowy day like it was yesterday.
    He met me at the bus stop and showed me his laboratory at Cornell University.
    Carl reached behind his desk and inscribed this book for me.
    "For Neil, a future astronomer.
    " At the end of the day, he drove me back to the bus station.
    The snow was falling harder.
    He wrote his phone number his home phone number on a scrap of paper and he said, "If the bus can't get through, call me and spend the night at my home with my family.
    " I already knew I wanted to become a scientist, but that afternoon, I learned from Carl the kind of person I wanted to become.
    He reached out to me and to countless others, inspiring so many of us to study, teach and do science.
    Science is a cooperative enterprise, spanning the generations.
    It's the passing of a torch from teacher to student to teacher, a community of minds reaching back to antiquity and forward to the stars.
    Now, come with me.
    Our journey is just beginning.+
"You religious people"...???

yes, because we need to accept the fact that the Universe evolved...randomly. The strong nuclear force, the stability of protons, the attraction of electrons and protons, all just evolved
We don't know that yet. What you claim to do is know. You don't. And your fiction is not as good as reality.

It's as far back as we can see in time for now. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom. Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today. I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory. And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light. These stars coalesced into the first small galaxies. These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago. Hundreds of billions of suns. Which one is ours? It's not yet born. It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
Stars die and are born in places called stellar nursery. They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust. They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars. You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff. This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars. How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time. It won't begin to shine for another six billion years after the big bang.


All by random chance.
That's kind of the point. We don't know. Stop pretending you know. The "evidence" your kind gives is a joke. The old testament? The new? The book of mormons? The koran? Get out of the stone age buddy!!!!

What are the odds that all this order: the strength of the strong force, weak force and gravity just all magically occurred by random chance? If any one of them were the tiniest bit different no Universe would have formed -- it would have been all chaos

That's a pretty odd explosion to create all that precise order, that "Big Bang"
And so your conclusion is a creator? That's wild speculation. Are you by any chance using a holy book as a scientific source?
I tried to watch the show since I enjoyed Sagan's but this thing was a turd in a punchbowl. Most of it was designed to discredit religion. I'm not religious but there are other shows for that.
If you didn't watch it then you are a fucking brainwashed religious retard who's too sensitive about your fake ass religion. Get over it. That's sort of the fucking point dummy. Your religion is like trying to explain the universe with santa claus. Jesus fucking Christ! Fucking morons!

I tried to watch it but....waaaah. I'm a stupid brainwashed pussy who's feelings got hurt.

If you didn't watch it then you need to. If you won't watch it then you need to shut the fuck up. Read the bible? Fuck that joke of a book. Watch the Cosmos and really be enlightened and SAVED from religious stupidity.
I just said I'm not religious. See, the words are still right up there. I watched about half the first episode and realized it was just a sham for Christian bashing. There was no need to spent time on it when they should have been discussing the universe. Like Sagan.
You can't be smart if that's what you got out of the series.
I tried to watch the show since I enjoyed Sagan's but this thing was a turd in a punchbowl. Most of it was designed to discredit religion. I'm not religious but there are other shows for that.
If you didn't watch it then you are a fucking brainwashed religious retard who's too sensitive about your fake ass religion. Get over it. That's sort of the fucking point dummy. Your religion is like trying to explain the universe with santa claus. Jesus fucking Christ! Fucking morons!

I tried to watch it but....waaaah. I'm a stupid brainwashed pussy who's feelings got hurt.

If you didn't watch it then you need to. If you won't watch it then you need to shut the fuck up. Read the bible? Fuck that joke of a book. Watch the Cosmos and really be enlightened and SAVED from religious stupidity.
I just said I'm not religious. See, the words are still right up there. I watched about half the first episode and realized it was just a sham for Christian bashing. There was no need to spent time on it when they should have been discussing the universe. Like Sagan.
You can't be smart if that's what you got out of the series.
You decided to respond to a post from March 28th to say that? I said I watched the first half of the episode and you think I watched the series?

LOL, what a dumb turd.
I tried to watch the show since I enjoyed Sagan's but this thing was a turd in a punchbowl. Most of it was designed to discredit religion. I'm not religious but there are other shows for that.
If you didn't watch it then you are a fucking brainwashed religious retard who's too sensitive about your fake ass religion. Get over it. That's sort of the fucking point dummy. Your religion is like trying to explain the universe with santa claus. Jesus fucking Christ! Fucking morons!

I tried to watch it but....waaaah. I'm a stupid brainwashed pussy who's feelings got hurt.

If you didn't watch it then you need to. If you won't watch it then you need to shut the fuck up. Read the bible? Fuck that joke of a book. Watch the Cosmos and really be enlightened and SAVED from religious stupidity.
I just said I'm not religious. See, the words are still right up there. I watched about half the first episode and realized it was just a sham for Christian bashing. There was no need to spent time on it when they should have been discussing the universe. Like Sagan.
You can't be smart if that's what you got out of the series.
You decided to respond to a post from March 28th to say that? I said I watched the first half of the episode and you think I watched the series?

LOL, what a dumb turd.
If you gave up on such a great series you can't be that smart.
It seems to be one big long Global Warming commercial, but then again, I didn't bother watching it[/QUOTEIt's as far back as we can see in time for now.
  1. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom.
    Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today.
    I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory.
    And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
    As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
    Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light on January 10th.
    On January 13th, these stars coalesced into the first small galaxies.
    These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago, on March 15th of the cosmic year.
    Hundreds of billions of suns.
    Which one is ours? It's not yet born.
    It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
    See those lights flashing like paparazzi? Each one is a supernova, the blazing death of a giant star.
    Stars die and are born in places like this one a stellar nursery.
    They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust.
    They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars.
    You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff.
    This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars.
    How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time.
    It won't begin to shine for another six billion years.
    Our Sun's birthday is August 31st on the Cosmic Calendar four and a half billion years ago.
    As with the other worlds of our solar system, Earth was formed from a disk of gas and dust orbiting the newborn Sun.
    Repeated collisions produced a growing ball of debris.
    See that asteroid? No, not that one.
    The one over there.
    We exist because the gravity of that one next to it just nudged it an inch to the left.
    What difference could an inch make on the scale the solar system? Just wait, you'll see.
    The Earth took one hell of a beating in its first billion years.
    Fragments of orbiting debris collided and coalesced, until they snowballed to form our Moon.
    The Moon is a souvenir of that violent epoch.
    If you stood on the surface of that long ago Earth, the Moon would have looked a hundred times brighter.
    It was ten times closer back then, locked in a much more intimate gravitational embrace.
    As the Earth cooled, seas began to form.
    The tides were a thousand times higher then.
    Over the eons, tidal friction within Earth pushed the Moon away.
    Life began somewhere around here, September 21st, three and a half billion years ago on our little world.
    We still don't know how life got started.
    For all we know, it may have come from another part of the Milky Way.
    The origin of life is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science.
    That's life cooking, evolving all the biochemical recipes for its incredibly complex activities.
    By November 9th, life was breathing, moving, eating, responding to its environment.
    We owe a lot to those pioneering microbes.
    Oh, yeah one other thing.
    They also invented sex.
    December 17th was quite a day.
    Life in the sea really took off, it was exploding with a diversity of larger plants and animals.
    Tiktaalik was one of the first animals to venture onto land.
    It must have felt like visiting another planet.
    Forests, dinosaurs, birds, insects, they all evolved in the final week of December.
    The first flower bloomed on December 28th.
    As these ancient forests grew and died and sank beneath the surface, their remains transformed into coal.
    we humans are burning most of that coal to power and imperil our civilization.
    Remember that asteroid back in the formation of the solar system the one that got nudged a little to the left? Well, here it comes.
    It's 6:24 AM on December 30th on the Cosmic Calendar.
    For more than a hundred million years, the dinosaurs were lords of the Earth, while our ancestors, small mammals, scurried fearfully underfoot.
    The asteroid changed all that.
    Suppose it hadn't been nudged at all.
    It would have missed the Earth entirely, and for all we know, the dinosaurs might still be here but we wouldn't.
    This is a good example of the extreme contingency, the chance nature, of existence.
    The universe is already more than 13 and a half billion years old.
    Still no sign of us.
    In the vast ocean of time that this calendar represents, we humans only evolved within the last hour of the last day of the cosmic year.
    11:59 and 46 seconds.
    All of recorded history occupies only the last 14 seconds, and every person you've ever heard of lived somewhere in there.
    All those kings and battles, migrations and inventions, wars and loves, everything in the history books happened here, in the last seconds of the Cosmic Calendar.
    But if we want to explore such a brief moment of cosmic time we'll have to change scale.
    We are newcomers to the cosmos.
    Our own story only begins on the last night of the cosmic year.
    It's 9:45 on New Year's Eve.
    Three and a half million years ago, our ancestors, yours and mine, left these traces.
    We stood up, and parted ways from them.
    Once we were standing on two feet, our eyes were no longer fixated on the ground.
    Now we were free to look up in wonder.
    For the longest part of human existence, say the last 40,000 generations, we were wanderers, living in small bands of hunters and gatherers, making tools, controlling fire, naming things, all within the last hour of the Cosmic Calendar.
    To find out what happens next, we'll have to change scale to see the last minute of the last night of the cosmic year.
    We're so very young on the time scale of the universe that we didn't start painting our first pictures until the last 60 seconds of the cosmic year, a mere 30,000 years ago.
    This is when we invented astronomy.
    In fact, we're all descended from astronomers.
    Our survival depended on knowing how to read the stars in order to predict the coming of the winter and the migration of the wild herds.
    And then, around 10,000 years ago, there began a revolution in the way we lived.
    Our ancestors learned how to shape their environment, taming wild plants and animals, cultivating land and settling down.
    This changed everything.
    For the first time in our history, we had more stuff than we could carry.
    We needed a way to keep track of it.
    At 14 seconds to midnight, or about 6,000 years ago, we invented writing.
    And it wasn't long before we started recording more than bushels of grain.
    Writing allowed us to save our thoughts and send them much further in space and time.
    Tiny markings on a clay tablet became a means for us to vanquish mortality.
    It shook the world.
    Moses was born seven seconds ago.
    Buddha, six seconds ago.
    Jesus, five seconds ago.
    Mohammed, three seconds ago.
    It was not even two seconds ago that, for better or worse, the two halves of the Earth discovered each other.
    And it was only in the very last second of the Cosmic Calendar that we began to use science to reveal nature's secrets and her laws.
    The scientific method is so powerful that in a mere four centuries, it has taken us from Galileo's first look through a telescope at another world to leaving our footprints on the Moon.
    It allowed us to look out across space and time to discover where and when we are in the cosmos.
    We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.
    Carl Sagan guided the maiden voyage of Cosmos a generation ago.
    He was the most successful science communicator of the 20th century, but he was first and foremost a scientist.
    Carl contributed enormously to our knowledge of the planets.
    He correctly predicted the existence of methane lakes on Saturn's giant moon Titan.
    He showed that the atmosphere of the early Earth must have contained powerful greenhouse gases.
    He was the first to understand that seasonal changes on Mars were due to windblown dust.
    Carl was a pioneer in the search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence.
    He played a leading role in every major spacecraft mission to explore the solar system during the first 40 years of the Space Age.
    But that's not all he did.
    This is Carl Sagan's own calendar from 1975.
    Who was I back then? I was just a 17-year-old kid from the Bronx with dreams of becoming a scientist, and somehow the world's most famous astronomer found time to invite me to Ithaca, in upstate New York, and spend a Saturday with him.
    I remember that snowy day like it was yesterday.
    He met me at the bus stop and showed me his laboratory at Cornell University.
    Carl reached behind his desk and inscribed this book for me.
    "For Neil, a future astronomer.
    " At the end of the day, he drove me back to the bus station.
    The snow was falling harder.
    He wrote his phone number his home phone number on a scrap of paper and he said, "If the bus can't get through, call me and spend the night at my home with my family.
    " I already knew I wanted to become a scientist, but that afternoon, I learned from Carl the kind of person I wanted to become.
    He reached out to me and to countless others, inspiring so many of us to study, teach and do science.
    Science is a cooperative enterprise, spanning the generations.
    It's the passing of a torch from teacher to student to teacher, a community of minds reaching back to antiquity and forward to the stars.
    Now, come with me.
    Our journey is just beginning.+
yes, because we need to accept the fact that the Universe evolved...randomly. The strong nuclear force, the stability of protons, the attraction of electrons and protons, all just evolved
We don't know that yet. What you claim to do is know. You don't. And your fiction is not as good as reality.

It's as far back as we can see in time for now. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom. Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today. I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory. And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light. These stars coalesced into the first small galaxies. These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago. Hundreds of billions of suns. Which one is ours? It's not yet born. It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
Stars die and are born in places called stellar nursery. They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust. They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars. You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff. This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars. How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time. It won't begin to shine for another six billion years after the big bang.


All by random chance.
That's kind of the point. We don't know. Stop pretending you know. The "evidence" your kind gives is a joke. The old testament? The new? The book of mormons? The koran? Get out of the stone age buddy!!!!

What are the odds that all this order: the strength of the strong force, weak force and gravity just all magically occurred by random chance? If any one of them were the tiniest bit different no Universe would have formed -- it would have been all chaos

That's a pretty odd explosion to create all that precise order, that "Big Bang"
Very likely. What are the 5 most common elements in the universe. I've heard the argument you are making before. It's been debunked. It's really a dumb question.

There's probably life surrounding every star you see in the ski. If not now then maybe 10 billion or 5 billion years ago. Or maybe 5 or 10 billion years from now.

There was probably life on Mars billions of years ago. Venus too.

Order? When a universe first explodes it is kaos for billions of years but eventually order starts.

And our Galaxy is on a collision course with another Galaxy. But since stars are so far apart we may just pass each other.

Anyways, we may not have all the answers but nothing you say even if true proves a creator

The order started when the strong and weak forces were PRECISELY what they were. If they were the tiniest bit different no nucleus or atoms would ever formed.

You guys keep glossing over it without spending a single second thinking about the implications
We don't know that yet. What you claim to do is know. You don't. And your fiction is not as good as reality.

It's as far back as we can see in time for now. Our entire universe emerged from a point smaller than a single atom. Space itself exploded in a cosmic fire, launching the expansion of the universe and giving birth to all the energy and all the matter we know today. I know that sounds crazy, but there's strong observational evidence to support the Big Bang theory. And it includes the amount of helium in the cosmos and the glow of radio waves left over from the explosion.
As it expanded, the universe cooled, and there was darkness for about 200 million years.
Gravity was pulling together clumps of gas and heating them until the first stars burst into light. These stars coalesced into the first small galaxies. These galaxies merged to form still larger ones, including our own Milky Way, which formed about 11 billion years ago. Hundreds of billions of suns. Which one is ours? It's not yet born. It will rise from the ashes of other stars.
Stars die and are born in places called stellar nursery. They condense like raindrops from giant clouds of gas and dust. They get so hot that the nuclei of the atoms fuse together deep within them to make the oxygen we breathe, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, the iron in our blood, all of it was cooked in the fiery hearts of long-vanished stars. You, me, everyone we are made of star stuff. This star stuff is recycled and enriched, again and again, through succeeding generations of stars. How much longer until the birth of our Sun? A long time. It won't begin to shine for another six billion years after the big bang.


All by random chance.
That's kind of the point. We don't know. Stop pretending you know. The "evidence" your kind gives is a joke. The old testament? The new? The book of mormons? The koran? Get out of the stone age buddy!!!!

What are the odds that all this order: the strength of the strong force, weak force and gravity just all magically occurred by random chance? If any one of them were the tiniest bit different no Universe would have formed -- it would have been all chaos

That's a pretty odd explosion to create all that precise order, that "Big Bang"
Very likely. What are the 5 most common elements in the universe. I've heard the argument you are making before. It's been debunked. It's really a dumb question.

There's probably life surrounding every star you see in the ski. If not now then maybe 10 billion or 5 billion years ago. Or maybe 5 or 10 billion years from now.

There was probably life on Mars billions of years ago. Venus too.

Order? When a universe first explodes it is kaos for billions of years but eventually order starts.

And our Galaxy is on a collision course with another Galaxy. But since stars are so far apart we may just pass each other.

Anyways, we may not have all the answers but nothing you say even if true proves a creator

The order started when the strong and weak forces were PRECISELY what they were. If they were the tiniest bit different no nucleus or atoms would ever formed.

You guys keep glossing over it without spending a single second thinking about the implications
If there was no moon life couldn't exist on earth, maybe. Does that mean God put it there?

If the big bang didn't happen you wouldn't be here. God again?

All your ancestors had to meet and mate EXACTLY when they did for millions of years to make you. If one of those monkeys didn't meet you wouldn't exist. Did God do that too?
I tried to watch the show since I enjoyed Sagan's but this thing was a turd in a punchbowl. Most of it was designed to discredit religion. I'm not religious but there are other shows for that.
If you didn't watch it then you are a fucking brainwashed religious retard who's too sensitive about your fake ass religion. Get over it. That's sort of the fucking point dummy. Your religion is like trying to explain the universe with santa claus. Jesus fucking Christ! Fucking morons!

I tried to watch it but....waaaah. I'm a stupid brainwashed pussy who's feelings got hurt.

If you didn't watch it then you need to. If you won't watch it then you need to shut the fuck up. Read the bible? Fuck that joke of a book. Watch the Cosmos and really be enlightened and SAVED from religious stupidity.
I just said I'm not religious. See, the words are still right up there. I watched about half the first episode and realized it was just a sham for Christian bashing. There was no need to spent time on it when they should have been discussing the universe. Like Sagan.
You can't be smart if that's what you got out of the series.
You decided to respond to a post from March 28th to say that? I said I watched the first half of the episode and you think I watched the series?

LOL, what a dumb turd.
If you gave up on such a great series you can't be that smart.
You criticizing intellect is funny. Go suck a fresh turd.
If you didn't watch it then you are a fucking brainwashed religious retard who's too sensitive about your fake ass religion. Get over it. That's sort of the fucking point dummy. Your religion is like trying to explain the universe with santa claus. Jesus fucking Christ! Fucking morons!

I tried to watch it but....waaaah. I'm a stupid brainwashed pussy who's feelings got hurt.

If you didn't watch it then you need to. If you won't watch it then you need to shut the fuck up. Read the bible? Fuck that joke of a book. Watch the Cosmos and really be enlightened and SAVED from religious stupidity.
I just said I'm not religious. See, the words are still right up there. I watched about half the first episode and realized it was just a sham for Christian bashing. There was no need to spent time on it when they should have been discussing the universe. Like Sagan.
You can't be smart if that's what you got out of the series.
You decided to respond to a post from March 28th to say that? I said I watched the first half of the episode and you think I watched the series?

LOL, what a dumb turd.
If you gave up on such a great series you can't be that smart.
You criticizing intellect is funny. Go suck a fresh turd.
I read half the bible then stopped because I realized it was making me dumb and brainwashed
I just said I'm not religious. See, the words are still right up there. I watched about half the first episode and realized it was just a sham for Christian bashing. There was no need to spent time on it when they should have been discussing the universe. Like Sagan.
You can't be smart if that's what you got out of the series.
You decided to respond to a post from March 28th to say that? I said I watched the first half of the episode and you think I watched the series?

LOL, what a dumb turd.
If you gave up on such a great series you can't be that smart.
You criticizing intellect is funny. Go suck a fresh turd.
I read half the bible then stopped because I realized it was making me dumb and brainwashed
So? I told you many times I wasn't religious. You hollowed out your brain with drugs and still think the bible matters to me.
You can't be smart if that's what you got out of the series.
You decided to respond to a post from March 28th to say that? I said I watched the first half of the episode and you think I watched the series?

LOL, what a dumb turd.
If you gave up on such a great series you can't be that smart.
You criticizing intellect is funny. Go suck a fresh turd.
I read half the bible then stopped because I realized it was making me dumb and brainwashed
So? I told you many times I wasn't religious. You hollowed out your brain with drugs and still think the bible matters to me.
I just quickly looked up the transcripts of the cosmos to see what all you missed if you only watched half.

First of all I doubt you made it that far. Second, there is so much you missed you aren't even qualified to discuss. Those series are so good that you have to watch them 3 times. Sometimes you have to rewind and watch a scene again. It is very much like the bible only it isn't nonsense.

You think the history of man is anti christianity but all it points out is that Christianity is just one religion and has only been the story for the last 1800 years.

If you put the history of the universe on a 12 month calendar jesus' time only represents 40 seconds.

Youre a religious apologist. Chances are you think religion makes people better or without it they'd be worse?
You decided to respond to a post from March 28th to say that? I said I watched the first half of the episode and you think I watched the series?

LOL, what a dumb turd.
If you gave up on such a great series you can't be that smart.
You criticizing intellect is funny. Go suck a fresh turd.
I read half the bible then stopped because I realized it was making me dumb and brainwashed
So? I told you many times I wasn't religious. You hollowed out your brain with drugs and still think the bible matters to me.
I just quickly looked up the transcripts of the cosmos to see what all you missed if you only watched half.

First of all I doubt you made it that far. Second, there is so much you missed you aren't even qualified to discuss. Those series are so good that you have to watch them 3 times. Sometimes you have to rewind and watch a scene again. It is very much like the bible only it isn't nonsense.

You think the history of man is anti christianity but all it points out is that Christianity is just one religion and has only been the story for the last 1800 years.

If you put the history of the universe on a 12 month calendar jesus' time only represents 40 seconds.

Youre a religious apologist. Chances are you think religion makes people better or without it they'd be worse?
See above.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Is Really Starting To Scare Conservatives
The wingnut panic over the show Cosmos is incredibly amusing to me. It’s understandable, because Neil deGrasse Tyson is really good at being clear and concise about science and he eviscerates right wing attempts to muddy the waters with precision. I particularly liked this quote from an interview on Inquiring Minds: “I claim that all those who think they can cherry-pick science simply don’t understand how science works,” because science, unlike theology or musical taste, isn’t a matter of just taking what you like and leaving the rest behind. What is interesting—and threatening—about Cosmos is it asserts interconnectedness of science. Evolution and the “big bang” theory are inseparable, and knowing how old and vast the universe is makes it much, much easier to understand how evolution works.


i never heard of this person

why do ignorant leftardz think they know what is other people's minds?


That you don't know who Neil deGrasse Tyson is, is telling. If you are not one of the willfully ignorant, you might want to look him up. That you haven't, is good evidence you lack curiosity and that too is telling.

For the curious:

  1. Neil deGrasse Tyson
    Neil deGrasse Tyson is an American astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and science communicator. Since 1996, he has been the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York City. Wikipedia

    Born: October 5, 1958 (age 57), Manhattan, NY
    Spouse: Alice Young (m. 1988)
    Influenced by: Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Richard Feynman
    Books: Death by Black Hole, More
    Education: Columbia University (1991), More
Last edited:
Neil deGrasse Tyson Is Really Starting To Scare Conservatives
The wingnut panic over the show Cosmos is incredibly amusing to me. It’s understandable, because Neil deGrasse Tyson is really good at being clear and concise about science and he eviscerates right wing attempts to muddy the waters with precision. I particularly liked this quote from an interview on Inquiring Minds: “I claim that all those who think they can cherry-pick science simply don’t understand how science works,” because science, unlike theology or musical taste, isn’t a matter of just taking what you like and leaving the rest behind. What is interesting—and threatening—about Cosmos is it asserts interconnectedness of science. Evolution and the “big bang” theory are inseparable, and knowing how old and vast the universe is makes it much, much easier to understand how evolution works.


i never heard of this person

why do ignorant leftardz think they know what is other people's minds?


That you don't know who Neil deGrasses Tyson is, is telling. If you are not one of the willfully ignorant, you might want to look him up. That you haven't, is good evidence you lack curiosity and that too is telling.

For the curious:

  1. Neil deGrasse Tyson
    Neil deGrasse Tyson is an American astrophysicist, cosmologist, author, and science communicator. Since 1996, he has been the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York City. Wikipedia

    Born: October 5, 1958 (age 57), Manhattan, NY
    Spouse: Alice Young (m. 1988)
    Influenced by: Carl Sagan, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Richard Feynman
    Books: Death by Black Hole, More
    Education: Columbia University (1991), More
How about a moron like iceweasle who says he lost interest half way through the cosmos? How is that possible? It was so eye opening.

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