Kansas to Black Out “Cosmos” Show Over Controversies

Oklahoma fox blocked out the references to evolution.

Can't have any of that there science or education accidentally leaking through.
Oh My God!

Remember when I started a thread that was something like: Do Republicans ban their kids from seeing science shows on TV?

Remember that?

Remember the right wingers on the USMB screaming like little girls whose Easy Bake oven just broke?

And there it is.

I couldn't make this stuff up. I wouldn't know where to begin.

Try starting with "The Onion" because you fell for it.


Rdean's Source for news on Republicans

The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Rdean was right:

Oklahoma station drops evolution from showing of Cosmos | Ars Technica

n our review of the new science series Cosmos, we noted that the program didn't shy away from diving into scientific ideas that many in the US find uncomfortable. Apparently, local Fox affiliate KOKH found a creative way to protect the minds of its viewers: run a news promo over the bits about evolution. Naturally, the butchery ended up on YouTube the very next day.

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Harry Dresden said-Hungover has already been outed as a fake.....said he is an "independent".....yea the kind that never has anything bad to say about the Democrats.....
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Guess you didn't know that there are many "liberal" independents, like Bernie Sanders for instance. He caucuses with the Dems because the cons are the ones that are trying to destroy SS & Medicare so they can throw the elderly out in the street. And cons are the ones that are taking food from the mouths of children by destroying food stamps. And cons are the ones that are destroying unemployment benefits which throws American workers out in the street who lost their jobs because cons allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China. And cons are the ones trying to destroy healthcare for anyone that isn't rich.

But the thing I have against the DEMS is, they keep letting the cons take them for a bunch of chumps. They don't do near enough to expose the suffering the cons are putting on the American people. An example is the $5 trillion they allowed Shrub and the cons to waste on the Iraq/Afghan wars. Another example is the $3 trillion they allowed Shrub to give to millionaires with tax welfare. Another example is the trillion$ they let cons get away with in corporate welfare. And yet another example is the trillions they let cons waste on that stupid drug war, which only made the drug dealers billionaires.

Yeah I've got a lot against the Dems, but the alternative is a million times worse. Cons suck dog shit.

yea your an independent....real independents have a beef with both parties and will say so.....since you have been posting here you have been sucking the Democratic parties asses and defending them in every one of your threads and posts...if you have a lot against the Dems....why dont we ever see you saying so?...oh and by the way....the reason they let the "Cons" get away with all the shit you mentioned?.....IS BECAUSE THEY ARE FOR THOSE THINGS AND ARE MAKING MONEY THEMSELVES....yea i know they told you differently....most "Independents" know this.....whats your excuse?....
Harry Dresden said-Hungover has already been outed as a fake.....said he is an "independent".....yea the kind that never has anything bad to say about the Democrats.....
Reply With Quote
Guess you didn't know that there are many "liberal" independents, like Bernie Sanders for instance. He caucuses with the Dems because the cons are the ones that are trying to destroy SS & Medicare so they can throw the elderly out in the street. And cons are the ones that are taking food from the mouths of children by destroying food stamps. And cons are the ones that are destroying unemployment benefits which throws American workers out in the street who lost their jobs because cons allowed corporations to send all the factory jobs to China. And cons are the ones trying to destroy healthcare for anyone that isn't rich.

But the thing I have against the DEMS is, they keep letting the cons take them for a bunch of chumps. They don't do near enough to expose the suffering the cons are putting on the American people. An example is the $5 trillion they allowed Shrub and the cons to waste on the Iraq/Afghan wars. Another example is the $3 trillion they allowed Shrub to give to millionaires with tax welfare. Another example is the trillion$ they let cons get away with in corporate welfare. And yet another example is the trillions they let cons waste on that stupid drug war, which only made the drug dealers billionaires.

Yeah I've got a lot against the Dems, but the alternative is a million times worse. Cons suck dog shit.


Bernie Socialist Sander is "Independent"

What a tool!
Conservative lawmakers in Kansas are, however, offering Fox a back door through which they could skirt the new law: they won’t press this law into effect if Fox will agree to immediately develop a new show, hosted by young-Earth creationist Ken Ham, which pushes the theories of so-called “intelligent design.” This new show would need to be aired on Sunday evenings, before Cosmos, in order for the small-time Fox affiliates to avoid Kansas’ legislative wrath. - See more at: Kansas to Black Out "Cosmos" Show Over Controversies | National Report

These are truly backward illiterates

I love Cosmos.

I loved the original in the 70's and this one is just as well done.

Oh and Kansas might want to dust off the 1st Amendment - they can't black out anything.
Conservative lawmakers in Kansas are, however, offering Fox a back door through which they could skirt the new law: they won’t press this law into effect if Fox will agree to immediately develop a new show, hosted by young-Earth creationist Ken Ham, which pushes the theories of so-called “intelligent design.” This new show would need to be aired on Sunday evenings, before Cosmos, in order for the small-time Fox affiliates to avoid Kansas’ legislative wrath. - See more at: Kansas to Black Out "Cosmos" Show Over Controversies | National Report

These are truly backward illiterates

Let me guess, I am supposed to believe this even though the site is allegedly written by Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin? You really should try engaging your brain before you post, you will find you look smarter.

Looking closer, I think this might be an "Onion" like satire site.
The new bill is the brainchild of an ironically-named Kansas State Senator: Tom Edison (R). “Cosmos is a liberal brainwashing program, designed to force our children into questioning the existence of our lord and savior Jesus Christ,” Edison said during a recent interview on one of the Fox affiliates under the gun. “It’s a keystone of the liberal agenda that America’s youth be converted into following their so-called `logic,’ so conservatism dies out in a generation or two. Well, we aren’t going to stand for this. We aren’t going to let this TV show ruin our children.”

Edison went on to explain all the reasons why he “hates” the TV show. “This show has no basis in reality whatsoever. The host goes on and on about science and scientific method, but never once does he say anything positive about Jesus.

What’s the matter Kansas, indeed.

Uh Saul, the story is a fake, it's satire....

I fell for it too, at first.


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