Judge strikes down voter id law

A three-judge panel in Washington ruled Thursday that the law imposes "strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor" and noted that racial minorities in Texas are more likely to live in poverty.

The decision involves an increasingly contentious political issue: a push, largely by Republican-controlled legislatures and governor's offices, to impose strict identification requirements on voters.

The ruling comes in the same week that South Carolina's strict photo ID law is on trial in front of another three-judge panel in the same federal courthouse. A court ruling in the South Carolina case is expected in time for the November election.

Texas Voter ID Law Rejected By Federal Court

How does their poverty status correlate to their ability to get a valid ID? Or correlate to their ability to get to the polling place, for that matter?
The real fraud is that the GOP is blatantly trying to prevent citizens from voting. They did it in Florida in 2000, and they will do it whenever anyone fails to check on them.

Correction.. preventing non-citizens and ones who are not eligible to vote from voting (criminals, the dead, people who are not from the district where they are voting, people who are posing as another person, etc)

Big difference
there are over 1.8 million registered DEAD voters. Who is to say a person will get these names and VOTE in states that do not require ID laws.. You guys do not want IDs because you KNOW you cant even come close to winning with them

Actually, that's exactly what the democrats do, and plan to do this time.

There is only ONE reason to oppose voter ID, because one favors fraud. At the absolute worst, voter ID would be neutral and address a problem that wasn't there.

But the fact that G5000 and other like him fight so hard against ID, shows that fraud is rampant, and they fear ID will stop it.
Published: April 29, 2008

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court upheld Indiana’s voter-identification law on Monday, declaring that a requirement to produce photo identification is not unconstitutional and that the state has a “valid interest” in improving election procedures as well as deterring fraud.

This will be overturned on appeal, loser.

True, but not before a few million fraudulent ballots are cast for Obama in November.
Oh noes, now the boarderline nonexistent issue of voter fruad will remain...boarderline nonexistent.

Wow, 1 case of fraud per 15,000,000 people. WE GOT US AN EPIDEMIC!

The News21 report is based on a national public-records search in which reporters sent thousands of requests to elections officers in all 50 states, asking for every case of alleged fraudulent activity -- including registration fraud; absentee-ballot fraud; vote buying; false election counts; campaign fraud; the casting of ballots by ineligible voters, such as felons and non-citizens; double voting; and voter impersonation.

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This is a very serious issue! Which makes me wonder why no one ever cares about voter fraud until a few months leading up to the national election?


Are you on drugs?

We've been fighting fraud since 1960, when more votes were cast for Kennedy in Chicago than there were registered voters.

democrats have used fraud as an election tool for the last half-century or more.

Remember, the left has no integrity.
You fuckers on the right are unbelievable!

You claim to be for small government, yet you want to waste time, energy and taxpayer dollars trying to prevent something that occurs .0006th of the time.

Why would anyone spend a nano-second on something that happens less than being hit by lightning?

Because that's not your goal. Voter suppression is the goal. You have to prevent people from voting, because no one will vote for you.
there are over 1.8 million registered DEAD voters. Who is to say a person will get these names and VOTE in states that do not require ID laws.. You guys do not want IDs because you KNOW you cant even come close to winning with them

Actually, that's exactly what the democrats do, and plan to do this time.

There is only ONE reason to oppose voter ID, because one favors fraud. At the absolute worst, voter ID would be neutral and address a problem that wasn't there.

But the fact that G5000 and other like him fight so hard against ID, shows that fraud is rampant, and they fear ID will stop it.

"...fight so hard against ID, shows that fraud is rampant, and they fear ID will stop it."

I was about to ask something along the same line. If there is no fraud and no I.D is needed because it doesn't stop it. How does requiring it actually suppress anyone from voting.

I guess what I'm trying to say in another way is if it doesn't matter one way or another then what's the problem with requiring it?

Said in yet another way, what's the big deal to produce I.D. whether fraud is rampant or not?

In NJ you are legally required to carry I.D. on one's person all the time. Is it that big an effort to reach into your pocket and produce it when voting?

Haven't see one good reason to oppose it.
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Oh noes, now the boarderline nonexistent issue of voter fruad will remain...boarderline nonexistent

If it's "nonexistent," then you have nothing to worry about.

Ah, but you fear ID being used, so clearly you see fraud as a major advantage to your shameful party, and fear that stopping it will harm your electoral outcome.

Read the article. Wait no don't! Its just more lies by the "lamestream" media, amIright?

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Read the article. Wait no don't! Its just more lies by the "lamestream" media, amIright?

Voter fraud is rare in U.S. - USATODAY.com

Again, the argumentation is spurious and nonsensical.

ID will disenfranchise the poor - who already have to have ID to use foodstamps, get AFDC or SSI, or even WIC.

The argument you pose are so incredibly fucking stupid as to be laughable.

The reality is you support voter fraud, as does the left-wing court that made this ruling.

You, and they know it will be overturned by the SCOTUS, but you figure that it won't be until after the November elections, giving an opportunity for massive fraud to aid Obama.
Oh noes, now the boarderline nonexistent issue of voter fruad will remain...boarderline nonexistent

If it's "nonexistent," then you have nothing to worry about.

Ah, but you fear ID being used, so clearly you see fraud as a major advantage to your shameful party, and fear that stopping it will harm your electoral outcome.

Read the article. Wait no don't! Its just more lies by the "lamestream" media, amIright?

Voter fraud is rare in U.S. - USATODAY.com

Good article, clears some things up.
For someone outside NJ...

In NJ you have to sign a log book before voting. Is that the case in other states? Every state?
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Awesome News! :banana:

Romney Crooks! "Curses, foiled again!

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