It is demeaning to nation for Mrs. Obama to discuss slavery

Well, whitey was part of that problem for some several hundreds of years.

But . . .

. . . sixty years later ALL folks have to take responsibility.

Pull the pants up, tighten the belt, and get to work.

Not interested in your blame game trying to make whitey feel bad for something they had nothing to do with. I suggest you pull your own pants up and get a real job. And you should than those Africans that sold the blacks because without them, today's blacks would still be chucking spears in Africa.
I think Michelle has every right to bring up slavery, we need to discuss and come to conclusions. It is a sad part of American history.
Racist statement from a black racist: proof positive. we're suppose to believe the crime stats, which suggest that blacks commit the most crimes, and the government stats which suggest that, per capita, blacks make up the bulk of the welfare rolls. This is all propaganda and lies which serve to keep whites in power and authority. And me, identifying a truth makes my statement racist, as well as myself????????????? BS.
And everyone can see you're playing "both sides of the fence"....pretending to offer me a olive branch, and then calling me the next racist and leftist, to save face with your racist cronies. What? You have a "split personality", like The Three Faces of Eve? Or are you just off your meds?

Dude, you're going to have to deal with the facts. the facts are that the black population commits the most violent crimes. They also receive a disproportionate amount of welfare. When a group that makes u 12% of the population gets 38% of the welfare there's a problem and blaming whitey isn't going to solve either of those issues.

"Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you're young at heart."
Excuse me, but "facts", compiled by who? White people??????????????????? LOLOLOLOLOL.
Right. Like they don't have an agenda or don't have unclean hands.
Those are lies. And good luck with any black persons with at least half a brain, believing them.
Clinton got rid of welfare for minorities, hadn't you heard? That is why he got most of the Repubs to work with him on NAFTA and DADT, moron. And pardon me, but I wouldn't lower myself to your level and label you "whitey", as much as you all would like for everyone to believe. That you use it, in hopes that you can call me the n-word, and feel justified, kinda stands out like pink t-shirt. I know your type.
Well, whitey was part of that problem for some several hundreds of years.

But . . .

. . . sixty years later ALL folks have to take responsibility.

Pull the pants up, tighten the belt, and get to work.

Playing Sybil again??? One minute you're against the status quo, around here...the next, you're calling me a racist. You need to make up your mind, pick a side, and stay there. we're suppose to believe the crime stats, which suggest that blacks commit the most crimes, and the government stats which suggest that, per capita, blacks make up the bulk of the welfare rolls. This is all propaganda and lies which serve to keep whites in power and authority. And me, identifying a truth makes my statement racist, as well as myself????????????? BS.
And everyone can see you're playing "both sides of the fence"....pretending to offer me a olive branch, and then calling me the next racist and leftist, to save face with your racist cronies. What? You have a "split personality", like The Three Faces of Eve? Or are you just off your meds?

Dude, you're going to have to deal with the facts. the facts are that the black population commits the most violent crimes. They also receive a disproportionate amount of welfare. When a group that makes u 12% of the population gets 38% of the welfare there's a problem and blaming whitey isn't going to solve either of those issues.

"Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you're young at heart."
Excuse me, but "facts", compiled by who? White people??????????????????? LOLOLOLOLOL.
Right. Like they don't have an agenda or don't have unclean hands.
Those are lies. And good luck with any black persons with at least half a brain, believing them.
Clinton got rid of welfare for minorities, hadn't you heard? That is why he got most of the Repubs to work with him on NAFTA and DADT, moron. And pardon me, but I wouldn't lower myself to your level and label you "whitey", as much as you all would like for everyone to believe. That you use it, in hopes that you can call me the n-word, and feel justified, kinda stands out like pink t-shirt. I know your type.

So if the truth bothers you, it's make believe. I see. Hope you enjoy having your head stuck in the sand.
Well, whitey was part of that problem for some several hundreds of years.

But . . .

. . . sixty years later ALL folks have to take responsibility.

Pull the pants up, tighten the belt, and get to work.

. . . today's blacks would still be chucking spears in Africa.

Such white racism is worthless, dying out, and of a bad past. America is surely and inexorably turning its back on it.
Well, whitey was part of that problem for some several hundreds of years.

But . . .

. . . sixty years later ALL folks have to take responsibility.

Pull the pants up, tighten the belt, and get to work.

. . . today's blacks would still be chucking spears in Africa.

Such white racism is worthless, dying out, and of a bad past. America is surely and inexorably turning its back on it.

Call it whatever you want. It's the truth. Blacks in America should be glad that their ancestors were slower and weaker or they'd be stuck in some 3rd world shithole.
Well, whitey was part of that problem for some several hundreds of years.

But . . .

. . . sixty years later ALL folks have to take responsibility.

Pull the pants up, tighten the belt, and get to work.

Not interested in your blame game trying to make whitey feel bad for something they had nothing to do with. I suggest you pull your own pants up and get a real job. And you should than those Africans that sold the blacks because without them, today's blacks would still be chucking spears in Africa.

Excuse you? "Whitey" (as you put it) has everything to do with everything, him being in control of everything, from corporate looting, to whoredom in Congress, to mass murdering to domestic terrorism. Even having "off shore" accounts to hide monies from Uncle Sam (hello, Mitt Romney?) and Swiss bank accounts. How un-American can one get?
I had a real job....several real jobs, over the course of 30 years or so.
And you're another one that can't construct a coherent sentence, in need of a remedial English course, which seems to be the standard for anyone on the right, in this forum, at least. I.Q.'s of less than 80.
Like Africans held spears to the sides and guns to the heads of whites to take blacks into captivity, only to be raped, murdered and forced to labor until the death. What else could you do? Blacks were the McDonald's Big Mac's of the day. Over a billion served. Shameful.
Dude, you're going to have to deal with the facts. the facts are that the black population commits the most violent crimes. They also receive a disproportionate amount of welfare. When a group that makes u 12% of the population gets 38% of the welfare there's a problem and blaming whitey isn't going to solve either of those issues.

"Fairy tales can come true, it can happen to you, if you're young at heart."
Excuse me, but "facts", compiled by who? White people??????????????????? LOLOLOLOLOL.
Right. Like they don't have an agenda or don't have unclean hands.
Those are lies. And good luck with any black persons with at least half a brain, believing them.
Clinton got rid of welfare for minorities, hadn't you heard? That is why he got most of the Repubs to work with him on NAFTA and DADT, moron. And pardon me, but I wouldn't lower myself to your level and label you "whitey", as much as you all would like for everyone to believe. That you use it, in hopes that you can call me the n-word, and feel justified, kinda stands out like pink t-shirt. I know your type.

So if the truth bothers you, it's make believe. I see. Hope you enjoy having your head stuck in the sand.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you on your Navy Vet ass. I don't buy into white supremacist propaganda.....because that's all it is.
Well, whitey was part of that problem for some several hundreds of years.

But . . .

. . . sixty years later ALL folks have to take responsibility.

Pull the pants up, tighten the belt, and get to work.

Not interested in your blame game trying to make whitey feel bad for something they had nothing to do with. I suggest you pull your own pants up and get a real job. And you should than those Africans that sold the blacks because without them, today's blacks would still be chucking spears in Africa.

Excuse you? "Whitey" (as you put it) has everything to do with everything, him being in control of everything, from corporate looting, to whoredom in Congress, to mass murdering to domestic terrorism. Even having "off shore" accounts to hide monies from Uncle Sam (hello, Mitt Romney?) and Swiss bank accounts. How un-American can one get?
I had a real job....several real jobs, over the course of 30 years or so.
And you're another one that can't construct a coherent sentence, in need of a remedial English course, which seems to be the standard for anyone on the right, in this forum, at least. I.Q.'s of less than 80.
Like Africans held spears to the sides and guns to the heads of whites to take blacks into captivity, only to be raped, murdered and forced to labor until the death. What else could you do? Blacks were the McDonald's Big Mac's of the day. Over a billion served. Shameful.

Should we que the violins? Do you need a box of tissues? Geez, didn't mean to make you cry. Too bad you can't accept the truth.
. . . today's blacks would still be chucking spears in Africa.

Such white racism is worthless, dying out, and of a bad past. America is surely and inexorably turning its back on it.

Call it whatever you want. It's the truth. Blacks in America should be glad that their ancestors were slower and weaker or they'd be stuck in some 3rd world shithole.

The lamest excuse that racists use to justify slavery. You should be ashamed that it cost the South its' legacy, its' men, and it's influence on the nation as a whole to suffer the Civil War.
All those lives lost fighting for the right to keep slaves. And here you are defending it.
MikeK, you are whining and it is inaccurate. The full story of slavery from the ancient civilizations of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas is taught as the prelude to American Negro Chattel Slavery. All of it is taught in our high schools and in our colleges, but all of does not excuse the overwhelming participation of whites in British North America in perpetuating black chattel slavery.

Not interested in your blame game trying to make whitey feel bad for something they had nothing to do with. I suggest you pull your own pants up and get a real job. And you should than those Africans that sold the blacks because without them, today's blacks would still be chucking spears in Africa.

Excuse you? "Whitey" (as you put it) has everything to do with everything, him being in control of everything, from corporate looting, to whoredom in Congress, to mass murdering to domestic terrorism. Even having "off shore" accounts to hide monies from Uncle Sam (hello, Mitt Romney?) and Swiss bank accounts. How un-American can one get?
I had a real job....several real jobs, over the course of 30 years or so.
And you're another one that can't construct a coherent sentence, in need of a remedial English course, which seems to be the standard for anyone on the right, in this forum, at least. I.Q.'s of less than 80.
Like Africans held spears to the sides and guns to the heads of whites to take blacks into captivity, only to be raped, murdered and forced to labor until the death. What else could you do? Blacks were the McDonald's Big Mac's of the day. Over a billion served. Shameful.

Should we que the violins? Do you need a box of tissues? Geez, didn't mean to make you cry. Too bad you can't accept the truth.

Oh, I can accept the truth. Can you accept the truth, that you joined the military because you didn't have the smarts to cut it in school. And you probably just avoided being branded a coward, in the heat of battle, as some schmuck probably lost his life, saving yours. But then the Navy wasn't the muscle of the military, in any event, was it?
[ame=]Village People - In the Navy - Live les années bonheur - YouTube[/ame]
Poet is racist, sexist, and now revealed anti-veteran.

What a pathetic individual.

And a very bad poet to boot.
Such white racism is worthless, dying out, and of a bad past. America is surely and inexorably turning its back on it.

Call it whatever you want. It's the truth. Blacks in America should be glad that their ancestors were slower and weaker or they'd be stuck in some 3rd world shithole.

The lamest excuse that racists use to justify slavery. You should be ashamed that it cost the South its' legacy, its' men, and it's influence on the nation as a whole to suffer the Civil War.
All those lives lost fighting for the right to keep slaves. And here you are defending it.

I'm not justifying slavery, but you should. You should be glad that your ancestors were the slower and weaker ones or you wouldn't be here. And there is a good chance that some of your black ancestors were slave owners themselves. How does that make you feel? Are you going to cry again?
The racist mantle of the Democrats was taken over by the Republicans from the 1960's to 1980.

So convenient to rewrite history and avoid responsibility...:eusa_doh:

Where is the rewriting of history. Are you not aware that the Party of Lincoln, the emancipating party is now the Democratic Party, and the old racist Democratic Party is now the Republican and Tea Parties, harboring KKK'ers, racists, and holier than thou wanna be Christians, who have no idea of Christ' teachings? Google "When the parties switched", and get back with me.

..I do appreciate your gift for smart-assery but you're grasp of the historical facts is truly comical...thanks ...:lol:
Excuse you? "Whitey" (as you put it) has everything to do with everything, him being in control of everything, from corporate looting, to whoredom in Congress, to mass murdering to domestic terrorism. Even having "off shore" accounts to hide monies from Uncle Sam (hello, Mitt Romney?) and Swiss bank accounts. How un-American can one get?
I had a real job....several real jobs, over the course of 30 years or so.
And you're another one that can't construct a coherent sentence, in need of a remedial English course, which seems to be the standard for anyone on the right, in this forum, at least. I.Q.'s of less than 80.
Like Africans held spears to the sides and guns to the heads of whites to take blacks into captivity, only to be raped, murdered and forced to labor until the death. What else could you do? Blacks were the McDonald's Big Mac's of the day. Over a billion served. Shameful.

Should we que the violins? Do you need a box of tissues? Geez, didn't mean to make you cry. Too bad you can't accept the truth.

Oh, I can accept the truth. Can you accept the truth, that you joined the military because you didn't have the smarts to cut it in school. And you probably just avoided being branded a coward, in the heat of battle, as some schmuck probably lost his life, saving yours. But then the Navy wasn't the muscle of the military, in any event, was it?
[ame=]Village People - In the Navy - Live les années bonheur - YouTube[/ame]

Wow I really made you cry. Wipe your tears and have your mom make you a glass of warm milk. Maybe tomorrow you'll feel better.
usnavyvet and poet are brothers under the skin: both a crazy set of racists.

So convenient to rewrite history and avoid responsibility...:eusa_doh:

Where is the rewriting of history. Are you not aware that the Party of Lincoln, the emancipating party is now the Democratic Party, and the old racist Democratic Party is now the Republican and Tea Parties, harboring KKK'ers, racists, and holier than thou wanna be Christians, who have no idea of Christ' teachings? Google "When the parties switched", and get back with me.

..I do appreciate your gift for smart-assery but you're grasp of the historical facts is truly comical...thanks ...:lol:

Right. Ask any KKK'er today his or her political party affiliation, and the answer will invariably be The Republican Party or the Tea Party. Never the Democratic Party. That's the party of minorities and Jews, doncha know?

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