Headed for Hothouse Earth


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
A new study out Monday warns of the possibility of out-of-control global warming if humans fail to band together to fight the worst effects of climate change.

The analysis, conducted by researchers at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Center, among other institutions, outlines the potential for a "threshold" that, if crossed, would lead to runaway warming patterns and the advent of a "Hothouse Earth."

If such a threshold is crossed, the study warns, global average temperatures could climb as much as 8 degrees Fahrenheit above current temperatures and sea levels could rise 30 to 200 feet.

"Crossing the threshold would lead to a much higher global average temperature than any interglacial in the past 1.2 million years and to sea levels significantly higher than at any time in the Holocene," the study says.

The report is based on a review of past research of thresholds for climate change, according to USA Today.

Study warns of looming potential for runaway global warming

We are living in a critical time. Vote in November for those that believe in science and are willing to take on climate change. The science is settled and the consequences real and happening now. Throw denialists to the curb if you give a damn for the future.
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This news will fall on deaf, egocentric ears. The grotesque over consumption indulged in by America has become, like a drug, impossible to renounce. It hasn't made the country the happy place one would think, but any change is considered going backward. In fact, proposing change is taken as an insult, as accusing the nation of being 'wrong'. In the U.S. mindset, that is unacceptable. We are, thus, condemned to follow the fat into the fire.
This news will fall on deaf, egocentric ears. The grotesque over consumption indulged in by America has become, like a drug, impossible to renounce. It hasn't made the country the happy place one would think, but any change is considered going backward. In fact, proposing change is taken as an insult, as accusing the nation of being 'wrong'. In the U.S. mindset, that is unacceptable. We are, thus, condemned to follow the fat into the fire.
Unfortunately you may be right.
America has decreased their emissions significantly, how about China? You can't see the sun in many cities.

The world dares not point the finger at China though, too profitable to manufacture there, so they bug America their usual target when they need to blame someone for something. Of course, they conveniently love America to fund their global boondoggles as well.
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A new study out Monday warns of the possibility of out-of-control global warming if humans fail to band together to fight the worst effects of climate change.

The analysis, conducted by researchers at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Center, among other institutions, outlines the potential for a "threshold" that, if crossed, would lead to runaway warming patterns and the advent of a "Hothouse Earth."

If such a threshold is crossed, the study warns, global average temperatures could climb as much as 8 degrees Fahrenheit above current temperatures and sea levels could rise 30 to 200 feet.

"Crossing the threshold would lead to a much higher global average temperature than any interglacial in the past 1.2 million years and to sea levels significantly higher than at any time in the Holocene," the study says.

The report is based on a review of past research of thresholds for climate change, according to USA Today.

We are living in a critical time. Vote in November for those that believe in science and are willing to take on climate change. The science is settled and the consequences real and happening now. Throw denialists to the curb if you give a damn for the future.

The planet is warming? There may be proof of that, but what there isn't a shred of proof of, is that man's activities are causing it or that man can fix it.
the sky is falling


we are surely doomed

this time
Evidence of the changing climate is everywhere. Being in denial will not change that.
Not denying it, just making fun of yet another claim we are all going to die.

so many predictions, so many times they have been wrong.
The reason the worst case scenario does not happen is because we take action to avoid it. Acid Rain and the Ozone Hole were contained because of action. They too had worst case scenarios. We are headed for catastrophe if we sit silently. Maybe not for us because we will be dead, but for the generations that follow. Look around the canary is dying.
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A new study out Monday warns of the possibility of out-of-control global warming if humans fail to band together to fight the worst effects of climate change.

The analysis, conducted by researchers at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Center, among other institutions, outlines the potential for a "threshold" that, if crossed, would lead to runaway warming patterns and the advent of a "Hothouse Earth."

If such a threshold is crossed, the study warns, global average temperatures could climb as much as 8 degrees Fahrenheit above current temperatures and sea levels could rise 30 to 200 feet.

"Crossing the threshold would lead to a much higher global average temperature than any interglacial in the past 1.2 million years and to sea levels significantly higher than at any time in the Holocene," the study says.

The report is based on a review of past research of thresholds for climate change, according to USA Today.

We are living in a critical time. Vote in November for those that believe in science and are willing to take on climate change. The science is settled and the consequences real and happening now. Throw denialists to the curb if you give a damn for the future.
/-----/ Quick, send Al Gore more money.
America has decreased their emissions significantly, how about China? You can't see the sun in many cities.

The world dares not point the finger at China though, too profitable to manufacture there, so they bug America their usual target when they need to blame someone for something. Of course, they conveniently love America to fund their global boondoggles as well.
No one denies a worldwide solution is necessary. China and India realize the consequences of climate change. China is moving into renewables but not nearly quick enough.
the sky is falling


we are surely doomed

this time
Evidence of the changing climate is everywhere. Being in denial will not change that.
Not denying it, just making fun of yet another claim we are all going to die.

so many predictions, so many times they have been wrong.
The reason the worse case scenario do not happen is because we take action to avoid it. Acid Rain and the Ozone Hole were contained because of action. They too had worse case scenarios. We are headed for catastrophe if we sit silently. Maybe not for us because we will be dead, but for the generations that follow. Look around the canary is dying.
a million years from now the earth will still be here, we are not doomed, we cannot kill the earth.

the climate changes constantly, we are long over due to be much hotter of much colder.

what happened to the constant cat-5 hurricanes?
massive earthquakes?
tornados that ran for days?
the iceage that was supposed to happen?
the sky is falling


we are surely doomed

this time
Evidence of the changing climate is everywhere. Being in denial will not change that.
Not denying it, just making fun of yet another claim we are all going to die.

so many predictions, so many times they have been wrong.
The reason the worse case scenario do not happen is because we take action to avoid it. Acid Rain and the Ozone Hole were contained because of action. They too had worse case scenarios. We are headed for catastrophe if we sit silently. Maybe not for us because we will be dead, but for the generations that follow. Look around the canary is dying.
a million years from now the earth will still be here, we are not doomed, we cannot kill the earth.

the climate changes constantly, we are long over due to be much hotter of much colder.

what happened to the constant cat-5 hurricanes?
massive earthquakes?
tornados that ran for days?
the iceage that was supposed to happen?

How about this if you don't believe in global warming, believe in pollution of air, land and water. Get your brain around that.
Beautiful Beijing. I'm sure all the alt-left radical, low information wannabe globalists will be out on the streets tomorrow, angry as all hell at the pollution coming from China...

View attachment 208962 View attachment 208963 America has decreased their emissions significantly, how about China? You can't see the sun in many cities.

The world dares not point the finger at China though, too profitable to manufacture there, so they bug America their usual target when they need to blame someone for something. Of course, they conveniently love America to fund their global boondoggles as well.
Nobody denies China is an environmental basket case , but that is no excuse for inaction. China is making a major push into renewables. China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Billion on Renewable Energy by 2020
the sky is falling


we are surely doomed

this time
Evidence of the changing climate is everywhere. Being in denial will not change that.
Not denying it, just making fun of yet another claim we are all going to die.

so many predictions, so many times they have been wrong.
The reason the worse case scenario do not happen is because we take action to avoid it. Acid Rain and the Ozone Hole were contained because of action. They too had worse case scenarios. We are headed for catastrophe if we sit silently. Maybe not for us because we will be dead, but for the generations that follow. Look around the canary is dying.
a million years from now the earth will still be here, we are not doomed, we cannot kill the earth.

the climate changes constantly, we are long over due to be much hotter of much colder.

what happened to the constant cat-5 hurricanes?
massive earthquakes?
tornados that ran for days?
the iceage that was supposed to happen?

How about this if you don't believe in global warming, believe in pollution of air, land and water. Get your brain around that.
you're an idiot

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