Headed for Hothouse Earth

Beautiful Beijing. I'm sure all the alt-left globalists will be out on the streets tomorrow, angry as all hell at the pollution coming from China...

View attachment 208964
/----/ No one says we shouldn't use technology to prevent or minimize pollution. But your cap and trade agenda is to cripple the US economy with draconian measures.
Cap and Trade Primer: Eight reasons why cap and trade harms the economy and reduces jobs - IER
Cap and Trade is a conservative idea. It worked great for acid rain. We should do it again for carbon emissions.
And all this time I thought you idiots were trying to conflate this with CO2... And you still are.. carbon is very different than CO2. We already scrub our coal fired plants for carbon and other particulates so there is no need for another wealth distribution scheme...
A new study out Monday warns of the possibility of out-of-control global warming if humans fail to band together to fight the worst effects of climate change.

The analysis, conducted by researchers at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Center, among other institutions, outlines the potential for a "threshold" that, if crossed, would lead to runaway warming patterns and the advent of a "Hothouse Earth."

If such a threshold is crossed, the study warns, global average temperatures could climb as much as 8 degrees Fahrenheit above current temperatures and sea levels could rise 30 to 200 feet.

"Crossing the threshold would lead to a much higher global average temperature than any interglacial in the past 1.2 million years and to sea levels significantly higher than at any time in the Holocene," the study says.

The report is based on a review of past research of thresholds for climate change, according to USA Today.

Study warns of looming potential for runaway global warming

We are living in a critical time. Vote in November for those that believe in science and are willing to take on climate change. The science is settled and the consequences real and happening now. Throw denialists to the curb if you give a damn for the future.

Did you bother to read the paper at all?

The Abstract alone make clear it is another hyperbolic warmist nonsense.

It was a push to get a CO2 tax so they could kill our economy from the UN.. Its a bull shit piece trying to give the UN a hold on the US ..
So, UN paranoia. The picture is complete.
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Beautiful Beijing. I'm sure all the alt-left globalists will be out on the streets tomorrow, angry as all hell at the pollution coming from China...

View attachment 208964
/----/ No one says we shouldn't use technology to prevent or minimize pollution. But your cap and trade agenda is to cripple the US economy with draconian measures.
Cap and Trade Primer: Eight reasons why cap and trade harms the economy and reduces jobs - IER
Cap and Trade is a conservative idea. It worked great for acid rain. We should do it again for carbon emissions.
And all this time I thought you idiots were trying to conflate this with CO2... And you still are.. carbon is very different than CO2. We already scrub our coal fired plants for carbon and other particulates so there is no need for another wealth distribution scheme...

Geesus, I was not conflating anything only showing that cap and trade can work.
A new study out Monday warns of the possibility of out-of-control global warming if humans fail to band together to fight the worst effects of climate change.

The analysis, conducted by researchers at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Center, among other institutions, outlines the potential for a "threshold" that, if crossed, would lead to runaway warming patterns and the advent of a "Hothouse Earth."

If such a threshold is crossed, the study warns, global average temperatures could climb as much as 8 degrees Fahrenheit above current temperatures and sea levels could rise 30 to 200 feet.

"Crossing the threshold would lead to a much higher global average temperature than any interglacial in the past 1.2 million years and to sea levels significantly higher than at any time in the Holocene," the study says.

The report is based on a review of past research of thresholds for climate change, according to USA Today.

Study warns of looming potential for runaway global warming

We are living in a critical time. Vote in November for those that believe in science and are willing to take on climate change. The science is settled and the consequences real and happening now. Throw denialists to the curb if you give a damn for the future.
Lets crush the bull shit with one stomp...

Where is your mid tropospheric hot spot??

Please show it to me.. I have access to satellites and other systems that monitor the earths atmosphere. There is not a trace of this phenomenon anywhere. Without this basic premise of your CAGW lie, the whole model they used in their paper is worthless as it says there should be massive mid tropospheric warming and a hot spot...

When your model does not mirror reality who do you believe? The empirical evidence or your fucked up model?
This news will fall on deaf, egocentric ears. The grotesque over consumption indulged in by America has become, like a drug, impossible to renounce. It hasn't made the country the happy place one would think, but any change is considered going backward. In fact, proposing change is taken as an insult, as accusing the nation of being 'wrong'. In the U.S. mindset, that is unacceptable. We are, thus, condemned to follow the fat into the fire.
--------------------------------------------- Might not be the happiest but i bet that the USA is the Freest with the most toys . So then , feck the advice of those 'subjects' called Aussies ' 4eye'
Dr David Whitehouse is a bit more calm about this but he drives the point home.

Yet, it is not a research paper and contains nothing new in the way of climate science. It is a future scenario pieced together by quoting selected (cherry-picked) references with a lot of hand-waving in-between. The author’s say it’s not conclusive, and they hope it’s not going to be true. They have a responsibility to ask the question, they claim, admitting it’s extreme.
{bolding mine}

Hothouse Earth – an extremely dodgy preposition

Even the authors of the article admit its an extreme position and not based on fact. But the left wing idiots run with it... Running with sharp objects is dangerous..
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Dr David Whitehouse is a bit more calm about this but he drives the point home.

Yet, it is not a research paper and contains nothing new in the way of climate science. It is a future scenario pieced together by quoting selected (cherry-picked) references with a lot of hand-waving in-between. The author’s say it’s not conclusive, and they hope it’s not going to be true. They have a responsibility to ask the question, they claim, admitting it’s extreme.
{bolding mine}

Hothouse Earth – an extremely dodgy preposition
Read your article. The article takes issue with the concept of hothouse earth not that anthropogenic climate change is occurring. The bottom line with your own source is that it is too early to tell the consequences of climate change. You choose to throw the dice. I do not.
Dr David Whitehouse is a bit more calm about this but he drives the point home.

Yet, it is not a research paper and contains nothing new in the way of climate science. It is a future scenario pieced together by quoting selected (cherry-picked) references with a lot of hand-waving in-between. The author’s say it’s not conclusive, and they hope it’s not going to be true. They have a responsibility to ask the question, they claim, admitting it’s extreme.
{bolding mine}

Hothouse Earth – an extremely dodgy preposition
Read your article. The article takes issue with the concept of hothouse earth not that anthropogenic climate change is occurring. The bottom line with your own source is that it is too early to tell the consequences of climate change. You choose to throw the dice. I do not.
So your ok with committing suicide without a shred of evidence to prove your assertion... That sir is stupidity, no dice roll necessary.
Dr David Whitehouse is a bit more calm about this but he drives the point home.

Yet, it is not a research paper and contains nothing new in the way of climate science. It is a future scenario pieced together by quoting selected (cherry-picked) references with a lot of hand-waving in-between. The author’s say it’s not conclusive, and they hope it’s not going to be true. They have a responsibility to ask the question, they claim, admitting it’s extreme.
{bolding mine}

Hothouse Earth – an extremely dodgy preposition
Read your article. The article takes issue with the concept of hothouse earth not that anthropogenic climate change is occurring. The bottom line with your own source is that it is too early to tell the consequences of climate change. You choose to throw the dice. I do not.
So your ok with committing suicide without a shred of evidence to prove your assertion... That sir is stupidity, no dice roll necessary.
What do you mean by suicide? Is not suicide driving off the cliff not stopping before arriving at the cliff?
Dr David Whitehouse is a bit more calm about this but he drives the point home.

Yet, it is not a research paper and contains nothing new in the way of climate science. It is a future scenario pieced together by quoting selected (cherry-picked) references with a lot of hand-waving in-between. The author’s say it’s not conclusive, and they hope it’s not going to be true. They have a responsibility to ask the question, they claim, admitting it’s extreme.
{bolding mine}

Hothouse Earth – an extremely dodgy preposition
Read your article. The article takes issue with the concept of hothouse earth not that anthropogenic climate change is occurring. The bottom line with your own source is that it is too early to tell the consequences of climate change. You choose to throw the dice. I do not.
So your ok with committing suicide without a shred of evidence to prove your assertion... That sir is stupidity, no dice roll necessary.
What do you mean by suicide? Is not suicide driving off the cliff not stopping before arriving at the cliff?
Your choosing to drive off the cliff before getting the information about the bridge to be built..
Dr David Whitehouse is a bit more calm about this but he drives the point home.

Yet, it is not a research paper and contains nothing new in the way of climate science. It is a future scenario pieced together by quoting selected (cherry-picked) references with a lot of hand-waving in-between. The author’s say it’s not conclusive, and they hope it’s not going to be true. They have a responsibility to ask the question, they claim, admitting it’s extreme.
{bolding mine}

Hothouse Earth – an extremely dodgy preposition
Read your article. The article takes issue with the concept of hothouse earth not that anthropogenic climate change is occurring. The bottom line with your own source is that it is too early to tell the consequences of climate change. You choose to throw the dice. I do not.

You don't want to throw the dice, but you don't want to build more nuke plants.

Not denying it, just making fun of yet another claim we are all going to die.

so many predictions, so many times they have been wrong.
The reason the worse case scenario do not happen is because we take action to avoid it. Acid Rain and the Ozone Hole were contained because of action. They too had worse case scenarios. We are headed for catastrophe if we sit silently. Maybe not for us because we will be dead, but for the generations that follow. Look around the canary is dying.
a million years from now the earth will still be here, we are not doomed, we cannot kill the earth.

the climate changes constantly, we are long over due to be much hotter of much colder.

what happened to the constant cat-5 hurricanes?
massive earthquakes?
tornados that ran for days?
the iceage that was supposed to happen?

How about this if you don't believe in global warming, believe in pollution of air, land and water. Get your brain around that.
you're an idiot

No, I'd say you are.
I'll ask you, again, Read Before Posting Nonsense, that way you don't look such a fool
A new study out Monday warns of the possibility of out-of-control global warming if humans fail to band together to fight the worst effects of climate change.

The analysis, conducted by researchers at the Australian National University and the Stockholm Resilience Center, among other institutions, outlines the potential for a "threshold" that, if crossed, would lead to runaway warming patterns and the advent of a "Hothouse Earth."

If such a threshold is crossed, the study warns, global average temperatures could climb as much as 8 degrees Fahrenheit above current temperatures and sea levels could rise 30 to 200 feet.

"Crossing the threshold would lead to a much higher global average temperature than any interglacial in the past 1.2 million years and to sea levels significantly higher than at any time in the Holocene," the study says.

The report is based on a review of past research of thresholds for climate change, according to USA Today.

Study warns of looming potential for runaway global warming

We are living in a critical time. Vote in November for those that believe in science and are willing to take on climate change. The science is settled and the consequences real and happening now. Throw denialists to the curb if you give a damn for the future.

Sorry s0n but most people ( operative term being "most" ) dont think we can do dick about it. Of course, these same people have their feet planted firmly on the ground compared to....ahem....the rest.:113:. Actually, these same people whose feet are firmly planted on the floor find it fascinating that there are assholes walking around the planet actually believing we can flip a switch and stop nature from happening!!

For me, as I've gotten older I have come to realize that there are alot of folks out there who truly struggle with connecting the dots exercises!:aug08_031::aug08_031::aug08_031:
The climate has always been changing in some manner and to some degree. Right now the evidence says it is getting warmer and the rate of warming - already unprecedented in human history - seems to be accelerating dramatically. The possibility exists that there is a tipping point and that we are approaching it. Your contention that we are headed for an ice age is ignorant gibberish and we should treat it as such...
there are fern tree fossils north of the artic circle.

worlds still here
Let me connect one very basic dot for climate crusader assholes....

Exactly how are you going to convince 3 billion Chinese to stop building 2 coal plants/ month? Come up with that answer then we can have a chat.....otherwise, you navigate life in a bubble and most people ( that operative term again "most" :113: ) think bubble dwelling is ghey.

Chatting about CO2, the science, the ocean temps yadda yadda is nothing more than an exercise in group navel contemplation.:flirtysmile4::fu::fu:
the sky is falling


we are surely doomed

this time
Evidence of the changing climate is everywhere. Being in denial will not change that.

There has never been a time when the climate was not changing
/——/ Exactly. The funniest thing is how some claim the sea level has risen 1/4 inch. How can you measure something so large that is constantly in motion with tides and waves? It’s preposterous.
the sky is falling


we are surely doomed

this time
Evidence of the changing climate is everywhere. Being in denial will not change that.

There has never been a time when the climate was not changing
/——/ Exactly. The funniest thing is how some claim the sea level has risen 1/4 inch. How can you measure something so large that is constantly in motion with tides and waves? It’s preposterous.

I got a sense of things on a recent trip back to a SW Pacific resort. We took pictures in some of the same places and there is no discernible difference. In fact one of the ends of a particular beach had eroded out 10 years ago and they re-enforced it with sandbags. At some point ocean current brought the sand back in and buried the sandbag wall and left a 150' of beach sand in front of it.

Dr David Whitehouse is a bit more calm about this but he drives the point home.

Yet, it is not a research paper and contains nothing new in the way of climate science. It is a future scenario pieced together by quoting selected (cherry-picked) references with a lot of hand-waving in-between. The author’s say it’s not conclusive, and they hope it’s not going to be true. They have a responsibility to ask the question, they claim, admitting it’s extreme.
{bolding mine}

Hothouse Earth – an extremely dodgy preposition
Read your article. The article takes issue with the concept of hothouse earth not that anthropogenic climate change is occurring. The bottom line with your own source is that it is too early to tell the consequences of climate change. You choose to throw the dice. I do not.

John, there is NO new science in it, didn't you bother to read the abstract?

It is written as a PERSPECTIVE, which means a Point of view, nothing more.

Here is a section you missed:

"Yet, it is not a research paper and contains nothing new in the way of climate science. It is a future scenario pieced together by quoting selected (cherry-picked) references with a lot of hand-waving in-between. The author’s say it’s not conclusive, and they hope it’s not going to be true. They have a responsibility to ask the question, they claim, admitting it’s extreme."

bolding mine

The fact is that we live in an ICE HOUSE world!
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