growing Islamophobia

So Bernie supporters are the KKK ....


Hilarious from both sides.

From the Klan side, the big version of it that we know the most about, that had by far the biggest reach, was started out of a group that lynched a Jewish man, the "Knights of Mary Phagan", and then of course took on Jews as one of their targets, along with Catholics, immigrants, labor unions and later, communists.

And on Bernie Sanders' side not only is he Jewish as well but his relatives were massacred by the Nazis in Poland.

And just to add a third side, Jeremy Christian railed against Jews, as well as blacks and Muslims, pranced around giving Nazi salutes, and publicly posted "If Donald Trump is the Next Hitler then I am joining his SS to put an end to Monotheist Question. All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ's teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!!"

So he would have killed Bernie Sanders as part of his "Misanthropic Nihilism" (his term). But the Klan might have been happy to help. Just ask David Duke. If you even know who I'm talking about. If not, ask Steve McRacist.
He stated on his FB page in his own words that he voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Yeah, real reliable source too.
Must be. You were using it to claim he was a Trump supporter.

I never described him as a "Trump supporter", dear. I don't think he's an anything-supporter. In fact I noted several times that he made noises about both "joining" Rump and "killing" him --- and I always listed those together, to demonstrate his unbalanced fucked-up-with-inherent-contradictions sick mind.

Go ahead -- search my posts.
Not only that Muslims are going to Christian lands slaughtering Christians. Why are the Christians being lectured?
Because liberals like Muslims specifically for the fact that they target Christians and Jews.
Both Islam and Western Liberalism are under the influence of Satan (the god of this world).
Which do you find funny, Pogo? Liberalism or Islam? Or both?

The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection

Biblical Evidence Why The Worship of Allah is The Worship of Lucifer


"Satan". That term always cracks me up.

"Booga booga!! Scary monster!"

Cue circular reasoning retort in four......... three............ two..........

Alinsky took it serious enough to dedicate his book to him.

MudHamMud knew he was possessed by the Devil.
Muhammad’s Demon: He Originally Thought He Was Possessed

I'm sure "Jesus" cracks you up too (He "saw Satan fall to the earth like lightning" -- Luke 10:18)

But then, pearls before swine

The whole idea of anthropomorphizing things we don't understand or can't cope with into a booga-booga man called "Satan" is patently absurd. I can honestly say I've never bought that song and dance in my life. Ridiculous --- it's like monsters under the bed when the lights go out.
Two men have been killed as they tried to stop a man abusing two women who appeared to be Muslim, police in the US city of Portland say.

The abusive man turned on the two men and fatally stabbed them, police said.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations urged President Trump to speak out against increasing Islamophobia in the US.

It accused the president of exacerbating the trend with his statements and policies.

Police have identified the suspect as Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35. He has been charged with offences including aggravated murder, attempted murder, intimidation and being a felon in possession of a restricted weapon.

"Suspect was on the train and he was yelling and ranting and raving a lot of different things, including what would be characterised as hate speech or biased language," said Sgt Pete Simpson.

"In the midst of his ranting and raving, some people approached him, appeared to try to intervene with his behaviour. Some of the people that he was yelling at, they were attacked viciously by the suspect, resulting in the two deaths and one injury."

Jeremy Joseph Christian was arrested shortly after he got off the train. The two women he was abusing - one of whom was said by eyewitnesses to have been wearing a headscarf - left the scene before police could speak to them.

However one of the girls' parents later told the Oregonian newspaper that they were teenagers, one black and one Muslim.

Dyjuana Hudson said the attacker "was saying that Muslims should die."

Portland deaths: Two stabbed trying to stop anti-Muslim abuse - BBC News
When the president of the United States is a known Muslim-hater who has given several well-publicized hate speeches about Islam, then impressionable people feel they have permission to hate also and cause harm. Expect more of the same.

lol......coming from somebody who lives in the EU who has been part of the goofball culture that has let their country get invaded by Muslims!! What brilliance.........allowing one's own culture to collapse.
Not going to happen over here s0n........the vids are going to be epic when some of these people try to pull the "No-Go Zone" shit over here!! Hollywoood wont even have to make movies anymore...........
Unlike some on USMessageBoard, I do not hide where I am living. Nor does living in the European Union invalidate the obvious truth that Donald Trump has coarsened political debate in the United States. Racist American creeps can feel emboldened in the knowledge that their president would approve.

You don't think the EU should vet those entering it with the intent of stopping more of the same as Manchester?? How stupid of you.


You don't think the EU should vet those entering it with the intent of stopping more of the same as Manchester?? How stupid of you.

Damn; why didn't they?

No no no and no. Hell broke loose after US invasions....They didn't show the civilian casualties through out the occupation's of Iraq and Afghanistan because is not marketable and you didn't care about them.
Yes thousands among thousands of casualties , and countries turned into ruins , that's how the anger built up and Isis had an easy way to grow and recruit and before them Al Qaeda.
Keep lying to yourself and say that they hate us because of our of honey, the imperialism brought the worst out of that region. Not one single terrorist group was in Iraq, Syria and Lybia....after the weakening of those countries.....they made safe heavens to groups like Isis. I'm from that region and I'm telling you what went down thete. Stop eating the Bullshit.

Isis and AL qaeda wouldn't have thrived in Iraq during Saddam''s rule. The US invasions with the coalition embolded the ISIS and others...
No, that developed from the vacuum left by OBAMA because the Muslim population doesn't have the will to destroy evil in their own midst (can an evil tree bring forth good fruit?)
No no no and no. Hell broke loose after US invasions....They didn't show the civilian casualties through out the occupation's of Iraq and Afghanistan because is not marketable and you didn't care about them.
Yes thousands among thousands of casualties , and countries turned into ruins , that's how the anger built up and Isis had an easy way to grow and recruit and before them Al Qaeda.
Keep lying to yourself and say that they hate us because of our of honey, the imperialism brought the worst out of that region. Not one single terrorist group was in Iraq, Syria and Lybia....after the weakening of those countries.....they made safe heavens to groups like Isis. I'm from that region and I'm telling you what went down thete. Stop eating the Bullshit.

Isis and AL qaeda wouldn't have thrived in Iraq during Saddam''s rule. The US invasions with the coalition embolded the ISIS and others...
No, that developed from the vacuum left by OBAMA because the Muslim population doesn't have the will to destroy evil in their own midst (can an evil tree bring forth good fruit?)

Huh: Saddam had a TERROR STATE; Syria descended into a cess pit all by itself and Libya was a failed State with a lunatic as a leader. Looks to me like the disease was inherent in the patients!!

Eventually, there will have to be something like an "OPERATION RUTHLESS".....government program by popular decree.........if you are a Muslim and you hang in a radical Mosque, you are targeted for termination, which will be done covert-style in the middle of the night. Then we'll see some action out of the "moderates" but not until then. And if you are an American and non-Muslim and don't support it, you're a domestic terror guy yourself. When societal order breaks down, as it is in the UK, people end up taking matters into their own hands.....that's what is going to happen over there.........will be like resistance movements we saw in WWII. Enough of the Brits now realize their asses have been invaded.
Iraq terror state?
Remember the US backed Iraq in their war against Iran and then they went to get the oil after fabricating the WMD story.
Libya had a crazy leader, that gives us the right to go topple him and leave Isis in charge?? So the whole world thinks Trump is a joke and a threat to the world does that give anyone the right to remove him?
Syria has the US fingerprints all over it....we funded the opposition (AL nusra, Isis and the free army)
Be a man and say yes we screwed up and take part of the let's find a solution.

No no no and no. Hell broke loose after US invasions....They didn't show the civilian casualties through out the occupation's of Iraq and Afghanistan because is not marketable and you didn't care about them.
Yes thousands among thousands of casualties , and countries turned into ruins , that's how the anger built up and Isis had an easy way to grow and recruit and before them Al Qaeda.
Keep lying to yourself and say that they hate us because of our of honey, the imperialism brought the worst out of that region. Not one single terrorist group was in Iraq, Syria and Lybia....after the weakening of those countries.....they made safe heavens to groups like Isis. I'm from that region and I'm telling you what went down thete. Stop eating the Bullshit.

Isis and AL qaeda wouldn't have thrived in Iraq during Saddam''s rule. The US invasions with the coalition embolded the ISIS and others...
No, that developed from the vacuum left by OBAMA because the Muslim population doesn't have the will to destroy evil in their own midst (can an evil tree bring forth good fruit?)

Huh: Saddam had a TERROR STATE; Syria descended into a cess pit all by itself and Libya was a failed State with a lunatic as a leader. Looks to me like the disease was inherent in the patients!!

Eventually, there will have to be something like an "OPERATION RUTHLESS".....government program by popular decree.........if you are a Muslim and you hang in a radical Mosque, you are targeted for termination, which will be done covert-style in the middle of the night. Then we'll see some action out of the "moderates" but not until then. And if you are an American and non-Muslim and don't support it, you're a domestic terror guy yourself. When societal order breaks down, as it is in the UK, people end up taking matters into their own hands.....that's what is going to happen over there.........will be like resistance movements we saw in WWII. Enough of the Brits now realize their asses have been invaded.

It's all virtue signalling, teddy bears, and candle lighting. Don't panic, don't be scared, all stand united, blah blah. And a few voices in the wilderness, trying to reveal reality.

What I do think might happen. Vigilante gangs targeting Muslim communities, civil war on the Streets of Britain.
Go take your meds...
London has a Muslim mayor, Muslim policemen, Muslim firefighters, Muslim doctors, ect....
And guess what you bigot...English people are more educated to spit stupidity like you just did....those who did those acts are 0.001% of Muslims, why would put all in one basket you moron?
They voted in a Muslim mayor after all those terror attacks because they. Are not bigots like your ignorant self.
France rejected ted the racist FN to say no to bigotry too despite the terrorist acts.
Eventually, there will have to be something like an "OPERATION RUTHLESS".....government program by popular decree.........if you are a Muslim and you hang in a radical Mosque, you are targeted for termination, which will be done covert-style in the middle of the night. Then we'll see some action out of the "moderates" but not until then. And if you are an American and non-Muslim and don't support it, you're a domestic terror guy yourself. When societal order breaks down, as it is in the UK, people end up taking matters into their own hands.....that's what is going to happen over there.........will be like resistance movements we saw in WWII. Enough of the Brits now realize their asses have been invaded.
Iraq terror state?
Remember the US backed Iraq in their war against Iran and then they went to get the oil after fabricating the WMD story.
Libya had a crazy leader, that gives us the right to go topple him and leave Isis in charge?? So the whole world thinks Trump is a joke and a threat to the world does that give anyone the right to remove him?
Syria has the US fingerprints all over it....we funded the opposition (AL nusra, Isis and the free army)
Be a man and say yes we screwed up and take part of the let's find a solution.

No no no and no. Hell broke loose after US invasions....They didn't show the civilian casualties through out the occupation's of Iraq and Afghanistan because is not marketable and you didn't care about them.
Yes thousands among thousands of casualties , and countries turned into ruins , that's how the anger built up and Isis had an easy way to grow and recruit and before them Al Qaeda.
Keep lying to yourself and say that they hate us because of our of honey, the imperialism brought the worst out of that region. Not one single terrorist group was in Iraq, Syria and Lybia....after the weakening of those countries.....they made safe heavens to groups like Isis. I'm from that region and I'm telling you what went down thete. Stop eating the Bullshit.

Isis and AL qaeda wouldn't have thrived in Iraq during Saddam''s rule. The US invasions with the coalition embolded the ISIS and others...
No, that developed from the vacuum left by OBAMA because the Muslim population doesn't have the will to destroy evil in their own midst (can an evil tree bring forth good fruit?)

Huh: Saddam had a TERROR STATE; Syria descended into a cess pit all by itself and Libya was a failed State with a lunatic as a leader. Looks to me like the disease was inherent in the patients!!


PCness is ghey.

These are just they type of people ^^ who will be labeled "domestic terrorists" in the future.....the hate-America types who navigate the world in an academia inspired bubble. Nobody cares about some ghey far left theories at this point. Their theory crap 20 years behind the times. People are getting blown up daily......and they will never stop. They need to be hunted down.......aggressively so........and eliminated while they sleep.

The bubble people are the worst.......and when all the PC bullshit finally gets eradicated, these people will go from large minority to fringe.
Lol crawl back to your hole....Europeans are to civil and educated Mr red neck trigger happy.

Eventually, there will have to be something like an "OPERATION RUTHLESS".....government program by popular decree.........if you are a Muslim and you hang in a radical Mosque, you are targeted for termination, which will be done covert-style in the middle of the night. Then we'll see some action out of the "moderates" but not until then. And if you are an American and non-Muslim and don't support it, you're a domestic terror guy yourself. When societal order breaks down, as it is in the UK, people end up taking matters into their own hands.....that's what is going to happen over there.........will be like resistance movements we saw in WWII. Enough of the Brits now realize their asses have been invaded.

It's all virtue signalling, teddy bears, and candle lighting. Don't panic, don't be scared, all stand united, blah blah. And a few voices in the wilderness, trying to reveal reality.

What I do think might happen. Vigilante gangs targeting Muslim communities, civil war on the Streets of Britain.
The problem here is........mental cases like Issa truly believe that the British brought this on to themselves, thus, no biggie these people died on Saturday night. As I said.......the appeasers in Britain will invariably end up being labeled as domestic terrorists. That's how it works when your country is invaded.

Lol crawl back to your hole....Europeans are to civil and educated Mr red neck trigger happy.

Eventually, there will have to be something like an "OPERATION RUTHLESS".....government program by popular decree.........if you are a Muslim and you hang in a radical Mosque, you are targeted for termination, which will be done covert-style in the middle of the night. Then we'll see some action out of the "moderates" but not until then. And if you are an American and non-Muslim and don't support it, you're a domestic terror guy yourself. When societal order breaks down, as it is in the UK, people end up taking matters into their own hands.....that's what is going to happen over there.........will be like resistance movements we saw in WWII. Enough of the Brits now realize their asses have been invaded.

It's all virtue signalling, teddy bears, and candle lighting. Don't panic, don't be scared, all stand united, blah blah. And a few voices in the wilderness, trying to reveal reality.

What I do think might happen. Vigilante gangs targeting Muslim communities, civil war on the Streets of Britain.

Didn't understand one word of your post.
Because liberals like Muslims specifically for the fact that they target Christians and Jews.
Both Islam and Western Liberalism are under the influence of Satan (the god of this world).
Which do you find funny, Pogo? Liberalism or Islam? Or both?

The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection

Biblical Evidence Why The Worship of Allah is The Worship of Lucifer


"Satan". That term always cracks me up.

"Booga booga!! Scary monster!"

Cue circular reasoning retort in four......... three............ two..........

Alinsky took it serious enough to dedicate his book to him.

MudHamMud knew he was possessed by the Devil.
Muhammad’s Demon: He Originally Thought He Was Possessed

I'm sure "Jesus" cracks you up too (He "saw Satan fall to the earth like lightning" -- Luke 10:18)

But then, pearls before swine

The whole idea of anthropomorphizing things we don't understand or can't cope with into a booga-booga man called "Satan" is patently absurd. I can honestly say I've never bought that song and dance in my life. Ridiculous --- it's like monsters under the bed when the lights go out.
No no no and no. Hell broke loose after US invasions....They didn't show the civilian casualties through out the occupation's of Iraq and Afghanistan because is not marketable and you didn't care about them.
Yes thousands among thousands of casualties , and countries turned into ruins , that's how the anger built up and Isis had an easy way to grow and recruit and before them Al Qaeda.
Keep lying to yourself and say that they hate us because of our of honey, the imperialism brought the worst out of that region. Not one single terrorist group was in Iraq, Syria and Lybia....after the weakening of those countries.....they made safe heavens to groups like Isis. I'm from that region and I'm telling you what went down thete. Stop eating the Bullshit.

Isis and AL qaeda wouldn't have thrived in Iraq during Saddam''s rule. The US invasions with the coalition embolded the ISIS and others...
No, that developed from the vacuum left by OBAMA because the Muslim population doesn't have the will to destroy evil in their own midst (can an evil tree bring forth good fruit?)

Huh: Saddam had a TERROR STATE; Syria descended into a cess pit all by itself and Libya was a failed State with a lunatic as a leader. Looks to me like the disease was inherent in the patients!!

When we invaded Iraq we removed the keystone from the arch.
Go take your meds...
London has a Muslim mayor, Muslim policemen, Muslim firefighters, Muslim doctors, ect....
And guess what you bigot...English people are more educated to spit stupidity like you just did....those who did those acts are 0.001% of Muslims, why would put all in one basket you moron?
They voted in a Muslim mayor after all those terror attacks because they. Are not bigots like your ignorant self.
France rejected ted the racist FN to say no to bigotry too despite the terrorist acts.

So does Saudi Arabia and Iran - how's life for females and gays over there...can ya stand on a street corner and quote bible verses in Saudi Arabia? Besides, we had a Muslim president here in the US - not really, but he did once say the call to prayer was one of the 'prettiest sounds on earth'.

For someone who decries stereotyping you sure seem to indulge in it yourself. There are 300+ million Americans in America. What % of those do you think would be diagnosed with 'Islamophobia'? There are anywhere from 1.6 to 1.8 Muslims in the world - if 0.001% are violent extremists as you say they are, that's well over 1,000,000 people. That's not Islamophobia, that's math. So what are you worried about? Why not turn your attention to controlling that 'small' minority, if that's the case - stand tall and educate them about Islam if they are corrupting your religion - there's the proper target for your anger.
Go take your meds...
London has a Muslim mayor, Muslim policemen, Muslim firefighters, Muslim doctors, ect....
And guess what you bigot...English people are more educated to spit stupidity like you just did....those who did those acts are 0.001% of Muslims, why would put all in one basket you moron?
They voted in a Muslim mayor after all those terror attacks because they. Are not bigots like your ignorant self.
France rejected ted the racist FN to say no to bigotry too despite the terrorist acts.
Eventually, there will have to be something like an "OPERATION RUTHLESS".....government program by popular decree.........if you are a Muslim and you hang in a radical Mosque, you are targeted for termination, which will be done covert-style in the middle of the night. Then we'll see some action out of the "moderates" but not until then. And if you are an American and non-Muslim and don't support it, you're a domestic terror guy yourself. When societal order breaks down, as it is in the UK, people end up taking matters into their own hands.....that's what is going to happen over there.........will be like resistance movements we saw in WWII. Enough of the Brits now realize their asses have been invaded.

You have a link for the 0.0001, because this is less than the .1 you floated out earlier and didn't provide a link for. Just trying to follow your stats.
Both Islam and Western Liberalism are under the influence of Satan (the god of this world).
Which do you find funny, Pogo? Liberalism or Islam? Or both?

The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection

Biblical Evidence Why The Worship of Allah is The Worship of Lucifer


"Satan". That term always cracks me up.

"Booga booga!! Scary monster!"

Cue circular reasoning retort in four......... three............ two..........

Alinsky took it serious enough to dedicate his book to him.

MudHamMud knew he was possessed by the Devil.
Muhammad’s Demon: He Originally Thought He Was Possessed

I'm sure "Jesus" cracks you up too (He "saw Satan fall to the earth like lightning" -- Luke 10:18)

But then, pearls before swine

The whole idea of anthropomorphizing things we don't understand or can't cope with into a booga-booga man called "Satan" is patently absurd. I can honestly say I've never bought that song and dance in my life. Ridiculous --- it's like monsters under the bed when the lights go out.

One wonders how many of the "Religion X* is the personification of evil" crowd also believe in "Satan".
Seems to me it would be a prerequisite. Like a gateway drug -- once you buy the idea that "evil" is a separate thing that can be demonized into some kind of supernatural entity, all kinds of deflections are possible.

*(remembering of course that "Religion X" is equal to the sum of the scares of the other two bigots depending on era, whether Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, Knights Freaking Templar...... )

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