The federal government should have NOTHING to do with student loans

If our tax dollars are paying for the education, then the state has a duty to not waste tax dollars on a degree in Basket Weaving.
The government "engineering" education and the workforce is a recipe for disaster. Wanna leave the government out of it? Leave government the fuck out of it.
Then why do you want to fundamentally change it?
It isn't a fundamental change. The net result will be the same. Persons who are interested in furthering their training or education can still avail themselves of the funds hat are set aside to facilitate that. What would change however is that we would cut the banks and private degree mills (University of Phoenix) out of the equation if we follow the plan I laid out or something similar.
i think this is a worthwhile endeavor, but no..we don’t have a shortage of lawyers, and why should the taxpayer fund someone else’s dream of being a lawyer, and going off to make tons of money and living the good life…while the person who pays their taxes so they can go to law school has to spend his days driving a trash truck, or digging ditches, etc..
Yeah, why should the guy driving a truck sponsor college football or basketball teams. Is he going to get anything out of it?
Here’s my idea of how it should work, if it happens. There should be a LEGITIMATE study of what careers are TRULY needed. Things that can fill roles we need, that the country is truly short on. In those careers that we really need, those would be ones I think might be valid. Then, there should only be a certain amount paid for.
Okay, lets say space travel is a thing we need just for the sake of argument. So you want to fun study in that. How does the guy who digs ditches benefit from it?

He doesn't.

Thanks for destroying your own argument. A light breeze would have destroyed it to be honest.

Taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for some kid to drink and fuck his way through the first 2 years of college while he’s trying to figure out what he wants to do.
The usual lazy response.
Then, they must maintain a respectable GPA.
I can get behind that if that has to be a stipulation. There could be all sorts of reasons for failure at the GPA though. Its an average for one thing. I wanted to be a nurse when I left HS and went to college right out of high school. I did very good at all of my classes...except nursing. My GPA on the core curriculum...probably close to 3.9/4.0 territory. With my nursing classes...closer to a three.

Again, your "plan" (such as it is) hinges on an 18 y/o knowing what they want to do with their life.
Once they graduate, they are placed in a job working for the government, at a normal salary..for 10 years, to repay the gift from the government, at which point they can either choose to go private sector or remain with the government job.
Doesn't sound sustainable-- Lets say there are 200,000 graduates in 2024 who go to work for the government. Over 10 years (your figure), you'd be adding 2,000,000 government jobs??? Really? In 2034, will we need, 2,000,000 G-men working on space travel? Probably not.
You have too many people out here who never had the opportunity to go to college, for whatever reason. Even now, there are people graduating high school who don’t have parents who can afford to pay their expenses while in college, even if college is free, so they have to go straight to work after leaving college.

You also have those who are just not cut out for college.
Yeah, that is why whatever we decide to do to fix the system that we have must include both trade schools, entry points for people mid/late career, and to remove the silly stipulation that you have to be going a certain number of hours per semester.
These are the people you are asking to foot the bill so some kid can get free education, and then go out and make a good living..while the taxpayer is working for the sanitation company.
Your statement above is a tribute to your moronic tendencies.
Yeah, why should the guy driving a truck sponsor college football or basketball teams. Is he going to get anything out of it?

Okay, lets say space travel is a thing we need just for the sake of argument. So you want to fun study in that. How does the guy who digs ditches benefit from it?

He doesn't.

Thanks for destroying your own argument. A light breeze would have destroyed it to be honest.

The usual lazy response.

I can get behind that if that has to be a stipulation. There could be all sorts of reasons for failure at the GPA though. Its an average for one thing. I wanted to be a nurse when I left HS and went to college right out of high school. I did very good at all of my classes...except nursing. My GPA on the core curriculum...probably close to 3.9/4.0 territory. With my nursing classes...closer to a three.

Again, your "plan" (such as it is) hinges on an 18 y/o knowing what they want to do with their life.

Doesn't sound sustainable-- Lets say there are 200,000 graduates in 2024 who go to work for the government. Over 10 years (your figure), you'd be adding 2,000,000 government jobs??? Really? In 2034, will we need, 2,000,000 G-men working on space travel? Probably not.

Yeah, that is why whatever we decide to do to fix the system that we have must include both trade schools, entry points for people mid/late career, and to remove the silly stipulation that you have to be going a certain number of hours per semester.

Your statement above is a tribute to your moronic tendencies.

If you had read all my posts..I’ve already reversed course. After trying to compromise even just a little, I found out that you still get pushback…so, no, government shouldn’t have ANY student loan forgiveness. It’s unconstitutional and the taxpayer shouldn’t have to deal with it.
We're dancing around the more general question of the purpose of government. Referee, or coach? I suppose the most common answer is "both", but I think that's a mistake, and flies directly in the face of individual freedom. The two roles are also largely contradictory. A referee who's giving one team tips on how to win, isn't doing their job properly. They're not staying impartial.

We'd be doing ourselves a huge favor as a nation if we came to some consensus on this matter. Do we want a government that determines what the "good life" looks like, and the pushes everyone toward that goal? Or do we want a government that protects our freedom to determine and pursue our own aspirations?

Of course our current politics drive away from consensus, so we're not even asking that question, not even trying to come to an agreement. Instead, we're gonna go down swinging over trannies in bathrooms. :rolleyes:

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