growing Islamophobia

Iraq terror state?
Remember the US backed Iraq in their war against Iran and then they went to get the oil after fabricating the WMD story.
Libya had a crazy leader, that gives us the right to go topple him and leave Isis in charge?? So the whole world thinks Trump is a joke and a threat to the world does that give anyone the right to remove him?
Syria has the US fingerprints all over it....we funded the opposition (AL nusra, Isis and the free army)
Be a man and say yes we screwed up and take part of the let's find a solution.

No no no and no. Hell broke loose after US invasions....They didn't show the civilian casualties through out the occupation's of Iraq and Afghanistan because is not marketable and you didn't care about them.
Yes thousands among thousands of casualties , and countries turned into ruins , that's how the anger built up and Isis had an easy way to grow and recruit and before them Al Qaeda.
Keep lying to yourself and say that they hate us because of our of honey, the imperialism brought the worst out of that region. Not one single terrorist group was in Iraq, Syria and Lybia....after the weakening of those countries.....they made safe heavens to groups like Isis. I'm from that region and I'm telling you what went down thete. Stop eating the Bullshit.

Isis and AL qaeda wouldn't have thrived in Iraq during Saddam''s rule. The US invasions with the coalition embolded the ISIS and others...
No, that developed from the vacuum left by OBAMA because the Muslim population doesn't have the will to destroy evil in their own midst (can an evil tree bring forth good fruit?)

Huh: Saddam had a TERROR STATE; Syria descended into a cess pit all by itself and Libya was a failed State with a lunatic as a leader. Looks to me like the disease was inherent in the patients!!


PCness is ghey.

These are just they type of people ^^ who will be labeled "domestic terrorists" in the future.....the hate-America types who navigate the world in an academia inspired bubble. Nobody cares about some ghey far left theories at this point. Their theory crap 20 years behind the times. People are getting blown up daily......and they will never stop. They need to be hunted down.......aggressively so........and eliminated while they sleep.

The bubble people are the worst.......and when all the PC bullshit finally gets eradicated, these people will go from large minority to fringe.

Actually the domestic terrorists are the subhuman creatures like the one in the OP of this thread, who flip out at the sight of a black/Latino/Muslim/Jew/lefthander/whatever their bigotry is, and start slashing people's throats when they try to settle the scene into the normal condition of peace. That's what this entire thread is about, regardless where you try to deflect it to.

They're also those who gun down Sikhs at temple, gun down Indians in a bar, beat a homeless man with a pipe, bomb gay bars and women's health clinics and Olympics, murder doctors, sit in a black church and then open fire, walk into a white "liberal" church and open fire, dress up in white sheets and burn crosses, blow up buildings with a Ryder truck, desecrate Jewish gravesites and smash their beer mug in the face of a stranger for speaking Swahili. Just to name a few.

Is all that "ghey" enough for ya? Because there's plenty more.
Last edited:
Eventually, there will have to be something like an "OPERATION RUTHLESS".....government program by popular decree.........if you are a Muslim and you hang in a radical Mosque, you are targeted for termination, which will be done covert-style in the middle of the night. Then we'll see some action out of the "moderates" but not until then. And if you are an American and non-Muslim and don't support it, you're a domestic terror guy yourself. When societal order breaks down, as it is in the UK, people end up taking matters into their own hands.....that's what is going to happen over there.........will be like resistance movements we saw in WWII. Enough of the Brits now realize their asses have been invaded.

It's all virtue signalling, teddy bears, and candle lighting. Don't panic, don't be scared, all stand united, blah blah. And a few voices in the wilderness, trying to reveal reality.

What I do think might happen. Vigilante gangs targeting Muslim communities, civil war on the Streets of Britain.

That's possible. Whether Britain or elsewhere including here. And it will be born of the exact same bigotry-think that this thread incident started with.

Not a "civil" war though -- more like race riots with 'race' replaced by "religion". Could well be a low-level smoldering, like a century ago when people were getting lynched for the crime of being black.
as it is in the UK, people end up taking matters into their own hands.....that's what is going to happen over there.........will be like resistance movements we saw in WWII. Enough of the Brits now realize their asses have been invaded.

It seems Britain is too far gone.


Eventually, there will have to be something like an "OPERATION RUTHLESS".....government program by popular decree.........if you are a Muslim and you hang in a radical Mosque, you are targeted for termination, which will be done covert-style in the middle of the night. Then we'll see some action out of the "moderates" but not until then. And if you are an American and non-Muslim and don't support it, you're a domestic terror guy yourself. When societal order breaks down, as it is in the UK, people end up taking matters into their own hands.....that's what is going to happen over there.........will be like resistance movements we saw in WWII. Enough of the Brits now realize their asses have been invaded.

What a crock of overbubbling fucking arrogance. So self-absorbed that he can't see the inherent Composition Fallacy he's using as pretext for his jackboot genocide.

The problem here is........mental cases like Issa truly believe that the British brought this on to themselves, thus, no biggie these people died on Saturday night. As I said.......the appeasers in Britain will invariably end up being labeled as domestic terrorists. That's how it works when your country is invaded.

This would never happen in Britain.

If this were a Muslim anywhere in the West, there would be five threads on it already. But this is a good ole American boy; a guy who doesn't like Muslims or a lot of other folks different from him. Exercising his American right of free speech, he was ranting against this one and that one on a train in Portland Oregon last night. He turned his focus on two Muslim girls in the car, one wearing a hijab. Two guys intervened and were killed by Christian. A third is in the hospital but expected to be okay.

Crickets here. You guys are making me sick with your whining about violent liberals, playing that same video from months ago of protesters breaking windows at Berkeley. This is violence too. But it's okay to ignore and not condemn because .... why? Guy broke more than windows in his hate.


Jeremy Joseph Christian (pic from CNN--Fox hasn't put one up)
Portland police: Man yelling ‘hate speech’ on light rail stabs, kills 2 men, injures 1

He looks like Toad Nugent and Sarah Palin had a son. And he LOVED killing turkeys.
Iraq terror state?
Remember the US backed Iraq in their war against Iran and then they went to get the oil after fabricating the WMD story.
Libya had a crazy leader, that gives us the right to go topple him and leave Isis in charge?? So the whole world thinks Trump is a joke and a threat to the world does that give anyone the right to remove him?
Syria has the US fingerprints all over it....we funded the opposition (AL nusra, Isis and the free army)
Be a man and say yes we screwed up and take part of the let's find a solution.

No no no and no. Hell broke loose after US invasions....They didn't show the civilian casualties through out the occupation's of Iraq and Afghanistan because is not marketable and you didn't care about them.
Yes thousands among thousands of casualties , and countries turned into ruins , that's how the anger built up and Isis had an easy way to grow and recruit and before them Al Qaeda.
Keep lying to yourself and say that they hate us because of our of honey, the imperialism brought the worst out of that region. Not one single terrorist group was in Iraq, Syria and Lybia....after the weakening of those countries.....they made safe heavens to groups like Isis. I'm from that region and I'm telling you what went down thete. Stop eating the Bullshit.

No, that developed from the vacuum left by OBAMA because the Muslim population doesn't have the will to destroy evil in their own midst (can an evil tree bring forth good fruit?)

Huh: Saddam had a TERROR STATE; Syria descended into a cess pit all by itself and Libya was a failed State with a lunatic as a leader. Looks to me like the disease was inherent in the patients!!


PCness is ghey.

These are just they type of people ^^ who will be labeled "domestic terrorists" in the future.....the hate-America types who navigate the world in an academia inspired bubble. Nobody cares about some ghey far left theories at this point. Their theory crap 20 years behind the times. People are getting blown up daily......and they will never stop. They need to be hunted down.......aggressively so........and eliminated while they sleep.

The bubble people are the worst.......and when all the PC bullshit finally gets eradicated, these people will go from large minority to fringe.

Actually the domestic terrorists are the subhuman creatures like the one in the OP of this thread, who flip out at the sight of a black/Latino/Muslim/Jew/lefthander/whatever their bigotry is, and start slashing people's throats when they try to settle the scene into the normal condition of peace. That's what this entire thread is about, regardless where you try to deflect it to.

They're also those who gun down Sikhs at temple, gun down Indians in a bar, beat a homeless man with a pipe, bomb gay bars and women's health clinics and Olympics, murder doctors, sit in a black church and then open fire, walk into a white "liberal" church and open fire, dress up in white sheets and burn crosses, blow up buildings with a Ryder truck, desecrate Jewish gravesites and smash their beer mug in the face of a stranger for speaking Swahili. Just to name a few.

Is all that "ghey" enough for ya? Because there's plenty more.

lol........fringe theory is ghey s0n. As the body counts rise, nobody out there is worried about Jewish, Christian et. al. terrorism except the progressive k00k fringe. And that's the only thing that matters thank due time, guys like you will be considered domestic terrorists by the masses.'re gonna be housebound s0n!!! Yep........white Christian bigots like me will be dominating society because it will be the will of the people........when all the PC bullshit disappears. Progressives will need to leave this country.....or sit on the sidelines and not utter a word.
The problem here is........mental cases like Issa truly believe that the British brought this on to themselves, thus, no biggie these people died on Saturday night. As I said.......the appeasers in Britain will invariably end up being labeled as domestic terrorists. That's how it works when your country is invaded.

This would never happen in Britain. the near future, you are going to start seeing a nationalistic fervor build in Britain. You still have a substantial culture there that is starting to feel like it is going away. They are learning how fucking stoopid it was to allow mass immigration. Stoopid fuckers let themselves be invaded over there.

And the history of the world shows society descends into civil disorder, people take shit into their own this shit as it unfolds. It will end up being highly instructive to Americans.
Go take your meds...
London has a Muslim mayor, Muslim policemen, Muslim firefighters, Muslim doctors, ect....
And guess what you bigot...English people are more educated to spit stupidity like you just did....those who did those acts are 0.001% of Muslims, why would put all in one basket you moron?
They voted in a Muslim mayor after all those terror attacks because they. Are not bigots like your ignorant self.
France rejected ted the racist FN to say no to bigotry too despite the terrorist acts.

So does Saudi Arabia and Iran - how's life for females and gays over there...can ya stand on a street corner and quote bible verses in Saudi Arabia? Besides, we had a Muslim president here in the US - not really, but he did once say the call to prayer was one of the 'prettiest sounds on earth'.

For someone who decries stereotyping you sure seem to indulge in it yourself. There are 300+ million Americans in America. What % of those do you think would be diagnosed with 'Islamophobia'? There are anywhere from 1.6 to 1.8 Muslims in the world - if 0.001% are violent extremists as you say they are, that's well over 1,000,000 people. That's not Islamophobia, that's math. So what are you worried about? Why not turn your attention to controlling that 'small' minority, if that's the case - stand tall and educate them about Islam if they are corrupting your religion - there's the proper target for your anger.

But London isn't Saudi Arabia and the mayor is British not Saudi. Why make comparisons as if somehow being of a particular faith precludes any ability at democratic governance, national loyalty and values, and some how instantly pigeonholes a person as a regressive, wife beating, gay killing Misogynist.
But London isn't Saudi Arabia and the mayor is British not Saudi.

My response to Issa, who found it necessary to point out the religion of London's mayor, and some first responders, is quite in context of his post - unlike yours to me as follows.

Why make comparisons as if somehow being of a particular faith precludes any ability at democratic governance, national loyalty and values, and some how instantly pigeonholes a person as a regressive, wife beating, gay killing Misogynist.

If you read all that into my response - I suggest reading it again.
Iraq terror state?
Remember the US backed Iraq in their war against Iran and then they went to get the oil after fabricating the WMD story.
Libya had a crazy leader, that gives us the right to go topple him and leave Isis in charge?? So the whole world thinks Trump is a joke and a threat to the world does that give anyone the right to remove him?
Syria has the US fingerprints all over it....we funded the opposition (AL nusra, Isis and the free army)
Be a man and say yes we screwed up and take part of the let's find a solution.

No no no and no. Hell broke loose after US invasions....They didn't show the civilian casualties through out the occupation's of Iraq and Afghanistan because is not marketable and you didn't care about them.
Yes thousands among thousands of casualties , and countries turned into ruins , that's how the anger built up and Isis had an easy way to grow and recruit and before them Al Qaeda.
Keep lying to yourself and say that they hate us because of our of honey, the imperialism brought the worst out of that region. Not one single terrorist group was in Iraq, Syria and Lybia....after the weakening of those countries.....they made safe heavens to groups like Isis. I'm from that region and I'm telling you what went down thete. Stop eating the Bullshit.

Huh: Saddam had a TERROR STATE; Syria descended into a cess pit all by itself and Libya was a failed State with a lunatic as a leader. Looks to me like the disease was inherent in the patients!!


PCness is ghey.

These are just they type of people ^^ who will be labeled "domestic terrorists" in the future.....the hate-America types who navigate the world in an academia inspired bubble. Nobody cares about some ghey far left theories at this point. Their theory crap 20 years behind the times. People are getting blown up daily......and they will never stop. They need to be hunted down.......aggressively so........and eliminated while they sleep.

The bubble people are the worst.......and when all the PC bullshit finally gets eradicated, these people will go from large minority to fringe.

Actually the domestic terrorists are the subhuman creatures like the one in the OP of this thread, who flip out at the sight of a black/Latino/Muslim/Jew/lefthander/whatever their bigotry is, and start slashing people's throats when they try to settle the scene into the normal condition of peace. That's what this entire thread is about, regardless where you try to deflect it to.

They're also those who gun down Sikhs at temple, gun down Indians in a bar, beat a homeless man with a pipe, bomb gay bars and women's health clinics and Olympics, murder doctors, sit in a black church and then open fire, walk into a white "liberal" church and open fire, dress up in white sheets and burn crosses, blow up buildings with a Ryder truck, desecrate Jewish gravesites and smash their beer mug in the face of a stranger for speaking Swahili. Just to name a few.

Is all that "ghey" enough for ya? Because there's plenty more.

lol........fringe theory is ghey s0n. As the body counts rise, nobody out there is worried about Jewish, Christian et. al. terrorism except the progressive k00k fringe. And that's the only thing that matters thank due time, guys like you will be considered domestic terrorists by the masses.'re gonna be housebound s0n!!! Yep........white Christian bigots like me will be dominating society because it will be the will of the people........when all the PC bullshit disappears. Progressives will need to leave this country.....or sit on the sidelines and not utter a word.

Well, they had plenty of time to awaken, no?
You don't think the EU should vet those entering it with the intent of stopping more of the same as Manchester?? How stupid of you.

Not as stupid as someone who does not know that the Manchester bomber was born in England.

What's that got to do with it? He was travelling here there and everywhere.
Greg obviously thought the Manchester bomber was an immigrant. There are people like him, e.g. Donald Trump, who does not like immigrants but it is an inconvenient fact that the bomber was born and educated in England. People would help a lot by quitting the anti-immigrant and anti-Islam rhetoric.

He stemmed from immigrants. From Libya.
Oh! So the children of asylum seekers are now equated with actual refugees without understanding the culture and education of native-born English, French, Belgian, and even American citizens. I wonder, how many generations must native-born citizens go back in order to be true Americans. Plymouth Rock?
A "true american" is anyone who loves America......warts and all.
America is the most prized place to move to of any country on earth.
Iraq terror state?
Remember the US backed Iraq in their war against Iran and then they went to get the oil after fabricating the WMD story.
Libya had a crazy leader, that gives us the right to go topple him and leave Isis in charge?? So the whole world thinks Trump is a joke and a threat to the world does that give anyone the right to remove him?
Syria has the US fingerprints all over it....we funded the opposition (AL nusra, Isis and the free army)
Be a man and say yes we screwed up and take part of the let's find a solution.

No no no and no. Hell broke loose after US invasions....They didn't show the civilian casualties through out the occupation's of Iraq and Afghanistan because is not marketable and you didn't care about them.
Yes thousands among thousands of casualties , and countries turned into ruins , that's how the anger built up and Isis had an easy way to grow and recruit and before them Al Qaeda.
Keep lying to yourself and say that they hate us because of our of honey, the imperialism brought the worst out of that region. Not one single terrorist group was in Iraq, Syria and Lybia....after the weakening of those countries.....they made safe heavens to groups like Isis. I'm from that region and I'm telling you what went down thete. Stop eating the Bullshit.

Huh: Saddam had a TERROR STATE; Syria descended into a cess pit all by itself and Libya was a failed State with a lunatic as a leader. Looks to me like the disease was inherent in the patients!!


PCness is ghey.

These are just they type of people ^^ who will be labeled "domestic terrorists" in the future.....the hate-America types who navigate the world in an academia inspired bubble. Nobody cares about some ghey far left theories at this point. Their theory crap 20 years behind the times. People are getting blown up daily......and they will never stop. They need to be hunted down.......aggressively so........and eliminated while they sleep.

The bubble people are the worst.......and when all the PC bullshit finally gets eradicated, these people will go from large minority to fringe.

Actually the domestic terrorists are the subhuman creatures like the one in the OP of this thread, who flip out at the sight of a black/Latino/Muslim/Jew/lefthander/whatever their bigotry is, and start slashing people's throats when they try to settle the scene into the normal condition of peace. That's what this entire thread is about, regardless where you try to deflect it to.

They're also those who gun down Sikhs at temple, gun down Indians in a bar, beat a homeless man with a pipe, bomb gay bars and women's health clinics and Olympics, murder doctors, sit in a black church and then open fire, walk into a white "liberal" church and open fire, dress up in white sheets and burn crosses, blow up buildings with a Ryder truck, desecrate Jewish gravesites and smash their beer mug in the face of a stranger for speaking Swahili. Just to name a few.

Is all that "ghey" enough for ya? Because there's plenty more.

lol........fringe theory is ghey s0n. As the body counts rise, nobody out there is worried about Jewish, Christian et. al. terrorism except the progressive k00k fringe. And that's the only thing that matters thank due time, guys like you will be considered domestic terrorists by the masses.'re gonna be housebound s0n!!! Yep........white Christian bigots like me will be dominating society because it will be the will of the people........when all the PC bullshit disappears. Progressives will need to leave this country.....or sit on the sidelines and not utter a word.

So you're threatening to come slash my throat like your hero in the OP story? You know -- the "patriot"?

Well isn't that informative.

Go take your meds...
London has a Muslim mayor, Muslim policemen, Muslim firefighters, Muslim doctors, ect....
And guess what you bigot...English people are more educated to spit stupidity like you just did....those who did those acts are 0.001% of Muslims, why would put all in one basket you moron?
They voted in a Muslim mayor after all those terror attacks because they. Are not bigots like your ignorant self.
France rejected ted the racist FN to say no to bigotry too despite the terrorist acts.

So does Saudi Arabia and Iran - how's life for females and gays over there...can ya stand on a street corner and quote bible verses in Saudi Arabia? Besides, we had a Muslim president here in the US - not really, but he did once say the call to prayer was one of the 'prettiest sounds on earth'.

For someone who decries stereotyping you sure seem to indulge in it yourself. There are 300+ million Americans in America. What % of those do you think would be diagnosed with 'Islamophobia'? There are anywhere from 1.6 to 1.8 Muslims in the world - if 0.001% are violent extremists as you say they are, that's well over 1,000,000 people. That's not Islamophobia, that's math. So what are you worried about? Why not turn your attention to controlling that 'small' minority, if that's the case - stand tall and educate them about Islam if they are corrupting your religion - there's the proper target for your anger.

But London isn't Saudi Arabia and the mayor is British not Saudi. Why make comparisons as if somehow being of a particular faith precludes any ability at democratic governance, national loyalty and values, and some how instantly pigeonholes a person as a regressive, wife beating, gay killing Misogynist.

Lol Islam is an ideology that's like asking what precludes a national socialist the ability of democratic governance. And as already established 90%+ of the global Muslim population is anti-Semitic, homophobic, theocratic, and misogynistic. In fact a recent poll found that a full 2/3s of British Muslims would not report on a fellow Muslim for joining ISIL.
Iraq terror state?
Remember the US backed Iraq in their war against Iran and then they went to get the oil after fabricating the WMD story.
Libya had a crazy leader, that gives us the right to go topple him and leave Isis in charge?? So the whole world thinks Trump is a joke and a threat to the world does that give anyone the right to remove him?
Syria has the US fingerprints all over it....we funded the opposition (AL nusra, Isis and the free army)
Be a man and say yes we screwed up and take part of the let's find a solution.

Huh: Saddam had a TERROR STATE; Syria descended into a cess pit all by itself and Libya was a failed State with a lunatic as a leader. Looks to me like the disease was inherent in the patients!!


PCness is ghey.

These are just they type of people ^^ who will be labeled "domestic terrorists" in the future.....the hate-America types who navigate the world in an academia inspired bubble. Nobody cares about some ghey far left theories at this point. Their theory crap 20 years behind the times. People are getting blown up daily......and they will never stop. They need to be hunted down.......aggressively so........and eliminated while they sleep.

The bubble people are the worst.......and when all the PC bullshit finally gets eradicated, these people will go from large minority to fringe.

Actually the domestic terrorists are the subhuman creatures like the one in the OP of this thread, who flip out at the sight of a black/Latino/Muslim/Jew/lefthander/whatever their bigotry is, and start slashing people's throats when they try to settle the scene into the normal condition of peace. That's what this entire thread is about, regardless where you try to deflect it to.

They're also those who gun down Sikhs at temple, gun down Indians in a bar, beat a homeless man with a pipe, bomb gay bars and women's health clinics and Olympics, murder doctors, sit in a black church and then open fire, walk into a white "liberal" church and open fire, dress up in white sheets and burn crosses, blow up buildings with a Ryder truck, desecrate Jewish gravesites and smash their beer mug in the face of a stranger for speaking Swahili. Just to name a few.

Is all that "ghey" enough for ya? Because there's plenty more.

lol........fringe theory is ghey s0n. As the body counts rise, nobody out there is worried about Jewish, Christian et. al. terrorism except the progressive k00k fringe. And that's the only thing that matters thank due time, guys like you will be considered domestic terrorists by the masses.'re gonna be housebound s0n!!! Yep........white Christian bigots like me will be dominating society because it will be the will of the people........when all the PC bullshit disappears. Progressives will need to leave this country.....or sit on the sidelines and not utter a word.

So you're threatening to come slash my throat like your hero in the OP story? You know -- the "patriot"?

Well isn't that informative.


He is a hero, patriot, and freedom fighter, we need more like him.
But London isn't Saudi Arabia and the mayor is British not Saudi.

My response to Issa, who found it necessary to point out the religion of London's mayor, and some first responders, is quite in context of his post - unlike yours to me as follows.

Why make comparisons as if somehow being of a particular faith precludes any ability at democratic governance, national loyalty and values, and some how instantly pigeonholes a person as a regressive, wife beating, gay killing Misogynist.

If you read all that into my response - I suggest reading it again.

I also read what Issa was responding to. Did you?
Go take your meds...
London has a Muslim mayor, Muslim policemen, Muslim firefighters, Muslim doctors, ect....
And guess what you bigot...English people are more educated to spit stupidity like you just did....those who did those acts are 0.001% of Muslims, why would put all in one basket you moron?
They voted in a Muslim mayor after all those terror attacks because they. Are not bigots like your ignorant self.
France rejected ted the racist FN to say no to bigotry too despite the terrorist acts.

So does Saudi Arabia and Iran - how's life for females and gays over there...can ya stand on a street corner and quote bible verses in Saudi Arabia? Besides, we had a Muslim president here in the US - not really, but he did once say the call to prayer was one of the 'prettiest sounds on earth'.

For someone who decries stereotyping you sure seem to indulge in it yourself. There are 300+ million Americans in America. What % of those do you think would be diagnosed with 'Islamophobia'? There are anywhere from 1.6 to 1.8 Muslims in the world - if 0.001% are violent extremists as you say they are, that's well over 1,000,000 people. That's not Islamophobia, that's math. So what are you worried about? Why not turn your attention to controlling that 'small' minority, if that's the case - stand tall and educate them about Islam if they are corrupting your religion - there's the proper target for your anger.

But London isn't Saudi Arabia and the mayor is British not Saudi. Why make comparisons as if somehow being of a particular faith precludes any ability at democratic governance, national loyalty and values, and some how instantly pigeonholes a person as a regressive, wife beating, gay killing Misogynist.

Lol Islam is an ideology that's like asking what precludes a national socialist the ability of democratic governance. And as already established 90%+ of the global Muslim population is anti-Semitic, homophobic, theocratic, and misogynistic. In fact a recent poll found that a full 2/3s of British Muslims would not report on a fellow Muslim for joining ISIL.

And didn't actually say that.
That's what a bigot thinks....I'm a Muslim and I don't fit on your discription nor does most Muslims....stop watching FOX.
I honestly think should worry more about the orange man than terrorist at this point , he's far a bether threat than a anything else right now.
Go take your meds...
London has a Muslim mayor, Muslim policemen, Muslim firefighters, Muslim doctors, ect....
And guess what you bigot...English people are more educated to spit stupidity like you just did....those who did those acts are 0.001% of Muslims, why would put all in one basket you moron?
They voted in a Muslim mayor after all those terror attacks because they. Are not bigots like your ignorant self.
France rejected ted the racist FN to say no to bigotry too despite the terrorist acts.

So does Saudi Arabia and Iran - how's life for females and gays over there...can ya stand on a street corner and quote bible verses in Saudi Arabia? Besides, we had a Muslim president here in the US - not really, but he did once say the call to prayer was one of the 'prettiest sounds on earth'.

For someone who decries stereotyping you sure seem to indulge in it yourself. There are 300+ million Americans in America. What % of those do you think would be diagnosed with 'Islamophobia'? There are anywhere from 1.6 to 1.8 Muslims in the world - if 0.001% are violent extremists as you say they are, that's well over 1,000,000 people. That's not Islamophobia, that's math. So what are you worried about? Why not turn your attention to controlling that 'small' minority, if that's the case - stand tall and educate them about Islam if they are corrupting your religion - there's the proper target for your anger.

But London isn't Saudi Arabia and the mayor is British not Saudi. Why make comparisons as if somehow being of a particular faith precludes any ability at democratic governance, national loyalty and values, and some how instantly pigeonholes a person as a regressive, wife beating, gay killing Misogynist.

Lol Islam is an ideology that's like asking what precludes a national socialist the ability of democratic governance. And as already established 90%+ of the global Muslim population is anti-Semitic, homophobic, theocratic, and misogynistic. In fact a recent poll found that a full 2/3s of British Muslims would not report on a fellow Muslim for joining ISIL.
That's what a bigot thinks....I'm a Muslim and I don't fit on your discription nor does most Muslims....stop watching FOX.
I honestly think should worry more about the orange man than terrorist at this point , he's far a bether threat than a anything else right now.
Go take your meds...
London has a Muslim mayor, Muslim policemen, Muslim firefighters, Muslim doctors, ect....
And guess what you bigot...English people are more educated to spit stupidity like you just did....those who did those acts are 0.001% of Muslims, why would put all in one basket you moron?
They voted in a Muslim mayor after all those terror attacks because they. Are not bigots like your ignorant self.
France rejected ted the racist FN to say no to bigotry too despite the terrorist acts.

So does Saudi Arabia and Iran - how's life for females and gays over there...can ya stand on a street corner and quote bible verses in Saudi Arabia? Besides, we had a Muslim president here in the US - not really, but he did once say the call to prayer was one of the 'prettiest sounds on earth'.

For someone who decries stereotyping you sure seem to indulge in it yourself. There are 300+ million Americans in America. What % of those do you think would be diagnosed with 'Islamophobia'? There are anywhere from 1.6 to 1.8 Muslims in the world - if 0.001% are violent extremists as you say they are, that's well over 1,000,000 people. That's not Islamophobia, that's math. So what are you worried about? Why not turn your attention to controlling that 'small' minority, if that's the case - stand tall and educate them about Islam if they are corrupting your religion - there's the proper target for your anger.

But London isn't Saudi Arabia and the mayor is British not Saudi. Why make comparisons as if somehow being of a particular faith precludes any ability at democratic governance, national loyalty and values, and some how instantly pigeonholes a person as a regressive, wife beating, gay killing Misogynist.

Lol Islam is an ideology that's like asking what precludes a national socialist the ability of democratic governance. And as already established 90%+ of the global Muslim population is anti-Semitic, homophobic, theocratic, and misogynistic. In fact a recent poll found that a full 2/3s of British Muslims would not report on a fellow Muslim for joining ISIL.

Trump's an old man with zero history of violence.

On the other hand.


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