Germany rebuffs Obama

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

News from The Associated Press
Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

News from The Associated Press


Clean up your own backyard before you go looking in your neighbors.

damn nice to hear someone tell obama to get to fucking work.
Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

obama thought he was really going to be the leader of the free world!

It's a wonder no one has told him to shine Merkels's shoes.
Put in his place by Germany, bitch slapped by Putin! FINALLY obama is getting what's coming to him. Finally! And from the foreigners he adores.
Shit. Excuse me while I LMAO

Here we are 17 Trillion in debt and Barry is telling the Germans what to do??

That guys a laugh a minute.
I actually posted this in another thread earlier today. Yay for Germany.

The new Socialist French President told him to mind his own business, too. Something to the effect that Lehman Bros is not a European Bank. LOL

Bye-bye King of the World. They don't want you either. :D
Is this where I say - How typical it is for right wingers to be in full agreement with the leadership of Germany. ;)
More like a rebuff to the USA, who caused this world depression under Boooosh. Great job, Pubbies!

Where's the quote from Hollande? Link? Merkle's austerity policies are far from beloved in most of the EU.
Gotta love smart power and glass houses.

Germany's finance minister is rejecting U.S. President Barack Obama's calls on Europe to move faster in fighting its debt crisis, telling him to get the American deficit under control instead.
Wolfgang Schaeuble told public broadcaster ZDF in an interview late Sunday that "people are always very quick at giving others advice."
He says: "Mr. Obama should first of all take care of reducing the American deficit, which is higher than in the eurozone."

News from The Associated Press

Good for Germany! :clap2:
Is this where I say - How typical it is for right wingers to be in full agreement with the leadership of Germany. ;)

What advice could the Big 0 offer?

If this was a parliamentary system, he would have failed to have make a ruling majority. He has yet to get a single yes vote on one of his budgets. His party has yet to pass a budget. He's increased the debt to more than the GDP for the first time in history and he's reduced the most powerful nation in the world to a kid picked last in the game of nations.

He's a joke. His policies are ridiculous and we are the victims of his incompetence.

The Germans are right. Why should they listen to guy who has failed to achieve anything good in his own country?
More like a rebuff to the USA, who caused this world depression under Boooosh. Great job, Pubbies!

Where's the quote from Hollande? Link? Merkle's austerity policies are far from beloved in most of the EU.

That's because Germany is cutting back on the size of the checks it writes to support the freeloaders.

Sound familiar?

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