First Bin Laden Now Chavez!!


Silver Member
Sep 6, 2012
I gotta admit when I am wrong about a guy, President Obama is amazing! Responsible for taking out two of the worlds most viscious leaders! say he didn't take out Chavez? Well he didn't take out Bin Laden either and he took credit for that!!!
I gotta admit when I am wrong about a guy, President Obama is amazing! Responsible for taking out two of the worlds most viscious leaders! say he didn't take out Chavez? Well he didn't take out Bin Laden either and he took credit for that!!!

The Vice President of Venezuela said Obama did it
I gotta admit when I am wrong about a guy, President Obama is amazing! Responsible for taking out two of the worlds most viscious leaders! say he didn't take out Chavez? Well he didn't take out Bin Laden either and he took credit for that!!! you are saying when Osama Bin Laden took credit for 9/11 he was wrong.

Sorry..I don't agree.

Credit where credit is due.
Wonder if the Secret Service knows any ladies in Venezuela?...
US Officials Expected to Attend Chavez Funeral
March 06, 2013 - The United States is expected to send a delegation to Hugo Chavez's funeral later this week in a move that could send a conciliatory message to Venezuela now that its stridently anti-American leader has died.
Senior U.S. officials also said on Wednesday that Washington had no immediate plans to respond in kind to Venezuela's expulsion of two U.S. military attaches, which was announced on Tuesday by Vice President Nicolas Maduro just hours before he told the world of Chavez's death. Maduro, Chavez's chosen successor, said on Tuesday that one of the expelled U.S. diplomats tried to stir up a military plot against Chavez. He also said Chavez's cancer was an attack by Venezuela's enemies - an accusation the United States dismissed as absurd. A senior State Department official said the United States was reviewing its response to Venezuela's expulsion of the two military officials and said it had the right to reciprocate in kind but for now it would not be doing so.

The U.S. Embassy in Caracas has been without an ambassador since 2010, when Chavez rejected the U.S. appointee. That led Washington to revoke the credentials of Venezuela's ambassador. U.S. President Barack Obama issued a statement shortly after Chavez's death was announced, expressing an interest in a "constructive relationship" in the post-Chavez era. But analysts said Washington would be challenged to figure out a way to engage with Venezuelan leaders and the opposition without appearing to meddle in the South American oil-producing nation. The senior State Department official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the United States would like a "more functional" relationship with the Venezuelan government going forward.

The official said it was too early to tell how the situation would evolve but said the United States was expected to send a delegation to Chavez's funeral, which will be held on Friday. Details of who will be included in the delegation will be announced by the White House. There have been no signs of security threats in Venezuela since Chavez's death, the official said. "We have no indication right now that there is any threat to our personnel or Americans in Venezuela," the official said. "After you have the kind of broadside that Vice President Maduro launched against the United States yesterday we obviously have security concerns and will remain very vigilant."


See also:

Venezuela's Chavez Built Ties With Iran
March 06, 2013 - Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez, who died Tuesday, developed a close relationship with the leaders of Iran, despite Western sanctions on Tehran because of its controversial nuclear program. Chavez and Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmedinejad visited each other, and called themselves allies, friends and even brothers. It was a friendship that was watched closely by many countries, especially the United States.
The relationship between Iran and Venezuela began in the 1960s, in the early days of OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. But it was during Hugo Chavez’s presidency that strong ties were formed. Iran’s nuclear program was a catalyst. Iran says its nuclear aims are peaceful; the West fears it is developing weapons. In the face of international sanctions, Iran turned to Venezuela, one of its few allies, to break its diplomatic isolation, find new strategic resources, and undermine U.S. influence. “In Venezuela, the PDVSA, the national oil company of Venezuela, continues to have relations with Iran in ways that break the embargo, that is the sanctions that the United Nations has imposed because of the Iranian nuclear program,” said Christopher Sabatini, with Americas Society/Council of the Americas.

Since the 1980s, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah faction in Lebanon has expanded its operations in Latin America, primarily fundraising, through ties to the illegal trade in drugs and pirated goods. The U.S. considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization. In Latin America, Chávez’s Venezuela and other anti-American governments opened their arms to Hezbollah and Iran. “State sponsors of terrorism - Iran is included in that list. And so we are looking at how Iran is gaining influence in the Americas, through instruments of, in particular, economic power,” said Celina Reauyo, National Defense University.

The two countries also signed bilateral accords and created committees on cultural and educational cooperation. Some regional analysts saw them as another Iranian tool for gaining influence in the region. "If you recall the attacks in 1992 and 1994 on the Israeli Embassy and the Jewish cultural center [in Buenos Aires, Argentina], there had been ‘cultural’ cooperation for 10 years before the attacks. There was a cultural center run by Iranian diplomats, who were doing the same sorts of things: bilateral accords and intercultural exchanges,” said Joseph Humire, of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation. While close ties between Tehran and Caracas have been useful to both countries, with Chavez’s death, that much-watched political romance, may well be set to change, as Tehran loses a key supporter.

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I gotta admit when I am wrong about a guy, President Obama is amazing! Responsible for taking out two of the worlds most viscious leaders! say he didn't take out Chavez? Well he didn't take out Bin Laden either and he took credit for that!!!

The Vice President of Venezuela said Obama did it

Did he actually name Obama? I thought he blamed the entire country.

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