question for democrats


Active Member
Jan 21, 2012
Why do you like Obama and what he is doing?
Why do you like Obamacare?

Can't you realize yet what hard times ahead you are going to face?
Do you like J.Kerry sending The Muslim brotherhood, 250 Million.
Do you like the idea we sent Egypt millions to help the people there struggling, when our own people here are struggling?

What is it you like about this Obama and his administration?

The debt is getting higher and higher and our dollar is going to collapse. America is soon going to be Bankrupt. Is this what you people registered as Democrats want??????

I am very curious, as to your answers.
I don't care for the republicans we have now either, but I sure don't like Obama and what he is doing, and I can see ahead and I can see what Obama is up to doing.........why can't you democrats see through these things. People need to stand together, not stand with a Party affliation. We the people are all in this together whether you realize it or not.

We gave the Republicans eight years to show that their policies of low taxes and deregulation would help the country.

What we got were two discretionary wars that were paid for with tax cuts and an economic collapse the like of we haven't seen since the depression

Any other questions?
Why do you like Obama and what he is doing?
Why do you like Obamacare?

Can't you realize yet what hard times ahead you are going to face?
Do you like J.Kerry sending The Muslim brotherhood, 250 Million.
Do you like the idea we sent Egypt millions to help the people there struggling, when our own people here are struggling?

What is it you like about this Obama and his administration?

The debt is getting higher and higher and our dollar is going to collapse. America is soon going to be Bankrupt. Is this what you people registered as Democrats want??????

I am very curious, as to your answers.
I don't care for the republicans we have now either, but I sure don't like Obama and what he is doing, and I can see ahead and I can see what Obama is up to doing.........why can't you democrats see through these things. People need to stand together, not stand with a Party affliation. We the people are all in this together whether you realize it or not.

Do you have a reference on that, "America is soon going to be Bankrupt." statement?
]Why do you like Obama and what he is doing?[/B]Why do you like Obamacare?

Can't you realize yet what hard times ahead you are going to face?
Do you like J.Kerry sending The Muslim brotherhood, 250 Million.
Do you like the idea we sent Egypt millions to help the people there struggling, when our own people here are struggling?

What is it you like about this Obama and his administration?

The debt is getting higher and higher and our dollar is going to collapse. America is soon going to be Bankrupt. Is this what you people registered as Democrats want??????

I am very curious, as to your answers.
I don't care for the republicans we have now either, but I sure don't like Obama and what he is doing, and I can see ahead and I can see what Obama is up to doing.........why can't you democrats see through these things. People need to stand together, not stand with a Party affliation. We the people are all in this together whether you realize it or not.

Hey at least you ask easy questions.

And the answer is; I voted for Obama because the rethuglican party couldn't come up with any candidate better than Mitt Romney. You rethugs have brought this on yourselves. Get a better candidate and maybe you can win the WH again.

In terms of Obamacare. I already have insurance, thank you for asking. How about you?

And why would I want to "stand together" with a Rethug that wants to take away from me and give what they take to the ultra wealthy? Why would I do that? Why would YOU do that? You are not ultra wealthy.
Why do you like Obama and what he is doing?
Why do you like Obamacare?

Can't you realize yet what hard times ahead you are going to face?
Do you like J.Kerry sending The Muslim brotherhood, 250 Million.
Do you like the idea we sent Egypt millions to help the people there struggling, when our own people here are struggling?

What is it you like about this Obama and his administration?

The debt is getting higher and higher and our dollar is going to collapse. America is soon going to be Bankrupt. Is this what you people registered as Democrats want??????

I am very curious, as to your answers.
I don't care for the republicans we have now either, but I sure don't like Obama and what he is doing, and I can see ahead and I can see what Obama is up to doing.........why can't you democrats see through these things. People need to stand together, not stand with a Party affliation. We the people are all in this together whether you realize it or not.

What is it you think he IS doing? He's cut the you didn't know that. Most people don't. He's cut spending to it's lowest level in 50 fucking years.

Oh, and we're hardly anywhere near Bankrupt Captain Hyperbole.

As for the Affordable Care Act and what I like about it, here's a list:

18 Reasons the Affordable Care Act Was the Greatest Achievement for the Middle Class Since Medicare

Now, do I think the ACA could be better? Oh hell yes. The inclusion of a Public Option and some price controls would be great, but I don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
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Why do you like Obama and what he is doing?
Why do you like Obamacare?

Can't you realize yet what hard times ahead you are going to face?
Do you like J.Kerry sending The Muslim brotherhood, 250 Million.
Do you like the idea we sent Egypt millions to help the people there struggling, when our own people here are struggling?

What is it you like about this Obama and his administration?

The debt is getting higher and higher and our dollar is going to collapse. America is soon going to be Bankrupt. Is this what you people registered as Democrats want??????

I am very curious, as to your answers.
I don't care for the republicans we have now either, but I sure don't like Obama and what he is doing, and I can see ahead and I can see what Obama is up to doing.........why can't you democrats see through these things. People need to stand together, not stand with a Party affliation. We the people are all in this together whether you realize it or not.

What is it you think he IS doing? He's cut the you didn't know that. Most people don't. He's cut spending it's lowest level in 50 fucking years.

Oh, and we're hardly anywhere near Bankrupt Captain Hyperbole.

As for the Affordable Care Act and what I like about it, here's a list:

18 Reasons the Affordable Care Act Was the Greatest Achievement for the Middle Class Since Medicare

Now, do I think the ACA could be better? Oh hell yes. The inclusion of a Public Option and some price controls would be great, but I don't let perfect be the enemy of good.

Well said.

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