Feminists Outraged at Taylor Swift for Skipping Anti-Trump Women’s March

I voted 'yes' on the "Are emojis racist?" poll. lol
Swift was smart enough to stay away from folks who didn't have a clue what they were marching for.
If the haters can respond to Trump being our new leader however they want to, so can Taylor.

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. If Miley Cyrus was not given such treatment, why is it be given to Taylor?
Feminism is cancer. You got body building advertisements showing beautiful women being taken down because of "Body shaming", the FDA being pressured by feminists into releasing a drug called Flibanrsirin that's supposed to be the female equivalent to Viagra that FAILED THREE TIMES and works on 0.5% of women, men in Sweden not being able to stand up while pissing, attempting to make manspreading a crime and mansplaining a thing, demonizing anything remotely masculine, and way more.

I despise these people. I hate these people. I loathe these people with every atom making up my body. Can't we just take a large piece of unclaimed land and send all these feminists/SJW's over there and give them whatever they want. Food, technology, entertainment, whatever. Give them the resources to produce and strive. Come back a few years later and see how loving and equal they are. How much these parasites have advanced without other people to leech off of. Who is with me?
The mentality of militant feminism is you're either with them or you're against them.There is no middle ground or in my case zero fucks are given.
Remember love trumps hate .....Or something like that...... Was Kim Kardashian there? Was Beouncey there .......Paltrow missed big opportunity to peddle her latest health nonsense
The mentality of militant feminism is you're either with them or you're against them.There is no middle ground or in my case zero fucks are given.
There's pretty much very little difference between feminism and militant feminism. One thing I've noticed is the so called moderate feminists that pretty much agree with everything the militant feminists spew. They both act the same when they're protesting or bitching about the patriarchy. Only difference I've noticed is that one is more civilized and won't show their true colors when confronted one on one, but become part of the pack when embraced by the rest of the idiots.

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