Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

I don't think your anecdotal comments really address law that specifically guards against the selling off of harvested organs by professional abortionists like Planned Parenthood.
Whether you think the people that write these laws know their way around "lady parts" or not is irrelevant.
It's clear it was anticipated that the abortion industry would attempt to gain by selling off discarded fetuses. And that's just what happened.

so what if they did?

Those tissues provide valuable medical knowledge. Probably better than just throwing them in an incinerator. So it's another goofy law that doctors are ignoring.
So it's okay to ignore a law as long as it's "goofy"? If some state legislators think homosexual "marriage" is goofy, is it okay for them to refuse to perform homosexual "marriages".
Okay, so work with me here. The government sets the precedent that discarded unborn, or partially born babies body parts are now used for research so those who harvest those parts can eventually take that money to buy a Lamborghini even though profits aren't supposed to be made at Unplanned Parenthood. So here YOU are on an operating table under the Unaffordable Unhealthcare Law(Obamascare) and with your chest open, a doctor who works for the government, needs a new boat, so will trade your heart for $1,000,000 that a billionaire needs with his heartfailure. So doctor removes your heart gives it to the billionaire, and tells your family that it was just heartfailure that caused you to die. I personally would have no problem with this, as it is just another liberal who got his just deserts, but how do you feel about legalized selling of body parts when it is yours?

again, does your doctor know you are off your medications?

YOu do get that PP wasn't making any money off these tissue donations, right? Or do facts not bother you that much.
PP wasn't getting any money off the body parts of unborn children, but those were working there, were on the side selling those parts for profits. You guy on the left are just EVIL as can be, using lawyer terms to deflect the real issue. Cant wait till it is open season on you guys, for then there will be no one to save you as your cowardly politicians will be running for their bunkers in the hope we kill each other off, then they can come back to save the day. We don't forget, like you pot smoking libtards that you do. The Greenbrier - The Bunker at The Greenbrier
Carved deep into the mountainside beneath our West Virginia Wing is an emergency Cold War fallout shelter.
As typical of liberals, they only think about themselves and could care less about US in our out of the womb.
PP wasn't getting any money off the body parts of unborn children, but those were working there, were on the side selling those parts for profits. You guy on the left are just EVIL as can be, using lawyer terms to deflect the real issue. Cant wait till it is open season on you guys, for then there will be no one to save you as your cowardly politicians will be running for their bunkers in the hope we kill each other off, then they can come back to save the day. We don't forget, like you pot smoking libtards that you do.

Guy, do you realize how batshit crazy you sound. Tell you what, print it out, go to a bar and show it to 10 people. "Hey, look at this crazy shit I found on the internet."

They'll all tell you it's pretty crazy, man.
Planned parenthood is making a fortune. Enough to plan on a Lamborghini purchase. They might call it handling fees but its selling body parts.
Planned parenthood is making a fortune. Enough to plan on a Lamborghini purchase. They might call it handling fees but its selling body parts.

I think you'd have to sell a lot o body parts at $30.00 a crack before expenses to buy that Lamborghini...

I just can't get worked up about what they do with the medical waste after they are done with it.
Cant wait till it is open season on you guys
What does that even mean? :dunno:
Reclaiming REVOLUTION Van Jones and other founding members of STORM Free Download Streaming Internet Archive
A description and history of the Leftist revolutionary organization, STORM--Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement--based in Oakland, CA from 1994-2002. Organized by like-minded communist/socialist revolutionaries such as Van Jones, this "manifesto" describes tactics and strategies to promote an internationalist socialist agenda by force.
Anarchy Definition of anarchy by Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of ANARCHY1
a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order
When you vote for the guy who wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America, not once but twice, then you along with the DICTATOR are traitors to the country. Some people who voted for B.O.(stinky) were duped the first time. I am just saying that Conservatives follow the law(liberals don't) and since America still has laws , we are hoping that the country can hold itself together till 2016 elections. If America goes into <b: a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority> then since there is no law, then it will be open season on those with the Obama/Biden or Vote the Vagina bumperstickers, for they are the reason that America has gone lawless. You wanted it , you may get it, and I don't think you liberals are going to like it.
Planned parenthood is making a fortune. Enough to plan on a Lamborghini purchase. They might call it handling fees but its selling body parts.

I think you'd have to sell a lot o body parts at $30.00 a crack before expenses to buy that Lamborghini...

I just can't get worked up about what they do with the medical waste after they are done with it.
When you get free body parts to use towards your Lamborghini, when you are a non profit, and there are 33,000 abortions a month, eventually you would have enough to buy said car. Maybe we should start doing the same for crimminals and that would stop the overcrowding of jails, and repeat offenders.
When you get free body parts to use towards your Lamborghini, when you are a non profit, and there are 33,000 abortions a month, eventually you would have enough to buy said car. Maybe we should start doing the same for crimminals and that would stop the overcrowding of jails, and repeat offenders.

Okay, I think you are a little confused on the math thing here.

First, no one doctor is performing 33,000 abortions a month.

Second, while Planned Parenthood as an organization is performing that many across hundreds of clinics, probably very few of them actually produce usable tissue samples, and fewer of them still get the patient's consent.

Third- and I know that you are having a hard time grasping this- That $30.00 fee covers preservation, packaging and shipping of the sample, there's no actual "profit" being made here.

Fourth- A lot of valuable medical research is done with these tissues. Research that saves lives. remember, you guys are supposedly "Pro-Life"?
Planned Parenthood performs 33,000 abortions(2/3rd are black) a month, second if at least 3 or more are done per butcher shop, eventually you would have enough for the car. I know you libs need laymans terms to understand what is going on, and since the GOVERNMENT provides the funding for abortions, anything above this goes to the butcher. PROFITS for body parts okay, profits for a company selling goods or services to US, bad. You guys definitely are insane.
Planned Parenthood performs 33,000 abortions(2/3rd are black) a month, second if at least 3 or more are done per butcher shop, eventually you would have enough for the car. I know you libs need laymans terms to understand what is going on, and since the GOVERNMENT provides the funding for abortions, anything above this goes to the butcher. PROFITS for body parts okay, profits for a company selling goods or services to US, bad. You guys definitely are insane.

Government doesn't pay for abortions. It should. We'd be better off if they did.

Again, when you wingnuts start caring about the kids who are already here, I'll start taking your mewling about fetuses seriously.
Planned Parenthood performs 33,000 abortions(2/3rd are black) a month, second if at least 3 or more are done per butcher shop, eventually you would have enough for the car. I know you libs need laymans terms to understand what is going on, and since the GOVERNMENT provides the funding for abortions, anything above this goes to the butcher. PROFITS for body parts okay, profits for a company selling goods or services to US, bad. You guys definitely are insane.

Government doesn't pay for abortions. It should. We'd be better off if they did.

Again, when you wingnuts start caring about the kids who are already here, I'll start taking your mewling about fetuses seriously.
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos Fox News
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Maybe you believe what you say is true, but many more US citizens don't believe you or your Dictator and are moving away from the DEATH cult that is called liberalism. It is a shame that YOUR mother didn't go visit the abortion clinic when she had you. Would of been one less person to contribute to Global Warming, and the world would of been better off by 1 less person.
When you get free body parts to use towards your Lamborghini, when you are a non profit, and there are 33,000 abortions a month, eventually you would have enough to buy said car. Maybe we should start doing the same for crimminals and that would stop the overcrowding of jails, and repeat offenders.

Okay, I think you are a little confused on the math thing here.

First, no one doctor is performing 33,000 abortions a month.

Second, while Planned Parenthood as an organization is performing that many across hundreds of clinics, probably very few of them actually produce usable tissue samples, and fewer of them still get the patient's consent.

Third- and I know that you are having a hard time grasping this- That $30.00 fee covers preservation, packaging and shipping of the sample, there's no actual "profit" being made here.

Fourth- A lot of valuable medical research is done with these tissues. Research that saves lives. remember, you guys are supposedly "Pro-Life"?
PP reported more than $127 million in excess revenue for fiscal year 2013-2014. Other companies call that a profit. PP's non-abortion services are down. Something's a little fishy with your assertions.
Planned Parenthood performs 33,000 abortions(2/3rd are black) a month, second if at least 3 or more are done per butcher shop, eventually you would have enough for the car. I know you libs need laymans terms to understand what is going on, and since the GOVERNMENT provides the funding for abortions, anything above this goes to the butcher. PROFITS for body parts okay, profits for a company selling goods or services to US, bad. You guys definitely are insane.

Government doesn't pay for abortions. It should. We'd be better off if they did.

Again, when you wingnuts start caring about the kids who are already here, I'll start taking your mewling about fetuses seriously.
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos Fox News
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Maybe you believe what you say is true, but many more US citizens don't believe you or your Dictator and are moving away from the DEATH cult that is called liberalism. It is a shame that YOUR mother didn't go visit the abortion clinic when she had you. Would of been one less person to contribute to Global Warming, and the world would of been better off by 1 less person.

That was the plan all along. Can't catch them in anything illegal, but by god we can sure try them in the court of pubic opinion, in the Fauxrage Court of course. Like the boy who cried wolf, they've got to the well once too many times.........
People who rely on cable news with an agenda entertainment, whether it be Fox News or MSNBC, are lost souls who are easily fooled.
This also holds true for those who get their "news" from ideological driven web "news" sites.
Why people want to live their lives and have their opinions manipulated by propagandist is beyond me.

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