Ben Shapiro rocks..the real journalists are making monkeys of the MSM all over the place this week


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Tur Threatens to Send Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro Home in an Ambulance During Jenner Discussion"

This is great...

The big tranny had a cow and threatened to clock Shapiro for daring to point out he is genetically male. Nothing insane about that! Just good journalism! Obviously, this tranny journalist got his job just on the merits of his work!:

"Shapiro wondered, “Why are we mainstreaming delusion?” When asked why he would refer to transgenderism as “delusion.” He responded, “Because, Bruce — Caitlyn Jenner, I’ll call him Caitlyn Jenner –” Schacher then interjected, “No, it’s her, you’re not being polite to the pronouns, it’s disrespectful.”
"Shapiro responded, “Okay, forget about the disrespect, facts don’t care about your feelings. It, turns out that every chromosome, every cell in Caitlyn Jenner’s body, is male, with the exception of some of his sperm cells. … It turns out that he still has all of his male appendages. How he feels on the inside is irrelevant to the question of his biological self.”
"Oduolowu clarified his position that, “She wants to be called she, I’m going to call her she. I just have a problem with the message and the messenger.”
"Pinsky then argued that ABC did a good job getting viewers, which is the point of an awards ceremony. Pinsky continued, “In terms of the science behind gender disphoria, you’re very familiar with that, Zoey. It’s not about the…chromosomes within our nuclei.” Tur responded, “We both know chromosomes don’t necessarily mean you’re male or female.” And “you have a thing like Klinefelter’s syndrome. So, [turning to Shapiro and touching his shoulder] you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re not educated on genetics –.” Shapiro asked if the discussion was supposed to be on genetics and asked, “What are your genetics, sir?” Pinsky said to Tur, “I’d stay away from the genetics and back to the brain scans.”
"Tur then said to Shapiro, “You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.” Shapiro responded, “That seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion.” Oduolowu said that, to be fair, Shapiro was being rude, to which Shapiro answered, “I’m sorry, it’s not rude to say that someone who’s biologically a male is a male.” Tur stated, “You just called me a ‘sir.'”

Watch Tur Threatens to Send Breitbart s Ben Shapiro Home in an Ambulance During Jenner Discussion - Breitbart
Yeah, Benny the Bully, founder and president of Friends Of Hamas, a real good source you got there! :cuckoo:
Oh, I remember Ben Shapiro.

He penned a piece in 2012 at the beginning of the Democratic National Convention where he was just 1000 gazillion % sure that Bill Clinton was going to torpedo Obama during his speech, you know, the 48 speech about policy that rocked the house.

Ahhh, nutjob Ben Shapiro.

I am not surprised that you are mentioning him, KosherKKKgruel.
Ben rocks:

"While President Obama and the left like to pretend that they oppose bullying with all their hearts and souls, the truth is far darker: the left is the greatest purveyor of bullying in modern American history. Bullying has morphed into the left’s go-to tactic, as they attempt to quash their opponents through fear, threat of force, violence, and rhetorical intimidation on every major issue facing America today.
"Ben Shapiro uncovers the simple strategy used by liberals and their friends in the media: bully the living hell out of conservatives. Play the race card, the class card, the sexism card. Use any and every means at your disposal to demonize your opposition—to shut them up. Then pretend that such bullying is justified, because, after all, conservatives are the true bullies, and need to be taught a lesson for their intolerance. Hidden beneath the left’s supposed hatred of bullying lies a passionate love of its vulgar tactics.
"The left has created a climate of fear wherein ordinary Americans must abandon their principles, back abhorrent causes, and remain silent. They believe America is a force for evil, that our military is composed of war criminals, and that patriotism is the deepest form of treason. They incite riots and threaten violence by playing the race card, then claim they’re advocates for tolerance. Disagree with Obama? You must be a racist. They send out union thugs and Occupy Wall Street anarchists to destroy businesses and redistribute the wealth of earners and job creators. No target is off limits as liberal feminists declare war against stay-at-home moms, and gay activists out their enemies, destroy careers, and desecrate personal privacy."

Write up of his book.

Bullies How the Left s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans Ben Shapiro -
These are the most despicable people in America, bullying their opponents while claiming to be the victims. Shapiro takes on the leftist bullies, exposes their hypocrisy, and offers conservatives a reality check in the face of what has become the gravest threat to American liberty: the left’s single-minded focus on ending political debate through bully tactics.
"Tur Threatens to Send Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro Home in an Ambulance During Jenner Discussion"

This is great...

The big tranny had a cow and threatened to clock Shapiro for daring to point out he is genetically male. Nothing insane about that! Just good journalism! Obviously, this tranny journalist got his job just on the merits of his work!:

"Shapiro wondered, “Why are we mainstreaming delusion?” When asked why he would refer to transgenderism as “delusion.” He responded, “Because, Bruce — Caitlyn Jenner, I’ll call him Caitlyn Jenner –” Schacher then interjected, “No, it’s her, you’re not being polite to the pronouns, it’s disrespectful.”
"Shapiro responded, “Okay, forget about the disrespect, facts don’t care about your feelings. It, turns out that every chromosome, every cell in Caitlyn Jenner’s body, is male, with the exception of some of his sperm cells. … It turns out that he still has all of his male appendages. How he feels on the inside is irrelevant to the question of his biological self.”
"Oduolowu clarified his position that, “She wants to be called she, I’m going to call her she. I just have a problem with the message and the messenger.”
"Pinsky then argued that ABC did a good job getting viewers, which is the point of an awards ceremony. Pinsky continued, “In terms of the science behind gender disphoria, you’re very familiar with that, Zoey. It’s not about the…chromosomes within our nuclei.” Tur responded, “We both know chromosomes don’t necessarily mean you’re male or female.” And “you have a thing like Klinefelter’s syndrome. So, [turning to Shapiro and touching his shoulder] you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re not educated on genetics –.” Shapiro asked if the discussion was supposed to be on genetics and asked, “What are your genetics, sir?” Pinsky said to Tur, “I’d stay away from the genetics and back to the brain scans.”
"Tur then said to Shapiro, “You cut that out now, or you’ll go home in an ambulance.” Shapiro responded, “That seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion.” Oduolowu said that, to be fair, Shapiro was being rude, to which Shapiro answered, “I’m sorry, it’s not rude to say that someone who’s biologically a male is a male.” Tur stated, “You just called me a ‘sir.'”

Watch Tur Threatens to Send Breitbart s Ben Shapiro Home in an Ambulance During Jenner Discussion - Breitbart

Well......Shapiro was correct.What's the issue here?
I remember when we called him "The Virgin Ben", being he bragged about his virgin status. And then lectured the dirty whores about abortion.

He since got married, so he's presumably not The Virgin Ben any more. He's now just a professional wingnut welfare case. He's never held a real job in his life, which makes him a role model for many conservatives.
I remember when we called him "The Virgin Ben", being he bragged about his virgin status. And then lectured the dirty whores about abortion.

He since got married, so he's presumably not The Virgin Ben any more. He's now just a professional wingnut welfare case. He's never held a real job in his life, which makes him a role model for many conservatives.

But he was 100% correct, your comment doesn't refute that

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