Carly Fiorina’s Planned-Parenthood Distortions Get Worse


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
HOW LOW CAN YOU GO. :coffee:
Carly Fiorina’s Planned-Parenthood Distortions Get Worse
At the Republican debate last week, Carly Fiorina delivered what right-wing pundits deemed “the most affecting moment” of the night: a grisly description of undercover videos taken by anti-abortion activists during a sting operation against Planned Parenthood. “Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain,’” Fiorina said, blinking forcefully with each syllable.

It was a stunning, visceral narration, one that helped boost Fiorina to second place in the polls—and a false one. Nothing in the 12 hours of tape edited and released by the Center for Medical Progress shows what Fiorina said it does. What Fiorina was referring to, presumably, was a clip of a woman who claimed to have seenan aborted fetus with a beating heart and talked about “procur[ing] brains”; CMP overlaid the interview with gory stock footage. But Fiorina has been adamant that she’s “seen the images” she referred to in the debate; the most charitable interpretation is that she was duped by CMP’s misleading editing. Asked on Sunday whether she acknowledged that the footage doesn’t exist, Fiorina responded, “No, I don’t accept it at all. This argument is about whether or not we as a nation are going to stand by while taxpayer money is being used to fund this kind of butchery.”

Since it’s not actually possible to watch the footage Fiorina described, the PAC supporting her recently tried to create it. A heavily-edited one-minute video posted to YouTube on Saturday and emailed to her supporters contains clips of Fiorina at the debate, interspersed with images and audio cobbled together from a variety of sources. There’s an image that seems to be a fetus with its limbs moving, but it’s not from Planned Parenthood; it’s from the Grantham Collection and Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, two anti-abortion groups known for creating misleading graphics. The audio, meanwhile, was taken from an unrelated clip from CMP. The video then cuts to an image of a stillborn baby that again has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood, and was used without the permission of the parent.
"It was a stunning, visceral narration, one that helped boost Fiorina to second place in the polls—and a false one. Nothing in the 12 hours of tape edited and released by the Center for Medical Progress shows what Fiorina said it does."

Fiorina adheres to the conservative credo: repeat a lie often enough in the hope it's perceived to be 'true.'
She is nothing but theatrics.
This was the funniest part:
"There’s an image that seems to be a fetus with its limbs moving, but it’s not from Planned Parenthood; it’s from the Grantham Collection and Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, two anti-abortion groups known for creating misleading graphics. The audio, meanwhile, was taken from an unrelated clip from CMP. The video then cuts to an image of a stillborn baby that again has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood, and was used without the permission of the parent."
So desperate.
HOW LOW CAN YOU GO. :coffee:
Carly Fiorina’s Planned-Parenthood Distortions Get Worse
At the Republican debate last week, Carly Fiorina delivered what right-wing pundits deemed “the most affecting moment” of the night: a grisly description of undercover videos taken by anti-abortion activists during a sting operation against Planned Parenthood. “Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain,’” Fiorina said, blinking forcefully with each syllable.

It was a stunning, visceral narration, one that helped boost Fiorina to second place in the polls—and a false one. Nothing in the 12 hours of tape edited and released by the Center for Medical Progress shows what Fiorina said it does. What Fiorina was referring to, presumably, was a clip of a woman who claimed to have seenan aborted fetus with a beating heart and talked about “procur[ing] brains”; CMP overlaid the interview with gory stock footage. But Fiorina has been adamant that she’s “seen the images” she referred to in the debate; the most charitable interpretation is that she was duped by CMP’s misleading editing. Asked on Sunday whether she acknowledged that the footage doesn’t exist, Fiorina responded, “No, I don’t accept it at all. This argument is about whether or not we as a nation are going to stand by while taxpayer money is being used to fund this kind of butchery.”

Since it’s not actually possible to watch the footage Fiorina described, the PAC supporting her recently tried to create it. A heavily-edited one-minute video posted to YouTube on Saturday and emailed to her supporters contains clips of Fiorina at the debate, interspersed with images and audio cobbled together from a variety of sources. There’s an image that seems to be a fetus with its limbs moving, but it’s not from Planned Parenthood; it’s from the Grantham Collection and Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, two anti-abortion groups known for creating misleading graphics. The audio, meanwhile, was taken from an unrelated clip from CMP. The video then cuts to an image of a stillborn baby that again has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood, and was used without the permission of the parent.

What part don't you believe? That the baby was born alive or that PP harvested the organs?

Babies have survived at 20 weeks. We know that PP prefers women to wait at least 20 weeks before aborting because they want those organs somewhat developed. Libs don't object to women waiting even longer even when it's not an abortion for the health of the mother. We also know that PP does indeed harvest the organs. I wish you guys could see footage, not that it would phase you.

Babies that look like this one are aborted every day. It's no wonder the one lady doctor in the PP videos has dead looking eyes. How can people be so matter of fact about destroying these babies, er I mean fetuses?

This baby was born at 20 weeks under rough conditions away from a hospital and is still alive.
Baby born 4 months premature on cruise ship wins race against time to survive

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HOW LOW CAN YOU GO. :coffee:
Carly Fiorina’s Planned-Parenthood Distortions Get Worse
At the Republican debate last week, Carly Fiorina delivered what right-wing pundits deemed “the most affecting moment” of the night: a grisly description of undercover videos taken by anti-abortion activists during a sting operation against Planned Parenthood. “Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain,’” Fiorina said, blinking forcefully with each syllable.

It was a stunning, visceral narration, one that helped boost Fiorina to second place in the polls—and a false one. Nothing in the 12 hours of tape edited and released by the Center for Medical Progress shows what Fiorina said it does. What Fiorina was referring to, presumably, was a clip of a woman who claimed to have seenan aborted fetus with a beating heart and talked about “procur[ing] brains”; CMP overlaid the interview with gory stock footage. But Fiorina has been adamant that she’s “seen the images” she referred to in the debate; the most charitable interpretation is that she was duped by CMP’s misleading editing. Asked on Sunday whether she acknowledged that the footage doesn’t exist, Fiorina responded, “No, I don’t accept it at all. This argument is about whether or not we as a nation are going to stand by while taxpayer money is being used to fund this kind of butchery.”

Since it’s not actually possible to watch the footage Fiorina described, the PAC supporting her recently tried to create it. A heavily-edited one-minute video posted to YouTube on Saturday and emailed to her supporters contains clips of Fiorina at the debate, interspersed with images and audio cobbled together from a variety of sources. There’s an image that seems to be a fetus with its limbs moving, but it’s not from Planned Parenthood; it’s from the Grantham Collection and Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, two anti-abortion groups known for creating misleading graphics. The audio, meanwhile, was taken from an unrelated clip from CMP. The video then cuts to an image of a stillborn baby that again has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood, and was used without the permission of the parent.

What part don't you believe? That the baby was born alive or that PP harvested the organs?

Babies have survived at 20 weeks. We know many abort them at 20 weeks and that PP does indeed harvest the organs. I wish you guys could see footage, not that it would phase you.

This baby was born at 20 weeks under rough conditions away from a hospital and is still alive.
Baby born 4 months premature on cruise ship wins race against time to survive
" That the baby was born alive or that PP harvested the organs?"

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