Drive-By Media Defend Planned Parenthood Debacle

Cant wait till it is open season on you guys
What does that even mean? :dunno:
Reclaiming REVOLUTION Van Jones and other founding members of STORM Free Download Streaming Internet Archive
A description and history of the Leftist revolutionary organization, STORM--Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement--based in Oakland, CA from 1994-2002. Organized by like-minded communist/socialist revolutionaries such as Van Jones, this "manifesto" describes tactics and strategies to promote an internationalist socialist agenda by force.
Anarchy Definition of anarchy by Merriam-Webster
Full Definition of ANARCHY1
a : absence of government
b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order
When you vote for the guy who wants to "FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM" America, not once but twice, then you along with the DICTATOR are traitors to the country. Some people who voted for B.O.(stinky) were duped the first time. I am just saying that Conservatives follow the law(liberals don't) and since America still has laws , we are hoping that the country can hold itself together till 2016 elections. If America goes into <b: a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority> then since there is no law, then it will be open season on those with the Obama/Biden or Vote the Vagina bumperstickers, for they are the reason that America has gone lawless. You wanted it , you may get it, and I don't think you liberals are going to like it.
I still don't get it? :dunno: Are you saying a radical organization which disbanded more than a decade ago is going to start a revolution? And of what "absence of government authority" are you delusional about?
Planned Parenthood performs 33,000 abortions(2/3rd are black) a month, second if at least 3 or more are done per butcher shop, eventually you would have enough for the car. I know you libs need laymans terms to understand what is going on, and since the GOVERNMENT provides the funding for abortions, anything above this goes to the butcher. PROFITS for body parts okay, profits for a company selling goods or services to US, bad. You guys definitely are insane.

Government doesn't pay for abortions. It should. We'd be better off if they did.

Again, when you wingnuts start caring about the kids who are already here, I'll start taking your mewling about fetuses seriously.
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos Fox News
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Maybe you believe what you say is true, but many more US citizens don't believe you or your Dictator and are moving away from the DEATH cult that is called liberalism. It is a shame that YOUR mother didn't go visit the abortion clinic when she had you. Would of been one less person to contribute to Global Warming, and the world would of been better off by 1 less person.
Cracks me up when an pro-lifer promotes abortion.

Planned Parenthood performs 33,000 abortions(2/3rd are black) a month, second if at least 3 or more are done per butcher shop, eventually you would have enough for the car. I know you libs need laymans terms to understand what is going on, and since the GOVERNMENT provides the funding for abortions, anything above this goes to the butcher. PROFITS for body parts okay, profits for a company selling goods or services to US, bad. You guys definitely are insane.

Government doesn't pay for abortions. It should. We'd be better off if they did.

Again, when you wingnuts start caring about the kids who are already here, I'll start taking your mewling about fetuses seriously.
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos Fox News
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Maybe you believe what you say is true, but many more US citizens don't believe you or your Dictator and are moving away from the DEATH cult that is called liberalism. It is a shame that YOUR mother didn't go visit the abortion clinic when she had you. Would of been one less person to contribute to Global Warming, and the world would of been better off by 1 less person.
Cracks me up when an pro-lifer promotes abortion.

1st Van Jones is still harping on MSN and Obama is doing his best to bring riots to the street.
2nd I believe in abortion only if it is done to the violent FELONS who have destroyed the rights of others. ABORT AWAY, they had their chance, now let the unborn have a try.
Technician details harvesting fetal parts for Planned Parenthood in latest video Fox News
A technician who said she worked for a company that partnered with Planned Parenthood to harvest fetal tissue said there’s “incentive to try and get the hard stuff ‘cause you’re going to get more money,” in the latest undercover video targeting Planned Parenthood.
You guys lied that the only stuff used for research was just tissue. But to get that tissue from viable body parts, that "BABY" had to be formed, and has a brain , heart and other body parts that were for sale. You liberals are just plain EVIL. I hope you get yours when the time comes. What goes around , comes around.
When you get free body parts to use towards your Lamborghini, when you are a non profit, and there are 33,000 abortions a month, eventually you would have enough to buy said car. Maybe we should start doing the same for crimminals and that would stop the overcrowding of jails, and repeat offenders.

Okay, I think you are a little confused on the math thing here.

First, no one doctor is performing 33,000 abortions a month.

Second, while Planned Parenthood as an organization is performing that many across hundreds of clinics, probably very few of them actually produce usable tissue samples, and fewer of them still get the patient's consent.

Third- and I know that you are having a hard time grasping this- That $30.00 fee covers preservation, packaging and shipping of the sample, there's no actual "profit" being made here.

Fourth- A lot of valuable medical research is done with these tissues. Research that saves lives. remember, you guys are supposedly "Pro-Life"?

Those people are a lot of things but "pro life" most certainly isn't one of them.
Planned Parenthood performs 33,000 abortions(2/3rd are black) a month, second if at least 3 or more are done per butcher shop, eventually you would have enough for the car. I know you libs need laymans terms to understand what is going on, and since the GOVERNMENT provides the funding for abortions, anything above this goes to the butcher. PROFITS for body parts okay, profits for a company selling goods or services to US, bad. You guys definitely are insane.

Government doesn't pay for abortions. It should. We'd be better off if they did.

Again, when you wingnuts start caring about the kids who are already here, I'll start taking your mewling about fetuses seriously.
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos Fox News
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Maybe you believe what you say is true, but many more US citizens don't believe you or your Dictator and are moving away from the DEATH cult that is called liberalism. It is a shame that YOUR mother didn't go visit the abortion clinic when she had you. Would of been one less person to contribute to Global Warming, and the world would of been better off by 1 less person.
Cracks me up when an pro-lifer promotes abortion.

1st Van Jones is still harping on MSN and Obama is doing his best to bring riots to the street.
2nd I believe in abortion only if it is done to the violent FELONS who have destroyed the rights of others. ABORT AWAY, they had their chance, now let the unborn have a try.
You intimated there is going to be a revolution. Riots are not revolutions and NBC is not starting one nor is Van Jones. So where is this revolution of yours? :dunno:
I guess , since you are a liberal, you cant see the signs , probably because you went for public education. So since you are a low information voter, I will not attempt to enlighten you, as it is almost impossible to break the goose stepping, kool aid drinking, mind numbed, useful idiot's, brainwashing(funny, I still don't believe a liberal has a brain to wash). 402899_433503620018883_546469229_n.jpg
I guess , since you are a liberal, you cant see the signs , probably because you went for public education. So since you are a low information voter, I will not attempt to enlighten you, as it is almost impossible to break the goose stepping, kool aid drinking, mind numbed, useful idiot's, brainwashing(funny, I still don't believe a liberal has a brain to wash).

Wow, guy, you've managed to repeat everything you've heard on Hate Radio, and I'll bet somewhere you even think it's an original thought.
this is HOW they (PP) go and threaten people in the country. I'm glad they got them out


Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos
Jul. 28, 2015 7:20pm Oliver Darcy

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A regional branch of Planned Parenthood warned reporters in a new letter Monday against airing recent sting videos released by a group which purport to show the abortion provider’s employees discussing the sell of aborted fetus parts.

KVLY-TV in North Dakota published the letter from Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota.

“CMP has used footage obtained through deceit and unlawful behavior, including possible violations of state recording laws, federal tax laws and falsified state identification. Then, they concoct wildly false stories through selective editing,” the letter alleged.

all of it here:
Read the Letter Planned Parenthood Sent News Outlets Warning Them Not to Air Undercover Videos
Um, yeah. CMP broke the law by filming people without their consent.

Airing those tapes is also a violation of the law.
Buying and Selling Organs for Transplantation in the US: National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 (NOTA) Bans Buying and Selling
As long as a liberal breaks the law(I did not have sexual relations with that woman, lying under oath) it is okay, but when they are caught breaking the law , even when it takes breaking the law by the right, then all bets are off, from those liberals. Without "DOUBLE STANDARDS", liberals would have no standards at all. EVIL, just look at your local liberal. When the Rules are used against liberals, they get very upset, run off, and call you names.
Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Planned Parenthood performs 33,000 abortions(2/3rd are black) a month, second if at least 3 or more are done per butcher shop, eventually you would have enough for the car. I know you libs need laymans terms to understand what is going on, and since the GOVERNMENT provides the funding for abortions, anything above this goes to the butcher. PROFITS for body parts okay, profits for a company selling goods or services to US, bad. You guys definitely are insane.

Government doesn't pay for abortions. It should. We'd be better off if they did.

Again, when you wingnuts start caring about the kids who are already here, I'll start taking your mewling about fetuses seriously.
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos Fox News
Senator introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood amid outrage over videos
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job -
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Maybe you believe what you say is true, but many more US citizens don't believe you or your Dictator and are moving away from the DEATH cult that is called liberalism. It is a shame that YOUR mother didn't go visit the abortion clinic when she had you. Would of been one less person to contribute to Global Warming, and the world would of been better off by 1 less person.
Cracks me up when an pro-lifer promotes abortion.

1st Van Jones is still harping on MSN and Obama is doing his best to bring riots to the street.
2nd I believe in abortion only if it is done to the violent FELONS who have destroyed the rights of others. ABORT AWAY, they had their chance, now let the unborn have a try.
You intimated there is going to be a revolution. Riots are not revolutions and NBC is not starting one nor is Van Jones. So where is this revolution of yours? :dunno:
You guys on the left always use the word "IF" when it comes to Global Warming. So here is some information about a REVOLUTION, that could possibly happen. What "IF" it does come true, there wont be an America there to come to our rescue, because it will be the DICTATOR that will be killing US. Is revolution brewing in America
Many predict that there will be rioting in the streets of America too and that may be the reason the U.S. government is building detention camps all over the states and more are expected.

Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., has introduced to the House of Representatives a new bill, H.R. 645, calling for the secretary of homeland security to establish no fewer than six national emergency centers for corralling civilians on military installations.
Maybe it wont happen, but what "IF" it does. Some people are saying that millions will die, and if you think you liberals will be immune, that just shows how ignorant you really are.
Considering the whole PP fantasy story has been debunked and the only ones who still believe the BS are the very, very easily manipulated, it should be ignored.
Oh and by the way, I'm basically pro-life.

wow, the postings of a snob. You liberals are insufferable you just believe you have all the answers. and everyone concerned over this is beneath you. what do you care about dead babies
Considering the whole PP fantasy story has been debunked and the only ones who still believe the BS are the very, very easily manipulated, it should be ignored.
Oh and by the way, I'm basically pro-life.

wow, the postings of a snob. You liberals are insufferable you just believe you have all the answers. and everyone concerned over this is beneath you. what do you care about dead babies
How do you know a LIBERAL is LYING? His/her/it's mouth is open. Let me give you concerned citizens something to think about how far the left is willing to go. HB 1274 - Death penalty guillotine provisions
to provide for death by guillotine;

1- 8 The General Assembly finds that while prisoners condemned to
1- 9 death may wish to donate one or more of their organs for
1-10 transplant, any such desire is thwarted by the fact that
1-11 electrocution makes all such organs unsuitable for
1-12 transplant. The intent of the General Assembly in enacting
1-13 this legislation is to provide for a method of execution
1-14 which is compatible with the donation of organs by a
1-15 condemned prisoner.
We see liberals selling body parts of unborn/born infants for profit. You can bet that liberals would sell body parts of adults also, if they can get away with it. Bill Clinton was president when this bill went through in Georgia, and it seems that not much was heard about it. Better make sure on your drivers license it isn't checked "DONOR".
As long as a liberal breaks the law(I did not have sexual relations with that woman, lying under oath) it is okay, but when they are caught breaking the law , even when it takes breaking the law by the right, then all bets are off, from those liberals. Without "DOUBLE STANDARDS", liberals would have no standards at all. EVIL, just look at your local liberal. When the Rules are used against liberals, they get very upset, run off, and call you names.

Saul Alinsky's Zombie is hiding in your closet. It's going to be really disappointed when he finds out you don't have any brains to eat.

Again, PP didn't break any laws. The transport and transfer of biological samples are strictly regulated.

CMP filed a fraudelant tax filing saying they were a charity, and filmed people without their consent. Those ARE violations of laws.
As long as a liberal breaks the law(I did not have sexual relations with that woman, lying under oath) it is okay, but when they are caught breaking the law , even when it takes breaking the law by the right, then all bets are off, from those liberals. Without "DOUBLE STANDARDS", liberals would have no standards at all. EVIL, just look at your local liberal. When the Rules are used against liberals, they get very upset, run off, and call you names.

Saul Alinsky's Zombie is hiding in your closet. It's going to be really disappointed when he finds out you don't have any brains to eat.

Again, PP didn't break any laws. The transport and transfer of biological samples are strictly regulated.

CMP filed a fraudelant tax filing saying they were a charity, and filmed people without their consent. Those ARE violations of laws.
Again the selling of body parts, by "LAW", that you liberal break all the time, will have those who committed the crimes put in jail. It is just a matter of time. You can bet on that.
Again the selling of body parts, by "LAW", that you liberal break all the time, will have those who committed the crimes put in jail. It is just a matter of time. You can bet on that.

Uh, no, not really. I am sure that when these things are investigated, you will find every bit of paperwork that is required to be filled out was filled out.

You all don't really have a case here, other than a few snippets of conversation taken out of context.

Republicans are backing away from their "Defund Planned Parenthood" stance. Mark Kirk (RINO-IL) announced today he won't back it.
Jimmy Kimmel Speaks Out on the Killing of Cecil the Lion - Speakeasy - WSJ
Jimmy Kimmel Speaks Out on the Killing of Cecil the Lion
Liberal outrage.
Vile This Jimmy Kimmel endorsement of Lena Dunham and incest and abuse is beyond enraging Twitchy
Vile: This Jimmy Kimmel endorsement of Lena Dunham and ‘incest and abuse’ is beyond enraging
Liberal hypocrisy. I tried to find if Jimmy spoke out against the killing of unborn and born children with the BODY PARTS being sold off for profits. Nothing found except Lena Dunham child molestation.
Buying and Selling Organs for Transplantation in the US: National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 (NOTA) Bans Buying and Selling
You libtards are the dumbest people on this planet, who THINK they are smart. That is why Obama got elected not once but twice.
A spin around the net finds pretty much the same defense of Deborah Nucatola playing Hannibal Lector while stuffing her face with salad and wine....."HEAVILY AND SELECTIVELY EDITED ATTACK BY ANTI-ABORTION GROUP", "WAR ON WOMEN", "GOP HATES THE POOR" etc. They are also telling their viewers to "see the whole 2 hours of tape; you'll see how misleading the one-minute version is" as if any of their ilk will be able to even find the video much less watch it. But what they can't brush off or hide are the ghastly images of this butcher and her cavalier attitude about crushing and slicing up a "17-weeker":




So basically, you're fundamentally opposed to taking the time to watch the whole video or read the transcript - because you're lazy, or stupid, or both?

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