Democrats THAT HAVE OBVIOUSLY NEVER READ the Constitution. Whats Wrong With The CBC!?


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011

It is obvious THAT NONE of these Democrats have ever read the U.S. Constitution!!

Here Represenative John Lewis claims that there is a "life, libery, and the pursuit of happiness" clause in the constitution. >> Rep. John Lewis Cites ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ as Justification for Health Care Mandate | The Blaze

Here Sheila Jackson Lee holds up her copy of the Constitution as she claims how dear it is to her and claims that repealing Obamacare vilates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. At the end SHE ALSO CLAIMS that the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is in the Preamble of the constitution. Whats worse? She graduated from the University of Virgina Law school and ran for three judgeships. She also graduated from Yale with a degree in Political Science. Morover SHE IS ON THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE!


Here John Conyers, who is also the former CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE with a LAW DEGREE, claims that the Constitution has a "Good and Welfare" clause wich gives them the authority to force people to buy health insurance.
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I think you answered your question in the title of the thread. They havent read the Constitution.

It is obvious THAT NONE of these Democrats have ever read the U.S. Constitution!!

Here Represenative John Lewis claims that there is a "life, libery, and the pursuit of happiness" clause in the constitution. >> Rep. John Lewis Cites ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ as Justification for Health Care Mandate | The Blaze

Here Sheila Jackson Lee holds up her copy of the Constitution as she claims how dear it is to her and claims that repealing Obamacare vilates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. At the end SHE ALSO CLAIMS that the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is in the Preamble of the constitution. Whats worse? She graduated from the University of Virgina Law school and ran for three judgeships. She also graduated from Yale with a degree in Political Science. Morover SHE IS ON THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE!

Here John Conyers, who is also the former CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE with a LAW DEGREE, claims that the Constitution has a "Good and Welfare" clause wich gives them the authority to force people to buy health insurance.

They are indeed wrong...but they may have gotten the idea about the Dec of Ind quotes being in the Constitution from Rush Limbaugh who a few months ago was making the same assertions.
The Democrats are known for commenting on documents they never bother to read. Look at their last four years running our Congress. How many of them really read their own Legislation? So this stuff never surprises me.

It is obvious THAT NONE of these Democrats have ever read the U.S. Constitution!!

Here Represenative John Lewis claims that there is a "life, libery, and the pursuit of happiness" clause in the constitution. >> Rep. John Lewis Cites ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ as Justification for Health Care Mandate | The Blaze

Here Sheila Jackson Lee holds up her copy of the Constitution as she claims how dear it is to her and claims that repealing Obamacare vilates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. At the end SHE ALSO CLAIMS that the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is in the Preamble of the constitution. Whats worse? She graduated from the University of Virgina Law school and ran for three judgeships. She also graduated from Yale with a degree in Political Science. Morover SHE IS ON THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE!

Here John Conyers, who is also the former CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE with a LAW DEGREE, claims that the Constitution has a "Good and Welfare" clause wich gives them the authority to force people to buy health insurance.

They are indeed wrong...but they may have gotten the idea about the Dec of Ind quotes being in the Constitution from Rush Limbaugh who a few months ago was making the same assertions.

Rush doesent have a law degree nor does he sit on the Judiciary Commitee of congress. Not that you need a law degree to read and understand the constitution but your moral equivalency is a fail.
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It is obvious THAT NONE of these Democrats have ever read the U.S. Constitution!!

Here Represenative John Lewis claims that there is a "life, libery, and the pursuit of happiness" clause in the constitution. >> Rep. John Lewis Cites ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ as Justification for Health Care Mandate | The Blaze

Here Sheila Jackson Lee holds up her copy of the Constitution as she claims how dear it is to her and claims that repealing Obamacare vilates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. At the end SHE ALSO CLAIMS that the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is in the Preamble of the constitution. Whats worse? She graduated from the University of Virgina Law school and ran for three judgeships. She also graduated from Yale with a degree in Political Science. Morover SHE IS ON THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE!

Here John Conyers, who is also the former CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE with a LAW DEGREE, claims that the Constitution has a "Good and Welfare" clause wich gives them the authority to force people to buy health insurance.

They are indeed wrong...but they may have gotten the idea about the Dec of Ind quotes being in the Constitution from Rush Limbaugh who a few months ago was making the same assertions.

Rush doesent have a law degree nor does he sit on the Judiciary Commitee of congress. Your moral equivalency is a fail.
"Moral equivalency"? Pul-leeze...:rolleyes: I just said they MAY have gotten the idea from him....I also said they were wrong. But you'd think that after wagging your finger at them for not reading and comprehending the Constitution, you'd at least read and comprehend my short little post.
They are indeed wrong...but they may have gotten the idea about the Dec of Ind quotes being in the Constitution from Rush Limbaugh who a few months ago was making the same assertions.

Rush doesent have a law degree nor does he sit on the Judiciary Commitee of congress. Your moral equivalency is a fail.
"Moral equivalency"? Pul-leeze...:rolleyes: I just said they MAY have gotten the idea from him....I also said they were wrong. But you'd think that after wagging your finger at them for not reading and comprehending the Constitution, you'd at least read and comprehend my short little post.

Something I learned about interrogation and gathering intel in the Marines. No one ever voulunteers information nor do they make unsolicited statements without a reason. Why did you mention Rush? Do you think they listen to him on the radio? Thats a far fetched statement! So it must be the former. Moral equivalency.
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It is obvious THAT NONE of these Democrats have ever read the U.S. Constitution!!

Here Represenative John Lewis claims that there is a "life, libery, and the pursuit of happiness" clause in the constitution. >> Rep. John Lewis Cites ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ as Justification for Health Care Mandate | The Blaze

Here Sheila Jackson Lee holds up her copy of the Constitution as she claims how dear it is to her and claims that repealing Obamacare vilates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. At the end SHE ALSO CLAIMS that the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is in the Preamble of the constitution. Whats worse? She graduated from the University of Virgina Law school and ran for three judgeships. She also graduated from Yale with a degree in Political Science. Morover SHE IS ON THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE!

Here John Conyers, who is also the former CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE with a LAW DEGREE, claims that the Constitution has a "Good and Welfare" clause wich gives them the authority to force people to buy health insurance.

Must have learned that one from John Boehner

Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal |

At a recent TEA Party protest in Washington DC, House Minority Leader John Boehner stood before a crowd of thousands. Encouraging him to stand against the proposed health care bill in the House (which is now endorsed by the AARP), he spoke of a great founding document, the U.S. Constitution. Holding his personal copy of the document in his hand, Boehner recited the Preamble to the crowd:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident," Boehner said, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

Without a doubt, many TEA Party protesters at the event felt a sense of pride in hearing those words.

Some, however, probably felt a bit confused. Indeed, the document that Boehner was quoting was not the Constitution -- it was the Declaration of Independence.

Continue reading on Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal | Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal |

It is obvious THAT NONE of these Democrats have ever read the U.S. Constitution!!

Here Represenative John Lewis claims that there is a "life, libery, and the pursuit of happiness" clause in the constitution. >> Rep. John Lewis Cites ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ as Justification for Health Care Mandate | The Blaze

Here Sheila Jackson Lee holds up her copy of the Constitution as she claims how dear it is to her and claims that repealing Obamacare vilates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. At the end SHE ALSO CLAIMS that the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is in the Preamble of the constitution. Whats worse? She graduated from the University of Virgina Law school and ran for three judgeships. She also graduated from Yale with a degree in Political Science. Morover SHE IS ON THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE!

Here John Conyers, who is also the former CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE with a LAW DEGREE, claims that the Constitution has a "Good and Welfare" clause wich gives them the authority to force people to buy health insurance.

Must have learned that one from John Boehner

Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal |

At a recent TEA Party protest in Washington DC, House Minority Leader John Boehner stood before a crowd of thousands. Encouraging him to stand against the proposed health care bill in the House (which is now endorsed by the AARP), he spoke of a great founding document, the U.S. Constitution. Holding his personal copy of the document in his hand, Boehner recited the Preamble to the crowd:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident," Boehner said, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

Without a doubt, many TEA Party protesters at the event felt a sense of pride in hearing those words.

Some, however, probably felt a bit confused. Indeed, the document that Boehner was quoting was not the Constitution -- it was the Declaration of Independence.

Continue reading on Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal | Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal |

Most Constitutions come with a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Nevertheless it goes to show you how the media picks up on Republican Gaffs but not Democrats.
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It is obvious THAT NONE of these Democrats have ever read the U.S. Constitution!!

Here Represenative John Lewis claims that there is a "life, libery, and the pursuit of happiness" clause in the constitution. >> Rep. John Lewis Cites ‘Pursuit of Happiness’ as Justification for Health Care Mandate | The Blaze

Here Sheila Jackson Lee holds up her copy of the Constitution as she claims how dear it is to her and claims that repealing Obamacare vilates the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. At the end SHE ALSO CLAIMS that the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is in the Preamble of the constitution. Whats worse? She graduated from the University of Virgina Law school and ran for three judgeships. She also graduated from Yale with a degree in Political Science. Morover SHE IS ON THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE!

Here John Conyers, who is also the former CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITEE with a LAW DEGREE, claims that the Constitution has a "Good and Welfare" clause wich gives them the authority to force people to buy health insurance.

Must have learned that one from John Boehner

Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal |

At a recent TEA Party protest in Washington DC, House Minority Leader John Boehner stood before a crowd of thousands. Encouraging him to stand against the proposed health care bill in the House (which is now endorsed by the AARP), he spoke of a great founding document, the U.S. Constitution. Holding his personal copy of the document in his hand, Boehner recited the Preamble to the crowd:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident," Boehner said, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

Without a doubt, many TEA Party protesters at the event felt a sense of pride in hearing those words.

Some, however, probably felt a bit confused. Indeed, the document that Boehner was quoting was not the Constitution -- it was the Declaration of Independence.

Continue reading on Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal | Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal |

Most Constitutions come with a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Nevertheless it goes to show you how the media picks up on Republican Gaffs but not Democrats.

I think the point is that nobody reads the damn thing on both sides of the aisle

Basic High School Civics
Must have learned that one from John Boehner

Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal |

At a recent TEA Party protest in Washington DC, House Minority Leader John Boehner stood before a crowd of thousands. Encouraging him to stand against the proposed health care bill in the House (which is now endorsed by the AARP), he spoke of a great founding document, the U.S. Constitution. Holding his personal copy of the document in his hand, Boehner recited the Preamble to the crowd:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident," Boehner said, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."

Without a doubt, many TEA Party protesters at the event felt a sense of pride in hearing those words.

Some, however, probably felt a bit confused. Indeed, the document that Boehner was quoting was not the Constitution -- it was the Declaration of Independence.

Continue reading on Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal | Boehner confuses Constitution with Declaration, and grievances within document to current events - Madison liberal |

Most Constitutions come with a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Nevertheless it goes to show you how the media picks up on Republican Gaffs but not Democrats.

I think the point is that nobody reads the damn thing on both sides of the aisle

Basic High School Civics

No kidding.

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A Democrat actually reading & comprehending an important document before opining on the document? Yea,has anyone paid attention to our U.S. Congress these last four years? Democrats didn't even bother to read their own Legislation before voting on it. So this stuff shouldn't surprise anyone. It is sad though.
So this should have been called what's wrong with these three guys but for some reason you lumped the whole CBC together as being a problem. Totally Innocent I'm sure..

As for Boehner doing the same thing...I say, What's wrong with old white guys? or is that unfair?
Rush doesent have a law degree nor does he sit on the Judiciary Commitee of congress. Your moral equivalency is a fail.
"Moral equivalency"? Pul-leeze...:rolleyes: I just said they MAY have gotten the idea from him....I also said they were wrong. But you'd think that after wagging your finger at them for not reading and comprehending the Constitution, you'd at least read and comprehend my short little post.

Something I learned about interrogation and gathering intel in the Marines. No one ever voulunteers information nor do they make unsolicited statements without a reason. Why did you mention Rush? Do you think they listen to him on the radio? Thats a far fetched statement! So it must be the former. Moral equivalency.

I remember Rush because there was at least one thread on him saying the same thing on this message board a month or two ago and there was a fair number of posters trying to convince us that he was right when he attributed the Preamble to the Constitution. It didn't come from the ether, it came from here.
The Declaration of Independence didn't apply to blacks anyway

"All men are created equal" my ass
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A Democrat actually reading & comprehending an important document before opining on the document? Yea,has anyone paid attention to our U.S. Congress these last four years? Democrats didn't even bother to read their own Legislation before voting on it. So this stuff shouldn't surprise anyone. It is sad though.

I bet you have some very impressive biceps from using that heavy broad brush.
It's the Congressional Black Congress, that's what's wrong with the CBC. They have an agenda and the Constitution is a roadblock to that agenda.

There ya go, I said it.
I agree with Libocalypsenow. Most things are not even read before they vote on them. And we pay their salaries, which they can vote to raise, btw.

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