I called into Cspan this morning to have a discussion with two Democrats of the “white stripe project” that support equity


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

Starts at the 30min mark.

I told them I’m a proud Democrat in the style of FDR and JFK. I talked about the loss of millions of jobs from the steel and auto industry that have yet to be replaced. The destruction of historical statues of great men like Christopher Columbus, and Andrew Jackson, but no destruction of statues of Africans like Mansa Musa or other Africans and Native Americans that owned slaves. How slavery was a worldwide issue. I talked about how people like Mansa Musa and Andrew Jackson were men of their times, and we should respect them. They may have owned slaves, but they were men of their times, and they built things. They were men of honor and integrity.

One very important point I brought up which was brought up by Robert Kennedy Junior… is how the average price of a home in America has gone from $200,000 during Trumps time in office to $400,000 under Biden…That should be a core issue the Democrat party tackles today. But they keep trying to race bait us.

I talked about the fact that we have millions of white people and Black people who are either homeless or living in poverty, and their struggle is the same thing. Of how so many democrats today are trying to divide us by race.

And the response from one of the panel members, a fellow American citizen from my city Buffalo was kind of unfortunate. She did not really talk about homeless white people. She went on about so-called race struggle in America, and she said something that is largely not accurate. Of how “union households across Buffalo blamed Black people for the loss of steel jobs”

Well I come from a Union household that is not how we thought. That is not how my white friends and family members think about these issues. We know that those jobs were shipped overseas due to Republicans and Democrats not caring about the country. And caring about corporate profit over middle class jobs in America.

The next caller Dee from Maryland said that she supported me and about 90% of my views that was really awesome. She also criticized the Democrats of today and she talked about how huge numbers of African-Americans are now trending towards the republican party

So what is it going to be for my fellow Democrats. We need to stop this race division. It is terrible. It makes absolutely no sense as slavery was a worldwide issue. Black people owned slaves. And there are millions of white people who are living in poverty, or who are homeless going through the same struggle as an impoverished or homeless black person. So come on to my fellow Democrats step it up. Bring back the party of FDR and JFK.
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Another fellow democrat from Syracuse, NY called into the program and said he is a lifelong democrat who supports equality for all races. But he likes so many other Democrats like myself are tired of the race baiting of the modern day Democratic Party, their racism against white people.

the Democratic Party has to stand up for all Americans black-and-white and try and help out the middle class like they used to. Huge amounts of modern day democrat senators and congressmen are failing the people …they’re not talking about the real issues.

Starts at the 30min mark.

I told them I’m a proud Democrat in the style of FDR and JFK. I talked about the loss of millions of jobs from the steel and auto industry that have yet to be replaced. The destruction of historical statues of great men like Christopher Columbus, and Andrew Jackson, but no destruction of statues of Africans like Mansa Musa or other Africans and Native Americans that owned slaves. How slavery was a worldwide issue. I talked about how people like Mansa Musa and Andrew Jackson were men of their times, and we should respect them. They may have owned slaves, but they were men of their times, and they built things. They were men of honor and integrity.

One very important point I brought up which was brought up by Robert Kennedy Junior… is how the average price of a home in America has gone from $200,000 during Trumps time in office to $400,000 under Biden…That should be a core issue the Democrat party tackles today. But they keep trying to race bait us.

I talked about the fact that we have millions of white people and Black people who are either homeless or living in poverty, and their struggle is the same thing. Of how so many democrats today are trying to divide us by race.

And the response from one of the panel members, a fellow American citizen from my city Buffalo was kind of unfortunate. She did not really talk about homeless white people. She went on about so-called race struggle in America, and she said something that is largely not accurate. Of how “union households across Buffalo blamed Black people for the loss of steel jobs”

Well I come from a Union household that is not how we thought. That is not how my white friends and family members think about these issues. We know that those jobs were shipped overseas due to Republicans and Democrats not caring about the country. And caring about corporate profit over middle class jobs in America.

The next caller Dee from Maryland said that she supported me and about 90% of my views that was really awesome. She also criticized the Democrats of today and she talked about how huge numbers of African-Americans are now trending towards the republican party

So what is it going to be for my fellow Democrats. We need to stop this race division. It is terrible. It makes absolutely no sense as slavery was a worldwide issue. Black people owned slaves. And there are millions of white people who are living in poverty, or who are homeless going through the same struggle as an impoverished or homeless black person. So come on to my fellow Democrats step it up. Bring back the party of FDR and JFK.
Blah blah blah

Starts at the 30min mark.

I told them I’m a proud Democrat in the style of FDR and JFK. I talked about the loss of millions of jobs from the steel and auto industry that have yet to be replaced. The destruction of historical statues of great men like Christopher Columbus, and Andrew Jackson, but no destruction of statues of Africans like Mansa Musa or other Africans and Native Americans that owned slaves. How slavery was a worldwide issue. I talked about how people like Mansa Musa and Andrew Jackson were men of their times, and we should respect them. They may have owned slaves, but they were men of their times, and they built things. They were men of honor and integrity.

One very important point I brought up which was brought up by Robert Kennedy Junior… is how the average price of a home in America has gone from $200,000 during Trumps time in office to $400,000 under Biden…That should be a core issue the Democrat party tackles today. But they keep trying to race bait us.

I talked about the fact that we have millions of white people and Black people who are either homeless or living in poverty, and their struggle is the same thing. Of how so many democrats today are trying to divide us by race.

And the response from one of the panel members, a fellow American citizen from my city Buffalo was kind of unfortunate. She did not really talk about homeless white people. She went on about so-called race struggle in America, and she said something that is largely not accurate. Of how “union households across Buffalo blamed Black people for the loss of steel jobs”

Well I come from a Union household that is not how we thought. That is not how my white friends and family members think about these issues. We know that those jobs were shipped overseas due to Republicans and Democrats not caring about the country. And caring about corporate profit over middle class jobs in America.

The next caller Dee from Maryland said that she supported me and about 90% of my views that was really awesome. She also criticized the Democrats of today and she talked about how huge numbers of African-Americans are now trending towards the republican party

So what is it going to be for my fellow Democrats. We need to stop this race division. It is terrible. It makes absolutely no sense as slavery was a worldwide issue. Black people owned slaves. And there are millions of white people who are living in poverty, or who are homeless going through the same struggle as an impoverished or homeless black person. So come on to my fellow Democrats step it up. Bring back the party of FDR and JFK.
That is the best retort I've heard from you in some time

Next we will work on developing thoughts in a sentence.
I wouldn’t deal with that poster. He is ignorant of history and often lashes out with personal attacks and making up the views of other posters,. He doesn’t care that Black people owned slaves like white people did. Black people owned millions of white slaves throughout history.

The greatest problems this country faces are the high cost of homes and inflation. that deeply affects working class black and white people across the country. Race baiting, and the destruction of historical statues of great white men of history are divisive. We need to honor the statues of Europeans and Africans of history. Some of them owned slaves, these people were men of their times who built the civilized world.

Destroying statues of Andrew Jackson causes division. It hurts America. Does nothing to help the middle class. We need to figure out ways to bring back middle class jobs to America.

Trolls like okfine probably did not watch the video on the cspan link. Because if they did, they would see that tons of Democrats are tired of the race baiting. I’ve had enough we Democrats have had enough of the race baiting from political leaders and we want to change the Democrat party. We will get that change.
I wouldn’t deal with that poster. He is ignorant of history and often lashes out with personal attacks and making up the views of other posters,. He doesn’t care that Black people owned slaves like white people did. Black people owned millions of white slaves throughout history.

The greatest problems this country faces are the high cost of homes and inflation. that deeply affects working class black and white people across the country. Race baiting, and the destruction of historical statues of great white men of history are divisive. We need to honor the statues of Europeans and Africans of history. Some of them owned slaves, these people were men of their times who built the civilized world.

Destroying statues of Andrew Jackson causes division. It hurts America. Does nothing to help the middle class. We need to figure out ways to bring back middle class jobs to America.

Trolls like okfine probably did not watch the video on the cspan link. Because if they did, they would see that tons of Democrats are tired of the race baiting. I’ve had enough we Democrats have had enough of the race baiting from political leaders and we want to change the Democrat party. We will get that change.
Soon only rich fat cats like Biden will be able to own a house

Everyone else can rely on government housing, like they have in Detroit.
I wouldn’t deal with that poster. He is ignorant of history and often lashes out with personal attacks and making up the views of other posters,. He doesn’t care that Black people owned slaves like white people did. Black people owned millions of white slaves throughout history.

The greatest problems this country faces are the high cost of homes and inflation. that deeply affects working class black and white people across the country. Race baiting, and the destruction of historical statues of great white men of history are divisive. We need to honor the statues of Europeans and Africans of history. Some of them owned slaves, these people were men of their times who built the civilized world.

Destroying statues of Andrew Jackson causes division. It hurts America. Does nothing to help the middle class. We need to figure out ways to bring back middle class jobs to America.

Trolls like okfine probably did not watch the video on the cspan link. Because if they did, they would see that tons of Democrats are tired of the race baiting. I’ve had enough we Democrats have had enough of the race baiting from political leaders and we want to change the Democrat party. We will get that change.
There you go. Rant on top of meaningless rant.

Starts at the 30min mark.

I told them I’m a proud Democrat in the style of FDR and JFK. I talked about the loss of millions of jobs from the steel and auto industry that have yet to be replaced. The destruction of historical statues of great men like Christopher Columbus, and Andrew Jackson, but no destruction of statues of Africans like Mansa Musa or other Africans and Native Americans that owned slaves. How slavery was a worldwide issue. I talked about how people like Mansa Musa and Andrew Jackson were men of their times, and we should respect them. They may have owned slaves, but they were men of their times, and they built things. They were men of honor and integrity.

One very important point I brought up which was brought up by Robert Kennedy Junior… is how the average price of a home in America has gone from $200,000 during Trumps time in office to $400,000 under Biden…That should be a core issue the Democrat party tackles today. But they keep trying to race bait us.

I talked about the fact that we have millions of white people and Black people who are either homeless or living in poverty, and their struggle is the same thing. Of how so many democrats today are trying to divide us by race.

And the response from one of the panel members, a fellow American citizen from my city Buffalo was kind of unfortunate. She did not really talk about homeless white people. She went on about so-called race struggle in America, and she said something that is largely not accurate. Of how “union households across Buffalo blamed Black people for the loss of steel jobs”

Well I come from a Union household that is not how we thought. That is not how my white friends and family members think about these issues. We know that those jobs were shipped overseas due to Republicans and Democrats not caring about the country. And caring about corporate profit over middle class jobs in America.

The next caller Dee from Maryland said that she supported me and about 90% of my views that was really awesome. She also criticized the Democrats of today and she talked about how huge numbers of African-Americans are now trending towards the republican party

So what is it going to be for my fellow Democrats. We need to stop this race division. It is terrible. It makes absolutely no sense as slavery was a worldwide issue. Black people owned slaves. And there are millions of white people who are living in poverty, or who are homeless going through the same struggle as an impoverished or homeless black person. So come on to my fellow Democrats step it up. Bring back the party of FDR and JFK.

But you need to capitalize White people.

Starts at the 30min mark.

I told them I’m a proud Democrat in the style of FDR and JFK. I talked about the loss of millions of jobs from the steel and auto industry that have yet to be replaced. The destruction of historical statues of great men like Christopher Columbus, and Andrew Jackson, but no destruction of statues of Africans like Mansa Musa or other Africans and Native Americans that owned slaves. How slavery was a worldwide issue. I talked about how people like Mansa Musa and Andrew Jackson were men of their times, and we should respect them. They may have owned slaves, but they were men of their times, and they built things. They were men of honor and integrity.

One very important point I brought up which was brought up by Robert Kennedy Junior… is how the average price of a home in America has gone from $200,000 during Trumps time in office to $400,000 under Biden…That should be a core issue the Democrat party tackles today. But they keep trying to race bait us.

I talked about the fact that we have millions of white people and Black people who are either homeless or living in poverty, and their struggle is the same thing. Of how so many democrats today are trying to divide us by race.

And the response from one of the panel members, a fellow American citizen from my city Buffalo was kind of unfortunate. She did not really talk about homeless white people. She went on about so-called race struggle in America, and she said something that is largely not accurate. Of how “union households across Buffalo blamed Black people for the loss of steel jobs”

Well I come from a Union household that is not how we thought. That is not how my white friends and family members think about these issues. We know that those jobs were shipped overseas due to Republicans and Democrats not caring about the country. And caring about corporate profit over middle class jobs in America.

The next caller Dee from Maryland said that she supported me and about 90% of my views that was really awesome. She also criticized the Democrats of today and she talked about how huge numbers of African-Americans are now trending towards the republican party

So what is it going to be for my fellow Democrats. We need to stop this race division. It is terrible. It makes absolutely no sense as slavery was a worldwide issue. Black people owned slaves. And there are millions of white people who are living in poverty, or who are homeless going through the same struggle as an impoverished or homeless black person. So come on to my fellow Democrats step it up. Bring back the party of FDR and JFK.
/-----/ democRATs could - but they won't. When their plans fail, instead of doing a 180, they just double down and make things worse.

Starts at the 30min mark.

I told them I’m a proud Democrat in the style of FDR and JFK. I talked about the loss of millions of jobs from the steel and auto industry that have yet to be replaced. The destruction of historical statues of great men like Christopher Columbus, and Andrew Jackson, but no destruction of statues of Africans like Mansa Musa or other Africans and Native Americans that owned slaves. How slavery was a worldwide issue. I talked about how people like Mansa Musa and Andrew Jackson were men of their times, and we should respect them. They may have owned slaves, but they were men of their times, and they built things. They were men of honor and integrity.

One very important point I brought up which was brought up by Robert Kennedy Junior… is how the average price of a home in America has gone from $200,000 during Trumps time in office to $400,000 under Biden…That should be a core issue the Democrat party tackles today. But they keep trying to race bait us.

I talked about the fact that we have millions of white people and Black people who are either homeless or living in poverty, and their struggle is the same thing. Of how so many democrats today are trying to divide us by race.

And the response from one of the panel members, a fellow American citizen from my city Buffalo was kind of unfortunate. She did not really talk about homeless white people. She went on about so-called race struggle in America, and she said something that is largely not accurate. Of how “union households across Buffalo blamed Black people for the loss of steel jobs”

Well I come from a Union household that is not how we thought. That is not how my white friends and family members think about these issues. We know that those jobs were shipped overseas due to Republicans and Democrats not caring about the country. And caring about corporate profit over middle class jobs in America.

The next caller Dee from Maryland said that she supported me and about 90% of my views that was really awesome. She also criticized the Democrats of today and she talked about how huge numbers of African-Americans are now trending towards the republican party

So what is it going to be for my fellow Democrats. We need to stop this race division. It is terrible. It makes absolutely no sense as slavery was a worldwide issue. Black people owned slaves. And there are millions of white people who are living in poverty, or who are homeless going through the same struggle as an impoverished or homeless black person. So come on to my fellow Democrats step it up. Bring back the party of FDR and JFK.
Slavery was a world wide issue…on the hand we hold the unique position of dehumanizing an entire race and breeding them like animals. They were born into and died in chains.
Well, what did you get out of the OP?
If you're reading a carefully you should get a wake up call. Plantations and plantation owners are dead and gone. The North American blacks have placed themselves in a cultural hole and a developmental deficit
by attaching themselves to race traitors....white democrats.... Happily there is an awakening movement taking place amongst the black population. They are throwing off the stereotypes, they are moving forward and away from the dog leash and they're establishing themselves as independent, responsible people capable of making their own decisions.
Slavery was a world wide issue…on the hand we hold the unique position of dehumanizing an entire race and breeding them like animals. They were born into and died in chains.
You’re only regurgitating what some liberal teacher indoctrinated into you…”the world was wrong, but America was the most wrong” sad.

Starts at the 30min mark.

I told them I’m a proud Democrat in the style of FDR and JFK. I talked about the loss of millions of jobs from the steel and auto industry that have yet to be replaced. The destruction of historical statues of great men like Christopher Columbus, and Andrew Jackson, but no destruction of statues of Africans like Mansa Musa or other Africans and Native Americans that owned slaves. How slavery was a worldwide issue. I talked about how people like Mansa Musa and Andrew Jackson were men of their times, and we should respect them. They may have owned slaves, but they were men of their times, and they built things. They were men of honor and integrity.

One very important point I brought up which was brought up by Robert Kennedy Junior… is how the average price of a home in America has gone from $200,000 during Trumps time in office to $400,000 under Biden…That should be a core issue the Democrat party tackles today. But they keep trying to race bait us.

I talked about the fact that we have millions of white people and Black people who are either homeless or living in poverty, and their struggle is the same thing. Of how so many democrats today are trying to divide us by race.

And the response from one of the panel members, a fellow American citizen from my city Buffalo was kind of unfortunate. She did not really talk about homeless white people. She went on about so-called race struggle in America, and she said something that is largely not accurate. Of how “union households across Buffalo blamed Black people for the loss of steel jobs”

Well I come from a Union household that is not how we thought. That is not how my white friends and family members think about these issues. We know that those jobs were shipped overseas due to Republicans and Democrats not caring about the country. And caring about corporate profit over middle class jobs in America.

The next caller Dee from Maryland said that she supported me and about 90% of my views that was really awesome. She also criticized the Democrats of today and she talked about how huge numbers of African-Americans are now trending towards the republican party

So what is it going to be for my fellow Democrats. We need to stop this race division. It is terrible. It makes absolutely no sense as slavery was a worldwide issue. Black people owned slaves. And there are millions of white people who are living in poverty, or who are homeless going through the same struggle as an impoverished or homeless black person. So come on to my fellow Democrats step it up. Bring back the party of FDR and JFK.
I listened to your input on the show, and you bring up such valid points - including the Democrats’ attempt to divide people by race (clearly a campaign strategy) and focus all their attention on poor blacks while ignoring the struggles of poor whites.

Biden & Co. are clearly counting on the “stupidity of the American voter” (which the architect of Obamacare said allowed its passage) by claiming that Bidennomics is working. Not only has the average price of houses doubled, and inflation reached a 40-year high*, but rents have skyrocketed as well, leaving the majority of Americans struggling to pay for basic necessities.

Democrats, in their ignorance of Econ 101, say the answer is to raise wages, but that of course will limit the number of jobs and increase the cost of goods. It will make things worse.

As far as so many young people who are not proud to be an American, I blame Democrats for teaching them that we are a racist country (false), and causing them to feel shame for the nation. This is all part of the Marxist strategy of “capturing” the young generation and brainwashing them to hate America so they will support the Obama-style transformation/destruction of our great country.

*Democrats love to say how the inflation rate is going down, but all that means is that prices are continuing to rise, albeit slower. So the 15% increase on beef last year is only 3% more on top of last year’s 15%.
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