Zone1 Delineation of Rights

It was a blockbuster in its time and huge during the time of the American Founders. I know of nothing else liket that in history
Blockbuster? cute and very funny

What portion of the population in the colonies do you believe were buying that? Do you know that amongst what you call "American Founders" John Adams was a force to be reckoned with during the debates in the extra-legal congresses? Do you know what he and other great intellects of the day were using as foundations for his thoughts and arguments?

When dealing with you, why do I get the feeling I'm in a High School Civics Classroom?
1: "RIghts come from DUTIES." -

This is complete nonsense. Even as an opinion, it is far out there.

2: "Fetus and embryo are biological terms" -

Human beings are biological entities. They are not spirits or other-worldly beings.

3: Your third item is so far out there I am lost on how to reply.
Human beings are biological entities. They are not spirits or other-worldly beings.
How do you know? Are you taking that chance? And if you are, then it must suck to be you, knowing that in the end, you will be nothing but worm food, while many of us, will go on to eternal happiness.

Oh yeah, Marxists dont know how to be happy....
It's funny because gun loving people say that everyone should be able to have access to guns at all times. They say that's what the 2A protects.
It's funny because gun loving people say that everyone should be able to have access to guns at all times. They say that's what the 2A protects.
The 2nd amendment is for law abiding citizens, not dumb fucks like you. As you think it is funny when a criminal who never should of had a weapon in the first place, murders an innocent school child. Why do you have children so much?
Blockbuster? cute and very funny

What portion of the population in the colonies do you believe were buying that? Do you know that amongst what you call "American Founders" John Adams was a force to be reckoned with during the debates in the extra-legal congresses? Do you know what he and other great intellects of the day were using as foundations for his thoughts and arguments?

When dealing with you, why do I get the feeling I'm in a High School Civics Classroom?
What rights does a fetus have vs an embryo vs a child vs an adult?

All human living beings supported in the womb of a woman have thine status of rights determined solely at the whim of the mother.

They do have the same right of protection as every born human from being harmed by anyone other than it’s potential birth mother or v her doctor when seeking to terminate her pregnancy,

I do not think god gives a fuck about guns. But that is just me.

Do you have a better term for someone breaking the law? I guess we could call them criminal immigrants, would that be more accurate?
NO, you reverse normal English.You have a God-given right to protect your life and a gun is one such means.
You are making a means into an end
Like saying you have a right to spagnetti instead of a right to eat.
Simple. What does the Constitution say with regard to the rights of citizens versus the rights of aliens?

Citizens alone get the right to vote.

But “persons” get the right to a fair trial.
What part of the USC addresses citizen voting?
So the question of rights as every US citizen enjoys is coming front and center.
Where is the line on tricky circumstances?

What rights do non-citizens have?
Recently a judge determined that aliens may carry firearms. (Armed insurrection or invasion?) Why is the Federal Government giving illegal immigrants money, food, and lodging? How about legal immigrants who lawfully go through the process? Why are they shipping illegal immigrants around from state to state?

What rights does a fetus have vs an embryo vs a child vs an adult?

Is there a gradual attainment of rights?

What about those with dual citizenship? What rights do they have vs not have?
What about banking laws? Paying taxes? Owning real estate? Voting in elections?

What say you?
Where's the line?
All rights follow upon EXISTING DUTIES.
I have a duty to preserve my life
I have a duty to serve God as my conscience demands
I have a duty to get the true and right info to be a good citizen

Most posters on here overlook the greatest fact of all. Every single federal RIGHT showed up FIRST on the STATE level in one of those 20 constitutions


If you are here illegally then you are not covered by the Constitution thus have no rights except a swift exit back to your home country. But what gets me are the people who have come here many times, thus it is time to execute them, because then they cant come back again.
still have due process to determine they are here illegally,,
Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1:
And Fifteenth Amendment.

Why do you ask?
Section 1 of the 14th does not mention the word "vote". Section 2 mentions it only regarding the right to vote (for males) for electors to the POTUS election. Section 3 refers only to how Congress (not citizens) shall vote.

The 15th refers only to the right to vote.

Point being, how elections are conducted, how voters are registered and all other administrative matters about voting are handled by the states, not by the federal government.
Section 1 of the 14th does not mention the word "vote". Section 2 mentions it only regarding the right to vote (for males) for electors to the POTUS election. Section 3 refers only to how Congress (not citizens) shall vote.

The 15th refers only to the right to vote.

Point being, how elections are conducted, how voters are registered and all other administrative matters about voting are handled by the states, not by the federal government. those matters are conducted must fall inside the other rights as stated by the constitution. IOW the state's cannot destroy anyone's vote by watering it down, not recording it, or stopping them from exercising their right to vote. And this applies to either by negligence or intentionally acting. those matters are conducted must fall inside the other rights as stated by the constitution. IOW the state's cannot destroy anyone's vote by watering it down, not recording it, or stopping them from exercising their right to vote. And this applies to either by negligence or intentionally acting.
Yes, how those matters are conducted must acknowledge and protect the rights enumerated by the Constitution, and including the unenumerated rights mentioned in the Ninth Amendment.

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