Dear Dems and Libs...


Gold Member
Aug 8, 2011
Amen. Should have listened

Amen. Should have listened

We didn't create you clowns. You've existed for millennia. We've been the ones stopping you.
No TheOldSchool
All it takes to stop any abuses or overreaching of Govt is to enforce the Constitution.

Since Democrats don't follow it but want to overreach and bypass checks and limits themselves, that's why they become powerless to enforce it.

To compensate for this, that's why political power through party is SOLD to the people as a substitute for using Constitutional checks to stop abuses.

You are as corrupt as Catholic authorities who sold indulgences to buy people's forgives of sins through the church to control the process instead of liberating people by teaching them to READ the LAWS themselves.

Once they did that, they could govern their own relations and didn't need the priests as their middleman.

Perhaps the time has come for prospective Greens and Democrats, abused for votes and donations by career politicians living off the people while selling them for corporate interests, to check our own govt directly using Constitutional laws and ethics directly. By teaching people the laws instead of teaching dependence on getting party leaders elected to govt.


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