Christians attempt to silence non-religious messages at Christmas

I can walk up to you on the street and flip you the bird and there's nothing you can legally do about it.

It doesn't mean I should do this just because I can or because it's a protected action.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Like I said earlier, freedom of speech covers everyone . . . but freedom of speech while respecting others is apparently beyond the grasp of some.
Originally Posted by YWN666
We already knew that.

Did we? It's hard to tell by reading this thread.

Well, I thought it was clear anyway. If someone like Fred Phelps said celebrating christmas will send you to hell, I will disagree with him and think he is mentally off balance, but I will defend his right to say it.
Well, I thought it was clear anyway. If someone like Fred Phelps said celebrating christmas will send you to hell, I will disagree with him and think he is mentally off balance, but I will defend his right to say it.

Yeah.... I guess. I'm maybe not quite as big a fan of freedom of speech as you are. I think everyone should have it, but I think being respectful is just as important. I'm not saying that people I disagree with shouldn't have the right to say what they want, but I think it's wrong to push it in the faces of people that don't care to see it. So putting an anti-Christmas message up is fine, but putting it right next to a Christmas display would not be fine if it were up to me. And that goes for all religions/traditions. If there was a Chanukah display of some kind (sorry I don't know much about Jewish tradition), I think it would be disrespectful to put up a nativity scene next to it.

I think being respectful of others is something that's really been missing for a long time in America. It's the next step after "tolerating" so you'd think with all the tolerating of others we're supposed to be doing there would be more respect but sadly this doesn't seem to be the case.
Yeah.... I guess. I'm maybe not quite as big a fan of freedom of speech as you are. I think everyone should have it, but I think being respectful is just as important.

I think so, too, but those that want to be disrespectful have the Constitutional right to do so.

I'm not saying that people I disagree with shouldn't have the right to say what they want, but I think it's wrong to push it in the faces of people that don't care to see it. So putting an anti-Christmas message up is fine, but putting it right next to a Christmas display would not be fine if it were up to me. And that goes for all religions/traditions. If there was a Chanukah display of some kind (sorry I don't know much about Jewish tradition), I think it would be disrespectful to put up a nativity scene next to it.

I think being respectful of others is something that's really been missing for a long time in America. It's the next step after "tolerating" so you'd think with all the tolerating of others we're supposed to be doing there would be more respect but sadly this doesn't seem to be the case.
Barker's an extremely intelligent man, if I remember correctly. He belongs to several high-IQ societies. He's also a Christian apostate and a former preacher.
I just don't equate the right to construct a nativity scene with the right to throw eggs at it, or post a degrading sign next to it.

Setting up a nativity sign isn't negating or ridiculing the beliefs of others. IT's an expression of faith.

However putting up a religion-bashing sign or whatever right next to it is nothing but a small minded attempt to negate the rights of others.
It's sort of like going to a teacher conference and putting up a sign that says "Child molesters are disproportionately represented in education".
I just don't equate the right to construct a nativity scene with the right to throw eggs at it, or post a degrading sign next to it.

Setting up a nativity sign isn't negating or ridiculing the beliefs of others. IT's an expression of faith.

However putting up a religion-bashing sign or whatever right next to it is nothing but a small minded attempt to negate the rights of others.

Nobody has the right to remain unoffended.

Throwing eggs at a nativity scene would probably damage it or at least deface it and is thus not covered by free speech (even if it is meant to express an idea).

A sign is different though and it's covered. Just because I'm making fun of what you believe doesn't mean I'm taking away your right to believe it. It's not the same as going to a church and causing a disturbance because I don't like what you believe.
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Like I said earlier, freedom of speech covers everyone . . . but freedom of speech while respecting others is apparently beyond the grasp of some.

If that WAS the case then all religious material is wrong as well, that's the problem. Seeing an image of some guy being strung up on a giant wooden cross, bleeding, and nailed to it IS very offensive to those who don't believe in the person, it's violent and gory. The cross itself is violent because of the connection, so there goes the goths and christians.
bullshit. More lies perpetrated by those who want to shut down the voice of Christianity by labeling it as "offensive" and/or "hate speech".
bullshit. More lies perpetrated by those who want to shut down the voice of Christianity by labeling it as "offensive" and/or "hate speech".

Um ... yeah. You can't even keep who is who on here straight. Even your own religion states the cross is a torture device, this is not violent how?
The cross represents the ultimate sacrifice and as such is something which represents all that is good on heaven and earth.

We are never to forget the sacrifice our Lord made for us. It isn't like it was a 'mistake" or something out of God's hands.
The cross represents the ultimate sacrifice and as such is something which represents all that is good on heaven and earth.

We are never to forget the sacrifice our Lord made for us. It isn't like it was a 'mistake" or something out of God's hands.

Um ... sure, to the few who believe. But even many christians see it for what it is, a torture device. It has been a torture device since long before the christians existed and to most of the world that is exactly what it is. But we don't stop your churches from having these vile things so high and in our faces, not only enforcing violence in kids but also insulting other cultures and religions. Just because a few wish to change the meaning to their own idols does not change what it means to others.
The cross represents the ultimate sacrifice and as such is something which represents all that is good on heaven and earth.

We are never to forget the sacrifice our Lord made for us. It isn't like it was a 'mistake" or something out of God's hands.

It's too bad that different Gospels can't seem to agree on the chronological accuracy of your Lord's "sacrifice," isn't it? :razz:
bullshit. More lies perpetrated by those who want to shut down the voice of Christianity by labeling it as "offensive" and/or "hate speech".
I think they are refering to the fact a christian church wants to post a sign "santa will take you to hell". Which is hate speech! Do I think every christian church is offensive, no!
I think they are refering to the fact a christian church wants to post a sign "santa will take you to hell". Which is hate speech! Do I think every christian church is offensive, no!

However, I do support their right to it just as much as I support the atheist right to theirs. I don't have to read either, therefore as long as I still have my rights it's all good.
*rolls eyes* If it wasn't then why would it have been bad that a prophet was hung on it. 2 + 2 = 4.

Rolls eyes? Your Bill Mahar quote gets more ironic every time you post something about Christianity.

The cross is not a symbol of torture according to Christianity. It was a painful method of execution at that time in history. The cross is a symbol now used in Christianity but it does not symbolize torture.

Every time you make one of these "your misinformed opinion as fact" posts you lose credibility.

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