Boeing, unions, and the right to work

Boeing is throwing a hissy fit over past labor negotiations in which they lost.

They need to stay in Washington. Perhaps, some of you will think that I am this crazy liberal, but I am not.

If you really want to resort to free market principles, then you would be attacking Boeing subsidies and their intimate relationships with the government. Boeing does very well with the government. They also do very well when we fight wars.

However, "free market" Con fucktards can't admit to this fact. All they see is a Marxisxt depriving them of false liberty. These tailor trash people are fucking sad, including Boedica.

Nonetheless, modern day Conservatives suck. They worship the pentagon while paleoconservatives simply do not. There is no need to continue in our current groove of foreign policy which makes Beoing a cash cow.
Uhhh....this was about PRIVATE unions. But since you brought it up..........

YOU hired public employees. You set the wages and benefits. They're doing the work fixing your roads, cleaning your SHIT in the sewage treatment plants, teaching your stupid kids and hauling YOUR garbage. Now pay the poor bastards and quit your crying.


Employers decide how much they pay their employees, and not visa versa.

Now shut the fuck up, union thug.

Huh!!?? Do you have any idea what the hell you are talking about? Who said anything about who decides how much who gets paid?

Have you been hitting on that doobie again?

But rather now the UNIONS have become the takers...and takers to things they are NOT entitled to at the expense of the TAXPAYERS...and WE were sick of it...

Uhhh....this was about PRIVATE unions. But since you brought it up..........

YOU hired public employees. You set the wages and benefits. They're doing the work fixing your roads, cleaning your SHIT in the sewage treatment plants, teaching your stupid kids and hauling YOUR garbage. Now pay the poor bastards and quit your crying.

Oh puleeeeze..Cry me a fucking river.
Here's a newsflash. We did not "hire" public workers. Politicians do that. The problem with public sector unions is the people paying the wages do not get a seat at the bargaining table

I'll type this real slow so you can follow along.......

1) Politicians hire the workers and negotiate the contracts.

2) YOU hire the politicians.

3) Therefore YOU are the EMPLOYER.

If you want a personal seat at the table do what I did. Run for office and get elected.

Nobody's calling for any such thing.

What do you think "Right to work" laws are?

Right to work laws prevent the government from forcing you to join a union. They regulate government, not private contracts.

Uhhh.....RTW laws prevent even PRIVATE labor contracts from forcing people to join a Union as a condition of employment. So yes, it's another government overreach that you are supporting.

You are supposed to work hard at all times and give extra for those paying your wages correct? And never ask for more. Never complain. Nose to the grindstone. This country is founded on hard work. All that is pure BS. I worked in the corporate world for many many years. I have seen the good sides and the downside which is how good hard working people are taken advantage of. What the hard working people of this country dont realize is that the CEO's and managers actually do not care about their employees to the point where some can take life insurance policies out on them and cash in when they die. I worked for one. I didnt know until after I retired. And they didnt publicize it like they are required to by telling all their workers about it. Dead peasants. Look it up losers.
What do you think "Right to work" laws are?

Right to work laws prevent the government from forcing you to join a union. They regulate government, not private contracts.

Nonsense. The "government" isn't "forcing" anyone to join a union, the contracts do.

Right to work laws regulate those contracts.
Stop it!
Right to work laws offer options to workers. Those options are to join a union or not join a union. Closed shop or "forced union" states, allow for no such option.
These laws INCREASE worker rights.
IMO that is equitable to all parties.
Pro union activists favor open votes and this "card check" nonsense. This is so blantantly tilted toward intimidation it's laughable.
Voters need privacy so that outside influences and coercion is prevented.
Look, you can spit fart, scream yell make up stories or stand on your head and spit nickels into the wishing well. It doesn't matter. Union membership has been declining since the 60's. From a high of about 35% to about 8% ( private sector) today.
Unions are a big pain in the ass. They are expensive. They oppose productivity. Unions actually COST jobs. Unions eventually force businesses to relocate or close due to high non-competitive labor costs.
Remember this...If there are no businesses, there are no jobs.
Uhhh....this was about PRIVATE unions. But since you brought it up..........

YOU hired public employees. You set the wages and benefits. They're doing the work fixing your roads, cleaning your SHIT in the sewage treatment plants, teaching your stupid kids and hauling YOUR garbage. Now pay the poor bastards and quit your crying.


Employers decide how much they pay their employees, and not visa versa.

Now shut the fuck up, union thug.

Huh!!?? Do you have any idea what the hell you are talking about? Who said anything about who decides how much who gets paid?

Have you been hitting on that doobie again?


I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you and your like-minded buds get together at the union hall.

Must be a real hoot.

What do you think "Right to work" laws are?

Right to work laws prevent the government from forcing you to join a union. They regulate government, not private contracts.

Uhhh.....RTW laws prevent even PRIVATE labor contracts from forcing people to join a Union as a condition of employment. So yes, it's another government overreach that you are supporting.


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Uhhh....this was about PRIVATE unions. But since you brought it up..........

YOU hired public employees. You set the wages and benefits. They're doing the work fixing your roads, cleaning your SHIT in the sewage treatment plants, teaching your stupid kids and hauling YOUR garbage. Now pay the poor bastards and quit your crying.

Oh puleeeeze..Cry me a fucking river.
Here's a newsflash. We did not "hire" public workers. Politicians do that. The problem with public sector unions is the people paying the wages do not get a seat at the bargaining table

I'll type this real slow so you can follow along.......

1) Politicians hire the workers and negotiate the contracts.

2) YOU hire the politicians.

3) Therefore YOU are the EMPLOYER.

If you want a personal seat at the table do what I did. Run for office and get elected.

We can go round and round.
But don't tell me I hired any public employee. I have no say in who gets hired. All I can do is hire and fire an elected official.
Now, what is your point?
As far as I am concerned no public worker should have collective bargaining rights nor the right to strike. Additionally, no public worker should earn more than the prevailing market rate in the private sector nor should a public worker's benefit packages exceed those in the private sector. Got it?
You are supposed to work hard at all times and give extra for those paying your wages correct? And never ask for more. Never complain. Nose to the grindstone. This country is founded on hard work. All that is pure BS. I worked in the corporate world for many many years. I have seen the good sides and the downside which is how good hard working people are taken advantage of. What the hard working people of this country dont realize is that the CEO's and managers actually do not care about their employees to the point where some can take life insurance policies out on them and cash in when they die. I worked for one. I didnt know until after I retired. And they didnt publicize it like they are required to by telling all their workers about it. Dead peasants. Look it up losers.
You work hard, work smart, get noticed, increase your value to the employer, prove it and then negotiate a higher wage.
If the wage is unsatisfactory, find other employment. Or, start your own business.
You are supposed to work hard at all times and give extra for those paying your wages correct? And never ask for more. Never complain. Nose to the grindstone. This country is founded on hard work. All that is pure BS. I worked in the corporate world for many many years. I have seen the good sides and the downside which is how good hard working people are taken advantage of. What the hard working people of this country dont realize is that the CEO's and managers actually do not care about their employees to the point where some can take life insurance policies out on them and cash in when they die. I worked for one. I didnt know until after I retired. And they didnt publicize it like they are required to by telling all their workers about it. Dead peasants. Look it up losers.
You work hard, work smart, get noticed, increase your value to the employer, prove it and then negotiate a higher wage.
If the wage is unsatisfactory, find other employment. Or, start your own business.

What you are advocating is hard work and that is unacceptable. By god, I have the RIGHT to earn a damn good living doing whatever I FEEL is appropriate and however much work that I want to do. My employer has no right to expect PRODUCTIVITY from me. What are you, a slave driver…
The key is not to pay them a decent wage as you can simply pay some slave overseas next to nothing. Working 27 - 7 and 365 days a week is the american way. Sorry, nobody is going to thank you for killing yourself on your job. Nothing wrong with a day off now and then.
Boeing is throwing a hissy fit over past labor negotiations in which they lost.

They need to stay in Washington. Perhaps, some of you will think that I am this crazy liberal, but I am not.

If you really want to resort to free market principles, then you would be attacking Boeing subsidies and their intimate relationships with the government. Boeing does very well with the government. They also do very well when we fight wars.

However, "free market" Con fucktards can't admit to this fact. All they see is a Marxisxt depriving them of false liberty. These tailor trash people are fucking sad, including Boedica.

Nonetheless, modern day Conservatives suck. They worship the pentagon while paleoconservatives simply do not. There is no need to continue in our current groove of foreign policy which makes Beoing a cash cow.
You should have stopped at "I am a crazy liberal"....You're a seminar poster.
You claim to not be liberal, the opposite of which is a conservative, then you bash conservatism. Then you have the gall to call out one person when you're too chicken shit to PM them. Now you just earned the right to be called out publicly. Your choice. See how that works? With every choice comes reward or consequence.
Genius, unions are on their way OUT. These organizations are unneeded and unwanted.
So stop fighting city hall.
BTW way, oh great one, that would be TRAILER not "tailor"...One is a vehicle. The other a seamstress.....

Boeing has every right to locate a facility in the city of it's own choice.
The key is not to pay them a decent wage as you can simply pay some slave overseas next to nothing. Working 27 - 7 and 365 days a week is the american way. Sorry, nobody is going to thank you for killing yourself on your job. Nothing wrong with a day off now and then.
Who said anything about not having a day off?
My wife is non-union ( thank our Lord God) and she gets 6 weeks of paid vacation and PTO.
So what the fuck?
I am also ( thank the Lord again) non-union and I have 2 weeks paid vacation. All holiday and weekend work is auto time and a half regardless of how many hours I've worked that week. And any time I work after 6 pm as well.
So, I ask again....What the fuck?
Way back in this thread, I talked about working in a union shop. I was threatened with firing because I worked too fast and with too little down time. I quit the job over that because I couldn't work where even management didn't expect it's employees to excel.
I interviewed at another company a few days later and the guy interviewing me said "I rarely hire people out of union shops." I chuckled. He noticed and asked why I thought that was funny. I told him that after working in one, I could understand why. I told him why I quit and he hired me on the spot for more money, better benefits and a damn site better working conditions. In a year, I was making twice what I was paid by the union shop and within another year, the union shop that had been in business for nearly 100 years, was out of business.
Employers decide how much they pay their employees, and not visa versa.

Now shut the fuck up, union thug.

Huh!!?? Do you have any idea what the hell you are talking about? Who said anything about who decides how much who gets paid?

Have you been hitting on that doobie again?


I'd love to be a fly on the wall when you and your like-minded buds get together at the union hall.

Must be a real hoot.


Yeah...How can we FUCK the TAXPAYERS for more in our pensions...
I love how I gotta tell libs they're wrong....

And you want to save the planet???
Way back in this thread, I talked about working in a union shop. I was threatened with firing because I worked too fast and with too little down time. I quit the job over that because I couldn't work where even management didn't expect it's employees to excel.
I interviewed at another company a few days later and the guy interviewing me said "I rarely hire people out of union shops." I chuckled. He noticed and asked why I thought that was funny. I told him that after working in one, I could understand why. I told him why I quit and he hired me on the spot for more money, better benefits and a damn site better working conditions. In a year, I was making twice what I was paid by the union shop and within another year, the union shop that had been in business for nearly 100 years, was out of business.

That’s the kicker too. Every time I hear about union benefits I never hear about paying smeone they are worth. That is where the avis defense of unins has b3ecome. It is there to protect people that do not want to actally compete with others for pay. It natrally attracts the people that do not want to excel or do well at their jobs. There are good reasons to have unions and there will always be a need to have unions. They simply need to loose the anti American laws that protect them. You should not be FORCED to pay a union and you should not be forced to become a member. This is the exact same thing as an employer not having the option of fireing you should you go union. It is as wrong for an employer to fire you because you wish to unionize as it is for a union to not allow you to get the job in the first place if you do not pay them their cut.

Remids me of the ‘protection’ money you see the mob charging the buisnesses in movies…
What do you think "Right to work" laws are?

Right to work laws prevent the government from forcing you to join a union. They regulate government, not private contracts.

Nonsense. The "government" isn't "forcing" anyone to join a union, the contracts do.

Right to work laws regulate those contracts.

In a union state, government forces corporations to sign those contracts, dipstick. The Wagner act regulates those contracts. Right to work states give corporations the option of ignoring them.
Boeing is throwing a hissy fit over past labor negotiations in which they lost.

They need to stay in Washington. Perhaps, some of you will think that I am this crazy liberal, but I am not.

The unions are the ones throwing a hissy fit. Boeing is just doing what's in its best interests. Why would they want to stay in Washington, so they can go bankrupt?

If you really want to resort to free market principles, then you would be attacking Boeing subsidies and their intimate relationships with the government. Boeing does very well with the government. They also do very well when we fight wars.

So what you're saying is that in a free market, the government would not buy military equipment?

Why do lefties always have such stupid and downright pathetic arguments?

However, "free market" Con fucktards can't admit to this fact. All they see is a Marxisxt depriving them of false liberty. These tailor trash people are fucking sad, including Boedica.

What is "real liberty," when the government tells companies where to locate their facilities? Why does the liberal version of "liberty" always resemble a communist police state?

Nonetheless, modern day Conservatives suck. They worship the pentagon while paleoconservatives simply do not. There is no need to continue in our current groove of foreign policy which makes Beoing a cash cow.

In other words, abolish the military? Is that what you're saying?

You're one vast geyser of stupidity, aren't you?

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