Air your issues, be heard

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Aug 28, 2003
New York
I want to know what the members have issues with here on the board. Criticism? Things you would like to see changed or added? Problem with the way the board is ran/moderated?

This is your chance to voice your opinion in a public venue. I'll leave this open for 3 days or so at which time I will lock the thread, then I'll respond to all inquiries or questions.

This is about the board overall and the direction for the future. This is not a thread to discuss issues with specific names. Let's keep this mature and allow all input and see if we can acoomodate or make changes to make this a better place for everyone.
Mr. P said:
So who will be the first to place their head on the public choppin block?..Not Mr. P..

This should be PM stuff Jim..

Quite a few people have been pm'ing mods and admin. in the past couple of weeks. I think Jim is quite right to give everyone a chance to respond to the query, then Jim can answer in whatever manner he thinks is best.

Having mostly agreed with things around here, for nearly 2 years, on and off, :laugh: I will say he does not hold grudges for disagreeing with him and this will give him and all of us a chance to see what is working and what is not.

I'm sure there will not be repercussions to anything positive or negative posted, within the framework included in his post.

If you want changes, say so! You may not get them, but heh, that's life. If you like how things are going, ditto!
Mr. P said:
So who will be the first to place their head on the public choppin block?..Not Mr. P..

This should be PM stuff Jim..

No, this shouldn't be PM stuff. And nobody will be on the chopping block for offering their opinion on what might be wrong with the board or for suggesting what might make it better.

I am publicly offering the members an opportunity to have their say in shaping this board as we move on. Nobody should have any fear in speaking up if they like this board and would like to continue coming here.

Although, if there is anyone that would prefer to PM me their thoughts, I will obviously listen via that avenue as well. But I would rather it all be in one spot where everyone can witness the points getting addressed.
Kathianne said:
Quite a few people have been pm'ing mods and admin. in the past couple of weeks. I think Jim is quite right to give everyone a chance to respond to the query, then Jim can answer in whatever manner he thinks is best.

Having mostly agreed with things around here, for nearly 2 years, on and off, :laugh: I will say he does not hold grudges for disagreeing with him and this will give him and all of us a chance to see what is working and what is not.

I'm sure there will not be repercussions to anything positive or negative posted, within the framework included in his post.

If you want changes, say so! You may not get them, but heh, that's life. If you like how things are going, ditto!
Thanks, I'm smart enough to sit this one out.
Mr. P said:
Thanks, I'm smart enough to sit this one out.

What you're smart about in this situation eludes me. If you, or anyone, fear retaliation for posting your thoughts about the structure of the board, you are mistaken. That's ok if you choose not to participate but I don't want there to be any doubt in the minds of those that might want to speak up and see some changes made.
I believe moderators should limit their posts...and when they do post they should refrain from exercising ban is not fair to those who do not have the power...Iv'e noticed that alot of people figure out how to pat the mods on the back in order to receive positive points...and some who lose control and speak out against a mods posts... they risk being if mods could no longer ban for comments they receive on their would level the playing field....just a comment...hope it helps.
ps: I will admit to patronizing mods from time to time...sometimes for fun...sometimes for points...sometimes to keep from getting negatives and sometimes because they deserved it...guess we all are human!
My only complaint is that I have seen *some* Mod bias, that I think is extremely unfair. Mods are not supposed to attack, but I frequently see one Mod specifically attacking 2 users at every single given opportunity..

Everything else here rocks.
jimnyc said:
No, this shouldn't be PM stuff. And nobody will be on the chopping block for offering their opinion on what might be wrong with the board or for suggesting what might make it better.

Those shy about sugggestions might feel more confident if others offer their opinion first. This isn't personal, it's supposed to benefit everyone.

Also, Comrade needs to post more. Just My humble opinion. :D
I was thinking of making one long post but I guess this thing will sorta grow on its own soooo---

1--It's a private board---yours--don't feel guilty to do whatever you want

2--Your original set up and rules are great----if someone wiggles thru the loopholes but are obviously pushing the limits just warn em a few times and then ban em----a reason is not necessary

3--I have no idea how your mod system works but it seems like you have a lot of em. If you do, then you have too many bosses for regulars to try to adjust to.

4--Mods should have no special status----just the right to warn. Any complaints about mods should go though you or a person you select.

5--Rep power should be limited to one point for everyone---even those with neg rep. People feel intimidated by mods with banning power and the ability to put a big slash in your rep.

6--Too much secrecy. I'm getting all these PMs asking me whats going on. ME?--I have absolutlely no idea but obviously something is happening "up there" because everyone knows it. May be filling us in might calm things down.

7--If a mod chooses to take on a debate they should be fair game for any response and be held responsible to the same rules as everyone else.

8--When in doubt, always resort to suggestion #1.

9--choose your assistants wisely and you may even want to call them assistants because that is really what thier function should be.

10--decide for yourself the real purpose for this board---(is it to make money, collect a large following,be a bastion of free speech?)--and then stick to it.
I was on a message board once where some idiot complained that he was being discriminated again. He wanted to be above the rules. After all, isn't that what democracy is all about?
Sorry Charley. Message boards are NOT democracies. They are privately owned and operated entities. The person who owns the space and pays the bills makes the rules. And the rules can be strict or as loose as the owner wishes.
If you wish to throw me (or anyone else) else, complain to The Man. It's not like I haven't been tossed out on my ear before. My opinions and public stances on issues will never change. If you have 20,000 posts and I have two, I am still your equal. If you are 60 years old and I am 21, I am still your equal. If you have 20 years of distinguished military service and I am a radical college student, I am still your equal. We are both adult citizens of the United States of America. This is not India or Mexico, there is no caste system. You are better than no one, or worse than no one.
This is a discussion board. Everyone who is a member has an equal right to be heard. You can agree or disagree. You can insult my intelligence, my parentage and my upbringing. Doesn't change anything. If you served on the field of battle and earned the Purple Heart and 10 awards of distinguished merits, it makes out a fine American citizen who bravely served his country. It gets you zero extra points on a message board.
Message boards are "Stand and Deliver!" all the way. State your sources, state your opinions, draw from your experience and your personal knowledge. Don't feel you can drape yourself in the flag and declare yourself immune from criticism and unfavorable comments or opinions. The mightiest heroes can be brought down by the same bullet that kills the lowest infidels.

Damn, I love being pompous. :banana:
Gabriella84 said:
I was on a message board once where some idiot complained that he was being discriminated again. He wanted to be above the rules. After all, isn't that what democracy is all about?
Sorry Charley. Message boards are NOT democracies. They are privately owned and operated entities. The person who owns the space and pays the bills makes the rules. And the rules can be strict or as loose as the owner wishes.
If you wish to throw me (or anyone else) else, complain to The Man. It's not like I haven't been tossed out on my ear before. My opinions and public stances on issues will never change. If you have 20,000 posts and I have two, I am still your equal. If you are 60 years old and I am 21, I am still your equal. If you have 20 years of distinguished military service and I am a radical college student, I am still your equal. We are both adult citizens of the United States of America. This is not India or Mexico, there is no caste system. You are better than no one, or worse than no one.
This is a discussion board. Everyone who is a member has an equal right to be heard. You can agree or disagree. You can insult my intelligence, my parentage and my upbringing. Doesn't change anything. If you served on the field of battle and earned the Purple Heart and 10 awards of distinguished merits, it makes out a fine American citizen who bravely served his country. It gets you zero extra points on a message board.
Message boards are "Stand and Deliver!" all the way. State your sources, state your opinions, draw from your experience and your personal knowledge. Don't feel you can drape yourself in the flag and declare yourself immune from criticism and unfavorable comments or opinions. The mightiest heroes can be brought down by the same bullet that kills the lowest infidels.

Damn, I love being pompous. :banana:

Damn she's only been a member for about 2 weeks, but she sure manages to find something to bitch about!

Most new members would never even touch this thread.
For what it is worth...

1) Too many mods know each other personally. Sets up and uneven playing field. When I say personally, I don't just mean on USMB. I mean off USMB too.

2) It should take more than one mod to be able to ban anybody.

3) Mods should be held to the same standard. They aren't. I've seen Mods flame but then threaten to ban if anybody flames them.

4) NOBODY should be allowed to have more than one ID. Not even Mods.

5) Perhaps a warning system should be established like I have seen on other boards. The warnings are not made public and if you recieve a certain points in the warning system, you automatically receive a time out and if it continues, the system automatically bans you. Here's an example of how one site does it:
Multiple Posts:

This is more of an advisement then a rule. Please try to avoid posting the same topic multiple times.

Warning Points - 0

Spam: Links:

Adding links that don't pertain to the subject of the thread.

Warning Points - 1

Spam: Post Count:

Posting on topics for the sole purpose of raising your post count will be considered as spam. Please try to stay within the subject of the topic posted.

Warning Points - 1

Spam: Advertising:

Adding links to sell products.

Warning Points - 1

Relevance Of Topics:

Some topics have been discussed many times, it is not very useful to discuss the same topics over and over and ask the same questions repetedly. Please check earlier pages of the forums about the topic.

Warning Points - 1

Multiple IDs:

Warning Points - 5

Abusive Flaming:

Warning Points - 6

Once you reach warning level 10, you will be banned for 14 days

Something along this line... can be modified.

6) Make some of th more articulate liberals Mods too so they can help reign in those libs that come in here just to start crap. The conservative mods are quick to jump on people like WJ, but we don't have a liberal Mod and so the libs are not able to "police themselves".

7) Decide what it is YOU want this site for, let everybody know and then let them decide if that is the kind of site they want to belong to.
Trinity said:
Damn she's only been a member for about 2 weeks, but she sure manages to find something to bitch about!

Most new members would never even touch this thread.

Well she did and Jim requested it from everyone. This is for suggestions-NOT personal attacks.
Trinity said:
I wasn't attacking, are you?

To be fair, you didn't have a suggestion, either.. Just a complaint about her "nerve" of posting in this thread. There was no "You have to be here at least X amount of time" clarifier, which means her comments were just as welcome as anyone elses..
Trinity said:
I wasn't attacking, are you?

No I was merely suggesting we stick to the topic at hand rather than make snide comments about other posters. And I agree---what happened to your brother, Jim?
dilloduck said:
No I was merely suggesting we stick to the topic at hand rather than make snide comments about other posters. And I agree---what happened to your brother, Jim?

Well considering Gabby doesn't really exist, I guess I don't feel to bad about my snide comments. Now let's see how long it takes before I get banned for this post!
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