A Simple Question About Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was A Zionist.


More exact words were never said, and they were told by the great civil rights leader, The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. the American hero whose life and dream we celebrate today. Dr. King was a great leader for civil rights and a Zionist. Unlike today’s “Civil Rights” leaders who seek divisiveness and handouts, Dr. King’s dream was a post-racial society where people were judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was A Zionist.


More exact words were never said, and they were told by the great civil rights leader, The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. the American hero whose life and dream we celebrate today. Dr. King was a great leader for civil rights and a Zionist. Unlike today’s “Civil Rights” leaders who seek divisiveness and handouts, Dr. King’s dream was a post-racial society where people were judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.
Except those aren't his words. And MLK never claimed to be a Zionist.
Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend - Wikipedia
"Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend" is an open letter falsely attributed to Martin Luther King Jr. that expressed support for Zionism and declared that "anti-Zionist is inherently anti-Semitic, and ever will be so."[1]

According to Sundquist, King "paid frequent tribute to Jewish support for black rights, defended Israel's right to exist, supported the Jewish state during the Six-Day War (while calling for a negotiated settlement in keeping with his advocacy of nonviolence), and on more than one occasion opposed the anti-Zionism then taking increasing hold in the Black Power movement." According to Sundquist, while the letter is a hoax, the sentiments it expresses are those of King.[14] Sundquist states that the positions expressed in the forged letter "are in no way at odds with King's views."[2]

While MLK was not asking for 'handouts', MLK was indeed in favor of government support- what the Conservative movement derides as 'Affirmative Action"

Martin Luther King and Affirmative Action
King was well aware of the arguments used against affirmative action policies. As far back as 1964, he was writing in Why We Can't Wait: "Whenever the issue of compensatory treatment for the Negro is raised, some of our friends recoil in horror. The Negro should be granted equality, they agree; but he should ask nothing more. On the surface, this appears reasonable, but it is not realistic."

King supported affirmative action";type programs because he never confused the dream with American reality. As he put it, "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro" to compete on a just and equal basis (quoted in Let the Trumpet Sound, by Stephen Oates).

In a 1965 Playboy interview, King compared affirmative action";style policies to the GI Bill: "Within common law we have ample precedents for special compensatory programs.... And you will remember that America adopted a policy of special treatment for her millions of veterans after the war."

In King's teachings, affirmative action approaches were not "reverse discrimination" or "racial preference." King promoted affirmative action not as preference for race over race (or gender over gender), but as a preference for inclusion, for equal oportunity, for real democracy. Nor was King's integration punitive: For him, integration benefited all Americans, male and female, white and non";white alike. And contrary to Gingrich, King insisted that, along with individual efforts, collective problems require collective solutions.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was A Zionist.


More exact words were never said, and they were told by the great civil rights leader, The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. the American hero whose life and dream we celebrate today. Dr. King was a great leader for civil rights and a Zionist. Unlike today’s “Civil Rights” leaders who seek divisiveness and handouts, Dr. King’s dream was a post-racial society where people were judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.
Except those aren't his words.

Yes they are:

In 2002, the late Rep. John Lewis who worked closely with Martin Luther King Jr. wrote an op-ed confirming that the famous quote, latter used in an open letter, came from a speech made by Dr. King:

….During the recent U.N. Conference on Racism held in Durban, South Africa, we were all shocked by the attacks on Jews, Israel and Zionism. The United States of America stood up against these vicious attacks.​

Once again, the words of King ran through my memory, “I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews — because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.”​

During an appearance at Harvard University shortly before his death, a student stood up and asked King to address himself to the issue of Zionism. The question was clearly hostile. King responded, “When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking Antisemitism”.​
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

So in your view, Dr. King approved of his people sitting around on their keisters chatting on their Obamaphones drinking malt liquor and smoking newports , instead of working?

Maybe you're right, but I don't think so.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

So in your view, Dr. King approved of his people sitting around on their keisters chatting on their Obamaphones drinking malt liquor and smoking newports , instead of working?

Maybe you're right, but I don't think so.

No who would approve of the many black folks who have gone to school, got an education and contribute just as much to this society as white folks do. He wouldn't approve of the free flow of drugs and guns that come into our communities everyday and nothing is done to stop it.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

So in your view, Dr. King approved of his people sitting around on their keisters chatting on their Obamaphones drinking malt liquor and smoking newports , instead of working?

Maybe you're right, but I don't think so.

No who would approve of the many black folks who have gone to school, got an education and contribute just as much to this society as white folks do. He wouldn't approve of the free flow of drugs and guns that come into our communities everyday and nothing is done to stop it.

Trump's Tremendous Wall will prevent drugs and guns from coming into our communities of course. Although I'm not so sure about how the new breed of DA's out there who want to let drug pushers go is going to work out
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

Another lie.

Members of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s extended family came out in support of President Trump this week, on the national day of recognition for the civil rights leader.

Isaac Newton Farris Jr. and Alveda King, Dr. King’s nephew and niece, respectively, asserted in interviews that Trump is not a racist.

Who are Those MLK Family Members Expressing Support for Trump? | Afro

The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Was A Zionist.


More exact words were never said, and they were told by the great civil rights leader, The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. the American hero whose life and dream we celebrate today. Dr. King was a great leader for civil rights and a Zionist. Unlike today’s “Civil Rights” leaders who seek divisiveness and handouts, Dr. King’s dream was a post-racial society where people were judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.
Except those aren't his words.

Yes they are:

In 2002, the late Rep. John Lewis who worked closely with Martin Luther King Jr. wrote an op-ed confirming that the famous quote, latter used in an open letter, came from a speech made by Dr. King:

….During the recent U.N. Conference on Racism held in Durban, South Africa, we were all shocked by the attacks on Jews, Israel and Zionism. The United States of America stood up against these vicious attacks.​

Once again, the words of King ran through my memory, “I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews — because bigotry in any form is an affront to us all.”​

During an appearance at Harvard University shortly before his death, a student stood up and asked King to address himself to the issue of Zionism. The question was clearly hostile. King responded, “When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking Antisemitism”.​

With great respect to Rep. John Lewis- who I am sure you agree with me is a great Congressman and civil rights leader- may believe that MLK said those exact words- but there is no indication that he was actually there at Harvard.

The 'letter' was a fake- there was no such letter. Did MLK actually say those exact words? Maybe- basically its the account of one person(Lipset) who said he was there and heard MLK say something like that. Another, Peretz agreed that MLK said something like that. Andrew Young who was also at the dinner never confirmed MLK said that.

Here is a verified quote of King that is clearly supportive of Israel- and Palestine.

“I think it is necessary to say that what is basic and what is needed in the Middle East is peace. Peace for Israel is one thing. Peace for the Arab side of that world is another thing,” said King.

“Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all of our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel, and never mind saying it, as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land almost can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.

“On the other hand, we must see what peace for the Arabs means in a real sense of security on another level. Peace for the Arabs means the kind of economic security that they so desperately need. These nations, as you know, are part of that third world of hunger, of disease, of illiteracy. I think that as long as these conditions exist there will be tensions, there will be the endless quest to find scapegoats. So there is a need for a Marshall Plan for the Middle East, where we lift those who are at the bottom of the e

Fierce tugs in the war over Martin Luther King’s legacy on Israel
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

So in your view, Dr. King approved of his people sitting around on their keisters chatting on their Obamaphones drinking malt liquor and smoking newports , instead of working?

Maybe you're right, but I don't think so.

No who would approve of the many black folks who have gone to school, got an education and contribute just as much to this society as white folks do. He wouldn't approve of the free flow of drugs and guns that come into our communities everyday and nothing is done to stop it.

Trump's Tremendous Wall will prevent drugs and guns from coming into our communities of course. Although I'm not so sure about how the new breed of DA's out there who want to let drug pushers go is going to work out


Trumpsters are so gullible.
The big lie is what left wing maniacs want you to believe about conservatives. Nobody seems to whine about MLK's legacy more than lefties. The poor bastard can't even rest in peace because lefties keep digging him up to invent more outrage to score political points. Today's lefties don't give a damn about King, he is just a tool for political unrest.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

Another lie.

Members of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s extended family came out in support of President Trump this week, on the national day of recognition for the civil rights leader.

Isaac Newton Farris Jr. and Alveda King, Dr. King’s nephew and niece, respectively, asserted in interviews that Trump is not a racist.

Who are Those MLK Family Members Expressing Support for Trump? | Afro

“I’m not saying he does not say racist stuff, but I’m trying to tell you, that it’s possible to say something racist and not be racist yourself or intending to be racist,” Farris told the newspaper.

None of us really know what MLK would have said about Trump- not even his Republican niece and nephew.

MLK's children are no fans of Trump

In Washington, King’s eldest son, Martin Luther King III, criticized Trump, saying, “When a president insists that our nation needs more citizens from white states like Norway, I don’t even think we need to spend any time even talking about what it says and what it is.”

He added, “We got to find a way to work on this man’s heart.”

In Atlanta, King’s daughter, the Rev. Bernice King, told hundreds of people who packed the pews of the Ebenezer Baptist Church that they “cannot allow the nations of the world to embrace the words that come from our president as a reflection of the true spirit of America.”

“We are one people, one nation, one blood, one destiny. ... All of civilization and humanity originated from the soils of Africa,” Bernice King said. “Our collective voice in this hour must always be louder than the one who sometimes does not reflect the legacy of my father.”
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

So in your view, Dr. King approved of his people sitting around on their keisters chatting on their Obamaphones drinking malt liquor and smoking newports , instead of working?

Maybe you're right, but I don't think so.

No who would approve of the many black folks who have gone to school, got an education and contribute just as much to this society as white folks do. He wouldn't approve of the free flow of drugs and guns that come into our communities everyday and nothing is done to stop it.

Why isn't Trump doing anything to stop the free flow of guns and drugs?
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

Another lie.

Members of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s extended family came out in support of President Trump this week, on the national day of recognition for the civil rights leader.

Isaac Newton Farris Jr. and Alveda King, Dr. King’s nephew and niece, respectively, asserted in interviews that Trump is not a racist.

Who are Those MLK Family Members Expressing Support for Trump? | Afro

“I’m not saying he does not say racist stuff, but I’m trying to tell you, that it’s possible to say something racist and not be racist yourself or intending to be racist,” Farris told the newspaper.

None of us really know what MLK would have said about Trump- not even his Republican niece and nephew.

MLK's children are no fans of Trump

In Washington, King’s eldest son, Martin Luther King III, criticized Trump, saying, “When a president insists that our nation needs more citizens from white states like Norway, I don’t even think we need to spend any time even talking about what it says and what it is.”

He added, “We got to find a way to work on this man’s heart.”

In Atlanta, King’s daughter, the Rev. Bernice King, told hundreds of people who packed the pews of the Ebenezer Baptist Church that they “cannot allow the nations of the world to embrace the words that come from our president as a reflection of the true spirit of America.”

“We are one people, one nation, one blood, one destiny. ... All of civilization and humanity originated from the soils of Africa,” Bernice King said. “Our collective voice in this hour must always be louder than the one who sometimes does not reflect the legacy of my father.”


Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

Another lie.

Members of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s extended family came out in support of President Trump this week, on the national day of recognition for the civil rights leader.

Isaac Newton Farris Jr. and Alveda King, Dr. King’s nephew and niece, respectively, asserted in interviews that Trump is not a racist.

Who are Those MLK Family Members Expressing Support for Trump? | Afro

“I’m not saying he does not say racist stuff, but I’m trying to tell you, that it’s possible to say something racist and not be racist yourself or intending to be racist,” Farris told the newspaper.

None of us really know what MLK would have said about Trump- not even his Republican niece and nephew.

MLK's children are no fans of Trump

In Washington, King’s eldest son, Martin Luther King III, criticized Trump, saying, “When a president insists that our nation needs more citizens from white states like Norway, I don’t even think we need to spend any time even talking about what it says and what it is.”

He added, “We got to find a way to work on this man’s heart.”

In Atlanta, King’s daughter, the Rev. Bernice King, told hundreds of people who packed the pews of the Ebenezer Baptist Church that they “cannot allow the nations of the world to embrace the words that come from our president as a reflection of the true spirit of America.”

“We are one people, one nation, one blood, one destiny. ... All of civilization and humanity originated from the soils of Africa,” Bernice King said. “Our collective voice in this hour must always be louder than the one who sometimes does not reflect the legacy of my father.”


Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low

Isn't that great! The booming economy that started under President Obama has continued under President Trump, and the decline in unemployment rate with African Americans that started under President Obama continues under President Trump.

Hopefully Trump won't screw it up.
I wonder what MLK would think about a President who reduced Black Unemployment to the lowest level in recorded history? Do you think that he approved of his peeps working, or did he want them to be dependent on Government Largesse?

Compare and contrast the Trumpster and Obama with his Obamaphone program which encouraged the people to give away their birthright as Americans for a few hundred free minutes on a cheap Obamaphone. At least Esau got a tasty stew for his.

He would have been proud of Pres. Obama. He probably would call Trump a disgrace like every other civil rights leader does.

Another lie.

Members of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s extended family came out in support of President Trump this week, on the national day of recognition for the civil rights leader.

Isaac Newton Farris Jr. and Alveda King, Dr. King’s nephew and niece, respectively, asserted in interviews that Trump is not a racist.

Who are Those MLK Family Members Expressing Support for Trump? | Afro

“I’m not saying he does not say racist stuff, but I’m trying to tell you, that it’s possible to say something racist and not be racist yourself or intending to be racist,” Farris told the newspaper.

None of us really know what MLK would have said about Trump- not even his Republican niece and nephew.

MLK's children are no fans of Trump

In Washington, King’s eldest son, Martin Luther King III, criticized Trump, saying, “When a president insists that our nation needs more citizens from white states like Norway, I don’t even think we need to spend any time even talking about what it says and what it is.”

He added, “We got to find a way to work on this man’s heart.”

In Atlanta, King’s daughter, the Rev. Bernice King, told hundreds of people who packed the pews of the Ebenezer Baptist Church that they “cannot allow the nations of the world to embrace the words that come from our president as a reflection of the true spirit of America.”

“We are one people, one nation, one blood, one destiny. ... All of civilization and humanity originated from the soils of Africa,” Bernice King said. “Our collective voice in this hour must always be louder than the one who sometimes does not reflect the legacy of my father.”


Black and Hispanic unemployment is at a record low

Isn't that great! The booming economy that started under President Obama has continued under President Trump, and the decline in unemployment rate with African Americans that started under President Obama continues under President Trump.

Hopefully Trump won't screw it up.

Those jobs under BHO didn't come with wage growth. What happened?


How about the decline of people on food stamps? BHO = Food Stamp POTUS.


Consumer Confidence?

7 Big Lies Conservatives Want You To Believe About Martin Luther King, Jr.

I got one question to ask on the day we celebrate the life and lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King - (or as the Democrats call him, Martin Luther Coon) -- and that question is -- what prominent conservatives were marching along side of King down in places like Selma, Birmingham, Jackson?? Notice, I didn't ask what prominent "republicans" were marching along side of King, I asked what prominent "conservatives" were marching along side of him....and whenever you break it down along ideological lines instead of party lines -- the closet racists of today get triggered.....

"When you look at American history from a straight progressive versus conservative viewpoint, there have not been too many universally agreed upon conservative victories. Primarily because conservatives are conservatives and want things to stay the same. And things have changed. When women wanted the vote, obviously, the people not wanting that to change would have been considered conservative. Those who wanted to keep Jim Crow would have been conservatives. Many of those who would have been considered heroes to the conservatives at the time would seem super backwards to almost anyone today. No one is going around wearing a Joseph McCarthy t-shirt, and cool kids on campus are not sitting around reading “The Bell Curve.”

Since this question is so hard for today's conservatives to answer -- they resort to just flat out making shit up -- and hoping if they just keep repeating the lie enough, it will be truth -- pay no attention to what MLK said himself, they tell you...Popular lies like "King was a Republican, believe me...his niece even said it...and we pay her a lot of money to keep telling us that!!"....Here is what King said about the 1964 Republican convention...."The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism. All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right. The “best man” [Barry Goldwater] at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade."

History and facts are a troublesome thing for those who seek to try to invent their own...and when those people really get triggered -- they finally let it slip out that "King cheated on his wives, he is a rapist!!" -- "King was paid to say those radical things by the Commies!!" -- funny, weren't you just claiming he was a conservative Republican??

Let's also remember what your former God, St. Reagan (replaced by your new God, Trump) said immediately after the assassination of MLK....he basically said he was a radical lawbreaker and he had it coming....Even when he had to change positions and sign MLK day as a federal holiday -- he wrote an apology letter to a member of the racist John Birch society (Meldrim Thomson, Jr) to explain to him that he was only using the MLK day as political pretext to silence the mounting criticism of his positions on civil rights.

So....I'll simply ask....can you name me the prominent republican conservatives who were along side of King, putting his or her life on the line for civil rights? People who died for what they believed in, people like Viola Luizzo, Andrew Goodman, William Lewis Moore, Jonathan Daniels -- by the way, all of those people I just named were white.....the ones who were attacked as being "liberal trouble makers" and "N-word lovers" -- they damn sure were not murdered for being "prominent conservatives"

What prominent white democrats marched with MLK?

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