21 Day Challenge: post without name calling.

Apparently I have worn out my welcome on this thread, have a great evening all. Moving on.
It's sometimes hard to tell when someone is being sincere or sarcastic.

There's a unique Southern phrase that is the nicest form of "name-calling" As in "bless his/her/their heart"..
Really is quite scathing in the way it's used. Especially against Yankees... :biggrin: ALMOST the equivalent of "poor little idiot".. Can I still use it?

If so -- I'm in... :eusa_angel:
Awww...bless :eusa_angel:

I got it a bit wrong. It's "Bless his/her/their Little Heart".. The Little is the real big dig...
I'm in.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Now that I think about it, I actually do not do a lot of name calling to begin with if any at all, so maybe I shouldn't be in on this? I don't know.
I can easily go 21 days without name calling.



Fuckin' faggots.
I will try very hard


I'm trying, I am trying, I'm trying, I'm trying

I feel a name calling session percolating deep down inside of me.:eusa_silenced:

OP whoever you are you are a

This is a mighty high bar for positive speech:

1. Spoken at the right time;
2. True.
3. Sweet.
4. Useful and helpful.
5. Kind and compassionate.

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