10 Ways Obama Has Failed as President


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. He didn’t heal our racial divisions.
-- He fanned the flames and has made it worse.

"What he has mostly contributed has been to rush in and pre-judge racially charged cases, like the shooting of Trayvon Martin or the questionable police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, before the defendants get their day in court. When you pre-judge someone on the basis of race, isn’t there a word for that?

So as the recent race riots in Ferguson confirm, Obama has not served as some kind of magical bridge who would promote mutual understanding between whites and blacks. Instead, he has done more to inflame the tensions in these cases than to defuse them."

2. The stimulus didn’t stimulate.
-- It was a complete FAILURE - Nearly $1 trillion, over 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only personal / party-benefitting pork, non-existent 'Shovel-ready' projects, and $774,000 PER job Obama CLAIMED to have created / saved (according to the GAO).

"He has presided over the slowest, weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression—and by a good margin."

3. Financial reform didn’t reform.

"The Dodd-Frank financial reforms didn’t really reform anything. They created a couple thousand pages of new legislation and many, many more new executive-branch regulations, which have helped to muddle the rules rather than clarify them. But these regulations have never really resolved any of the pre-crisis problems. The old system in which a handful of giant financial institutions were considered “too big to fail” and thus could depend on the rest of us to bail them out? That system is alive and well."

4. ObamaCare is a boondoggle.
- Built on lies from the start and rammed into law against the majority will of the people, the ACA has been a disaster and is now on it's own 'death bed'.

"The disastrous launch of ObamaCare was a reminder of everything that’s wrong with big government. It turns out that when we warned health insurance would be run as well as the Department of Motor Vehicles, we were too optimistic. And no one was ever held accountable for that fiasco."

** (No one is EVER held accountable for Liberal f* Up, disasters, and crimes - not under Obama!)

5. Obama failed to reform immigration
- 'Reform'? Open borders, refusal to enforce existing Immigration law, refusal the enforce Criminal law, protecting violent illegals, protecting human Traffickers, engaging in Human trafficking, violating court orders, violating Constitution and Rule of law, protecting Sanctuary cities, stealing money from tax payer health programs to house / support illegals.... In a way Barry HAS 'reformed' illegal immigration in this country, just NOT for the better.

6. He withdrew prematurely from Iraq
... And gave access into it to ISIS, allowing them to take over much of the country already liberated at great cost by US troops

"Obama was so eager to not be George W. Bush that he pulled all of our troops out of Iraq as soon as possible, then totally ignored the country, even as a terrorist threat re-established itself there. For most of this year, he foolishly downplayed the rise of the Islamic State. Even as Kurds and the Iraqi government issued increasingly panicked warnings, and the Islamic State took over more and more territory, he let the problem get worse for months without bothering to interrupt his golf schedule."

7. He blew the Arab Spring.

"When a series of uprisings overthrew dictators across the Middle East, Obama failed to adopt any meaningful policy or to turn the situation to our advantage. He dithered for so long on Egypt that all of the factions there hate him, and most of Egypt’s liberals concluded that he was secretly backing the Muslim Brotherhood. The result is that Egypt went right back to where it was before, except this time the military dictatorship regards America as a useless and irrelevant ally."

"Meanwhile, the two places where we could have taken advantage of the Arab Spring to get rid of truly nasty dictators who have been hostile to our interests for decades—Libya and Syria—ended in disaster."
-- Obama and Hilary's decision to aid Al Qaeida and ISIS was a disaster...

"And let’s not forget about 2009, when Iranians poured out onto the street to oppose their own brutal, theocratic, terror-sponsoring regime—and Obama sat back passively because he preferred to cut a diplomatic deal with the ayatollahs."

8. Obama ignored the threat of a resurgent Russian dictatorship.
-- Hey Barry, the 1980s called...they called you a dumbass and said you should have listened to Romney's warning! :p

"The president’s response to Russian aggression has been to impose a few more sanctions, make a speech in Estonia, and otherwise ignore the crisis (like with Crimea) and hope it goes away."

9. He didn’t shut down Guantanamo, keep the NSA from spying, or rein in the drones.

- No one wanted him to keep that 1st one anyway.

"President Obama came into office having loudly condemned many of the Bush administration’s measures against terrorism. Then he continued them. You can call this hypocrisy or you can call it subversion. But President Obama has achieved a unique combination: managing to morally discredit America’s anti-terrorism policies without actually ending them."
- In fact he has spent the majority of his 8 years in office supplying, financing, supporting, arming, training, defending, aiding, and abetting terrorists...

10. He has made America irrelevant.
-- Just like dear ol' dad wanted....

"You will notice that most of Obama’s failures result, not from taking a bold stand, but from taking no stand and just letting events drift. Certainly, in a lot of these cases, Obama has given speeches or press conference to announce his enlightened intentions—then done nothing to plan for how to actually achieve his goals.

Combine all of this with his frequent vacations and golf outings and his fascination with the trappings of pop-culture celebrity, and you get the impression that Obama has checked out of the presidency and lost interest in the responsibility he is neither willing nor able to shoulder."

10 Ways Obama Has Failed as President

Thank God Hillary was REJECTED and we did not have to endure 'Obama 2.0'.
8 years of full frontal assaults on America from the biggest traitor in American history. None of it was an accident.
and you didn't even get to Eric Holder and what he did as AG - make every Dem kleptocrat above the law, backstab the medical marijuana crowd for being white, cover up the FBI's fraud case against the "warmers," cover up 911, sell out prosecutions for donations to the Democrats and the Holder family etc...
I agree with all you said, and there is much more. I disagree about gitmo, though. It has a function, not just as a terrorist detainee camp. It is strategically located as a US naval base and more.
Barack Obama will go down in history as one of the best presidents, maybe great ones. Most of the so called whines from the whining right wingnuts are the fault of a congress of do nothings. History will show that, right wing ideologues remain mesmerized and brainwashed Russian and wikileaks' stoolies.

President Barack Obama will go down as one our very best presidents, there is no doubt of that. Will the conservatives and others disagree, of course, but any review of the past eight years and his accomplishments will prove them wrong.


One of the great ones. Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

And our economy improved too. Research shows Democrats are better for the economy — so why do voters trust Republicans more?

Perhaps before you anoint the Bigot in Chief as a "great" President, you should wait until Sessions outs that which the Bigot in Chief hid... and expected Hillary to keep hiding...
Barack Obama will go down in history as one of the best presidents, maybe great ones. Most of the so called whines from the whining right wingnuts are the fault of a congress of do nothings. History will show that, right wing ideologues remain mesmerized and brainwashed Russian and wikileaks' stoolies.

President Barack Obama will go down as one our very best presidents, there is no doubt of that. Will the conservatives and others disagree, of course, but any review of the past eight years and his accomplishments will prove them wrong.


One of the great ones. Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

And our economy improved too. Research shows Democrats are better for the economy — so why do voters trust Republicans more?
Man, talk about delusional!

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