
  1. deanrd

    ANOTHER Trump Campaign adviser INDICTED???? That makes eight!!!! WFT????

    Banker Charged With Trying to Trade Loans to Paul Manafort for List of Jobs in Trump Administration Banker Indicted for Allegedly Giving Loans to Paul Manafort for Help Getting Trump Job Banker Accused of Arranging $16 Million in Loans to Manafort to Gain High-Level Trump Post OMG! Is that...
  2. deanrd

    Clearly, Donald Trump has re-defined what it means to be a Republican.

    No ifā€™s andā€™s or butts, Donald Trump has redefined what it means to be a Republican. First, what exactly does that mean? How do trump Republicans differ from the old style Republicans? And second, what does that mean for the country going forward?
  3. deanrd

    If you were a foreign country, would you trust any negotiated deal trump signed?

    If you were a foreign country, would you trust any negotiated deal trump signed? Seriously people. You know Trump stiffed his own workers. He ruined many peoples lives and destroyed companies when he refused to pay them for work done. If you were a foreign country would you sign a deal...
  4. deanrd

    Another first: President Trump is the first president to pardon murderers.

    Most presidents donā€™t pardon murderers Trump crossed that line this month when he pardoned Michael Behenna, who had been sentenced to prison in 2009 for unpremeditated murder in the killing of an Iraqi detainee and released on parole in 2014 after his sentence was reduced. He's also looking at...
  5. The Original Tree

    The Party Is Over & You Are The Drunk Still On The Lawn In The Morning

    The Democrat Party is like a drunk on the front lawn after a raucous party. The cops were called a couple times to respond to the disturbances and told you to "keep it down". Someone rode a horse through the living room and out through the picture window. There is some fat girls panties...
  6. deanrd

    Letā€™s speculate USMB. Why is trump so freaked out about his financials being exposed?

    Letā€™s speculate USMB. Why is trump so freaked out about his financials being exposed? So far every court is saying that the Congress has oversight over the executive branch as written in the constitution. Iā€™m not exactly sure why Republicans support him keeping everything secret. Do they...
  7. deanrd

    To me, it looked like Sec. Ben Carson thought Congresswomen Porter called him an "OREO".

    ā€œOreo?ā€: A Very Hungry Ben Carson Lays Out His Plan to Evict Immigrants From Public Housing Watching Ben Ben with intelligent people trying to ask him about his job was painful. He was asked how many people were on the list for government housing and he said a couple of hundred thousand? One...
  8. deanrd

    A Need Greater Now Than Ever ā€“ Vigorous Oversight of an Expanding Executive: what GOP said to Obama A Constitutional Obligation: Congressional Oversight of the Executive Branch Hand-in-hand with the powers expressly granted to Congress by the Constitution ā€“...
  9. JGalt

    President Trump's rally in Pennsylvania

    Totally awesome! I am going to tell you Democrats right here and right now: You don't have an ice cube's chance in Hell against this guy. You could run Jesus Christ Himself in 2020, and even He would still lose. Take my word for this: As a former Democrat myself, ya'll are in some seriously...
  10. Litwin

    Divide and influence: "russia " and the EU elections

    we in return have to " sway" once and forever Muscovite empire, do you agree? Divide and influence: "Russia" and the EU elections [VIDEO]
  11. georgephillip

    Deutsche Bank Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump & Kushner Accounts

    Deutsche Bank Staff Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump and Kushner Accounts May 19, 2019 "JACKSONVILLE, Fla. ā€” Anti-money laundering specialists at Deutsche Bank recommended in 2016 and 2017 that multiple transactions involving legal entities controlled by Donald J. Trump and his son-in-law...
  12. LuvExoticKitty

    Trump has already made American culture better

    Remember when libs thought it was okay to be racist against white people? Remember when men had to feel bad for being men, apologizing for wanting attractive women and for wanting to be aggressive winners? Remember when being an American came with an apology first? Remember when owning a...
  13. deanrd

    Did members of congress commit felonies: Witness Tampering and Obstruction? Could be!

    Turns out Michael Flynn gave Robert Mueller a smoking gun about Donald Trump NBC says that this tampering was done by people in the Trump White House and unnamed people in Congress, which opens a whole new can of worms. Flynn told Mueller all about these efforts while they were going on. It...
  14. deanrd

    Are Republicans supporting the rapist over the victim?

    In Alabama, you can torture and rape a woman until she gets pregnant and you could go to jail for 10 years. But if the doctor performs an abortion because sheā€™s out of her mind carrying the child of her torturer and rapist, the doctor could go to prison for 99 years. In other words, he would...
  15. midcan5

    Russian Troll Talks

    Editor's note: Given the distractions and confusion caused by social media trolls we cannot confirm the authorship of this opinion piece, but we find its analysis interesting and at times insightful. Zdravstvuj, I am one of those people you read about. We are phantoms to some who think...
  16. deanrd

    The difference between Iraq and Iran.

    Bush, Cheney and the Republicans lied us into a war with Iraq. And because they were so good with their lies they managed to put together a coalition of dozens of countries to invade a country that was already devastated by sanctions under George Bush Senior. Iran is three times larger than...
  17. deanrd

    When it comes to China and trade, Trump is like Chinese food. Won Dum Fuk.

    Let me tell you how this is working and how it should work. First, let's agree on the facts. China steals from everyone. Every country they trade with, they steal secrets from and they trade unfairly. So what is the most obvious way to beat back China? Think about it. Think about...
  18. deanrd

    Why watching Fox News is bad for you and doesnā€™t help you.

    Why watching Fox News is bad for you and doesnā€™t help you. Fox is a propaganda network. You donā€™t learn anything there. I think the reason most Republicans on the USMB donā€™t know that Russia helped Donald Trump win because Fox News will never report that truth. Not only that, Fox News...
  19. deanrd

    President Trump shocked a Republican has the nerve and the gall to do their elected job!

    Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ā€˜Sort of maliciousā€™ Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. ā€” after the release of special counsel Robert Muellerā€™s report and after McConnellā€™s declaration on the Senate floor. ā€œApparently the...
  20. deanrd

    What is the biggest story of this week?

    What is the biggest story of this week? The trade war with China? The missile test in North Korea? Russian troops in Venezuela? Trump and his 10 felonies from the Mueller report? The constitutional crisis between the executive branch and congressional oversight as outlined in the...
  21. deanrd

    Who said Republicans donā€™t believe in regulation?

    Itā€™s a flat out lie when people say Republicans donā€™t believe in regulation or donā€™t want to regulate anything. Publicans want to regulate which of age Americans get to vote. Republicans want to regulate which of age adults of sound mind can get married. Republicans want to regulate...
  22. deanrd

    Donā€™t call them tariffs. Call them what they are....taxes.

    Trump's new tariff threat could make iPhones, toys and shoes more expensive - CNN Trump has repeatedly claimed that China pays the tariffs. And while some Chinese companies may choose to eat some of the cost in order to remain competitive in the US market, several recent research papers show...
  23. deanrd

    James Comey is giving a Townhall on CNN. It is hilarious!

    James Comey is giving a Townhall on CNN. It is hilarious! He was just asked if he was best friends with Robert Mueller and if there were hundreds of photographs of them together that way Donald Trump claimed. He said if itā€™s true itā€™s news to him.
  24. deanrd

    Impeachment petition with 10 million signatures given to Congress.

    Petitions with 10 million signatures to impeach Trump delivered to Congress WASHINGTON ā€” National advocacy groups on Thursday delivered to Congress multiple petitions of what they said contained 10 million signatures from people who support the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Impeach...
  25. deanrd

    I start laughing now just thinking about the debates. Can you imagine?

    I start laughing now just thinking about the debates. Can you imagine? Say for instance that Eric Swalwell became the Democratic nominee. So thereā€™s Trump and Eric up on stage and Trump calls Eric a name and talks about him being half trumps age. TRUMP: Youā€™re just an inexperienced little...
  26. Litwin

    Glazyev Advisor to Putin : "Jewish war on Muscovy" The Jews from Israel will replace "russians"

    Glazyev Advisor to Putin : "Jewish war on Muscovy" . the main thesis: The Jews from Israel will replace "russians" in Ukraine. as I predicted the pogrom are on the way in Muscovite empire "interests of Western "puppeteers". Perhaps the stake on Zelensky, made long before these...
  27. deanrd

    When they go low - kick them! Hard!

    I was watching Joe Bidenā€˜s wife echoing Michelle Obama by saying ā€œwhen they go low, we go highā€. I agree with Eric holder when he said they go low we kick them. But I believe we should not only kick them, but we should kick them hard. Kick them hard with the truth! What happens is that we...
  28. deanrd

    Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?

    Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty? With Donald Trump as president?
  29. C

    Sounds Like Trump Committed Obstruction

    Hundreds of former Justice officials assert Trump would be facing felony charges if he were not President - CNNPolitics Hundreds of former Justice Department officials said in an open letter released Monday that President Donald Trump would be facing multiple felony charges stemming from the...
  30. deanrd

    How many think Trump will be in prison before the end of 2021?

    Nearly 400 former federal prosecutors signed onto a letter Monday claiming that if Donald Trump was not a sitting president, he would have been found guilty of obstruction of justice from evidence laid out of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe. Bill Weld, who announced he running for...
  31. The Original Tree

    Why America should do Weapons Drops and Food Drops for The Venezuelan People

    If Obama can sell weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels, Interfere in Israel's Elections, Inerfere in The Ukraine's Elections, Provide money and weapons to Al Queda in Libya to launch a COUP and ASSASSINATE Qaddafi, give millions in cash and weapons to The Muslim Brotherhood to overthrow Egypt. Give...
  32. Justin Richardson

    Obama's Economy, Seriously?

    National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow stated: What Mr. Booker (Farticus) and others are saying is simply not true factually." as he stated on Fox News' "America's News HQ". He (Kudlow) went on to say: Kudlow spoke two days after the publication of the April jobs report, which...
  33. deanrd

    Hilarious!!!! Now Trump says Mueller can't go before congress. Couldn't you see it coming?

    Trump Objects to Mueller Testifying Before Congress Doesn't take a fortune teller to know Trump would change his mind. Does anyone believe he actually changed his mind? Or was he just trying to sow confusion? He never wanted Mueller to testify. We know Trump is an un-indicted co conspirator...
  34. deanrd

    North Korea brand new weapons test. First time in a year.

    North Korea says Kim oversaw testing of multiple rocket launchers Trump loves little Kim, Trump loves Vladimir Putin. Trump has all this love for these murderers. And they make him look like such a fool.
  35. Justin Richardson

    A Constitutional Standoff?

    So, Trump had an hour phone call with Putin. They discussed Venezuela, North Korea and of course, The Mueller Report. Nothing they both discussed that the Americans don't know already. So, how is this now a Constitutional standoff?
  36. The Original Tree

    Death Panels are Back in The News Again

    Even Putin wouldn't do this. First off, let me point out the utter hypocrisy of The Left AGAIN. The Democrat Party's Position is to Oppose "Right To Try" That means that if you have cancer, you will not have The Right To Try experimental treatments. A panel will decide if you live or die...
  37. deanrd

    Stephen Moore, the latest wacko to withdraw his name from consideration for the FED

    I canā€™t even believe that wacko Steve Moore made it this long Stephen Moore withdraws as Trump's Federal Reserve pick after uproar over writings about women Moore's decision, which followed an uproar over his writings on women and other issues, came just a little more than a week after another...
  38. deanrd

    Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.

    Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump. Thereā€™s been this fantasy that after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ, that somehow Republicans lost politically. Even though the very next election year they won the...
  39. the other mike

    Attempted coup d' etat underway in Venezuela.

    Here we go again.:icon_cry: US-backed Guaido calls for Venezuela military uprising in VIDEO of him surrounded by soldiers ā€˜Traitor troopsā€™ stage coup attempt in Venezuela ā€“ VP The leader...
  40. deanrd

    Remember when Republicans called themselves compassionate conservativeā€™s?

    Remember when Republicans called themselves compassionate conservativeā€™s? Was that all a joke? Was it a lie? What are they doing today thatā€™s compassionate? Perhaps itā€™s all about definitions? Tax cuts to needy billionaires could be considered compassionate. Putting children in cages...

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