The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Even Putin wouldn't do this.

First off, let me point out the utter hypocrisy of The Left AGAIN.

The Democrat Party's Position is to Oppose "Right To Try"
That means that if you have cancer, you will not have The Right To Try experimental treatments. A panel will decide if you live or die under new proposed "Medicare For All" rules

This especially will be true under their Idiotic Plan for "Medicare For All" and BY ALL, they mean, people who are here illegally and who never paid in to the system. Medicare because they now are forced to provide health care to illegal immigrants and other people who have no right to be on expanded Medicare is going bankrupt, thanks to Obama, and his asshole Obamacare Disaster.

Now to show what utter contempt they have for Human Life, and this is aside from their advocacy for Infanticide, The DemNazi party is now opposing the right of a physician or nurse or health care professional to opt of of procedures like abortion or euthanasia that they find morally objectionable!


San Francisco sues Trump administration over 'conscience' protections, claims it could lose nearly $1B in federal funds

Roger Severino, director of HHS' Office of Civil Rights, defended the policy as a way to provide conscience protections with the same enforcement as other civil rights laws. "Protecting conscience and religious freedom not only fosters greater diversity in health care, it’s the law," he declared.

San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera sued the Trump administration on Thursday, accusing it of effectively sacrificing patients' health and lives by expanding "conscience" protections for patients and health care professionals who opposed controversial treatments

Herrera was one of many critics who blasted the administration's decision. "The intent of this new rule is clear: It’s to prioritize religious beliefs over patient care, thereby undermining access to contraception, abortion, HIV treatment and a host of other medical services.
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So No Leftist Communist Death Cult Member wants to discuss how they are going to throw Granny off the cliff and give her Social Security to a bunch of Bad Hombres from Latin America here Illegally?


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