Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.

There’s been this fantasy that after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ, that somehow Republicans lost politically. Even though the very next election year they won the presidency and both houses.

We already know that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies and that’s why Michael Cohen is going to prison. Because Michael Cohen worked at the direction of Donald Trump.

Trump is been playing this beautifully. Knowing that most Americans will never read the Mueller report and have no idea what it says even though it lays out nearly a dozen felonies which could be charged against Trump. So Trump is convinced people that this document which lays out a dozen felonies completely exonerates Trump even though it says in the document this does not exonerate Donald Trump. In fact, it says that Trump could be indicted once he leaves office. Indicted for crimes he committed while he’s president.
A link to the Mueller report is in my signature line. For anyone to download and read.

So Trump is hoping that the Democrats impeach him because he knows the Republican Senate will never impeach him. That they will protect him for as long as he’s in office and they are in office.
He’ hoping he can point to democratic overreach.

This is where it all goes off the rails. Once they start doing actual impeachment proceedings and the hearings involved, The evidence will be repeated it out loud in public forums for everybody to hear and news channels to record.

That means Americans will find out exactly what a criminal Trump is and they will understand his different crimes.

So I think Trump challenging the Democrats to impeach him is a fantastic idea. And I really hope they follow up on it and begin proceedings. Trump needs to be exposed to everybody.
Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.

There’s been this fantasy that after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ, that somehow Republicans lost politically. Even though the very next election year they won the presidency and both houses.

We already know that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies and that’s why Michael Cohen is going to prison. Because Michael Cohen worked at the direction of Donald Trump.

Trump is been playing this beautifully. Knowing that most Americans will never read the Mueller report and have no idea what it says even though it lays out nearly a dozen felonies which could be charged against Trump. So Trump is convinced people that this document which lays out a dozen felonies completely exonerates Trump even though it says in the document this does not exonerate Donald Trump. In fact, it says that Trump could be indicted once he leaves office. Indicted for crimes he committed while he’s president.
A link to the Mueller report is in my signature line. For anyone to download and read.

So Trump is hoping that the Democrats impeach him because he knows the Republican Senate will never impeach him. That they will protect him for as long as he’s in office and they are in office.
He’ hoping he can point to democratic overreach.

This is where it all goes off the rails. Once they start doing actual impeachment proceedings and the hearings involved, The evidence will be repeated it out loud in public forums for everybody to hear and news channels to record.

That means Americans will find out exactly what a criminal Trump is and they will understand his different crimes.

So I think Trump challenging the Democrats to impeach him is a fantastic idea. And I really hope they follow up on it and begin proceedings. Trump needs to be exposed to everybody.

SO IN OTHER WORDS, Bird-Brain, Trump wants the Democrats to impeach him so that the Democrats will expose what a criminal he is!

BRILLIANT! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

And to think, you thought that up all by yourself!

And Trump is SUCH a crook that the Democrats have to be FORCED, TRICKED into impeaching him.

Now since obviously Mueller with unlimited time and money found no crimes Trump was guilty of, he's obviously IN ON THE COVER UP and must be charged as well!!!!
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Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.

There’s been this fantasy that after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ, that somehow Republicans lost politically. Even though the very next election year they won the presidency and both houses.

We already know that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies and that’s why Michael Cohen is going to prison. Because Michael Cohen worked at the direction of Donald Trump.

Trump is been playing this beautifully. Knowing that most Americans will never read the Mueller report and have no idea what it says even though it lays out nearly a dozen felonies which could be charged against Trump. So Trump is convinced people that this document which lays out a dozen felonies completely exonerates Trump even though it says in the document this does not exonerate Donald Trump. In fact, it says that Trump could be indicted once he leaves office. Indicted for crimes he committed while he’s president.
A link to the Mueller report is in my signature line. For anyone to download and read.

So Trump is hoping that the Democrats impeach him because he knows the Republican Senate will never impeach him. That they will protect him for as long as he’s in office and they are in office.
He’ hoping he can point to democratic overreach.

This is where it all goes off the rails. Once they start doing actual impeachment proceedings and the hearings involved, The evidence will be repeated it out loud in public forums for everybody to hear and news channels to record.

That means Americans will find out exactly what a criminal Trump is and they will understand his different crimes.

So I think Trump challenging the Democrats to impeach him is a fantastic idea. And I really hope they follow up on it and begin proceedings. Trump needs to be exposed to everybody.

So you’re saying there is evidence of “collusion” in the report, but we’re all too dumb to read it and see it.

Furthermore, we must have Democrat led impeachment hearings in order to be told about this “evidence” of the President’s crimes.

Funny, the MSM is just sitting on this mountain of evidence in the report, and not showing us it 24/7.

You aren’t fooling anyone DeanTard, you just want a continuation of the non-stop circus of a kangaroo court to smear the President because he beat Hillary.
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Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.

There’s been this fantasy that after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ, that somehow Republicans lost politically. Even though the very next election year they won the presidency and both houses.

We already know that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies and that’s why Michael Cohen is going to prison. Because Michael Cohen worked at the direction of Donald Trump.

Trump is been playing this beautifully. Knowing that most Americans will never read the Mueller report and have no idea what it says even though it lays out nearly a dozen felonies which could be charged against Trump. So Trump is convinced people that this document which lays out a dozen felonies completely exonerates Trump even though it says in the document this does not exonerate Donald Trump. In fact, it says that Trump could be indicted once he leaves office. Indicted for crimes he committed while he’s president.
A link to the Mueller report is in my signature line. For anyone to download and read.

So Trump is hoping that the Democrats impeach him because he knows the Republican Senate will never impeach him. That they will protect him for as long as he’s in office and they are in office.
He’ hoping he can point to democratic overreach.

This is where it all goes off the rails. Once they start doing actual impeachment proceedings and the hearings involved, The evidence will be repeated it out loud in public forums for everybody to hear and news channels to record.

That means Americans will find out exactly what a criminal Trump is and they will understand his different crimes.

So I think Trump challenging the Democrats to impeach him is a fantastic idea. And I really hope they follow up on it and begin proceedings. Trump needs to be exposed to everybody.

SO IN OTHER WORDS, Bird-Brain, Trump wants the Democrats to impeach him so that the Democrats will expose what a criminal he is!

BRILLIANT! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

And to think, you thought that up all by yourself!

And Trump is SUCH a crook that the Democrats have to be FORCED, TRICKED into impeaching him.

Now since obviously Mueller with unlimited time and money found no crimes Trump was guilty of, he's obviously IN ON THE COVER UP and must be charged as well!!!!
Mueller found a dozen felonies Trump could be charged with.

Trump is an unindicted co conspirator in multiple felonies from the Michael Cohen case.

Democrats aren't be tricked, they are being forced.

Mueller didn't have unlimited time. It was less than 2-1/2 years.

Republicans are still talking about Hillary's server and Benghazi nearly seven years after the last time Hillary held office of any kind.

Let me know if you need to be spanked further. I hear Republicans enjoy a good spanking. At least Trump does.
Man! Can Barr spin or can he spin!

Of course Trump's is right. There are people out there who could watch him gun someone down on Fifth Avenue and still,support him. Those people are way too lazy or way too invested in the cult of Trump to actually read the Mueller Report, like the current Attorney General.

What a world we live in when any president can shut down an investigation if he thinks that investigation is unfair.

Thanks for that spin too, Mr. Barr!
It's over, no matter how you people cry about what happened....as you people see it.
It's over, Nan knows it's over, it ended up being a nothing burger.
Time to move on to his taxes, but stick this issue with a fork, because it's done.
Mueller found a dozen felonies Trump could be charged with.
And charged him with ZERO. Gee. He must know the same people at Justice that Hillary does!
Democrats aren't be tricked, they are being forced.
Being dragged, kicking and screaming, to charge a guy guilty as sin like Trump!
Mueller didn't have unlimited time. It was less than 2-1/2 years.
You mean like 2-3,000 years he should have taken? Who told him to stop but HIM?
Republicans are still talking about Hillary's server and Benghazi nearly seven years after the last time Hillary held office of any kind.
Not 7 years. 3. It was July 2016 when Comey listed all her recent felonies. And that is because there are mountains of concrete evidence on her.
Let me know if you need to be spanked further. I hear Republicans enjoy a good spanking. At least Trump does.
You honestly think you are spanking anyone? Edited
Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.

There’s been this fantasy that after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ, that somehow Republicans lost politically. Even though the very next election year they won the presidency and both houses.

We already know that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies and that’s why Michael Cohen is going to prison. Because Michael Cohen worked at the direction of Donald Trump.

Trump is been playing this beautifully. Knowing that most Americans will never read the Mueller report and have no idea what it says even though it lays out nearly a dozen felonies which could be charged against Trump. So Trump is convinced people that this document which lays out a dozen felonies completely exonerates Trump even though it says in the document this does not exonerate Donald Trump. In fact, it says that Trump could be indicted once he leaves office. Indicted for crimes he committed while he’s president.
A link to the Mueller report is in my signature line. For anyone to download and read.

So Trump is hoping that the Democrats impeach him because he knows the Republican Senate will never impeach him. That they will protect him for as long as he’s in office and they are in office.
He’ hoping he can point to democratic overreach.

This is where it all goes off the rails. Once they start doing actual impeachment proceedings and the hearings involved, The evidence will be repeated it out loud in public forums for everybody to hear and news channels to record.

That means Americans will find out exactly what a criminal Trump is and they will understand his different crimes.

So I think Trump challenging the Democrats to impeach him is a fantastic idea. And I really hope they follow up on it and begin proceedings. Trump needs to be exposed to everybody.

SO IN OTHER WORDS, Bird-Brain, Trump wants the Democrats to impeach him so that the Democrats will expose what a criminal he is!

BRILLIANT! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

And to think, you thought that up all by yourself!

And Trump is SUCH a crook that the Democrats have to be FORCED, TRICKED into impeaching him.

Now since obviously Mueller with unlimited time and money found no crimes Trump was guilty of, he's obviously IN ON THE COVER UP and must be charged as well!!!!
Mueller found a dozen felonies Trump could be charged with.

Trump is an unindicted co conspirator in multiple felonies from the Michael Cohen case.

Democrats aren't be tricked, they are being forced.

Mueller didn't have unlimited time. It was less than 2-1/2 years.

Republicans are still talking about Hillary's server and Benghazi nearly seven years after the last time Hillary held office of any kind.

Let me know if you need to be spanked further. I hear Republicans enjoy a good spanking. At least Trump does.
you should know about those spankings.....you have gotten enough around here over the years....
Mueller found a dozen felonies Trump could be charged with.
And charged him with ZERO. Gee. He must know the same people at Justice that Hillary does!
Democrats aren't be tricked, they are being forced.
Being dragged, kicking and screaming, to charge a guy guilty as sin like Trump!
Mueller didn't have unlimited time. It was less than 2-1/2 years.
You mean like 2-3,000 years he should have taken? Who told him to stop but HIM?
Republicans are still talking about Hillary's server and Benghazi nearly seven years after the last time Hillary held office of any kind.
Not 7 years. 3. It was July 2016 when Comey listed all her recent felonies. And that is because there are mountains of concrete evidence on her.
Let me know if you need to be spanked further. I hear Republicans enjoy a good spanking. At least Trump does.
You honestly think you are spanking anyone? Edited

You’ll be getting spanked in 2020 again

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Why Republicans and the president are trying to force Democrats in the house to impeach Trump.

There’s been this fantasy that after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for lying about a BJ, that somehow Republicans lost politically. Even though the very next election year they won the presidency and both houses.

We already know that Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies and that’s why Michael Cohen is going to prison. Because Michael Cohen worked at the direction of Donald Trump.

Trump is been playing this beautifully. Knowing that most Americans will never read the Mueller report and have no idea what it says even though it lays out nearly a dozen felonies which could be charged against Trump. So Trump is convinced people that this document which lays out a dozen felonies completely exonerates Trump even though it says in the document this does not exonerate Donald Trump. In fact, it says that Trump could be indicted once he leaves office. Indicted for crimes he committed while he’s president.
A link to the Mueller report is in my signature line. For anyone to download and read.

So Trump is hoping that the Democrats impeach him because he knows the Republican Senate will never impeach him. That they will protect him for as long as he’s in office and they are in office.
He’ hoping he can point to democratic overreach.

This is where it all goes off the rails. Once they start doing actual impeachment proceedings and the hearings involved, The evidence will be repeated it out loud in public forums for everybody to hear and news channels to record.

That means Americans will find out exactly what a criminal Trump is and they will understand his different crimes.

So I think Trump challenging the Democrats to impeach him is a fantastic idea. And I really hope they follow up on it and begin proceedings. Trump needs to be exposed to everybody.

Federal agency service[edit]
In 2000, when Moss was an Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) of the United States Department of Justice, he wrote the memorandum opinion advising that the Department could not indict a sitting president.[6] "The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions."[6]

The Mueller Report (March 2019, Vol. II, p. 1[7]) cited the Moss memorandum in partial justification of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's decision not to indict President Donald Trump. "Given the role of the Special Counsel as an attorney in the Department of Justice and the framework of the Special Counsel regulations, see 28 U.S.C. § 515; 28 C.F.R. § 600.7(a), this Office accepted OLC's legal conclusion for the purpose of exercising prosecutorial jurisdiction."[7]
Randolph Moss - Wikipedia
which is why Mueller left it up to Congress to impeach and barr decided to bypass Congress. Now tramp is obstructing justice and so is barr.

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