
  1. deanrd

    Deutsche bank admits it has trumps tax returns.

    Deutsche Bank Basically Just Confirmed They Have Trumpā€™s Tax Returns. That Should Make Him Nervous. The apparent admission brings new urgency to the legal clash over Deutsche, which worked more closely with Trump than any other bank over two decades. Outside experts have long thought...
  2. georgephillip

    Trump...Turd Blossom...Deep State?

    Just so we are all starting on the same page... Turd Blossom - Wikipedia "'Turd Blossom' (or Sand Turd) is a Texan United States term for a flower which grows from a pile of cow dung.[1] Essay: Anatomy of the Deep State | "There is the visible government situated around the...
  3. deanrd

    Trumpā€™s fantastic new trade deal with Japan.........some corn?

    Japan agrees to buy more U.S. corn under trade deal - FreightWaves the trade deal does not lift the 2.5% tariff on Japanese vehicles or major auto parts exported to the U.S. ā€”ā€” Even with the 7 billion added from Japan it looks like American agriculture is still down 7 billion. But see...
  4. deanrd

    Macron and Trump are giving a joint press conference

    Macron said we donā€™t want Iran to have nuclear weapons in the United States has put a lot of pressure on the process.
  5. Litwin

    Trump says others support his call to add russia back into the G7

    "others support his call" My question is simple, who they are ? we know that Rotenbergs, Le Pen, Joaquƭn GuzmƔn, Prigozhin, KGB support Trumps initiative , who else ? Trump says G7 countries had a 'lively discussion' about bringing Russia back | Daily Mail Online
  6. Dan Stubbs

    Gov. Bill Weld ā€“ a longshot primary challenger against Trump.

    Well here come the Trump haters, and they are really weak, but like the attention they get from the support of the Democrats. I am sure there will be several more playing the game. It's another example of his extreme, malignant narcissism. He's only happy when other people are losing and this...
  7. deanrd

    Discussing hurricanes Trump said, "I got it. I got it. Why don't we nuke them?

    Trump suggested dropping nuclear bombs into hurricanes to stop them from hitting the U.S. Dropping a nuclear bomb into a hurricane would be banned under the terms of the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union. So that could stave off any experiments, as...
  8. deanrd

    Lawsuit: Trumpā€™s mar-a-Lago three in violation of the Federal Records, Administrative Procedures Act

    VA sued over private emails between former top official and ā€˜Mar-a-Lago Crowdā€™ The suit alleges former VA Secretary David Shulkin used a private, non-official email account to communicate with Marvel Entertainment Chairman Ike Perlmutter, lawyer Marc Sherman and Bruce Moskowitz, a Palm Beach...
  9. Litwin

    Trump wants to welcome russia back into G7. John McCain must be rolling in his grave

    Trump wants to welcome Russia back into G7. John McCain must be rolling in his grave (opinion) - CNN meanwhile Canada , EU and all other Democratic countries Donald Tusk launches scathing attack on Trump and Johnson as world leaders arrive at G7 what Putler and his criminal KGB have on D...
  10. deanrd

    If GOP takes the House, keeps the Senate and Presidency, Trump will cut middle class income Tax

    Trump says he will approve 'major middle income tax cut' if GOP wins House, Senate in 2020 "If Republicans take back the House, and keep the Senate and Presidency, one of our first acts will be to approve a major middle income Tax Cut!" Trump tweeted Saturday morning. ā€œIā€™m not looking at a tax...
  11. deanrd

    Which is better? Pocahontas? Or the ā€œCHOSEN ONEā€?

    Which is better? Pocahontas? Or the ā€œchosen oneā€? You know the next election is going to have ā€œking of Israelā€œ and ā€œthe chosen oneā€œ everywhere. Trump is the one that loves to make up names, crooked Hillary, sleepy Joe, he hasnā€™t really made up one for Obama. Of course, two of the three...
  12. deanrd

    How many ways does Trump/Republicans wanna trash the American Constitution?

    How many ways does Trump/Republicans wanna trash the American Constitution? First, they want to get rid of automatic citizenship for people born in this country. And theyā€™re talking about policing the Internet so they can stop discussion of trumps lies and criminality. Trump wants to...
  13. deanrd

    Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks? Anyone?

    Can anyone explain why Trump is walking back his support of background checks? I have my own theories.
  14. deanrd

    Weird Chinese religion believes Trump was sent by Heaven to defeat communists in China

    Weird Chinese religion believes Trump was sent by Heaven to defeat communists in China Trump, Qanon and an impending judgment day: Behind the Facebook-fueled rise of The Epoch Times Former practitioners of Falun Gong told NBC News that believers think the world is headed toward a judgment...
  15. deanrd

    Conservative Noah Rothman says Elizabeth Warren is Trump with a ā€œbleeding heartā€œ.

    Conservative Noah Rothman says Elizabeth Warren is Trump with a ā€œbleeding heartā€œ. Opinion | Noah Rothman: Elizabeth Warrenā€™s populism is just a progressive version of Trumpism For millions of Americans, even a majority of voters, the election in 2016 was not a choice between two qualified...
  16. JGalt

    Putin lackey Donald Trump ok's banned US-Russia Arms Treaty missile test

    Once again, our illustrious Russian-collusionist Putin-puppet President has succumbed to the will of the Kremlin. This time he gave the Pentagon the OK to conduct a test of a type of missile that previously had been banned for the last 30 years, under a treaty between the United States and...
  17. deanrd

    ā€œOh My God, This Jackassā€: The Mooch Explains Why He Thinks Trump Is ā€œCrazy,ā€ ā€œNarcissistic,ā€ and a

    ā€œOh My God, This Jackassā€: The Mooch Unloads at Trump The red line was the racismā€”full-blown racism. He can say that heā€™s not a racist, and I agree with him, okay? And let me explain to you why heā€™s not a racist, ā€™cause this is very important. Heā€™s actually worse than a racist. He is so...
  18. deanrd

    First time in 10 years FEWER foreign students attending American colleges

    First time in 10 years FEWER foreign students attending American colleges New international student enrollments continue to decline at U.S. universities New enrollments of international students fell by 6.6 percent at American universities in academic year 2017-18 compared to the year before...
  19. deanrd

    manufacturing sector shrunk by 1.9 percent in the first quarter of the year

    Manufacturing shrinks, raising questions for Trump The manufacturing sector shrunk by 1.9 percent in the first quarter of the year, and another 1.2 percent in the second quarter. In July, it is estimated that it contracted 0.4 percent. A recession occurs when an economy contracts in two...
  20. deanrd

    This is why Republicans are wrong wanting a "GREAT" leader like Vladimir Putin

    What we know -- and don't -- about the mysterious Russian missile explosion The explosion of a suspected Russian nuclear-powered cruise missile last week has caused a lot of confusion and anxiety, fueled in part by Russian authorities' continuing secrecy around the accident. Local authorities...
  21. deanrd

    Many believe it was farmers that put Trump over the top. Why all the suicides?

    As Wisconsin farmers struggle, new effort aims to prevent suicide Wisconsin, which had a record 915 suicides in 2017, may be seeing a surge in suicides and suicidal thoughts among farmers, who are facing some of the worst economic challenges in years, experts say. Exact numbers of suicides...
  22. T

    Ex-Congressman Joe Walsh apologises for helping elect 'Unfit Con Man'

    Former Tea Party clown Joe Walsh is having buyers remorse about supporting the Orange Virus. Writing in The New York Times, Walsh said: ā€œIn Mr. Trump, I see the worst and ugliest iteration of views I expressed for the better part of a decade. To be sure, Iā€™ve had my share of controversy. On...
  23. deanrd

    7 million truckers horribly screwed over by Donald Trump

    Truckers used to have something called Per diem that was tax-deductible. That was the money that they spent on food and daily expenses while they were driving. Gone. So the owners of the truck company got huge tax breaks, but the average trucker salary went up $8000 or more. And they got rid...
  24. edthecynic

    China makes Trump blink, again!

    After China announces it will buy no more US farm products Trump blinks and moves back tariffs to December. Tramp is LOSING badly his easy to win trade war with China. China reportedly halts US agricultural imports in retaliation for Trump's tariff increase...
  25. georgephillip

    White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe

    Does a rapidly browning body politic in the US cause you to break out in a cold sweat? You're not alone. Among Trump's 60 million voters, it is entirely possible a cold-blooded analysis would reveal the base is to the right of its leaders? White Supremacy Has Never Been Fringe "Consider the...
  26. EvilEyeFleegle

    The dangerous cycle that keeps conspiracy theories in the news ā€” and Trumpā€™s tweets

    This should be of interest to some they are part and parcel of what the article is talking about: The dangerous cycle that keeps conspiracy theories in the news ā€” and Trumpā€™s tweets "Conspiracy theories arenā€™t fueled by facts; they are fueled by attention. On Saturday, a baseless...
  27. midcan5

    Hate / Evil

    "If hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world." Nikola Tesla "Between 5,000 and 7,000 hate crime incidents are reported each year to the FBI." AP "Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil Does hate create evil, does...
  28. edthecynic

    Trump and the NRA and the GOP have INFESTED America with murderous GUN VERMIN

    We need to describe Tramp's America in his OWN language! What Trump Talks About When He Talks About Infestations
  29. georgephillip

    Trump Using Tariffs to Pay for His Corporate Tax Cuts?

    Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit. How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay? Trump's New Tariffs on China...
  30. The Original Tree

    Oh Come On Lefties, Why No More IMPEACHMENT Talk?

    Where did you all go? Did you take your ball home with you because you lost the game? Or is it because the Short Buses are on the road again, and are too busy riding it to your ultimate destination? Or maybe Trump Derangement Syndrome finally caught up with you and you are in some kind of...
  31. The Original Tree

    Words that No Longer Have Meaning

    Thanks to The Left for watering down the words society uses to decry despicable acts, I bring you the top 3 words that No Longer have any meaning because of over use, abuse, and misapplication, in a "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" syndrome, sometimes confused with Trump Derangement Syndrome as the...
  32. Conservative American

    COMEY: explosive IG reports lands comey in hot seat (via thedailywake)

    According to REALCLEAR INVESTIGATION, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will soon file a report with evidence indicating that Comey was misleading the president despite assuring him that he wasnā€™t the target of an investigation, the former director was secretly trying to...
  33. georgephillip

    Should Trump Pardon Bernie (Madoff)?

    "Back in 2009, notorious white-collar criminal Bernie Madoffpleaded guilty to 11 federal felonies, including securities fraud, wire fraud, and mail fraud, in an epic, multi-decade scam that saw him swindle thousands of clients out of almost $65 billion. "At 81, he is virtually guaranteed to die...
  34. NewsVine_Mariyam

    US government routinely sues companies for language that mirrors Trump's racist 'go back' tweets

    By alexander mallin, jack dateand luke barr Jul 17, 2019, 5:01 PM ET American Workers Could Face Legal Jeopardy For Using Racist "Go Back to Africa" Insult That was the insult that Ebrima Jallow said he heard repeatedly from his supervisor and fellow co-workers while working at the Walmart in...
  35. georgephillip

    Epstein an Agent of Israel?

    The extent of spying against the US by Israel is one of the biggest stories most Americans are clueless about. From Jonathon Pollard, who was imprisoned in 1987 for his crime, to Arnon Milchan who has yet to answer for his alleged espionage (including passing US nuclear secrets to Israel)...
  36. Conservative American

    Trumpā€™s Support CLIMBS Among GOP After Tweets Targeting ā€˜Radical Demsā€™ - (Thedailywake)

    President Trumpā€™s approval rating rose among Republican voters this week; jumping 5% after he targeted four Democratic Congresswoman on social media saying they ā€œhate our country.ā€ ā€œSupport for U.S. President Donald Trump increased slightly among Republicans after he lashed out on Twitter over...
  37. Conservative American

    Jim Acosta OBLITERATED By Trump After He Said This

    Acosta asked ā€œAnd what is it with your coziness with some of these dictators and autocrats at these summits?ā€ He also asked ā€œWith Mohammad Bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, when you were asked about the case of Jamal Khashoggi, you did not respond to that question in front of the...
  38. J

    AOCā€™s squad of four should listen to Bernadette Lancelin: worry about Americaā€™s children!

    It is absolutely stunning, in addition to being disgusting, how this gang of four, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have more compassion for illegal entrants and their children than they do for American citizens and their children. To get an idea of the...
  39. Conservative American

    Trump Slams ā€œProgressiveā€ Democrats Immigrants Who Continue To Trash The United States

    President Trump on Sunday, in a series of tweets said some Democrat congresswomen from countries ā€œwhose governments are a complete and total catastropheā€ should ā€œgo back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they cameā€. Source: Thedailywake
  40. J

    The Roberts census opinion is an attack on our representative system of government

    Just for the record, the Administrative Procedure Act, (APA) which was used to justify Robertsā€™ opinion, is a clever device created by our Washington Swamp Creatures to undermine our representative system of government, and allow unelected activist judges and Justices to second guess and...

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