Delegation of legislative power and the National Emergencies Act


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

Keep in mind when reading the following, we are talking about The National Emergencies Act, and specifically 10 U.S. Code Section 2808 and 33 U.S. Code Section 2293. which delegate certain powers to the President under a declared emergency.

The rule is, a legislature may not delegate to a subordinate body authority to do something that is beyond its own powers, and an improper delegation of legislative power, although acted on, is without force!___ See Am Jur vol. 16, Constitutional law, LEGISLATIVE POWER, RULE BARRING DELEGATION

But, ''It will not be contended,'' wrote Chief Justice Marshall in 1825, ''that congress can delegate to the courts, or to any other tribunals, powers which are strictly and exclusively legislative. But congress may certainly delegate to others, powers which the legislature may rightfully exercise itself.'' Wayman v. Southard, 23 U.S. (10 Wheat.) 1, 41 (1825).

The simple truth is, committees, boards, and other bodies created by Congress or appointed by the President do not have constitutionally authorized power to create law which the Congress, and only the Congress___ the people’s elected Senators and Representatives ___ are charged with creating. To allow an unelected body to create law would be in violation of our Constitution’s guarantee to a “Republican Form of Government”.

So, the question is, Does Congress have legislative authority over the subject matter contained in The National Emergencies Act? And, the answer to that question is a resounding YES. A second question is, as related to President Trump’s action is, is he creating law, or acting under law created by Congress?

Those who may be interested in pursuing the matter further, as I have many years ago, google “unlawful delegation of legislative power”.

The bottom line is, the 12 Republicans who voted against Trump's actions voted against Trump acting within the authorized limits of the National Emergencies Act. If they really are against Trump, or any other future president being able to redirect funds as stated in the NEA, their option is to introduce legislation to alter the ACT. But to go against President Trump, for exercising a lawful delegation of power, is an attack upon our very system of government.

Rand Paul, as well as the other eleven, are full of crap when it comes to adhering to the rule of law and Constitutional limits, and their vote borders on giving aid and comfort to domestic enemies who are intent on destroying our country from within by filling our country with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skill, disease carrying and criminal populations of other countries.



It was March of 2019 when an ongoing invasion of America’s borders swelled to tens of thousands a month, not a shot was fired to defend the borders of the United States, and America’s domestic enemies, socialists, communists and anarchists in Congress, pushed forward with their attempt to embrace the invasion in hopes of conquering a prosperous and freedom loving people.
That is the same argument I put forth on the War Powers Act back in the day! Do ya think it might get traction in this political climate today 40 years later?

Keep in mind when reading the following, we are talking about The National Emergencies Act, and specifically 10 U.S. Code Section 2808 and 33 U.S. Code Section 2293. which delegate certain powers to the President under a declared emergency.

The rule is, a legislature may not delegate to a subordinate body authority to do something that is beyond its own powers, and an improper delegation of legislative power, although acted on, is without force!___ See Am Jur vol. 16, Constitutional law, LEGISLATIVE POWER, RULE BARRING DELEGATION

But, ''It will not be contended,'' wrote Chief Justice Marshall in 1825, ''that congress can delegate to the courts, or to any other tribunals, powers which are strictly and exclusively legislative. But congress may certainly delegate to others, powers which the legislature may rightfully exercise itself.'' Wayman v. Southard, 23 U.S. (10 Wheat.) 1, 41 (1825).

The simple truth is, committees, boards, and other bodies created by Congress or appointed by the President do not have constitutionally authorized power to create law which the Congress, and only the Congress___ the people’s elected Senators and Representatives ___ are charged with creating. To allow an unelected body to create law would be in violation of our Constitution’s guarantee to a “Republican Form of Government”.

So, the question is, Does Congress have legislative authority over the subject matter contained in The National Emergencies Act? And, the answer to that question is a resounding YES. A second question is, as related to President Trump’s action is, is he creating law, or acting under law created by Congress?

Those who may be interested in pursuing the matter further, as I have many years ago, google “unlawful delegation of legislative power”.

The bottom line is, the 12 Republicans who voted against Trump's actions voted against Trump acting within the authorized limits of the National Emergencies Act. If they really are against Trump, or any other future president being able to redirect funds as stated in the NEA, their option is to introduce legislation to alter the ACT. But to go against President Trump, for exercising a lawful delegation of power, is an attack upon our very system of government.

Rand Paul, as well as the other eleven, are full of crap when it comes to adhering to the rule of law and Constitutional limits, and their vote borders on giving aid and comfort to domestic enemies who are intent on destroying our country from within by filling our country with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skill, disease carrying and criminal populations of other countries.



It was March of 2019 when an ongoing invasion of America’s borders swelled to tens of thousands a month, not a shot was fired to defend the borders of the United States, and America’s domestic enemies, socialists, communists and anarchists in Congress, pushed forward with their attempt to embrace the invasion in hopes of conquering a prosperous and freedom loving people.
Trump is acting within the letter, but not the spirit, of the law and he is giving a big middle finger to the checks and balances built to control the power that any one branch of the government, including the executive, can wield.

I believe he is defying the Constitution. I recognize that he is technically working within the scope of the NEA and agree that it needs to be changed pronto, but the larger issue here, the Constitutionality of what he is doing, is egregious.
That is the same argument I put forth on the War Powers Act back in the day! Do ya think it might get traction in this political climate today 40 years later?

I don't know.


The Federal Reserve System of 1913 and the Sixteenth Amendment, also of 1913, have spread the evil tentacles of crony capitalism into almost every corner of our once free market, free enterprise system.
Nobody in congress had an issue with obie using national emergencies to aid foreign countries. Only when it’s used for the protection of our own. Then they get all worked up over it.

Keep in mind when reading the following, we are talking about The National Emergencies Act, and specifically 10 U.S. Code Section 2808 and 33 U.S. Code Section 2293. which delegate certain powers to the President under a declared emergency.

The rule is, a legislature may not delegate to a subordinate body authority to do something that is beyond its own powers, and an improper delegation of legislative power, although acted on, is without force!___ See Am Jur vol. 16, Constitutional law, LEGISLATIVE POWER, RULE BARRING DELEGATION

But, ''It will not be contended,'' wrote Chief Justice Marshall in 1825, ''that congress can delegate to the courts, or to any other tribunals, powers which are strictly and exclusively legislative. But congress may certainly delegate to others, powers which the legislature may rightfully exercise itself.'' Wayman v. Southard, 23 U.S. (10 Wheat.) 1, 41 (1825).

The simple truth is, committees, boards, and other bodies created by Congress or appointed by the President do not have constitutionally authorized power to create law which the Congress, and only the Congress___ the people’s elected Senators and Representatives ___ are charged with creating. To allow an unelected body to create law would be in violation of our Constitution’s guarantee to a “Republican Form of Government”.

So, the question is, Does Congress have legislative authority over the subject matter contained in The National Emergencies Act? And, the answer to that question is a resounding YES. A second question is, as related to President Trump’s action is, is he creating law, or acting under law created by Congress?

Those who may be interested in pursuing the matter further, as I have many years ago, google “unlawful delegation of legislative power”.

The bottom line is, the 12 Republicans who voted against Trump's actions voted against Trump acting within the authorized limits of the National Emergencies Act. If they really are against Trump, or any other future president being able to redirect funds as stated in the NEA, their option is to introduce legislation to alter the ACT. But to go against President Trump, for exercising a lawful delegation of power, is an attack upon our very system of government.

Rand Paul, as well as the other eleven, are full of crap when it comes to adhering to the rule of law and Constitutional limits, and their vote borders on giving aid and comfort to domestic enemies who are intent on destroying our country from within by filling our country with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skill, disease carrying and criminal populations of other countries.



It was March of 2019 when an ongoing invasion of America’s borders swelled to tens of thousands a month, not a shot was fired to defend the borders of the United States, and America’s domestic enemies, socialists, communists and anarchists in Congress, pushed forward with their attempt to embrace the invasion in hopes of conquering a prosperous and freedom loving people.
Thatnks for the thoughts. Let me ask... If President Futureperson is concerned about Climate Change and tries to pass, say a Green New Deal Bill, but is shut down by Congress... do you think it appropriate and leagal for POTUS to then use the national emergency act to find a multibillion dollar infrastructure project to put solar panels on every roof and windmills in every community?

Keep in mind when reading the following, we are talking about The National Emergencies Act, and specifically 10 U.S. Code Section 2808 and 33 U.S. Code Section 2293. which delegate certain powers to the President under a declared emergency.

The rule is, a legislature may not delegate to a subordinate body authority to do something that is beyond its own powers, and an improper delegation of legislative power, although acted on, is without force!___ See Am Jur vol. 16, Constitutional law, LEGISLATIVE POWER, RULE BARRING DELEGATION

But, ''It will not be contended,'' wrote Chief Justice Marshall in 1825, ''that congress can delegate to the courts, or to any other tribunals, powers which are strictly and exclusively legislative. But congress may certainly delegate to others, powers which the legislature may rightfully exercise itself.'' Wayman v. Southard, 23 U.S. (10 Wheat.) 1, 41 (1825).

The simple truth is, committees, boards, and other bodies created by Congress or appointed by the President do not have constitutionally authorized power to create law which the Congress, and only the Congress___ the people’s elected Senators and Representatives ___ are charged with creating. To allow an unelected body to create law would be in violation of our Constitution’s guarantee to a “Republican Form of Government”.

So, the question is, Does Congress have legislative authority over the subject matter contained in The National Emergencies Act? And, the answer to that question is a resounding YES. A second question is, as related to President Trump’s action is, is he creating law, or acting under law created by Congress?

Those who may be interested in pursuing the matter further, as I have many years ago, google “unlawful delegation of legislative power”.

The bottom line is, the 12 Republicans who voted against Trump's actions voted against Trump acting within the authorized limits of the National Emergencies Act. If they really are against Trump, or any other future president being able to redirect funds as stated in the NEA, their option is to introduce legislation to alter the ACT. But to go against President Trump, for exercising a lawful delegation of power, is an attack upon our very system of government.

Rand Paul, as well as the other eleven, are full of crap when it comes to adhering to the rule of law and Constitutional limits, and their vote borders on giving aid and comfort to domestic enemies who are intent on destroying our country from within by filling our country with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skill, disease carrying and criminal populations of other countries.



It was March of 2019 when an ongoing invasion of America’s borders swelled to tens of thousands a month, not a shot was fired to defend the borders of the United States, and America’s domestic enemies, socialists, communists and anarchists in Congress, pushed forward with their attempt to embrace the invasion in hopes of conquering a prosperous and freedom loving people.
Trump is acting within the letter, but not the spirit, of the law and he is giving a big middle finger to the checks and balances built to control the power that any one branch of the government, including the executive, can wield.

I believe he is defying the Constitution. I recognize that he is technically working within the scope of the NEA and agree that it needs to be changed pronto, but the larger issue here, the Constitutionality of what he is doing, is egregious.

Your post is schizophrenic:
1. Trump is acting within the letter <spirit?>of the Law. <checks & balances?> Agreed
2. Trump is defying the Constitution. HOW?
3. Trump is technically working within the scope of the NEA. Agreed (Nancy said she will not change the NEA)
4. Trump is egregiously violating the Constitution HOW?

Trump is in-fact following the NEA Law. If Congress wants to claw-back some of the delegated authority, tell Nancy and Chuck.

Keep in mind when reading the following, we are talking about The National Emergencies Act, and specifically 10 U.S. Code Section 2808 and 33 U.S. Code Section 2293. which delegate certain powers to the President under a declared emergency.

The rule is, a legislature may not delegate to a subordinate body authority to do something that is beyond its own powers, and an improper delegation of legislative power, although acted on, is without force!___ See Am Jur vol. 16, Constitutional law, LEGISLATIVE POWER, RULE BARRING DELEGATION

But, ''It will not be contended,'' wrote Chief Justice Marshall in 1825, ''that congress can delegate to the courts, or to any other tribunals, powers which are strictly and exclusively legislative. But congress may certainly delegate to others, powers which the legislature may rightfully exercise itself.'' Wayman v. Southard, 23 U.S. (10 Wheat.) 1, 41 (1825).

The simple truth is, committees, boards, and other bodies created by Congress or appointed by the President do not have constitutionally authorized power to create law which the Congress, and only the Congress___ the people’s elected Senators and Representatives ___ are charged with creating. To allow an unelected body to create law would be in violation of our Constitution’s guarantee to a “Republican Form of Government”.

So, the question is, Does Congress have legislative authority over the subject matter contained in The National Emergencies Act? And, the answer to that question is a resounding YES. A second question is, as related to President Trump’s action is, is he creating law, or acting under law created by Congress?

Those who may be interested in pursuing the matter further, as I have many years ago, google “unlawful delegation of legislative power”.

The bottom line is, the 12 Republicans who voted against Trump's actions voted against Trump acting within the authorized limits of the National Emergencies Act. If they really are against Trump, or any other future president being able to redirect funds as stated in the NEA, their option is to introduce legislation to alter the ACT. But to go against President Trump, for exercising a lawful delegation of power, is an attack upon our very system of government.

Rand Paul, as well as the other eleven, are full of crap when it comes to adhering to the rule of law and Constitutional limits, and their vote borders on giving aid and comfort to domestic enemies who are intent on destroying our country from within by filling our country with the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skill, disease carrying and criminal populations of other countries.



It was March of 2019 when an ongoing invasion of America’s borders swelled to tens of thousands a month, not a shot was fired to defend the borders of the United States, and America’s domestic enemies, socialists, communists and anarchists in Congress, pushed forward with their attempt to embrace the invasion in hopes of conquering a prosperous and freedom loving people.
Trump is acting within the letter, but not the spirit, of the law and he is giving a big middle finger to the checks and balances built to control the power that any one branch of the government, including the executive, can wield.

I believe he is defying the Constitution. I recognize that he is technically working within the scope of the NEA and agree that it needs to be changed pronto, but the larger issue here, the Constitutionality of what he is doing, is egregious.

Your post is schizophrenic:
1. Trump is acting within the letter <spirit?>of the Law. <checks & balances?> Agreed
2. Trump is defying the Constitution. HOW?
3. Trump is technically working within the scope of the NEA. Agreed (Nancy said she will not change the NEA)
4. Trump is egregiously violating the Constitution HOW?

Trump is in-fact following the NEA Law. If Congress wants to claw-back some of the delegated authority, tell Nancy and Chuck.

I agree with your post.


The Democrat and Republican Congressional Leadership have conspired, for 35 years, to keep the border opened, and the latest funding Bill continues to allow and encourage illegal border crossings.

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