After Hillary and Obama, can Republicans really claim Trump derangement syndrome?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
After Hillary and Obama, can Republicans really claim Trump derangement syndrome?

According to Republicans:

Saying Hillary was running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor


Insisting Obama was born born in Kenya

Are NOT evidence of Hillary and Obama derangement syndrome.

But wanting to see trumps tax returns and bringing up trumps over the top and extremely favorable view of Russia somehow IS.

Since Republicans spent decades investigating and spent millions and millions of taxpayer dollars, I think we should err on the side of caution and continue to investigate Donald Trump.

Don’t you agree?

Nothing else makes sense.
Democrats are in the process of opening 81 investigations into Trump and his Admin.

How many did the Republican open on Hillary? Obama?
After Hillary and Obama, can Republicans really claim Trump derangement syndrome?

According to Republicans:

Saying Hillary was running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor


Insisting Obama was born born in Kenya

Are NOT evidence of Hillary and Obama derangement syndrome.

But wanting to see trumps tax returns and bringing up trumps over the top and extremely favorable view of Russia somehow IS.

Since Republicans spent decades investigating and spent millions and millions of taxpayer dollars, I think we should err on the side of caution and continue to investigate Donald Trump.

Don’t you agree?

Nothing else makes sense.

People suspected Barry of being born in Kenya because he fudged his college applications for student aid by claiming to be foreign. That's what started the whole "Birther" fiasco!

As for Hillary...she's as dirty as the day is long. You bring up one stupid thing she was accused of in an attempt to gloss over all of the other corrupt things that she did!

You have to have some basis to start an investigation into people, R-Derp! This is America. You can't smear people with baseless accusations and then try and run them out of office because you lost an election! You want Trump gone? Run a candidate and beat him!
After Hillary and Obama, can Republicans really claim Trump derangement syndrome?

According to Republicans:

Saying Hillary was running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor


Insisting Obama was born born in Kenya

Are NOT evidence of Hillary and Obama derangement syndrome.

But wanting to see trumps tax returns and bringing up trumps over the top and extremely favorable view of Russia somehow IS.

Since Republicans spent decades investigating and spent millions and millions of taxpayer dollars, I think we should err on the side of caution and continue to investigate Donald Trump.

Don’t you agree?

Nothing else makes sense.

People suspected Barry of being born in Kenya because he fudged his college applications for student aid by claiming to be foreign. That's what started the whole "Birther" fiasco!

As for Hillary...she's as dirty as the day is long. You bring up one stupid thing she was accused of in an attempt to gloss over all of the other corrupt things that she did!

You have to have some basis to start an investigation into people, R-Derp! This is America. You can't smear people with baseless accusations and then try and run them out of office because you lost an election! You want Trump gone? Run a candidate and beat him!
Anyone agreeing with you needs a lobotomy.

Is that the consensus in your glory hole? The Trump investigations are nothing like the over the top accusations regularly made by right wingers.
Democrats are in the process of opening 81 investigations into Trump and his Admin.

How many did the Republican open on Hillary? Obama?

By March 2014, the right had already voted 54 times to kill healthcare. Over 25 years, the Clintons have been under almost constant investigation. Quit whining. The fun is just getting started.
Like tens of millions of Americans I thought Obama was a piece of sorry ass shit that had no business being President. The Moon Bats were idiots electing that worthless affirmative action sonofabitch. The worst President this country ever had.

However, our disdain for the bastard never came close to approaching the level of vitriol that we see from these stupid Moon Bats and their Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness.
Anyone agreeing with you needs a lobotomy.

Is that the consensus in your glory hole? The Trump investigations are nothing like the over the top accusations regularly made by right wingers.
Especially since so many of the investigations happened under a total control of the government by the GOP. Some Republicans just couldn't not do it.

Remember Rep Issa when he thought Hillary was going to be elected?


He just wanted hearings against Hillary and Obama. He had to try and find something he could charge. After all, Republicans struck gold with Monica.

Democrats want answers to serious accusations, from all over the world. Involving America's enemies.
After Hillary and Obama, can Republicans really claim Trump derangement syndrome?

According to Republicans:

Saying Hillary was running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor


Insisting Obama was born born in Kenya

Are NOT evidence of Hillary and Obama derangement syndrome.

But wanting to see trumps tax returns and bringing up trumps over the top and extremely favorable view of Russia somehow IS.

Since Republicans spent decades investigating and spent millions and millions of taxpayer dollars, I think we should err on the side of caution and continue to investigate Donald Trump.

Don’t you agree?

Nothing else makes sense.

People suspected Barry of being born in Kenya because he fudged his college applications for student aid by claiming to be foreign. That's what started the whole "Birther" fiasco!

As for Hillary...she's as dirty as the day is long. You bring up one stupid thing she was accused of in an attempt to gloss over all of the other corrupt things that she did!

You have to have some basis to start an investigation into people, R-Derp! This is America. You can't smear people with baseless accusations and then try and run them out of office because you lost an election! You want Trump gone? Run a candidate and beat him!

Well said.

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Democrats are in the process of opening 81 investigations into Trump and his Admin.

How many did the Republican open on Hillary? Obama?

By March 2014, the right had already voted 54 times to kill healthcare. Over 25 years, the Clintons have been under almost constant investigation. Quit whining. The fun is just getting started.

Your right the fun is just getting started as the Democrats are going to lose another election. So start getting your tissues when you get your ass spanked in 2020. You trying to justify what the Democrats are doing makes you sound like a moron. The only whining going on is from the liberals. That is all you have done for over 3 years. Instead of your party trying to work with him they have fought him since he got in office, why because your sore losers. You thought you had the election wrapped up and you didn’t. Get over it. 2020 is going to be the same thing. Get your butt cream because your about to get it again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Democrats are in the process of opening 81 investigations into Trump and his Admin.

How many did the Republican open on Hillary? Obama?
When you go fishing, you need to bring lots of baits to find the right one.

Good grief, think about all the upcoming convictions from this fishing expedition.
They don't have a clue where they're going with it...just keep fishing and see what you find.
A lot of innocent people are going to become criminals.

"“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”"

- Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s secret police
Yes, we CAN claim TDS against you leftist horses' asses! Because your own large-scale violent, bloodthirsty, death-threatening, rioting baby tantrum behavior has ALREADY PROVED WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE, you deeply psychotic cretin!!!! All of this anarchist, American-hating violence has come from you delusional, violent-criminal, mindless leftist animals who belong in cages. ASSHOLE!!! How DARE you leftists have the arrogance to call yourselves human??
Anyone agreeing with you needs a lobotomy.

Is that the consensus in your glory hole? The Trump investigations are nothing like the over the top accusations regularly made by right wingers.
Especially since so many of the investigations happened under a total control of the government by the GOP. Some Republicans just couldn't not do it.

Remember Rep Issa when he thought Hillary was going to be elected?


He just wanted hearings against Hillary and Obama. He had to try and find something he could charge. After all, Republicans struck gold with Monica.

Democrats want answers to serious accusations, from all over the world. Involving America's enemies.
issa is an asshole.....
Anyone agreeing with you needs a lobotomy.

Is that the consensus in your glory hole? The Trump investigations are nothing like the over the top accusations regularly made by right wingers.
Especially since so many of the investigations happened under a total control of the government by the GOP. Some Republicans just couldn't not do it.

Remember Rep Issa when he thought Hillary was going to be elected?


He just wanted hearings against Hillary and Obama. He had to try and find something he could charge. After all, Republicans struck gold with Monica.

Democrats want answers to serious accusations, from all over the world. Involving America's enemies.
issa is an asshole.....

Yet still a right wing hero.
Democrats are in the process of opening 81 investigations into Trump and his Admin.

How many did the Republican open on Hillary? Obama?

Requested information from 81 persons and entities, as part of a few investigations.
Instead of representing the people they work for.
Hey, I want them to investigate those that love Russia over the US.

They are supporting me.

Trump has made this country less safe.

I want Democrats in the house to protect America from racists, homophobes and those that want to push religion in public schools.
Democrats are in the process of opening 81 investigations into Trump and his Admin.

How many did the Republican open on Hillary? Obama?
When you go fishing, you need to bring lots of baits to find the right one.

Good grief, think about all the upcoming convictions from this fishing expedition.
They don't have a clue where they're going with it...just keep fishing and see what you find.
A lot of innocent people are going to become criminals.

"“Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”"

- Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s secret police
That's what happens when you fall in love with Russia. You begin to quote Stalin.

obama is an affirmative action retard who is under the impression that there are 57 states, eau claire being one of them

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