Russian planes carrying Russian troops land in Venezuela


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The Trump administration has levied crippling sanctions on the OPEC nation's oil industry in efforts to push Maduro from power and has called on Venezuelan military leaders to abandon him. Maduro has denounced the sanctions as U.S. interventionism and has won diplomatic backing from Russia and China.

In December, two Russian strategic bomber aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons landed Venezuela in a show of support for Maduro's socialist government that infuriated Washington.
Russian planes carrying Russian troops land in Venezuela

Russian air force planes land in Venezuela carrying troops: report

Can’t wait to see what Putin told Trump to say and why this is a great idea.
I guess we’ll find out.
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What if Putin sent those planes to help Trump out? To make it look like trump solved the crisis?
You're a fucking clown, Dean. Russia ALWAYS sides with adversaries to American geopolitical interests. Always. ALWAYS. Trump has made no secret of the fact that he wants to see Venezuela's government replaced. Lots of folks from your precious political party, the apologists for socialism have been making a big stink about it. That's why Russia is getting involved.

What if Putin sent those planes to help Trump out? To make it look like trump solved the crisis?
those are not troops , they work for a collection agency .the Venezuelan regime is into the rooskies and chicoms for billions in loans. Both fear if utopia over throws maduro they'll never see the money.
It's not our job to fix everyone's problems. At most we need to limit it to one military fix at a time. And right now our Military is busy.
'Just days after a high-level meeting in Rome this week, during which Russia reiterated a grave warning to the US – Moscow will not tolerate American military intervention to topple the Venezuelan government with whom it is allied - it appears Russia is taking no chances with its South American ally.


After the Rome meeting, Ryabkov said bluntly:

“We assume that Washington treats our priorities seriously, our approach and warnings.”

One of those warnings delivered by Ryabkov is understood to have been that no American military intervention in Venezuela will be tolerated by Moscow.

For his part, Abrams sounded as if he had emerged from the meeting after having been given a severe reprimand.

“No, we did not come to a meeting of minds, but I think the talks were positive in the sense that both sides emerged with a better understanding of the other’s views,” he told reporters.

“A better understanding of the other’s views,” means that the American side was given a red line to back off.


And now, according to journalist Javier I. Mayorca, Colonel General Vasily Tonkoshkurov, chief of the Main Staff of the Ground Forces - First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Land Forces of Russia, arrived in Venezuela.


The Russian general arrived in the Bolivarian Republic accompanied by 99 servicemen. On board the An-124 delivered 35 tons of cargo.

"LAST MINUTE This afternoon a delegation of 99 Russian soldiers arrived at the Maiquetia airport, under the command of the defense minister of the largest country Vasilly Tonkoshkurov. They were received on the presidential ramp by the VA Marianny Mata, dir International Affairs and Integration (1/2)

(2/2) Immediately after (14h) a Russian freighter with 35 tons of materials, belonging to the contingent that had just disembarked, arrived at the same terminal. Staff of the Russian embassy and the GB Edgar Colina Reyes were also in the reception procession "'

Russian Troops, Aid Arrive In Venezuela After Delivering Red Line Warning To Trump

Good for Russia.

First they helped clean up the mess that America helped to make in Syria.

Now they are stopping America from getting involved in another mess in Venezuela.

The American neocons are going to be pissed.

Bolton must be FREAKING. Good...when Bolton is pissed - that means it's good for America and the world.
Finally a home game! You really think that Russia can stop the US in Venezuela? We didn't fuck with Russia in Crimea, and not in the Ukraine, but in Central America, that's our swimming pool.
Finally a home game! You really think that Russia can stop the US in Venezuela? We didn't fuck with Russia in Crimea, and not in the Ukraine, but in Central America, that's our swimming pool.

Trump won't dare.

One - he LOVES Putin.
Two - it goes against his 'America First' policy.
Three - even Trump is not stupid enough to risk a war with Russia over the mess that is Venezuela.

So long as Russian troops stay in Venezuela...America will undoubtedly keep her troops out.

And that is good for America.

What goes on in Venezuela is NONE OF AMERICA'S BUSINESS.

And nothing you can say can prove legally otherwise.

This is a victory for America over neocons...thanks to Putin (of all people).
Finally a home game! You really think that Russia can stop the US in Venezuela? We didn't fuck with Russia in Crimea, and not in the Ukraine, but in Central America, that's our swimming pool.

I think there mere presence is enough to keep the US out.

Venezuela is not worth going to war over and Putin knows it
Finally a home game! You really think that Russia can stop the US in Venezuela? We didn't fuck with Russia in Crimea, and not in the Ukraine, but in Central America, that's our swimming pool.

Trump won't dare.

One - he LOVES Putin.
Two - it goes against his 'America First' policy.
Three - even Trump is not stupid enough to risk a war with Russia over the mess that is Venezuela.

So long as Russian troops stay in Venezuela...America will undoubtedly keep her troops out.

And that is good for America.

What goes on in Venezuela is NONE OF AMERICA'S BUSINESS.

And nothing you can say can prove legally otherwise.

Who has dibs on Venezuela, Russia or the US? Did the US care about anyone when grabbing Noriega? Do you remember the quick military takeover of Grenada?
You either want Venezuela to be a failed state with starving people, or to fix it and bring back prosperity. The clock is counting down...
1. He needs to prove he's not Putins whore
2. Reducing migrants is part of America first
3. You think Russia wants a war with the US? Their defense Budget is $70b, the US has $700b
4. Removing dictators is an American hobby, just ask Saddam and Kaddafi
Finally a home game! You really think that Russia can stop the US in Venezuela? We didn't fuck with Russia in Crimea, and not in the Ukraine, but in Central America, that's our swimming pool.

Trump won't dare.

One - he LOVES Putin.
Two - it goes against his 'America First' policy.
Three - even Trump is not stupid enough to risk a war with Russia over the mess that is Venezuela.

So long as Russian troops stay in Venezuela...America will undoubtedly keep her troops out.

And that is good for America.

What goes on in Venezuela is NONE OF AMERICA'S BUSINESS.

And nothing you can say can prove legally otherwise.

Who has dibs on Venezuela, Russia or the US? Did the US care about anyone when grabbing Noriega? Do you remember the quick military takeover of Grenada?
You either want Venezuela to be a failed state with starving people, or to fix it and bring back prosperity. The clock is counting down...
1. He needs to prove he's not Putins whore
2. Reducing migrants is part of America first
3. You think Russia wants a war with the US? Their defense Budget is $70b, the US has $700b
4. Removing dictators is an American hobby, just ask Saddam and Kaddafi

Who was their ally all along? the US or Russia?

1. So, when Trump does nothing you will agree that he is Putin's whore?

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