
  1. AsianTrumpSupporter

    New survey shows Republicans are the best tippers

    Republicans, men, credit card users are the best tippers Who are the best tippers? According to a new survey by, the most generous tippers are men, Republicans, Northeasterners and credit and debit card users. (Probably not among this group: Oklahoma City Thunder guard Andre...
  2. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The Fall of Chicago (due to liberal policies)

    Chicago will become Detroit soon.
  3. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Why Pelosi should go — and take the ’60s generation with her

    Why Pelosi should go — and take the ’60s generation with her There’s nothing quite so thankless as being the nominal leader of a leaderless party, especially if that party is bereft of power and doesn’t have much to offer by way of an agenda, except for maybe keeping the other party from...
  4. Markle

    Obama knew of Russian election hacking back in August. Did NOTHING!

    NOW we learn that petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama knew about Russia hacking way back in August and he said and did nothing. More proof the Trump campaign knew nothing about the hacking and certainly there was no collusion. Report: Obama didn't act strongly against Russian...
  5. Cellblock2429

    How the Democrats Lost Their Way on Immigration

    In the past decade, liberals have avoided inconvenient truths about the issue. In 2005, a left-leaning blogger wrote, “Illegal immigration wreaks havoc economically, socially, and culturally; makes a mockery of the rule of law; and is disgraceful just on basic fairness grounds alone.” In 2006, a...
  6. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Democrat Mayor Convicted Of Voter Fraud And He Gets Probation

    Eatonville mayor convicted of voter fraud sentenced to 4 years of probation ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. - The former mayor of Eatonville convicted of tampering with the city’s 2015 elections was sentenced to four years of probation on Friday. Anthony Grant was also sentenced to 25 days, but it...
  7. P@triot

    There is a storm coming

    The horrible assaults, the riots and destruction of property, and the shooting yesterday is just the beginning. The left are intolerant fascists and since they can't have control from the voting booth, they will attempt to take control by force. We've won the war of ideas. They realize that...
  8. Cellblock2429

    SPECIAL ALERT TO LIBTARD MOONBATS: Replace your I Hate Comey hat with the I Love Comey one

    Democrats & the Mainstream Media Have Changed Their Tune on Comey Democrats & the Mainstream Media Have Changed Their Tune on Comey While Hillary Clinton was being investigated by the FBI for her private email server, many Democrats and members of the mainstream media had nothing but contempt...
  9. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Democrat NY Judge arrested for failing to appear at court for her DUI arrest

    New York judge arrested, led from courthouse in handcuffs ROCHESTER, N.Y. — An embattled City Court judge was escorted Monday from judicial chambers in handcuffs. Rochester court deputies and city police officers executed a bench warrant issued for Judge Leticia Astacio's arrest last week...
  10. Divine Wind

    Al Franken tells Hillary to "Move on"

    Heck, even Al Franken is tired of listening to Hillary's incessant whining about losing the election. It appears he was okay when she only blamed the Republicans and the Russians, but when she added blaming Democrats to her list of whines, Franken said "". Hillary Clinton told to 'move on'...
  11. American_Jihad

    Russian Conspiracy Theory...

    That's right I posted it here where it belongs, so far it's just a leftist wet dream... KUSHNER ADDED TO RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY THEORY The presidential adviser’s outreach to Russia is scrutinized. May 30, 2017 Matthew Vadum ... A late-breaking Fox News story Monday night absolves Kushner of...
  12. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Liberals examining ballots cast in California Democrat Party leader election for voter fraud

    Examination of ballots cast in race for California Democratic Party leader begins in Sacramento Supporters of Kimberly Ellis, who lost her bid to lead the California Democratic Party by a razor-thin margin last weekend, started sifting through boxes of ballots at the state party headquarters in...
  13. toobfreak

    Be Wary The New Opinions Of The Entrenched Political Troll

    Rather new to this social media, I came on here to exchange ideas, opinions and information. Lots of great people! I don't always agree with everything they say but I respect their differences in views. But I've noticed that there is a certain cadre of people that no matter what they talk...
  14. toobfreak

    What Is The Secret Democratic Agenda That Attracts The Left?

    It is secret in that while the democratic heads know it full well, most of their supporters do not. The democratic party of today is not what it was even a decade ago. It is now a DIVISIVE way of running the country based on the idea of TRIBALISM. The democrats are no longer an ideological...
  15. DOTR

    The gift of self-hatred...from feminism to your daughter

    Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine. EDITED FOR COPYRIGHT VIOLATION. Popularity of tomboys is encouraging girls to swap gender, says NHS psychologist More than double the number of girls compared to boys...
  16. P@triot

    Democrats make the most solid case yet for a border wall

    A new report from Senate Democrats claims that the border wall could (key word) cost $70 billion. Well, lets just say that is true. Lets give them their worst case scenario. Even ardent left-wing organizations acknowledge that illegal aliens cost the U.S. $113 billion per year. And adjusted for...
  17. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The Democratic Party is Simply Not "Cool" Anymore

    Excellent video that sums up why I refuse to vote Democrat. For Democrats, if you're not black, a rich, white celebrity, an illegal immigrant rapist/murder/drug dealer, one of the 300 genders other than straight male, or a Muslim terrorist, you may as well as not exist since your issues don't...
  18. Divine Wind

    Hillary Clinton, Sorest Loser in History

    Jeff is correct. Her whining about this, even when she claims she "accepts full responsibility" just proves she's not only a liar, unfit to be President. Hillary Clinton, Sorest Loser in History ....Obviously, Hillary Clinton prefers fantasy to the harsh political reality of her disastrous...
  19. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Bernie Sanders: The Democrat Party is failing

    Bernie Sanders After Democratic Unity Tour: The Party Is Failing The Democratic Unity tour is over and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who headlined the event, had the report card: the party is failing. “I think what is clear to anyone who looks at where the Democratic Party today is that the...
  20. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Rob Blagojevich (D) loses latest bid to cut short his 14 year prison term

    Ex-Illinois Governor Blagojevich loses bid to cut prison term (Reuters) - Former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich lost his latest bid for leniency as a federal appeals court refused to shorten his 14-year prison term in a vast public corruption case, including an effort to sell Barack Obama's...
  21. P@triot

    "Reasons to vote for Democrats" becomes bestseller

    I don't care what side of the aisle you're on - that is freaking hilarious... That's right - the entire book is blank other than the Table of Contents and the Bibliography. :lmao: Blank Book Called ‘Reasons To Vote For Democrats’ Becomes Bestseller
  22. DOTR

    My God how far we have declined...

    ....from the likes Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, Henry Cabot Lodge, John Calhoun, George Norris, Robert La Follete... (so now you know Putin not only hacked the electoral college but also invaded Korea :))
  23. ding

    Why don't Democrats openly endorse socialism?

    It seems to me that Democrats want socialism but are afraid to say they want socialism. Why is that? Is it because they are embarrassed to be socialists? Is it because they can't make an affirmative argument for socialism? Or is it because they know it is wrong to steal other people's money...
  24. Peony

    Democrats, What Can They Say?

    A few weeks ago, some democrats attended a seminar on how to talk to regular people. You see, they figure maybe those crushing loses in November may be somewhat related to how they present their ideas. They have to make a change, find a hook- like Hillary’s famous, “I ain’t no ways tired”...
  25. HaShev

    Did anyone see the Dem WV Governor Speak?

    His suit lapel had suspicious splash stains that were detectable only when the light shined on it. Seriously, what the hell are these politicians doing to get favors for their state?
  26. P@triot

    Democrats continue to pollute

    We all saw the aftermath of the "Occupy Wall Street" (bowel) movement. It was the most repulsive cesspool to end all cesspools. There was human waste, garbage, narcotics, and filth everywhere. That wasn't just some rare occurrence. Wherever the left goes - the planet suffers immediate harm...
  27. Mrright157

    Democrats playing with a fire called treason...

  28. P@triot

    The Democrats Retreat From Reality

    Hilarious. It couldn't have been said any better... "Retreat" is an appropriate description of what took place in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, this week. Senate Democrats took a break from not confirming President Trump's cabinet to visit this historic city in a state the president won by 40...
  29. P@triot

    The most important video of 2017

    Indisputable video proof that progressives have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. They are just looking for a reason to be violent, or to riot, or to loot, or to get naked, or to march. Basically any reason to destroy civil society and act like neanderthals. This video is...
  30. American_Jihad

    Democrats Must Be Racist

    I watched her on TV, she's rabid... Democrats Must Be Racist The Dems are driving non-racists out of the party. January 25, 2017 Daniel Greenfield "Democrats lost because they did not know how to talk about race," Aimee Allison told the DNC candidates forum on race. Aimee Allison is a...
  31. P@triot

    Donald Trump: a progressive's president

    The left is so easy to dupe. Donald Trump is a life-long liberal who progressives would worship if he ran for president with a little "D" behind his name. But simply because of that "R" they are rioting, engaging in violence, and losing their minds. Here is a perfect example. Yet another...
  32. P@triot

    Democrats continue their obstructionism

    Repulsive....notice that the two people on this list with the least confirmations are both Republicans. And yet progressive will spread their propaganda and declare that Republicans blocked Obama... Trump Nominees Face ‘Unprecedented’ Democrat Delays
  33. P@triot

    Democrat voters are SO easily duped

    I just can't wrap my head around who would support these people. John Kerry infamously quipped about how the wealthy need to "pay their fair share". He specifically cited the needs of his state of Massachusetts. So what does he do next? He goes out and purchases a $7 million yacht and stores it...
  34. novasteve

    Black teens kidnap And torture white teen

    live streaming it and shouting racist and anti trump messages Chicago Police: 4 in custody after man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
  35. American_Jihad

    How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party

    The libtarts became anti-Israel because of our stealth muslim infiltrator of the presidency/obongo... How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party The Left can’t stop hating and killing Jews. January 5, 2017 Daniel Greenfield Democrats have come down with a wicked virus. Somewhere along...
  36. P@triot

    Democrats get hilarious taste of their own medicine

    Priceless... :lmao: Senate Dems get a taste of their own Obamacare medicine
  37. MindWars

    O'keefe: Dem judges posed as republicans on election day

    O’Keefe: Dem Judges Posed as Republicans on Election Day More illegal corruption exposed, despite mainstream media narrative Project Veritas has exposed even more corruption by Dems, this time by catching Democrat judges from Chicago on undercover video violating election regulations by...
  38. P@triot

    Progressives continue their racism

    The left was the party of racism and continues to be the party of racism. This man is an officer upholding the law. Nobody could claim that these attacks are about anything other than his skin color... CNN commentator: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is ‘like a terrorist’
  39. Bob Blaylock

    More Proof That LIbEralism is a Mental Disease: Electors planning to undermine Electoral College

    Democratic presidential electors revolt against Trump At least a half-dozen Democratic electors have signed onto an attempt to block Donald Trump from winning an Electoral College majority, an effort designed not only to deny Trump the presidency but also to undermine the legitimacy of the...
  40. American_Jihad

    Trump Derangement Syndrome 2016/24

    Trump Derangement Syndrome Democrats believe in democracy only until they lose an election. November 17, 2016 Daniel Greenfield Like all dictators, the Democrats believe in democracy only until they lose an election. And then they lose their minds. The last time a national mental...

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