How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The libtarts became anti-Israel because of our stealth muslim infiltrator of the presidency/obongo...
How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party
The Left can’t stop hating and killing Jews.
January 5, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Democrats have come down with a wicked virus. Somewhere along the way they caught Nazi fever.

It’s not the Nazi fever of the fevered headlines in which Trump is the new Fuhrer and Republicans are the new Third Reich.

The truth is that there’s only one major political party in this country that supports the murder of Jews.

The Democrats demand the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Jerusalem. They fund the mass murder of Jews by nuclear fire, rocket, bullet, bomb and bloody knife. And they collaborate and defend that terror.

President Clinton was the first to openly fund Islamic terrorists killing Jews. Men, women and children across Israel were shot and blown up by terrorists funded by his administration. And when terror victims sought justice, instead of protecting them from Iran, he protected Iran’s dirty money from them.

And he was not the last.

Secretary of State John Kerry and National Security Adviser Susan Rice collaborated with the leaders of a terrorist organization, with American and Israeli blood on its hands, on a UN attack on Israel that demands that Jews be banned from moving into neighborhoods and areas claimed by Islamic terrorists.

A leaked transcript showed Kerry conspiring with Saeb Erekat, who has praised the mass murderers of Jews and spewed anti-Semitism. Erekat is called a “negotiator”, a strange term considering that the PLO and its various front groups, including the Palestinian Authority, refuse to negotiate with Israel.

Erekat has made his position on the Jewish State quite clear. “We cannot accept the Jewish state – Israel as a Jewish state – not today, not tomorrow and not in a hundred years.”

Instead of reproving Erekat, Susan Rice warned him about Trump. Rice, like the rest of Obama’s team, was not only closer to the terrorists than to Israel, but was closer to the terrorists than to Trump.

Obama praised PLO boss Abbas despite the terrorist leader’s own admission, “There is no difference between our policies and those of Hamas.” The terror organization headed by Obama’s pal had honored a monster who butchered a 13-year-old Jewish girl in her own bedroom as a “martyr”.

The White House backed the Muslim Brotherhood whose “spiritual” witch doctor had praised Hitler and expressed a wish that Muslims would be able to finish the Holocaust.


Obama’s attack and the rise of Keith Ellison mark the end of all illusions about Israel. The booing of Jerusalem, the Democrat boycott of Netanyahu’s speech and the Iran nuke sellout were all signposts on the road. This is the end of the road. The lame jackass has drifted all the way to the left side.

And the left had been in the business of oppressing and killing Jews for a long time. As the Democrats moved to the left, they also went into the business of financing the murder of Jews.

President Clinton was the first to openly fund Islamic terrorists killing Jews. Obama took that money and doubled, tripled and quadrupled it. That terror funding has been justified by the pursuit of a phantom “two-state solution” and “nuclear deal” that were nothing more than Islamic terrorist plots to destroy Israel.

But as the Democrats have become the radical left, they are abandoning the pretense that they kill Jews because they like them and that they fund Islamic terror only to help Israel.

They are becoming an anti-Israel party in name as well as in fact.


After Kerry’s attack, Trump tweeted, “Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!” The period between January 20, 2009 and January 20, 2017 marked a dark time in American and Israeli history.

The darkness is lifting. It’s morning in America. It’s morning in Jerusalem.

How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party
The libtarts became anti-Israel because of our stealth muslim infiltrator of the presidency/obongo...
How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party
The Left can’t stop hating and killing Jews.
January 5, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Democrats have come down with a wicked virus. Somewhere along the way they caught Nazi fever.

It’s not the Nazi fever of the fevered headlines in which Trump is the new Fuhrer and Republicans are the new Third Reich.

The truth is that there’s only one major political party in this country that supports the murder of Jews.

The Democrats demand the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Jerusalem. They fund the mass murder of Jews by nuclear fire, rocket, bullet, bomb and bloody knife. And they collaborate and defend that terror.

President Clinton was the first to openly fund Islamic terrorists killing Jews. Men, women and children across Israel were shot and blown up by terrorists funded by his administration. And when terror victims sought justice, instead of protecting them from Iran, he protected Iran’s dirty money from them.

And he was not the last.

Secretary of State John Kerry and National Security Adviser Susan Rice collaborated with the leaders of a terrorist organization, with American and Israeli blood on its hands, on a UN attack on Israel that demands that Jews be banned from moving into neighborhoods and areas claimed by Islamic terrorists.

A leaked transcript showed Kerry conspiring with Saeb Erekat, who has praised the mass murderers of Jews and spewed anti-Semitism. Erekat is called a “negotiator”, a strange term considering that the PLO and its various front groups, including the Palestinian Authority, refuse to negotiate with Israel.

Erekat has made his position on the Jewish State quite clear. “We cannot accept the Jewish state – Israel as a Jewish state – not today, not tomorrow and not in a hundred years.”

Instead of reproving Erekat, Susan Rice warned him about Trump. Rice, like the rest of Obama’s team, was not only closer to the terrorists than to Israel, but was closer to the terrorists than to Trump.

Obama praised PLO boss Abbas despite the terrorist leader’s own admission, “There is no difference between our policies and those of Hamas.” The terror organization headed by Obama’s pal had honored a monster who butchered a 13-year-old Jewish girl in her own bedroom as a “martyr”.

The White House backed the Muslim Brotherhood whose “spiritual” witch doctor had praised Hitler and expressed a wish that Muslims would be able to finish the Holocaust.


Obama’s attack and the rise of Keith Ellison mark the end of all illusions about Israel. The booing of Jerusalem, the Democrat boycott of Netanyahu’s speech and the Iran nuke sellout were all signposts on the road. This is the end of the road. The lame jackass has drifted all the way to the left side.

And the left had been in the business of oppressing and killing Jews for a long time. As the Democrats moved to the left, they also went into the business of financing the murder of Jews.

President Clinton was the first to openly fund Islamic terrorists killing Jews. Obama took that money and doubled, tripled and quadrupled it. That terror funding has been justified by the pursuit of a phantom “two-state solution” and “nuclear deal” that were nothing more than Islamic terrorist plots to destroy Israel.

But as the Democrats have become the radical left, they are abandoning the pretense that they kill Jews because they like them and that they fund Islamic terror only to help Israel.

They are becoming an anti-Israel party in name as well as in fact.


After Kerry’s attack, Trump tweeted, “Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!” The period between January 20, 2009 and January 20, 2017 marked a dark time in American and Israeli history.

The darkness is lifting. It’s morning in America. It’s morning in Jerusalem.

How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party


Didn't Harry S Truman, a democrat, create Israel?

Didn't Clinton terrorize the Iraqis from 1993 until 2001?

Didn't Obama terrorize Syria from 2008 until 2017 in order to allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and in order to weaken Syria so that it could not retaliate against Israel in the event that the latter attacked Iran?

Did you research anything BEFORE posting the propaganda piece?

The libtarts became anti-Israel because of our stealth muslim infiltrator of the presidency/obongo...
How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party
The Left can’t stop hating and killing Jews.
January 5, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Democrats have come down with a wicked virus. Somewhere along the way they caught Nazi fever.

It’s not the Nazi fever of the fevered headlines in which Trump is the new Fuhrer and Republicans are the new Third Reich.

The truth is that there’s only one major political party in this country that supports the murder of Jews.

The Democrats demand the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Jerusalem. They fund the mass murder of Jews by nuclear fire, rocket, bullet, bomb and bloody knife. And they collaborate and defend that terror.

President Clinton was the first to openly fund Islamic terrorists killing Jews. Men, women and children across Israel were shot and blown up by terrorists funded by his administration. And when terror victims sought justice, instead of protecting them from Iran, he protected Iran’s dirty money from them.

And he was not the last.

Secretary of State John Kerry and National Security Adviser Susan Rice collaborated with the leaders of a terrorist organization, with American and Israeli blood on its hands, on a UN attack on Israel that demands that Jews be banned from moving into neighborhoods and areas claimed by Islamic terrorists.

A leaked transcript showed Kerry conspiring with Saeb Erekat, who has praised the mass murderers of Jews and spewed anti-Semitism. Erekat is called a “negotiator”, a strange term considering that the PLO and its various front groups, including the Palestinian Authority, refuse to negotiate with Israel.

Erekat has made his position on the Jewish State quite clear. “We cannot accept the Jewish state – Israel as a Jewish state – not today, not tomorrow and not in a hundred years.”

Instead of reproving Erekat, Susan Rice warned him about Trump. Rice, like the rest of Obama’s team, was not only closer to the terrorists than to Israel, but was closer to the terrorists than to Trump.

Obama praised PLO boss Abbas despite the terrorist leader’s own admission, “There is no difference between our policies and those of Hamas.” The terror organization headed by Obama’s pal had honored a monster who butchered a 13-year-old Jewish girl in her own bedroom as a “martyr”.

The White House backed the Muslim Brotherhood whose “spiritual” witch doctor had praised Hitler and expressed a wish that Muslims would be able to finish the Holocaust.


Obama’s attack and the rise of Keith Ellison mark the end of all illusions about Israel. The booing of Jerusalem, the Democrat boycott of Netanyahu’s speech and the Iran nuke sellout were all signposts on the road. This is the end of the road. The lame jackass has drifted all the way to the left side.

And the left had been in the business of oppressing and killing Jews for a long time. As the Democrats moved to the left, they also went into the business of financing the murder of Jews.

President Clinton was the first to openly fund Islamic terrorists killing Jews. Obama took that money and doubled, tripled and quadrupled it. That terror funding has been justified by the pursuit of a phantom “two-state solution” and “nuclear deal” that were nothing more than Islamic terrorist plots to destroy Israel.

But as the Democrats have become the radical left, they are abandoning the pretense that they kill Jews because they like them and that they fund Islamic terror only to help Israel.

They are becoming an anti-Israel party in name as well as in fact.


After Kerry’s attack, Trump tweeted, “Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!” The period between January 20, 2009 and January 20, 2017 marked a dark time in American and Israeli history.

The darkness is lifting. It’s morning in America. It’s morning in Jerusalem.

How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party


Didn't Harry S Truman, a democrat, create Israel?

Didn't Clinton terrorize the Iraqis from 1993 until 2001?

Didn't Obama terrorize Syria from 2008 until 2017 in order to allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and in order to weaken Syria so that it could not retaliate against Israel in the event that the latter attacked Iran?

Did you research anything BEFORE posting the propaganda piece?

Hate to tell ya but your boiy created isis and the ME is on fire start clinton finish obongo...

your full of
Didn't Harry S Truman, a democrat, create Israel?

Didn't Clinton terrorize the Iraqis from 1993 until 2001?

Didn't Obama terrorize Syria from 2008 until 2017 in order to allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and in order to weaken Syria so that it could not retaliate against Israel in the event that the latter attacked Iran?

1. No ... Israel was created by Theodore Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, and millions of hard-working Jews from around the world. Harry Truman had absolutely nothing to do with the formation of the State of Israel.

2. Bill Clinton maintained the same US policy towards Iraq as the previous administration. The same policies of containment put in place by the UN Security Council after the Iraqis invaded Kuwait in 1991.

3. Obama's policy of regime-change in Syria has absolutely nothing to do with Israel's claim to the Golan heights. Given that Israel has controlled the Golan Heights since 1967, it's hard to imagine the mental gymnastics in which you had to engage in order to conflate a connection between Obama (the most anti-Israel US President in 70 years), Syria and Iran.

Look, you hate Jews ... I get it. You're more than welcome to your position and it bothers the Jews not a whit. There was a time when anti-Semites actually had the power to negatively impact Jews. But, now, thanks in no small part to the existence of Israel, anti-Semites are impotent whingers who only have the power to post anonymously online their ever increasing rage at their lack of power to do injuries to the Jews.

So, enjoy your Internet until Mossad comes and cuts you off.
I am not anti-israel...Just sick of fighting in the middle east.

I'm going to disagree with you here. I'm pretty sure you're not sick of fighting in the Middle East, it's been going on for millennia. I'm pretty sure what you're sick of is HEARING about fighting in the Middle East and ... to be fair ... so you should be.

There are currently 42 armed conflicts in the world today that account for 100 more deaths per year. In terms of casaulties, the conflict between the Israeli and the Palestinians rates number 20 in terms of cumulative casualties, and number 38 in terms of casualties in 2016.

That may come as a great surprise as in terms of press coverage, moral outrage, and sheer hysteria, the Israeli / Palestinian Conflict rates consistently in the top three.
March 8, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

This is being billed as an attack on President Trump by Orthodox Rabbis.

Twenty-two Modern Orthodox rabbis signed a statement last week urging their communities to commit “non-partisan acts of spiritual resistance” in order to push back against “an administration that poses a grave threat to our democracy.”

The problem is that these left-wing activists aren't Orthodox or Rabbis. They're being led by Shmuly Yanklowitz of Uri L'Tzedek, an anti-Orthodox left-wing group. Whatever degree Yanklowitz has comes from Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, a non-Orthodox institution that exists as an incubator for left-wing clergy for "Open Orthodoxy"..

Shmuly Yanklowitz came out against the Book of Esther just in time for Purim.

But the most shameful part of this isn't even Shmuly Yanklowitz.


It's very telling that Seidler-Feller remains a key figure in left-wing circles. Being lectured on values by leftists is like being lectured on morality by sociopaths.

UPDATE: The Coalition for Jewish Values, which is an organization of actual Orthodox Rabbis, has issued a statement disavowing the leftist activists.


Leftist Who Beat Pro-Israel Woman Demands Orthodox Jews Take Stock of Their "Values"
Carter lays it on the line...

The Yellow Yell, and Hollow Fools Follow

That unAmerican sissyboy was eligible for the draft in June of 1942. He skipped the war by pretending to be a military type and spending the next four years at the Naval Academy. That peanut-brained weakling and coward criticizes the bravest nation on earth purely out of jealousy.
Most Cuckold White Left Wingers lean Anti-Israel. This is especially true in Western Europe. The American Left isn't quite as extreme Anti-Israel, but it does generally hold that stance. Most Cuckold Left Wingers despise Christians for some bizarre reason. They view Muslims as an 'ally' against them. It's why you never see Left Wingers attacking Muslims the way they attack Christians.

But it's not only their bizarre hatred of Christians. They also fear Muslim retribution. They know Muslims will defend their religion at all costs. Christians are far more tolerant and docile. So the Left enjoys beating up on them. They're easy targets. The Cuckold Left are cowards. So, the Democratic Party is headed in an 'Anti-Israel' direction. It is happening. And one day most American Jews will come around to that realization. The Democratic Party is leaving them.
The libtarts became anti-Israel because of our stealth muslim infiltrator of the presidency/obongo...
How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party
The Left can’t stop hating and killing Jews.
January 5, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Democrats have come down with a wicked virus. Somewhere along the way they caught Nazi fever.

It’s not the Nazi fever of the fevered headlines in which Trump is the new Fuhrer and Republicans are the new Third Reich.

The truth is that there’s only one major political party in this country that supports the murder of Jews.

The Democrats demand the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Jerusalem. They fund the mass murder of Jews by nuclear fire, rocket, bullet, bomb and bloody knife. And they collaborate and defend that terror.

President Clinton was the first to openly fund Islamic terrorists killing Jews. Men, women and children across Israel were shot and blown up by terrorists funded by his administration. And when terror victims sought justice, instead of protecting them from Iran, he protected Iran’s dirty money from them.

And he was not the last.

Secretary of State John Kerry and National Security Adviser Susan Rice collaborated with the leaders of a terrorist organization, with American and Israeli blood on its hands, on a UN attack on Israel that demands that Jews be banned from moving into neighborhoods and areas claimed by Islamic terrorists.

A leaked transcript showed Kerry conspiring with Saeb Erekat, who has praised the mass murderers of Jews and spewed anti-Semitism. Erekat is called a “negotiator”, a strange term considering that the PLO and its various front groups, including the Palestinian Authority, refuse to negotiate with Israel.

Erekat has made his position on the Jewish State quite clear. “We cannot accept the Jewish state – Israel as a Jewish state – not today, not tomorrow and not in a hundred years.”

Instead of reproving Erekat, Susan Rice warned him about Trump. Rice, like the rest of Obama’s team, was not only closer to the terrorists than to Israel, but was closer to the terrorists than to Trump.

Obama praised PLO boss Abbas despite the terrorist leader’s own admission, “There is no difference between our policies and those of Hamas.” The terror organization headed by Obama’s pal had honored a monster who butchered a 13-year-old Jewish girl in her own bedroom as a “martyr”.

The White House backed the Muslim Brotherhood whose “spiritual” witch doctor had praised Hitler and expressed a wish that Muslims would be able to finish the Holocaust.


Obama’s attack and the rise of Keith Ellison mark the end of all illusions about Israel. The booing of Jerusalem, the Democrat boycott of Netanyahu’s speech and the Iran nuke sellout were all signposts on the road. This is the end of the road. The lame jackass has drifted all the way to the left side.

And the left had been in the business of oppressing and killing Jews for a long time. As the Democrats moved to the left, they also went into the business of financing the murder of Jews.

President Clinton was the first to openly fund Islamic terrorists killing Jews. Obama took that money and doubled, tripled and quadrupled it. That terror funding has been justified by the pursuit of a phantom “two-state solution” and “nuclear deal” that were nothing more than Islamic terrorist plots to destroy Israel.

But as the Democrats have become the radical left, they are abandoning the pretense that they kill Jews because they like them and that they fund Islamic terror only to help Israel.

They are becoming an anti-Israel party in name as well as in fact.


After Kerry’s attack, Trump tweeted, “Stay strong Israel, January 20th is fast approaching!” The period between January 20, 2009 and January 20, 2017 marked a dark time in American and Israeli history.

The darkness is lifting. It’s morning in America. It’s morning in Jerusalem.

How the Democrats Became the Anti-Israel Party


Didn't Harry S Truman, a democrat, create Israel?

Didn't Clinton terrorize the Iraqis from 1993 until 2001?

Didn't Obama terrorize Syria from 2008 until 2017 in order to allow Israel to retain the Golan Heights and in order to weaken Syria so that it could not retaliate against Israel in the event that the latter attacked Iran?

Did you research anything BEFORE posting the propaganda piece?

Hate to tell ya but your boiy created isis and the ME is on fire start clinton finish obongo...

your full of

Complete BS. Bushes breakup of the Iraqi state provided the impetus for the ISIS/Sunni factions' formation and subsequent invasion of the Sunnis lands in western Iraq.

As far as Obama goes, yeah he doesn't like Bibi and the feeling is mutual. But all the while Obama was criticizing Israel with his left hand, he was writing them a check with his right.
I love it when Jew hating xenophoes pretend to care about Israel.

You only care use Israel as a proxy for your Muslim hatred. It's perfect right ? Have the Jews and Mooslims go at it !

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