Democrats Must Be Racist


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I watched her on TV, she's rabid...
Democrats Must Be Racist
The Dems are driving non-racists out of the party.
January 25, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

"Democrats lost because they did not know how to talk about race," Aimee Allison told the DNC candidates forum on race.

Aimee Allison is a professional “race talker”. She’s a senior VP at PowerPAC+ which is dedicated to tapping into the “political power of the multiracial majority”. It’s busy toting its co-founder’s book “Brown is the New White” which claims that a “demographic revolution” created a “New American Majority” and that Democrats should stop wasting their time on white voters.

Steve Philips wrote it a year ago. Since then Democrats rode the “New Majority” into political oblivion. White voters made up 71% of the electorate. Hillary won little more than a third of this “old majority”.

The last Democrat running for the White House to win white voters was LBJ.

Obama in ’08 was the last Democrat to break the 40 percent ceiling among white voters. In ’12 and ’16, the Democrats fell into the 30s. And they want to go even lower.

PowerPAC’s Democracy in Color hosted the DNC forum on race. The qualifications were obvious. Aimee Allison was a biracial Green Party candidate for the Oakland City Council ten years ago. She lost.

Steve Philips served on the San Francisco School Board for eight years in the previous century. There he became infamous for demanding that 40% of books for High School students be written by non-whites. He specifically objected to Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn appearing on the reading list.

“Why do we start with that Huckleberry Finn had to be on the list? How did it get there in the first place? How did the book get published in the first place?" Philips demanded.

Back then, even in San Francisco, officials denounced the proposal as “literary apartheid”. These days the left is so extremist and hateful that calls not to read any books by white authors raise no eyebrows.

And this is whom the Democrats turned to on race.

Philips had authored an article before the forum demanding that “the Democratic Party must be race-conscious and not be race-neutral or color-blind”. He referenced his previous whitewashing of the vile racism of Jeremiah Wright and called for funding to be redirected away from white voters.

The candidates got the message. It was their job to pander to the “new majority”.

“I’m a white woman, I don’t get it,” Sally Boynton Brown shrilled. Her job, she declared, was to “shut other white people down” until they admit their “privilege”.

Sally might have shut up and let the three black candidates have the job. But progressive privilege means telling other people to shut up on behalf of an even more privileged minority group.

“I am from Idaho. We are so white. So white. Like I’ve been reaching out and trying to connect to anybody of color... I need schooling... so that i can go school the other white people,” Sally pleaded.

Hillary barely won a quarter of the vote in Idaho. Obama had fallen below a third. Democrat party identification in Idaho was below 10 percent. Around 90% of Idaho is white.


The Democrats continue to normalize racism and anti-Semitism. And then they wonder why they have become a minority party with national and state GOP trifectas across the land. The promise of a new majority has imploded. But the left is unable to break with a failed policy based on identity ideology.

The DNC forum played out as if the election had never happened. Even the last Democrats in Idaho have learned to spew hate at white people. The leading DNC candidate has a history with the Nation of Islam. And the Democrats have become a minority party of racists that is forcing non-racists out of the party.

The DNC’s message is that racism and Democrat affiliation have to go together as much as they did in the age of Jim Crow. The Democrats have relearned racism. And all they had to lose were their voters.

Democrats Must Be Racist

The increasing agenda of the Democratic party appears to be all about hate of the white man. This is going to drive many of the middle of the road Democrats, hopefully of all races, from the party. The Democratic party should be allowed to implode on itself as it becomes a party of hate. Those who don't want to be part of the Democratic party can turn to other political parties or start a new one.


Race Hatred At the DNC
They’ve learned nothing from the election results.

January 26, 2017
Matthew Vadum


(stupid "C" did you check the color of your skin you rabid beatch)

White people concerned about their country need to shut their mouths and have their future dictated to them by radical racist left-wingers, was the apparently unanimous verdict of the angry Democrats seeking to chair their party’s governing body at a recent candidate forum.

As Washington, D.C. radio host Chris Plante quipped, “They haven’t been this upset since we took away their slaves.”

White Americans, Democrats say loud and clear, are the enemy.

It is part of the ongoing meltdown among Democrats apoplectic that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. It manifests itself in the indignant screaming we now hear every day from the mainstream media every time President Trump makes it clear he really does intend to fulfill his campaign promises.

It is a result of the accumulated intellectual detritus from the Sixties mixed in with the identity politics that took over American campuses in the Eighties. “Politics is downstream from culture,” my late friend Andrew Breitbart observed, and now the culture has thoroughly infected the body politic.

Democrats are doubling down on the anti-white racism and identity politics-driven lunacy that became the norm during the Obama years.

So obsessed with nailing whitey to a cross were the DNC candidates that they overlooked the most glaring injustice of the past electoral cycle.

As Michael Sainato wrote in the New York Observer, all of the candidates attending the forum, including the Sen. Bernie Sanders-backed candidate, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), “refused to acknowledge the Democratic primaries were rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton.”

"There was so little dissent among the seven participants that at one point, when asked whether they thought the DNC tipped the scale for a candidate [Hillary Clinton] in the 2016 primary-a criticism lodged frequently and vociferously by Sanders' supporters-none of the participants raised their hands," he wrote, quoting Real Clear Politics.

Candidates to chair the Democratic National Committee all agree that their party needs to be more racist than it has become after eight years of incessant race-baiting and guilt-tripping by former President Obama.

Whites in the Democratic Party need to check their race-based privilege and zip it, according to DNC chairman candidate Sally Boynton Brown, who is executive director of the Idaho Democratic Party.

“Black lives matter and it makes me sad that we’re even having that conversation and that tells me that white leaders in our party have failed,” said Brown during the recent “DNC Chair Candidates Forum 2017” moderated by MSNBC’s Joy-Ann Reid. We have to teach Democrats “how to be sensitive and how to shut their mouths if they’re white.”

It’s unclear what more the DNC could do to appease Black Power activists.

The Democratic National Committee officially endorses the racist, terroristic Black Lives Matter movement whose paranoid radical left-wing members accuse police nationwide of systemic anti-black racism and brutality against black suspects.

In 2015 members of the DNC, the party’s governing body, adopted a resolution throwing their lot in with black racists and radical Black Power militants who have openly expressed support for the murder of police officers. The statement slams the United States for allegedly systemic police violence directed against African-Americans.


Democrats hate white people and blame them for more or less all ills in American society. White voters understand this and this is why Republicans now control the presidency, both houses of Congress, and will soon add conservative Supreme Court justices whose influence will last generations. Nationwide, Democrats’ electoral fortunes are at their lowest ebb in a century.

But Democrats are still living in fantasy land. They rage at Trump and all other white people when they only have themselves to blame.

Race Hatred At the DNC
I first got wind of this when I was in law school. They showed us a film of the Founding Fathers debating whether the states could tax the National Bank. A black student and a few of his white liberal friends missed the point of the film entirely, which was that the states did not have the power to tax an agency of the federal government, because "The power to tax is the power to destroy." What they were talking about is that we should not even listen to what the Founding Fathers had to say on the subject, because they were all "Dead White Males." I was astounded at the hatred behind this statement, and remain astounded today.
at this point, after what happened in 2016, why would anyone, of any race want to be a democrat? they are the most laughed at group of individuals in the nation. who in any state of mind wants to be associated with the likes of Pelosi/Reid/Waters/Biden/Barry/Moochelle/Sharpton/Wasserman/Grayson and the rest?
Democrats are the biggest racists in the country. Their anti-white racism has become so apparent, white people are fleeing the Democrat Party, except for the progressive self-loathing types, and the ignorant that just vote the same way they have been since the 1960's. Even many Latinos aren't down with their progressive, anti-Christian Agenda, which is why so many voted for Trump.

Dems are just going to keep going the racist route though, they've lied to themselves about this election to the point where they actually believe Trump "stole the election". They need to believe this, in order for them to justify their continued belief in their Agenda. This gives them the "moral authority" to continue with race baiting and race riots. The Progressive Agenda is their religion, and they are just as much religious extremists as any jihadist. Trust me, in the next four years you are going to see the Democrats fully embrace Islam. They are "all in" with Islam, no matter how many more terror attacks happen.
Democrats are the biggest racists in the country. Their anti-white racism has become so apparent, white people are fleeing the Democrat Party, except for the progressive self-loathing types, and the ignorant that just vote the same way they have been since the 1960's. Even many Latinos aren't down with their progressive, anti-Christian Agenda, which is why so many voted for Trump.

Dems are just going to keep going the racist route though, they've lied to themselves about this election to the point where they actually believe Trump "stole the election". They need to believe this, in order for them to justify their continued belief in their Agenda. This gives them the "moral authority" to continue with race baiting and race riots. The Progressive Agenda is their religion, and they are just as much religious extremists as any jihadist. Trust me, in the next four years you are going to see the Democrats fully embrace Islam. They are "all in" with Islam, no matter how many more terror attacks happen.
So Dems believe whites are inferior? RW idiocy...
I watched her on TV, she's rabid...
Democrats Must Be Racist
The Dems are driving non-racists out of the party.
January 25, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

"Democrats lost because they did not know how to talk about race," Aimee Allison told the DNC candidates forum on race.

Aimee Allison is a professional “race talker”. She’s a senior VP at PowerPAC+ which is dedicated to tapping into the “political power of the multiracial majority”. It’s busy toting its co-founder’s book “Brown is the New White” which claims that a “demographic revolution” created a “New American Majority” and that Democrats should stop wasting their time on white voters.

Steve Philips wrote it a year ago. Since then Democrats rode the “New Majority” into political oblivion. White voters made up 71% of the electorate. Hillary won little more than a third of this “old majority”.

The last Democrat running for the White House to win white voters was LBJ.

Obama in ’08 was the last Democrat to break the 40 percent ceiling among white voters. In ’12 and ’16, the Democrats fell into the 30s. And they want to go even lower.

PowerPAC’s Democracy in Color hosted the DNC forum on race. The qualifications were obvious. Aimee Allison was a biracial Green Party candidate for the Oakland City Council ten years ago. She lost.

Steve Philips served on the San Francisco School Board for eight years in the previous century. There he became infamous for demanding that 40% of books for High School students be written by non-whites. He specifically objected to Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn appearing on the reading list.

“Why do we start with that Huckleberry Finn had to be on the list? How did it get there in the first place? How did the book get published in the first place?" Philips demanded.

Back then, even in San Francisco, officials denounced the proposal as “literary apartheid”. These days the left is so extremist and hateful that calls not to read any books by white authors raise no eyebrows.

And this is whom the Democrats turned to on race.

Philips had authored an article before the forum demanding that “the Democratic Party must be race-conscious and not be race-neutral or color-blind”. He referenced his previous whitewashing of the vile racism of Jeremiah Wright and called for funding to be redirected away from white voters.

The candidates got the message. It was their job to pander to the “new majority”.

“I’m a white woman, I don’t get it,” Sally Boynton Brown shrilled. Her job, she declared, was to “shut other white people down” until they admit their “privilege”.

Sally might have shut up and let the three black candidates have the job. But progressive privilege means telling other people to shut up on behalf of an even more privileged minority group.

“I am from Idaho. We are so white. So white. Like I’ve been reaching out and trying to connect to anybody of color... I need schooling... so that i can go school the other white people,” Sally pleaded.

Hillary barely won a quarter of the vote in Idaho. Obama had fallen below a third. Democrat party identification in Idaho was below 10 percent. Around 90% of Idaho is white.


The Democrats continue to normalize racism and anti-Semitism. And then they wonder why they have become a minority party with national and state GOP trifectas across the land. The promise of a new majority has imploded. But the left is unable to break with a failed policy based on identity ideology.

The DNC forum played out as if the election had never happened. Even the last Democrats in Idaho have learned to spew hate at white people. The leading DNC candidate has a history with the Nation of Islam. And the Democrats have become a minority party of racists that is forcing non-racists out of the party.

The DNC’s message is that racism and Democrat affiliation have to go together as much as they did in the age of Jim Crow. The Democrats have relearned racism. And all they had to lose were their voters.

Democrats Must Be Racist

That Sally chick is a complete fucking nut. I was hoping for Ellison, but this chick would be a goldmine.

She knows that was being recorded, right?
Democrats are the biggest racists in the country. Their anti-white racism has become so apparent, white people are fleeing the Democrat Party, except for the progressive self-loathing types, and the ignorant that just vote the same way they have been since the 1960's. Even many Latinos aren't down with their progressive, anti-Christian Agenda, which is why so many voted for Trump.

Dems are just going to keep going the racist route though, they've lied to themselves about this election to the point where they actually believe Trump "stole the election". They need to believe this, in order for them to justify their continued belief in their Agenda. This gives them the "moral authority" to continue with race baiting and race riots. The Progressive Agenda is their religion, and they are just as much religious extremists as any jihadist. Trust me, in the next four years you are going to see the Democrats fully embrace Islam. They are "all in" with Islam, no matter how many more terror attacks happen.
So Dems believe whites are inferior? RW idiocy...

Not necessarily, but guilty of enjoying "White Privilege", and deserving punishment.
Democrats are the biggest racists in the country. Their anti-white racism has become so apparent, white people are fleeing the Democrat Party, except for the progressive self-loathing types, and the ignorant that just vote the same way they have been since the 1960's. Even many Latinos aren't down with their progressive, anti-Christian Agenda, which is why so many voted for Trump.

Dems are just going to keep going the racist route though, they've lied to themselves about this election to the point where they actually believe Trump "stole the election". They need to believe this, in order for them to justify their continued belief in their Agenda. This gives them the "moral authority" to continue with race baiting and race riots. The Progressive Agenda is their religion, and they are just as much religious extremists as any jihadist. Trust me, in the next four years you are going to see the Democrats fully embrace Islam. They are "all in" with Islam, no matter how many more terror attacks happen.
So Dems believe whites are inferior? RW idiocy...

Not necessarily, but guilty of enjoying "White Privilege", and deserving punishment.
Then they're not racist, dupe.
Democrats are the biggest racists in the country. Their anti-white racism has become so apparent, white people are fleeing the Democrat Party, except for the progressive self-loathing types, and the ignorant that just vote the same way they have been since the 1960's. Even many Latinos aren't down with their progressive, anti-Christian Agenda, which is why so many voted for Trump.

Dems are just going to keep going the racist route though, they've lied to themselves about this election to the point where they actually believe Trump "stole the election". They need to believe this, in order for them to justify their continued belief in their Agenda. This gives them the "moral authority" to continue with race baiting and race riots. The Progressive Agenda is their religion, and they are just as much religious extremists as any jihadist. Trust me, in the next four years you are going to see the Democrats fully embrace Islam. They are "all in" with Islam, no matter how many more terror attacks happen.
So Dems believe whites are inferior? RW idiocy...

So Dems believe whites are inferior? LW idiocy...
It's difficult to associate with these types unless you are full of hate... self-hate.

Only a moron would hate himself because of the skin color he was born with. Come to think of it, extreme idiocy seems to along with it.
It's difficult to associate with these types unless you are full of hate... self-hate.

Only a moron would hate himself because of the skin color he was born with. Come to think of it, extreme idiocy seems to along with it.

Or...they might convince themselves that they are some other race....

"Rachel Anne Dolezal (also spelled Doležal /ˈdoʊləʒɑːl, -ʒæl/;[4] born November 12, 1977) is an American civil rights activist and former Africana studies instructor. She was president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter in Spokane, Washington, from 2014 until June 15, 2015, when she resigned following allegations that she had lied about her racial identity and other aspects of her biography."
Rachel Dolezal - Wikipedia
Democrats are the biggest racists in the country. Their anti-white racism has become so apparent, white people are fleeing the Democrat Party, except for the progressive self-loathing types, and the ignorant that just vote the same way they have been since the 1960's. Even many Latinos aren't down with their progressive, anti-Christian Agenda, which is why so many voted for Trump.

Dems are just going to keep going the racist route though, they've lied to themselves about this election to the point where they actually believe Trump "stole the election". They need to believe this, in order for them to justify their continued belief in their Agenda. This gives them the "moral authority" to continue with race baiting and race riots. The Progressive Agenda is their religion, and they are just as much religious extremists as any jihadist. Trust me, in the next four years you are going to see the Democrats fully embrace Islam. They are "all in" with Islam, no matter how many more terror attacks happen.
So Dems believe whites are inferior? RW idiocy...

So Dems believe whites are inferior? LW idiocy...
Of course not. Exactly why the OP and RW pundits and dupes are totally FOS.

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