
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Hilarious. It couldn't have been said any better...

"Retreat" is an appropriate description of what took place in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, this week. Senate Democrats took a break from not confirming President Trump's cabinet to visit this historic city in a state the president won by 40 points. According to Politico the assembled were scheduled to hear from associates of the Clinton family and to "hold lessons on how to talk to real people." Oh to be a fly on the wall.

I like to imagine Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer nodding sagely as Joe Manchin, the only Democratic senator with a modicum of common sense, asks a group of Trump voters to explain why calling people drug-addled unemployable racist misogynistic fascists is not, in fact, the best way to earn their votes. It's moments like these when Barbara Boxer's absence from the Democratic caucus would be most felt, I think. Faced with Trump supporters, the former California senator likely would respond with a hysterical and barely coherent monologue involving climate change, immigration, abortion rights, and gun control, all the while oblivious to the fact that these were the very issues that brought Trump to office. At least Boxer has pizzazz. These days the role of the clueless liberal proclaiming her moral supremacy over the déclassé is left to the nondescript, soporific, Dolores Umbridge-like Patty Murray. Here is yet another example of national decline.

The Democrats Retreat From Reality
Hilarious. It couldn't have been said any better...

"Retreat" is an appropriate description of what took place in Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, this week. Senate Democrats took a break from not confirming President Trump's cabinet to visit this historic city in a state the president won by 40 points. According to Politico the assembled were scheduled to hear from associates of the Clinton family and to "hold lessons on how to talk to real people." Oh to be a fly on the wall.

I like to imagine Elizabeth Warren and Chuck Schumer nodding sagely as Joe Manchin, the only Democratic senator with a modicum of common sense, asks a group of Trump voters to explain why calling people drug-addled unemployable racist misogynistic fascists is not, in fact, the best way to earn their votes. It's moments like these when Barbara Boxer's absence from the Democratic caucus would be most felt, I think. Faced with Trump supporters, the former California senator likely would respond with a hysterical and barely coherent monologue involving climate change, immigration, abortion rights, and gun control, all the while oblivious to the fact that these were the very issues that brought Trump to office. At least Boxer has pizzazz. These days the role of the clueless liberal proclaiming her moral supremacy over the déclassé is left to the nondescript, soporific, Dolores Umbridge-like Patty Murray. Here is yet another example of national decline.

The Democrats Retreat From Reality
No it is your kind that is delusional if you think going forward with the demographics shifting and his base literally dying off ,that the lunatic elected was nothing but an anomaly. .The clock is ticking, .where are all those unskilled jobs he promise his rubes? Will he sign an executive order an wave a piece a paper around an make them appear ?
...where are all those unskilled jobs he promise his rubes? Will he sign an executive order an wave a piece a paper around an make them appear ?
So after one week of actually being president, you're wondering where the jobs are that he promised? :lmao:
No it is your kind that is delusional if you think going forward with the demographics shifting and his base literally dying off ,that the lunatic elected was nothing but an anomaly...
Oh my poor, gentle little snowflake....the demographics show that progressivism is a world-wide joke, that the American people are tired of you nitwits, and that this was a beat down of epic proportions:


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