
  1. Marion Morrison

    Why Democrats could be in Serious Trouble!

    Not just Democrats, Republicans that don't vote to stop invaders as well! You see, it's part of their job as they took an oath to uphold the Constitution. What does the Constitution say about invaders? Article IV, Section IV Section 4 "The United States shall guarantee to every State in...
  2. TheProgressivePatriot

    Equality Act Introduced in Congress

    I thought that "Law and Justice " would be an appropriate forum for this news article. There is still far to much discrimination against LGBTQ people . Despite the gains that have been made, many states do not prohibit discrimination in housing, employment and places of public accommodation...
  3. deanrd

    Cohen afraid to testify after Trump THREATENS his family!!!! Refuses to go to congress.

    Cohen afraid to testify after Trump threatens his family. Now Cohen refuses to testify. Mafia. Pure Mafia.
  4. OKTexas

    It's Time For Trump To Exercise His Article 2 Powers

    The President, under Article 2, Section 3 has the authority to convene one or both houses of Congress in extraordinary circumstances. He could use these powers to keep Congress in DC instead of leaving to go home. Article 2, Section 3 He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information...
  5. S

    Democrat House should pass much of their 2020 platform NOW!!

    Democrat House should pass much of their 2020 platform NOW!! The Democrat House caucus should have begun deciding upon their 2020 platform planks. The Democratic majority House caucus should try to pass their most popular planks with no regard to the Republican majority Senate. If Republicans...
  6. deanrd

    Let's make a list of the questions we want Congress to ask Michael Cohen:

    Do you have more tapes? Cohen already produced one tape proving Trump lied about payoffs to porn stars. Why is there a record of your phone in Eastern Europe after you said you were never there? This would support Trump's continued business dealings with Russia. What happened to the many...
  7. S

    Screw those who are essential and work?? The Trump shut-down.

    Screw those who are essential and work?? The Trump shut-down. If the link provided at the end of this post is correct: Those furloughed federal employees considered as not essential and are not currently working for the federal government, can tide themselves over by gainfully working...
  8. The Original Tree

    Congressional Slush Fund to pay off Prostitutes, Mistresses, and Sexual Assault Victims

    I think it is time President Trump Orders the AG to do a full blown investigation in to how much money the taxpayers have had to pay to keep hookers, mistresses, and sexual assault victims silent. I bet The BARNEY FRANK BILL IS ENORMOUS! Congressional secret fund to pay off sexual harassment...
  9. deanrd

    Jan 3rd, Democrats opening 85 investigations into Trump and the GOP. Finally, it's about time!!!!

    Democratic hit list: At least 85 Trump investigation targets Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's business dealings White House staff's personal email use Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago Jared Kushner's ethics...
  10. deanrd

    Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

    Why Republicans are terrified of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Why the Right Is So Obsessed With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez On Thursday, Eddie Scarry, a Washington Examiner writer with a long history of making misogynistic ad hominem attacks and taking surreptitious photos of women’s...
  11. deanrd

    Four dozen Republicans won’t be coming back after the midterms

    Republicans who won't be coming back to Congress after 2018 midterm elections Four dozen Republicans won’t be coming back after the midterms. You can get the list of names from the link. Some surprisingly big names there. Why do you think so many Republicans are doing the old cut and run?
  12. deanrd

    Will Congress pass Diane Feinstein's "OPEN BORDERS" Bill?

    From Trump's last Rally: “Every single Democrat in the U.S. Senate has signed up for the open borders – and it’s a bill. And it’s called The Open Borders Bill. What’s going on? And it’s written by – guess who – Dianne Feinstein.” About Feinstein and Open Borders ----------------------------...
  13. P@triot

    The Republican Congress finally does something

    It has been effective in Texas. Let’s hope that it will be effective for federal prisons as well. These are the types of issues that we should be focusing on. Bi-partisan issues that can reduce costs. Focus on what can get done, accept what cannot (like firearm legislation). House-Passed...
  14. The Original Tree

    President Trump Needs To Force Congress To Act On Syria

    Syria is Congress’ Problem and The Previous Adminstration’s Problem. It was Rice, Kerry, Obama and Clinton who brought Russia in to Syria to deal with Chemical Weapons instead of dealing with them directly. Instead Russia helped Syria build Military Bases while Congress did nothing. Congress...
  15. NewsVine_Mariyam

    Mark Zuckerberg testimony: Key moments from Facebook CEO's day in the hot seat

    Where did Zuck sleep last night? (And other key moments from Senate grilling) I was pretty surprised at Zuckerberg's reaction to being asked if he'd be willing to share the name of the hotel where he's staying or the names of the people he's messaged this week - there in front of a televised...
  16. P@triot

    Republicans deserve what they get

    The left loves to declare that President Trump has done “nothing” when in fact he has done everything he is constitutionally responsibile for (and very successfully I might add). It has been the Republican Congress that has done nothing. They talked such a big game in 2010. They promised they...
  17. TheProgressivePatriot

    The Comming Midterm Elections. Republicans on the Defensive

    In the wake of the 11.7.17 bloodbath that the Republicans suffered, the Democrats are energized and emboldened . I am creating this tread as a clearing house for all news, thoughts and analysis of the races that are heating up for 2018. This will be a repudiation of Trumpism including the...
  18. Litwin

    Trove of 'Russian troll' posts exposed by Congress

    Great job the Congress!! Will Trump finally do something to Olgino troll fabric and those who stand behind them ? " Further instances of social media posts and ads thought to be part of Russian propaganda efforts to influence the last US presidential election and divide its society have...
  19. midcan5

    CDZ You wanna stop gun violence?

    I thought this powerful enough to have its own thread. Well said but complex. “Mass shootings have become routine in the United States and speak to a society that relies on violence to feed the coffers of the merchants of death. Given the profits made by arms manufacturers, the defense...
  20. TheProgressivePatriot

    Congress Tells Trump to Condemn Hate

    Congress To Trump: Denounce Hate Groups | HuffPost Now the question of course is, what will he do. If he signs it, his base will be apoplectic. If he does not, then, well, lets think about the implications of that. Ya think that he might be squirming right now?? “ . Prediction: He will...
  21. cnelsen

    We made Donald Fucking Trump president. What more can we do?

    Washington DC is disconnected from the American people on no issue like immigration. They need to stop reading the Washington Post. Congress has tried to sneak through amnesties three times in a little more than a decade. Every time, the American people somehow found out—despite the best...
  22. cnelsen

    Did Russia just accuse Jews of warmongering?

    Russia responded today to the utterly irresponsible and provocative move by the US Congress to impose more sanctions on Russia on top of unjustified and punishing sanctions already in place. Reuters: The Russian Foreign Ministry complained of growing anti-Russian feeling in the United States...
  23. The Original Tree

    Why Won't The Senate Vote On The Already Passed House Bill?

    The House already passed a Health Care Bill, so why hasn't the Senate voted on it and instead they are trying to introduce their own bill?
  24. P@triot

    Rand Paul exemplifies what a representative should be

    He never acts like an obedient little soldier for the party. Instead, he does what is in the best interest of his constituents and America. It is unacceptable that our representatives vote on legislation without reading it. I love the fact that Rand Paul is calling out his own party. If only...
  25. The Original Tree

    National Voter ID On The Horizon

    If Lefty is so CONCERNED ABOUT THE RUSSIANS or even their OWN PARTY DEFRAUDING VOTERS, then why IS LEFTY OPPOSED TO VOTER ID? Why does he advocate giving Amnesty and the right to vote to ILLEGALS? Why are Lefty STATES ILLEGALLY GIVING ILLEGALS Driver Licenses and enrolling them in MOTOR...
  26. roypatterson

    What Lies James Comey is going to tell Congress

    Comey Releases Prepared Testimony: "I Hope You Can See Your Way To Letting This Go... I Need Loyalty" | Zero Hedge
  27. American_Jihad

    A Muslim Brotherhood Security Breach in Congress

    These beasts need to be routed... A Muslim Brotherhood Security Breach in Congress There’s a national security risk swamp to drain. February 8, 2017 Daniel Greenfield Last year, eight members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issued a demand that their staffers be...
  28. American_Jihad

    John Lewis Disgraces Himself

    And the left try to blame Trump, but Lewis started it and Trump will probably finish it... John Lewis Disgraces Himself Calling President-elect Trump “illegitimate,” Lewis has a long record of Communist affiliations and radical agendas. January 19, 2017 John Perazzo ... Or must we, as...
  29. P@triot

    Democrat voters are SO easily duped

    I just can't wrap my head around who would support these people. John Kerry infamously quipped about how the wealthy need to "pay their fair share". He specifically cited the needs of his state of Massachusetts. So what does he do next? He goes out and purchases a $7 million yacht and stores it...
  30. MindWars

    Valerie Jarrett key Player in Fast and Furious cover-up after Holder lied to congress

    President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, was a key player in the effort to cover up that Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress about the Fast and Furious scandal, according to public records obtained by Judicial Watch. Valerie Jarrett Key Player in Fast and Furious...
  31. midcan5

    CDZ What Difference Does It Make - Two

    In a certain sense I agree with an earlier thread, what difference does it make. I hadn't selected that subject when I thought about posting this thread, but then thought why not. Actually I feel like Trump is totally unacceptable but I'll leave the reasons out for the moment. Without getting...
  32. Fiero425

    Defense Budget being held up by Dem. Fillibuster

    Dems are holding up approval vote for "Continuing Resolution" to make a point concerning "guns" and funding for the Zika virus prevention I guess! They are not just going to roll over anymore since Republicans are playing games with hearings, appropriations, and pending recess for the summer...
  33. American_Jihad

    President Obama: Accessory to the Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens?

    He can't be gone soon enough... President Obama: Accessory to the Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens? The grim findings unveiled by a House congressional hearing. April 26, 2016 Michael Cutler On Tuesday, April 19, 2016, the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security conducted a...
  34. P@triot

    Solutions for America - Congress

    So 60 Minutes just finished airing a story on the mess that is Congress. Primarily, the story focused on how so many of them are forced to spend far too much fund raising for the RNC and DNC instead of representing their constituents. Why is there such an emphasis on fund raising? That wasn't...
  35. GOPgeoff

    A couple of questions.

    Hello everyone , I have a few questions regarding steps I would need to take to one day become a US representative and Eventually Senator. I am curious what Degree is common and things I need to do. I am currently in High School and would love if any one could help. Thanks a lot. Geoff

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