Did Russia just accuse Jews of warmongering?


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
Russia responded today to the utterly irresponsible and provocative move by the US Congress to impose more sanctions on Russia on top of unjustified and punishing sanctions already in place.


The Russian Foreign Ministry complained of growing anti-Russian feeling in the United States, accusing "well-known circles" of seeking "open confrontation".
Now, let's see. Who could these well-known circles be? Were the Russians alluding to the centuries-old stereotype of the Jews as warmongers and accusing them of warmongering now? Are they right? And if they are, why would any group seek war between other groups? What kind of world-view would you need to have in order to see war among others as a desirable thing to work for? And what does it say about our democracy that the men and women we are electing to represent us are doing the bidding of the warmongers. What needs to change?

Trump to sign Russia sanctions, Moscow retaliates


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