Zelensky tells US he will ‘lose the war’ without their support

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Fine, then he should begin negotiating a cease-fire, and maybe even a surrender. We can no longer provide for others if we continue to refuse to provide at home . . . .

1 Timothy 5:8
King James Version

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Fine, then he should begin negotiating a cease-fire, and maybe even a surrender. We can no longer provide for others if we continue to refuse to provide at home . . . .

1 Timothy 5:8
King James Version

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

This is great news, and a perfect time to exit & end the bloodshed caused by the USG.

We are not defending freedom in Ukraine.
We are defending a totally corrupt one party police state.
Hope dear uncle Volodya ignores the little runt and retakes Kherson and Kharkov and takes control of Odessa . Sticks two fingers at the impotent US and gets on with further expansion of BRICS . Good strategy for the good guys .
Fuck yourself Ivan. Russian men would rather emigrate than fight for Putin.
Rofl . All the US has done is create hate and destruction as it always does when losing its wars .
Russia thought the war in Ukraine would be over in 6-days. What happened?
Here we are on day 577 and counting, with Russia losing ground every day.
The over-rated Russian military is still slogging it out in trenches.
Ukrainians volunteer to fight, Russian men flee.
Russia thought the war in Ukraine would be over in 6-days. What happened?
Here we are on day 577 and counting, with Russia losing ground every day.
The over-rated Russian military is still slogging it out in trenches.
Ukrainians volunteer to fight, Russian men flee.
Your post is so inadequate and misinformed that you will have to find out slowly and with maximum mental pain . Deniers are always stupid , gullible or misinformed . Take your pick — probably all three .
Your post is so inadequate and misinformed that you will have to find out slowly and with maximum mental pain . Deniers are always stupid , gullible or misinformed . Take your pick — probably all three .

Prove my post wrong. You can't. Thanks for playing. Go back to Moscow.
The EU did not want nor provoke this war - you need to address the USA and NATO - moron
The US did not want nor provoke this war - you need to address the EU and NATO - moron.
The EU is in more danger from Putin's expansion plans than the US is, so the EU needs to pay up before we do.

We are not defending freedom in Ukraine.
We are defending a totally corrupt one party police state.

Exactly, and the Biden sheep think shoveling $120 billion, with zero accountability, into that corrupt Reich is somehow a great idea.

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