The Ukraine War is badly lost by the Nazis. Zelensky Officially Lined Up to Go .

For what it is worth both those assertions are utter nonsense .

Midget reported direct to the head of MI6. Perhaps you remember post man Boris Johnson carried instructions to the midget puppet in April 2022 to carry on fighting at all costs rather than talk peace with Moscow .

Russia has smashed Ukraine but used modern warfare strategies and has been happy to remove over 500 000 fighters by basically sitting on higher ground and wiping them out with artillery the UAF could not match, and also with near 100 % control of the air .

So stop imagining nonsense or just making things up .
I am happy to report that Russia has had killed in Ukraine tens of thousands of their shitty troops. And you seem to back Putin.
Ukraine was doomed from the start, Mr Zelenskyy should have taken a few tips from Mr Netanyahu

Great to see Deniers fantasise when desperate .
You have been pulverised .
Have the grace to stop whining and take your thrashing manfully .
Ha, fantasize.. Better tell your pals about your fantasies about Odessa you have been spewing for several months now to no avail.
Biden is to blame. Completely. Because when Zelensky kept begging for the correct weapons, Biden kept turning him down. Where the hell are the F-16s that Biden promised? What happened to the M1A2 tanks he promised? Zelensky was not then nor now a man who wants war with any nation.

The Heil Putin crowd still wrings their hands that Russia has not crushed Ukraine.
Don't be too harsh on Biden. After all, who in February/March 2022 really thought Ukraine would last more than a couple of months?

When it became evident that Russian dogshit army was bogged down and some serious military deliveries started, our local Putinheads were lining up screaming about provoking the WWIII with nuclear power. I can assume that such crybabies were heard in the US too, including the Congress and the media.
Don't be too harsh on Biden. After all, who in February/March 2022 really thought Ukraine would last more than a couple of months?

When it became evident that Russian dogshit army was bogged down and some serious military deliveries started, our local Putinheads were lining up screaming about provoking the WWIII with nuclear power. I can assume that such crybabies were heard in the US too, including the Congress and the media.
Biden was so shitty, and I am not kidding, he could have had this war ended already. By correctly doing a Generals type of battle plan and having Zelensky handle it. But he does not trust Zelensky and apparently trusts Putin.
Biden was so shitty, and I am not kidding, he could have had this war ended already. By correctly doing a Generals type of battle plan and having Zelensky handle it. But he does not trust Zelensky and apparently trusts Putin.
Well, I don't know what you mean saying 'trusts Putin', but his distrust of Zelensky is understandable. Zelensky was the Ukrainian president for 3 years before the war started and he showed himself as a shitty leader. The first war months changed this perception dramatically, but now the things are getting on their places.

The Biden administration were cautuos so as the US troops wouldn't be directly involved and the Putin regime wouldn't be put in a corner. One can debate endlessly what would have been had Ukraine had all needed weapons in the first months. But it is pointless whatsoever now.

What the Putinheads are right about though is that Ukraine doesn't have a military solution in this war - in the terms of defeating Russia militarily and taking the occupied territories by force. And hardly ever had. And the failed 'big counter-offensive' clearly showed that.
Well, I don't know what you mean saying 'trusts Putin', but his distrust of Zelensky is understandable. Zelensky was the Ukrainian president for 3 years before the war started and he showed himself as a shitty leader. The first war months changed this perception dramatically, but now the things are getting on their places.

The Biden administration were cautuos so as the US troops wouldn't be directly involved and the Putin regime wouldn't be put in a corner. One can debate endlessly what would have been had Ukraine had all needed weapons in the first months. But it is pointless whatsoever now.

What the Putinheads are right about though is that Ukraine doesn't have a military solution in this war - in the terms of defeating Russia militarily and taking the occupied territories by force. And hardly ever had. And the failed 'big counter-offensive' clearly showed that.
I did not say ever to use American troops. I did say our Generals conceive excellent battle plans and those should have reached Zelensky. They do not have to defeat Russia, it will be fine if they get Russia to pull out. Zelensky is fighting a one hand behind his back war and even Putin is heavily damaged. This task belongs to our Generals and not to Democrats.
I did not say ever to use American troops. I did say our Generals conceive excellent battle plans and those should have reached Zelensky. They do not have to defeat Russia, it will be fine if they get Russia to pull out. Zelensky is fighting a one hand behind his back war and even Putin is heavily damaged. This task belongs to our Generals and not to Democrats.
Oh, you are one of those who believe Russia can pull back of the occupied lands because of 'military costs'? Well, then I can add nothing to that.
What is truly astounding and sad is your support for Putin.

Do you believe that I should pretend ignorance of the real situation and its detailed historical causes?

Would you prefer Fake News based either on ignorance or stupidity , or both ?

It appears that is your preference and without having a clue about good answers to these questions .
Ha, fantasize.. Better tell your pals about your fantasies about Odessa you have been spewing for several months now to no avail.
So you believe that Russia should have bulldozed their way across the Dnieper river and lost troops in the amounts that the UAF lost at Bakhmut and presently around Avdiivka --- conservatively at least 100 000 in just those two locations?

When the Midget when mad, somewhere in mid to late Spring, he produced this insane strategy that these two locations must be held at all costs and -- as he said repeatedly -- down to the last Ukrainian .

The rest of the world watched in amazement as his second and third armies were torn to shreds and of course Russia just rubbed its hands , camped defensively and mowed the enemy repeatedly to smithereens .

It matters not a jot when a city like Odessa is taken if you can first tear armies apart and only lose fighters on the scale of something between 10 and 15 to one .

So, a little better strategic knowledge might help you and I suggest you might like to write direct to the Kremlin , rather than to me, if you believe you can offer battle strategy that is better than we have seen the Russians achieve this year .
Here is most of Bernard's report at Moon of Alabama .
The Times signals that it is all over bar the shouting and that the Nazi War Criminal , Zelensky is broken and will soon be gone .
The Time piece is a signal. It announces the end of Zelenski's regime. I am sure that the National Security Council, as well as the State Department, is feverishly looking for an alternative - and for a face saving way to install it.

Nobody Believes in Our Victory Like I Do.’ Inside Volodymyr Zelensky’s Struggle to Keep Ukraine in the Fight - Time - Oct. 30, 2023

Quoting a soldier on the front of the counter-offensive, the Economist agrees:

Still, Zelenski is urging them on:
“He deludes himself,” one of his closest aides tells me in frustration. “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”

Zelenski's people put the blame everywhere but on the those who have caused the mess.

Napoleon, Hitler and several other folks who had sought war with Russia, had to learn to never underestimate the depth of its resources. Now NATO, the U.S. and its European proxies, are learning that lesson.

Zelenski still hasn't. He won't concede:

The Ukraine's old problems, foremost corruption, persist:

Knowing that the ship is sinking, this its probably what I would do too. Bring anything available onto my personal life raft and prepare for cutting its lines to the mother ship.
Don't say we didnt warn em .....500 thousand buried least .....for what. ? the corrupt debt star

Oh wait.....DEMOCKWACY,,,,,fucking morons
Meanwhile the Chinese and Russians are shaking hands all over the middle east ...and the fuckin jooos ....wait wait wait wait

The United states is gonna give twenty billion to Egypt to take palis in.... which will only be temporary....
And the fucking joooos want a public relations campaign across the west to take in the "palis" that doesn't cast jews in a negative light

Western Europe ,canaduh and the F.U.S.A. are the destinations...

Us troops already being poked across the region
Yemen and others are getting ready to jump in and suicide bomb ....while the fag nazi retards in DC are looking at Iran with a giant hard on
So you believe that Russia should have bulldozed their way across the Dnieper river and lost troops in the amounts that the UAF lost at Bakhmut and presently around Avdiivka --- conservatively at least 100 000 in just those two locations?

When the Midget when mad, somewhere in mid to late Spring, he produced this insane strategy that these two locations must be held at all costs and -- as he said repeatedly -- down to the last Ukrainian .

The rest of the world watched in amazement as his second and third armies were torn to shreds and of course Russia just rubbed its hands , camped defensively and mowed the enemy repeatedly to smithereens .

It matters not a jot when a city like Odessa is taken if you can first tear armies apart and only lose fighters on the scale of something between 10 and 15 to one .

So, a little better strategic knowledge might help you and I suggest you might like to write direct to the Kremlin , rather than to me, if you believe you can offer battle strategy that is better than we have seen the Russians achieve this year .
Oh, honey, dolls here and there are talking about Russian tactic of tearing Ukraine's armies since at least their 'fight for Donbas' started in May 2022. That Russian dogshit army eliminates entire Ukrainian brigades in a matter of weeks, casualty rates 100:1; that after a weak, a month, when the land is dry, when the land freezes etc Russian troops will launch a sweeping offensive on Ukrainian devastated positions and reach Odessa, the Dnieper, Kiev or Lvov. But nothing happens. The frontline remains still, with some tactical offensives and retreats for almost a year now.

I am not going to argue that Ukraine has heavy losses and this war is a heavy burden for it. Yes. But. No one tells the truth about the real casualty rates in this war. And something tells me that the Russian army having had a far wider numbers than Ukraine's at the moment of invasion, then unexpectedly would need more than 300 000 of reservists, hell knows how many tens of thousands of 'volunteers' and convicts for private military companies, the separatist LDNR military corps then incorporated in the Russian military - not because their military strategy is so great and their succes is so overwhelming. Of course if their military strategy is not being stuck in the mud for months.

So, spare me from this great stories and keep them for Putinhead dolls here. They will be appreciated.
Since on Halloween it is customary to dress up in all kinds of disgusting evil, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken brought his son dressed as Zelensky and his daughter dressed up in the Ukrainian flag.

The Ukraine War is badly lost by the Nazis ...​

Putin and his crimal gang are dead? Not a bad solution but I had preferred to see them in front of the international court for this stupid, senseless and criminal war they had started in general - and also for the unbelievable high number of war crimes the Russians and their "Wagners" had done - who are meanwhile a part of the regular Russian army.
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Putin and his crimal gang are dead? Not a bad solution but I had preferred to see them in front of the international court for this stupid, senseless and criminal war they had started in general - and also for the unbelievable high number of war crimes the Russians and their "Wagners" had done - who are meanwhile a part of the regular Russian army.
I have changed my mind about you . Derision has changed to sympathy for the afflicted .
However ignorance is inexcusable and you certainly have that in spades .

Tell me what happened in Donbass from 2014 and the Minsk agreements , and then square those facts with your ridiculous media inspired belief that Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb 24 of last year ?
The rest of your post is not even worth commenting on -- plain stupidity .
So spare me from ----
The problem with so many of your posts is that your comprehension of the posts that you are responding to is often close to zero .
You just spew out your twaddle with little or no regard to points and a narrative that have been addressed to you .
As long as you continue to simply regurgitate MSM misinformation which you clearly believe , I take the view that it is no longer fruitful to discuss matters with you .
Read Simplicius , Moon of Alabama , MacGregor , Ritter and the Military Channel and then by all means take a better informed view .
But just trying to simply copy Litwin , aka Nazi Winkle, and to just parrot MSM , does you zero credit .
The problem with so many of your posts is that your comprehension of the posts that you are responding to is often close to zero .
You just spew out your twaddle with little or no regard to points and a narrative that have been addressed to you .
As long as you continue to simply regurgitate MSM misinformation which you clearly believe , I take the view that it is no longer fruitful to discuss matters with you .
Read Simplicius , Moon of Alabama , MacGregor , Ritter and the Military Channel and then by all means take a better informed view .
But just trying to simply copy Litwin , aka Nazi Winkle, and to just parrot MSM , does you zero credit .
I am not trying to discuss anything with you. Commenting posts of dolls like yourself is a 'needed' measure, so as Russian propaganda wouldn't seem so 'exposured' here.

And just for a note, about me and MSM propaganda - numerous times I have said that Ukraine can't win this war by retaking all the territory lost; and numerous times I have talked against the 'counter-offensive' in the form and scale it was attempted to do. But you are not here to talk about the reality, are you?

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