You've Gotta See This


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'm not gonna say too much on this. I think everybody in here knows my stance on all things dimocrap.

But this does validate my claims. And you have got to watch it. Don't read it first.... Watch it and be surprised.

Well.... Okay. Republicans and other Patriots won't be surprised and most libs won't actually 'get it' but.....

Late-night host Bill Maher proved Friday night the double standard that exists between the Left and the Right after his liberal guests slammed Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) for comments made about poverty — except his guests had no idea one comment in question was spoken by First Lady Michelle Obama.

Maher and his guests, comedian W. Kamau Bell, Republican Rick Lazio and Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden, discussed a comment Paul made on a radio show several weeks ago in which he criticized the growing culture of men living in poverty not working.

Bell and Tanden criticized Ryan for making what they believed was a comment directed toward African-Americans living in inner-cities, and said Ryan blamed African-Americans and Hispanics for “not having jobs” when “there are no jobs to give in the inner cities.”

Tanden, by contrast, said that what was “really abominable” about Ryan’s comment was that “he was blaming people” while drafting a budget that cuts funding to inner-city programs.

Lazio, however, pointed out that many of the cities facing high poverty and unemployment rates are run by Democratic mayors. These mayors, he continued, have offered little solutions to combat poverty.

Maher then interjected and read another comment from Ryan on the issue of poverty.

“He said, ‘When it comes to getting an education, too many of our young people just can’t be bothered. They’re sitting on couches for hours playing video games, watching tv. Instead of dreaming of being a teacher, or a lawyer or a business leader, they’re fantasizing about being a baller or a rapper,” the “Real Time” host said.

But the quote wasn’t from Ryan. It was actually spoken by Obama.

Upon learning that the comment was from the First Lady, his panelists went silent.

“Is something less true if a white person says it?” Maher asked his guests.

Bell, who was visibly surprised upon learning who made the comment, said “I don’t think this is a Republican of Democrat issue, this is a people issue.”

The “Real Time” host then noted that Obama was actually agreeing with Ryan.
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This is news? Besides, I was side-tracked by your signature image....

Gotta hand it to Maher, he made a fair point. And when the one guest changes his talking points to "I don't think this is a Republican or Democrat issue, this is a people issue," Maher nails him with "oh, now, suddenly..."

And he even called out his audience for "hush, silence." Ouch.

It always has to be about skin color, and Maher pointed it out. Good for him. The PC Police will have to do the standard denial/deflection on this one.


Gotta hand it to Maher, he made a fair point. And when the one guest changes his talking points to "I don't think this is a Republican or Democrat issue, this is a people issue," Maher nails him with "oh, now, suddenly..."

And he even called out his audience for "hush, silence." Ouch.

It always has to be about skin color, and Maher pointed it out. Good for him. The PC Police will have to do the standard denial/deflection on this one.

Yes, Hannity did the exact same thing a few years was completely ignored by........EVERYONE....
I believe at the end the black commentator defends this by saying when together they talk differently. Sounds as if he is defending this by saying they are two faced.

Maher is still a jerk and should be ignored.

Gotta hand it to Maher, he made a fair point. And when the one guest changes his talking points to "I don't think this is a Republican or Democrat issue, this is a people issue," Maher nails him with "oh, now, suddenly..."

And he even called out his audience for "hush, silence." Ouch.

It always has to be about skin color, and Maher pointed it out. Good for him. The PC Police will have to do the standard denial/deflection on this one.


He may have said, "Hushed silence?" as though to shame the audience. Although you could easily be correct.

The 'thing' is this -- dimocrap scum don't want the problem solved. They want to control it, they want to be the only ones allowed to talk about it, they want to be the only ones allowed to offer solutions and they absolutely, positively don't want Republicans sticking their noses in it because......

We would actually fix the problem.

dimocrap scum WANT Inner City Blacks, Hispanics and Whites to be kept in a perennial state of poverty and dependence on government.

As long as people are dependent on government, dimocrap scum can reliably count on a VERY high percentage of their vote.

We can't be sure how much exactly... 90%, 95% :dunno: But we know that it's way up there, percentage wise.

They know it, too. They don't want the problem solved. They like things just the way they are...

dimocraps are what I have always said they are. And worse.
I believe at the end the black commentator defends this by saying when together they talk differently. Sounds as if he is defending this by saying they are two faced.

Maher is still a jerk and should be ignored.
He is saying that its okay for blacks to call each other ******, but no one else can.

"We talk different to each other....."
Even a blind pig finds an acorn, occasionally and even a stupid farmer can grow big potatoes. Maher scored with this one, but it does not negate the fact that he is still a thoroughly despicable, foul-mouthed piece of trash.

The first time I watch an episode of "Real Time" in which he does not make at least one disparaging remark about Sarah Palin, I will give him credit to have a tiny amount of decency.
So what's the point, exactly?

...that the hypocrites are those on the right who persist in trying to demonize Michelle Obama and misrepresent her views?, good one! I think you nailed it!

Gotta hand it to Maher, he made a fair point. And when the one guest changes his talking points to "I don't think this is a Republican or Democrat issue, this is a people issue," Maher nails him with "oh, now, suddenly..."

And he even called out his audience for "hush, silence." Ouch.

It always has to be about skin color, and Maher pointed it out. Good for him. The PC Police will have to do the standard denial/deflection on this one.


He may have said, "Hushed silence?" as though to shame the audience. Although you could easily be correct.

The 'thing' is this -- dimocrap scum don't want the problem solved. They want to control it, they want to be the only ones allowed to talk about it, they want to be the only ones allowed to offer solutions and they absolutely, positively don't want Republicans sticking their noses in it because......

We would actually fix the problem.

dimocrap scum WANT Inner City Blacks, Hispanics and Whites to be kept in a perennial state of poverty and dependence on government.

As long as people are dependent on government, dimocrap scum can reliably count on a VERY high percentage of their vote.

We can't be sure how much exactly... 90%, 95% :dunno: But we know that it's way up there, percentage wise.

They know it, too. They don't want the problem solved. They like things just the way they are...

dimocraps are what I have always said they are. And worse.

I am usually with you on this stuff brother but might I point out that both quotes, from both sides, say the same thing? That was the whole point of what Maher did and the point of you OP, wasn't it?
I believe at the end the black commentator defends this by saying when together they talk differently. Sounds as if he is defending this by saying they are two faced.

Maher is still a jerk and should be ignored.
He is saying that its okay for blacks to call each other ******, but no one else can.

"We talk different to each other....."

Must admit I didn't listen to the video, I dislike Maher that much. But if what I read and what you are saying is true, and have no reason to think the are not. Then what does using the word n.... have to do with the topic being discussed? In other words to the public they are saying that the problems for poor blacks is the government's fault, or more to point the Republicans fault? But in reality when just talking black to black they realize it is their fault? If so then that makes sense of the victim mentality.
So what's the point, exactly?

...that the hypocrites are those on the right who persist in trying to demonize Michelle Obama and misrepresent her views?, good one! I think you nailed it!

You folks will need to come up with better denial/deflection than THAT.

Anyone else want to take a shot at this?


Your denial is worthless.

Since NONE of you ever have, I suggest you read Michelle Obama's entire address:

Remarks by the First Lady at Bowie State University Commencement Ceremony | The White House

Then come back and tell us which parts you adamantly disagree with.

And keep it in mind whenever you and your rightwing pals are having a good old fashioned conservative laugh comparing her to a gorilla or whatever subhuman creature is the racist attack du jour.
I believe at the end the black commentator defends this by saying when together they talk differently. Sounds as if he is defending this by saying they are two faced.

Maher is still a jerk and should be ignored.
He is saying that its okay for blacks to call each other ******, but no one else can.

"We talk different to each other....."

Must admit I didn't listen to the video, I dislike Maher that much. But if what I read and what you are saying is true, and have no reason to think the are not. Then what does using the word n.... have to do with the topic being discussed? In other words to the public they are saying that the problems for poor blacks is the government's fault, or more to point the Republicans fault? But in reality when just talking black to black they realize it is their fault? If so then that makes sense of the victim mentality.
When faced with the fact that the quotes that Maher read were not from Paul Ryan, but from Michele Obama, he asked the context, and when told they were said in front of a commencment of a black school, he then said, "We talk to each other differently....." To make it out that its okay for blacks to say racist things about blacks, but no one else has the right...which is the equivalent of My remark.

In other words, when faced with his knee-jerk reaction to take a racist comment and attribute it to a white person or a republican, he fell back to, "I can say it, you can't" and just utterly ignored the truth in the statements under discussion......
So what's the point, exactly?

...that the hypocrites are those on the right who persist in trying to demonize Michelle Obama and misrepresent her views?, good one! I think you nailed it!

You folks will need to come up with better denial/deflection than THAT.

Anyone else want to take a shot at this?


Your denial is worthless.

Since NONE of you ever have, I suggest you read Michelle Obama's entire address:

Remarks by the First Lady at Bowie State University Commencement Ceremony | The White House

Then come back and tell us which parts you adamantly disagree with.

And keep it in mind whenever you and your rightwing pals are having a good old fashioned conservative laugh comparing her to a gorilla or whatever subhuman creature is the racist attack du jour.

More deflection from what Maher did, from the point of the video.

Come on, you tried, give someone else a chance.


Gotta hand it to Maher, he made a fair point. And when the one guest changes his talking points to "I don't think this is a Republican or Democrat issue, this is a people issue," Maher nails him with "oh, now, suddenly..."

And he even called out his audience for "hush, silence." Ouch.

It always has to be about skin color, and Maher pointed it out. Good for him. The PC Police will have to do the standard denial/deflection on this one.


He may have said, "Hushed silence?" as though to shame the audience. Although you could easily be correct.

The 'thing' is this -- dimocrap scum don't want the problem solved. They want to control it, they want to be the only ones allowed to talk about it, they want to be the only ones allowed to offer solutions and they absolutely, positively don't want Republicans sticking their noses in it because......

We would actually fix the problem.

dimocrap scum WANT Inner City Blacks, Hispanics and Whites to be kept in a perennial state of poverty and dependence on government.

As long as people are dependent on government, dimocrap scum can reliably count on a VERY high percentage of their vote.

We can't be sure how much exactly... 90%, 95% :dunno: But we know that it's way up there, percentage wise.

They know it, too. They don't want the problem solved. They like things just the way they are...

dimocraps are what I have always said they are. And worse.

I am usually with you on this stuff brother but might I point out that both quotes, from both sides, say the same thing? That was the whole point of what Maher did and the point of you OP, wasn't it?


The point I was trying to make is that dimocraps have no interest in fixing the 'problem'

Only in talking about it.

If they wanted the problem 'fixed' they'd invite the opposition in with its own ideas.

When I have a problem to which I need a solution, I invite my wife to offer ideas.

Why? Because she thinks differently than I do. She looks at things from a different perspective and I value her opinion.

I don't always do as she says, but I always listen and I sometimes find myself altering my viewpoints because of her input.

dimocrap scum are the spoiled brats of the political world. They are the selfish, know-it-all ***** that won't listen to anybody about anything and every time they get into trouble, all they can do is finger-point and blame others.

They hijack a 'cause' and radicalize it when there is no need to to radicalize anything. A calm, methodical approach would do wonders for our less fortunate citizens forced to live in the crime and disease-infested filth of Inner Cities.

Bottom line is this...... If Inner City problems, if racism and poverty were ended tomorrow...

dimocrap scum wouldn't have a platform. All they have is outrage, anger and hate.

And they want to extend it, not end it.
You folks will need to come up with better denial/deflection than THAT.

Anyone else want to take a shot at this?


Your denial is worthless.

Since NONE of you ever have, I suggest you read Michelle Obama's entire address:

Remarks by the First Lady at Bowie State University Commencement Ceremony | The White House

Then come back and tell us which parts you adamantly disagree with.

And keep it in mind whenever you and your rightwing pals are having a good old fashioned conservative laugh comparing her to a gorilla or whatever subhuman creature is the racist attack du jour.

More deflection from what Maher did, from the point of the video.

Come on, you tried, give someone else a chance.

Carby is a racsist. Always has been. He is just trying to find a way to turn the conversation around against Whitey....Any discussion about the problem of busted families, unemployment, and education for the black community is just an excuse for him to bash whites. He has no interest in fixing anything, just like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and a few dozen others that make money off the misery of the black community in the inner cities.
loved watching that lying black guy try to back peddle.

Not very often I can stand maher, but he made the point that leftist use race to push lies and their agenda, even when they have no idea.

and clearly, leftist like having the inner city poor
So what's the point, exactly?

...that the hypocrites are those on the right who persist in trying to demonize Michelle Obama and misrepresent her views?, good one! I think you nailed it!

You folks will need to come up with better denial/deflection than THAT.

Anyone else want to take a shot at this?


Your denial is worthless.

Since NONE of you ever have, I suggest you read Michelle Obama's entire address:

Remarks by the First Lady at Bowie State University Commencement Ceremony | The White House

Then come back and tell us which parts you adamantly disagree with.

And keep it in mind whenever you and your rightwing pals are having a good old fashioned conservative laugh comparing her to a gorilla or whatever subhuman creature is the racist attack du jour.

Eat shit, dirtbag.

The Sasquatch said it. Fucking period.


Now the scumbag is going to try to start a flame war, report the thread and try to get it moved.

They do it every time. Every time there's a thread in here they don't like, they jump in, start taunting and trolling and then report the thread.

Just call him a scumbag (he is) and move on.

As evidence that I'm right (I always am) if he wanted to dispute any assertions in here, he could have quoted the operative parts of the Sasquatch's speech and referenced them while using his own words to argue his point.

He doesn't. He and his OFA operatives always do the same thing. They'll send Republicans off to do their dirty work for them, and if you're dumb enough to fall for it, they'll sharp-shoot the hell out of you.

These people are trolls. They have no desire to debate. None.

If they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

And that goes for this Board as well.

Gotta hand it to Maher, he made a fair point. And when the one guest changes his talking points to "I don't think this is a Republican or Democrat issue, this is a people issue," Maher nails him with "oh, now, suddenly..."

And he even called out his audience for "hush, silence." Ouch.

It always has to be about skin color, and Maher pointed it out. Good for him. The PC Police will have to do the standard denial/deflection on this one.


Yes, Mac, the PC police are hiding under your bed, making a full report on you right now.

The difference between the Obama's making a comment and Paul Ryan making a comment fall under the "rowdy child" rule.

If a parent yells at a kid for acting out in a store, most people accept that as sensible discipline.

If a total stranger starts yelling at a child, most people consider htat kind of creepy.

WHen the Obama's criticize things going on in the black community, it's a call to do better.

When Creepy Paul Ryan does it, talking to whatever Bubba-rednecks are still listening to Bill Bennett's show, he's doing it to score political points with their bigotry.

Get it?

Well, probably not.

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