His Media Shield


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

What are the most important stories that CNN, NBC, and MSNBC are talking about?

1. Flight 370 - Where is it?

2. BridgeGate - Did Christie get away with it?

3. Crimea is history.

4. It's time to unionize NCAA athletes.

Nothing else is more important.

Everyone, I'm sure, is fed up with the wild goose chase the media has taken us on with respect to Flight 370.

I'm sure everyone knows from watching the media where BridgeGate is concerned, the media can and will attempt to destroy someone if they get half a a chance, but they refuse to hammer Obama on anything he does wrong.

They refuse to address the fact that he's signing up illegals on Obamacare. They refused to focus on Fast & Furious when they were caught selling military grade weapons to Mexican drug cartels. They refused to demand that the administration allow eye-witnesses to testify before Congress on Benghazi. And now it's become clear that Obama's shield won't really talk about how we came to today"s events, Russia occupying Crimea and massing troops (50,000) on the Ukrainian border and comparing it to Blitzkrieg, or Berlin. All they want to talk about is John Kerry negotiating with the Russian envoy.

They refuse to focus on the fact that Obama is still gutting the military regardless of the new rising threats from China and Russia. It's utter insanity.

I guess as long as you don't see Russian parachutes dropping into our cities ala Red Dawn, nothing really matters. Obama still goes on the air showing his NCAA brackets like nothing big is going on. He's still planning his next vacation. Who cares that Europe is in big trouble, and scared to death of Soviet expansion. It all just doesn't matter. We have too many people living in this country that have never experienced real hardships. Never faced a war that was on the doorstep. Never gone days without eating. Never been without their cellphone for any long period of time.

The media is focusing on how "Bombastic" Chris Christie is. He hasn't learned his lesson yet. What lesson is that? Don't run for office as a Republican? Should the media be trying to teach a Republican a lesson when they should be reporting on something more important than closing a damned lane on a bridge?

Obama would have been gone long ago if these people didn't try to ignore everything that really matters. Well folks, it's working. Obama is the worst president in our history. He has raised our taxes, raised the costs of food and energy, caused the stagnation of wages, increased the divide between the haves and the have nots, and divided us like no leader in history. Yet his approval ratings still remain close to 40%. There is a large segment of the population that refuses to fault Obama, or the Democrats, for anything. There is also a large segment of the population that refuses to listen to Obama anymore as well. How many of you see him on TV and either turn down the sound, change the channel, or simply turn that SOB off and try to read a book or vacuum the carpet. Trust me. I've read alot of books lately. I'm even thinking of writing a few.
This "journalist" only wants to expose Ted Nugent as a racist.

She ignores the reasons that Nugent is so pissed off and only wants to focus on his angry words.

The final thing she said, and this is not up to her because it's not her job to teach us this, is that we should respect the office, meaning never protest against Obama's illegal acts.

Fuck you. We don't have to respect someone who doesn't respect us. It's a two-way street lady.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGDCjk8XJgo]Nugent Takes Credit for Getting Piers Morgan's 'Ass Thrown Out' of CNN - YouTube[/ame]
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Don't for get the Paltrow-Martin Concious Uncoupling! That's the really really Big News.
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