You have to be impressed with George Orwell


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Turns out the year 1984 wasn't that far off, if at all. Gore invented the internet (cough!), which was actually invented in 1983, and the web 1989. Then Clinton with Republicans got into bed with China for short-term gains and their pockets, in the end creating a force for misinformation, automation and of course a lower standard of living so they (e.g. Gates, Bezos) can live like Kings. Proof positive the goal was to reduce middle class and small business, look this shit up, that's reality, and look WTF they did under COVID.

Flash forward 20 years into the web along with 24/7 "news" we became the age of misinformation and miss-accountability, opposite days and they dictate how the government is managed steer left. If PROGS are progressive in any manner it's they've dialed down this misinformation that nobody believes it or cares to think for themselves. The left as you might call them have proved over and over again there's no truth to their parroting, yet here we are, same thing over and over again, and this "impeachment" is a real beauty. You can't make it up yet they do all the time. Welcome our first puppet POTUS, the Banana Republic of USA. Our POTUS elect in the basement and it doesn't matter because he doesn't speak for himself nor say anything anyway. Unreported, Biden in hiding under full support our information sources.

It's just my opinion, but I think Orwell nailed this thing and we're living it. My only question is what are they up to next?
Turns out the year 1984 wasn't that far off, if at all. Gore invented the internet (cough!), which was actually invented in 1983, and the web 1989. Then Clinton with Republicans got into bed with China for short-term gains and their pockets, in the end creating a force for misinformation, automation and of course a lower standard of living so they (e.g. Gates, Bezos) can live like Kings. Proof positive the goal was to reduce middle class and small business, look this shit up, that's reality, and look WTF they did under COVID.

Flash forward 20 years into the web along with 24/7 "news" we became the age of misinformation and miss-accountability, opposite days and they dictate how the government is managed steer left. If PROGS are progressive in any manner it's they've dialed down this misinformation that nobody believes it or cares to think for themselves. The left as you might call them have proved over and over again there's no truth to their parroting, yet here we are, same thing over and over again, and this "impeachment" is a real beauty. You can't make it up yet they do all the time. Welcome our first puppet POTUS, the Banana Republic of USA. Our POTUS elect in the basement and it doesn't matter because he doesn't speak for himself nor say anything anyway. Unreported, Biden in hiding under full support our information sources.

It's just my opinion, but I think Orwell nailed this thing and we're living it. My only question is what are they up to next?

Orwell was certainly ahead of his time. Some literary deconstructionists believe that the horrors of WWII had greatest impact on his writings, but the truth is likely much darker. When he wrote 1984 I do not believe he was parroting Nazi Germany or even Stalin's USSR. No, I believe he was foreseeing the future of his native England and the United States, through the eyes of English coal miners, many of whom died in terrible health at the behest of their wealthy employers. Orwell was also born in India, a nation severely and generationally impacted by the boot of imperial Western Civilization. You really ought to read The Road to Wigan Pier. Many also believe Orwell was a true blood socialist but that's another falsehood. He masqueraded brilliantly as a "democratic" socialist, a necessary evil of remaining, at least for some time, in the good graces of upper crust British society. In reality he was a man of and for the people; an activist whose greatest bit of activism can still be read about today in the content of his novels and other writings.

Back on topic, perhaps. What are the democrats up to next? I think they wish to jump into a giant pot with the Chinese, the UN and the WEF in order to make some kind of extremely fucking evil fondue.
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Turns out the year 1984 wasn't that far off, if at all. Gore invented the internet (cough!), which was actually invented in 1983, and the web 1989. Then Clinton with Republicans got into bed with China for short-term gains and their pockets, in the end creating a force for misinformation, automation and of course a lower standard of living so they (e.g. Gates, Bezos) can live like Kings. Proof positive the goal was to reduce middle class and small business, look this shit up, that's reality, and look WTF they did under COVID.

Flash forward 20 years into the web along with 24/7 "news" we became the age of misinformation and miss-accountability, opposite days and they dictate how the government is managed steer left. If PROGS are progressive in any manner it's they've dialed down this misinformation that nobody believes it or cares to think for themselves. The left as you might call them have proved over and over again there's no truth to their parroting, yet here we are, same thing over and over again, and this "impeachment" is a real beauty. You can't make it up yet they do all the time. Welcome our first puppet POTUS, the Banana Republic of USA. Our POTUS elect in the basement and it doesn't matter because he doesn't speak for himself nor say anything anyway. Unreported, Biden in hiding under full support our information sources.

It's just my opinion, but I think Orwell nailed this thing and we're living it. My only question is what are they up to next?

I just wish he would gave stuck to writing fiction,, this Nostradamus stuff it kicking our ass,,
Turns out the year 1984 wasn't that far off, if at all. Gore invented the internet (cough!), which was actually invented in 1983, and the web 1989. Then Clinton with Republicans got into bed with China for short-term gains and their pockets, in the end creating a force for misinformation, automation and of course a lower standard of living so they (e.g. Gates, Bezos) can live like Kings. Proof positive the goal was to reduce middle class and small business, look this shit up, that's reality, and look WTF they did under COVID.

Flash forward 20 years into the web along with 24/7 "news" we became the age of misinformation and miss-accountability, opposite days and they dictate how the government is managed steer left. If PROGS are progressive in any manner it's they've dialed down this misinformation that nobody believes it or cares to think for themselves. The left as you might call them have proved over and over again there's no truth to their parroting, yet here we are, same thing over and over again, and this "impeachment" is a real beauty. You can't make it up yet they do all the time. Welcome our first puppet POTUS, the Banana Republic of USA. Our POTUS elect in the basement and it doesn't matter because he doesn't speak for himself nor say anything anyway. Unreported, Biden in hiding under full support our information sources.

It's just my opinion, but I think Orwell nailed this thing and we're living it. My only question is what are they up to next?

Which government posted this?
Turns out the year 1984 wasn't that far off, if at all. Gore invented the internet (cough!), which was actually invented in 1983, and the web 1989. Then Clinton with Republicans got into bed with China for short-term gains and their pockets, in the end creating a force for misinformation, automation and of course a lower standard of living so they (e.g. Gates, Bezos) can live like Kings. Proof positive the goal was to reduce middle class and small business, look this shit up, that's reality, and look WTF they did under COVID.

Flash forward 20 years into the web along with 24/7 "news" we became the age of misinformation and miss-accountability, opposite days and they dictate how the government is managed steer left. If PROGS are progressive in any manner it's they've dialed down this misinformation that nobody believes it or cares to think for themselves. The left as you might call them have proved over and over again there's no truth to their parroting, yet here we are, same thing over and over again, and this "impeachment" is a real beauty. You can't make it up yet they do all the time. Welcome our first puppet POTUS, the Banana Republic of USA. Our POTUS elect in the basement and it doesn't matter because he doesn't speak for himself nor say anything anyway. Unreported, Biden in hiding under full support our information sources.

It's just my opinion, but I think Orwell nailed this thing and we're living it. My only question is what are they up to next?
A similar backdrop to our current times is the movie "Designated Survivor" out now on Netflix for those of you who haven't seen it-worth a watch. It was released in 2016. About three episodes in, you'll see the comparisons to what's been happening with the Dem agenda playing out...almost a play by play. Incredible stuff- make sure to check it out.
Turns out the year 1984 wasn't that far off, if at all. Gore invented the internet (cough!), which was actually invented in 1983, and the web 1989. Then Clinton with Republicans got into bed with China for short-term gains and their pockets, in the end creating a force for misinformation, automation and of course a lower standard of living so they (e.g. Gates, Bezos) can live like Kings. Proof positive the goal was to reduce middle class and small business, look this shit up, that's reality, and look WTF they did under COVID.

Flash forward 20 years into the web along with 24/7 "news" we became the age of misinformation and miss-accountability, opposite days and they dictate how the government is managed steer left. If PROGS are progressive in any manner it's they've dialed down this misinformation that nobody believes it or cares to think for themselves. The left as you might call them have proved over and over again there's no truth to their parroting, yet here we are, same thing over and over again, and this "impeachment" is a real beauty. You can't make it up yet they do all the time. Welcome our first puppet POTUS, the Banana Republic of USA. Our POTUS elect in the basement and it doesn't matter because he doesn't speak for himself nor say anything anyway. Unreported, Biden in hiding under full support our information sources.

It's just my opinion, but I think Orwell nailed this thing and we're living it. My only question is what are they up to next?
Well said.
Turns out the year 1984 wasn't that far off, if at all. Gore invented the internet (cough!), which was actually invented in 1983, and the web 1989. Then Clinton with Republicans got into bed with China for short-term gains and their pockets, in the end creating a force for misinformation, automation and of course a lower standard of living so they (e.g. Gates, Bezos) can live like Kings. Proof positive the goal was to reduce middle class and small business, look this shit up, that's reality, and look WTF they did under COVID.

Flash forward 20 years into the web along with 24/7 "news" we became the age of misinformation and miss-accountability, opposite days and they dictate how the government is managed steer left. If PROGS are progressive in any manner it's they've dialed down this misinformation that nobody believes it or cares to think for themselves. The left as you might call them have proved over and over again there's no truth to their parroting, yet here we are, same thing over and over again, and this "impeachment" is a real beauty. You can't make it up yet they do all the time. Welcome our first puppet POTUS, the Banana Republic of USA. Our POTUS elect in the basement and it doesn't matter because he doesn't speak for himself nor say anything anyway. Unreported, Biden in hiding under full support our information sources.

It's just my opinion, but I think Orwell nailed this thing and we're living it. My only question is what are they up to next?
gun license.png

I always seem to go back to 45 declarations communist takeover written 1963 too, incredible, especially this last year.
Yes, I agree with OP. Orwell was an amazing writer, he was spot on!:thup:

He really predicted the future exactly the way it's happening today!
Turns out the year 1984 wasn't that far off, if at all. Gore invented the internet (cough!), which was actually invented in 1983, and the web 1989. Then Clinton with Republicans got into bed with China for short-term gains and their pockets, in the end creating a force for misinformation, automation and of course a lower standard of living so they (e.g. Gates, Bezos) can live like Kings. Proof positive the goal was to reduce middle class and small business, look this shit up, that's reality, and look WTF they did under COVID.

Flash forward 20 years into the web along with 24/7 "news" we became the age of misinformation and miss-accountability, opposite days and they dictate how the government is managed steer left. If PROGS are progressive in any manner it's they've dialed down this misinformation that nobody believes it or cares to think for themselves. The left as you might call them have proved over and over again there's no truth to their parroting, yet here we are, same thing over and over again, and this "impeachment" is a real beauty. You can't make it up yet they do all the time. Welcome our first puppet POTUS, the Banana Republic of USA. Our POTUS elect in the basement and it doesn't matter because he doesn't speak for himself nor say anything anyway. Unreported, Biden in hiding under full support our information sources.

It's just my opinion, but I think Orwell nailed this thing and we're living it. My only question is what are they up to next?

Orwell was certainly ahead of his time. Some literary deconstructionists believe that the horrors of WWII had greatest impact on his writings, but the truth is likely much darker. When he wrote 1984 I do not believe he was parroting Nazi Germany or even Stalin's USSR. No, I believe he was foreseeing the future of his native England and the United States, through the eyes of English coal miners, many of whom died in terrible health at the behest of their wealthy employers. Orwell was also born in India, a nation severely and generationally impacted by the boot of imperial Western Civilization. You really ought to read The Road to Wigan Pier. Many also believe Orwell was a true blood socialist but that's another falsehood. He masqueraded brilliantly as a "democratic" socialist, a necessary evil of remaining, at least for some time, in the good graces of upper crust British society. In reality he was a man of and for the people; an activist whose greatest bit of activism can still be read about today in the content of his novels and other writings.

Back on topic, perhaps. What are the democrats up to next? I think they wish to jump into a giant pot with the Chinese, the UN and the WEF in order to make some kind of extremely fucking evil fondue.
Orwell's Animal Farm was likely based on Garreth Jones reporting on the Soviet Union/Ukraine genocides.
Any Orwellian manifestations will be the sole purview of Republicans, conservatives, and others on the authoritarian right.

Indeed, Trump was as Orwellian as it can get.

Bought that shaving mirror from the yard sale at the defunct amusement park fun house?

Maybe try using an electric razor before you do that to yourself again.
To read supporters of the clownish lying Donald Trump praising George Orwell, the utterly intellectually honest atheist and humanist, democratic socialist and opponent of demagoguery and totalitarianism ... is an utterly “Orwellian” experience.

night_son may think he is praising Orwell, but damns him by claiming:
Many also believe Orwell was a true blood socialist but that's another falsehood. He masqueraded brilliantly as a "democratic" socialist, a necessary evil of remaining, at least for some time, in the good graces of upper crust British society.
Nothing could be more absurd. George Orwell was the real thing. He did not “masquerade” to please British society or anyone else. As for his politics, he started as an anti-fascist, a “premature anti-fascist,” fighting in the Spanish Civil War, where he was shot through the throat by fascists and nearly died. His Homage to Catalonia documents his experience in that revolutionary struggle. That book was written just after his 1936 The Road to Wiggin Pier — which itself got him put on the Special Branch list for subversives for the next 12 years!

The rightists who deny he was a democratic socialist have a problem in that even at the end of his life, suffering from tuberculosis, he wrote:

“The Spanish War and other events in 1936–37, turned the scale. Thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written directly or indirectly against totalitarianism and for Democratic Socialism as I understand it."

That Orwell would not appreciate the lies of liberal imperialists and neo-cons is certain. He could always see through the hypocrisy of the media. But every fiber of his body would have been revolted listening to the demagoguery of Donald Trump and Republican apologists for naked capitalism.

The weakness of democratic politicians and the horrible reality of totalitarian systems he understood well. Besides his brilliant fiction, he wrote about serious political problems with intellectual rigor and depth. Trump represented everything he opposed and feared might arise in our own “Western” tradition.
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Hey speak of misinformation and puppet POTUS', Biden has a Facebook page right. Well, the Biden people behind it present their share of misinformation, but more than that they present almost everything as if Biden wrote it.

How's that for a switch? Trump who can't shut-up to Biden with no meaning to it outside trickery and an obscure object of some sort.
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Homage to Catalonia is George Orwell's personal account of his experiences and observations fighting for the POUM [Party of Marxist Unification] militia of the Republican army during the Spanish Civil War. The war was one of the defining events of his political outlook and a significant part of what led him to write in 1946, "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for Democratic Socialism, as I understand it."

Homage to Catalonia - Wikipedia
View attachment 442756

Homage to Catalonia is George Orwell's personal account of his experiences and observations fighting for the POUM [Party of Marxist Unification] militia of the Republican army during the Spanish Civil War. The war was one of the defining events of his political outlook and a significant part of what led him to write in 1946, "Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for Democratic Socialism, as I understand it."

Homage to Catalonia - Wikipedia

Even if you were right you're out of context. First off nobody is perfect & much has changed. Second you're ignoring the elephant in the room, which is Orwell wrote what would become PROGS which was the point of this thread.

Assuming Orwell had this economic/social structure down, what socialist democrat countries are you recommending anyhow?

And how come you're trying to differentiate Democratic Socialism & today's PROGS in light of totalities? How did you conclude today's PROGS don't practice totalitarianism considering what they do and often say conflicts with your feelings?

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