trump allies warn him not to run again


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

He is leaving as a disgraced man. He will undoubtedly go down in history as the worst president ever. McConnell wants to GOP to move away from this evil man. This is his chance to see that The Don never holds an office of authority again.

McConnell needs to step up and say he is voting to convict trump. That would open the flood gates for Republicans to vote for the Constitution and not play coward in the corner, afraid of the insane trump cult.

He is leaving as a disgraced man. He will undoubtedly go down in history as the worst president ever. McConnell wants to GOP to move away from this evil man. This is his chance to see that The Don never holds an office of authority again.

McConnell needs to step up and say he is voting to convict trump. That would open the flood gates for Republicans to vote for the Constitution and not play coward in the corner, afraid of the insane trump cult.
We do not know about Mitch. He could be coming to support country over party, then again he is a whiz of political calculation. Could just be in his immediate political interests and know he could support trump better in two years as he has until now, but only if still able to wield any power at that time. I cannot tell. Say what you like about Moscow Mitch, like him or hate him, but he is good at what he does.
The Senate will not convict Trump. Not on January 19th, not six months from now when he's relegated to the ash heap of history. He's done. Stick the fork in him. Politically, financially, legally. His name will be radioactive and his family will be pariahs. Eventually, all but the doe-eyed true believers will be left supporting him. Everyone else...will go, "Trump who?".
The Senate will not convict Trump. Not on January 19th, not six months from now when he's relegated to the ash heap of history. He's done. Stick the fork in him. Politically, financially, legally. His name will be radioactive and his family will be pariahs. Eventually, all but the doe-eyed true believers will be left supporting him. Everyone else...will go, "Trump who?".
Some people think he is like the evil Lord Valdemort.
The Senate will not convict Trump. Not on January 19th, not six months from now when he's relegated to the ash heap of history. He's done. Stick the fork in him. Politically, financially, legally. His name will be radioactive and his family will be pariahs. Eventually, all but the doe-eyed true believers will be left supporting him. Everyone else...will go, "Trump who?".
I beg to differ.

He'll be convicted and impeached.

He should be.

The country needs to send that message.
The Senate will not convict Trump. Not on January 19th, not six months from now when he's relegated to the ash heap of history. He's done. Stick the fork in him. Politically, financially, legally. His name will be radioactive and his family will be pariahs. Eventually, all but the doe-eyed true believers will be left supporting him. Everyone else...will go, "Trump who?".
Some people think he is like the evil Lord Valdemort.

More like Lord Moldybutt.
The Senate will not convict Trump. Not on January 19th, not six months from now when he's relegated to the ash heap of history. He's done. Stick the fork in him. Politically, financially, legally. His name will be radioactive and his family will be pariahs. Eventually, all but the doe-eyed true believers will be left supporting him. Everyone else...will go, "Trump who?".

Unless he commits another atrocity...I tend to agree. They don't want the stain on the Republican party. Nixon did great damage to the party. trump had exceeded that in multiples.

But McConnell knows the GOP needs to move away from The Don and his crazies. He is calculating now exactly how to do that. It will be an interesting call when the trial in the Senate convenes. How to show trump He is not welcome in the GOP while also holding on to his rabid supporters. Quite the conumdrum..
I do not believe President Trump will run again in 2024.

The worst thing I believe could happen would be a GOP recapture of both House and Senate in 2022.

America needs four full years under the boot of Socialists-soon-to-be-openly Communists. At that point one of two things will happen:

1. Freedom will be dead beyond rising again without being conquered by a liberating nation. None are on the horizon just now.

2. A charismatic, avowedly brutal leader will emerge. That individual will run an all-out war rather than simply stealing an election. Perhaps even seize power Cuban style.
Problem is that leader (The Democrat Party has none just now) might restore freedoms but more likely will simplymake things more tightly controlled. That leader might be sincerely anti-Communist but once having tasted power that will not prevail.

Those with the means have already begun to divest and move on. Most do not have the resources. Tough shit for them.
I do not believe President Trump will run again in 2024.

The worst thing I believe could happen would be a GOP recapture of both House and Senate in 2022.

America needs four full years under the boot of Socialists-soon-to-be-openly Communists. At that point one of two things will happen:

1. Freedom will be dead beyond rising again without being conquered by a liberating nation. None are on the horizon just now.

2. A charismatic, avowedly brutal leader will emerge. That individual will run an all-out war rather than simply stealing an election. Perhaps even seize power Cuban style.
Problem is that leader (The Democrat Party has none just now) might restore freedoms but more likely will simplymake things more tightly controlled. That leader might be sincerely anti-Communist but once having tasted power that will not prevail.

Those with the means have already begun to divest and move on. Most do not have the resources. Tough shit for them.
Joe Biden will save this country. He will instill a sense of calm and give us all our first hint of competence in four years. Biden's knows how to govern. He will not be in the job to enrich himself, as trump was. He is moderate leader who will be able to work across the aisle to get things done. COVID will nearly be forgotten by the end of 2021...and hopefully so will Donald J trump.
I do not believe President Trump will run again in 2024.

The worst thing I believe could happen would be a GOP recapture of both House and Senate in 2022.

America needs four full years under the boot of Socialists-soon-to-be-openly Communists. At that point one of two things will happen:

1. Freedom will be dead beyond rising again without being conquered by a liberating nation. None are on the horizon just now.

2. A charismatic, avowedly brutal leader will emerge. That individual will run an all-out war rather than simply stealing an election. Perhaps even seize power Cuban style.
Problem is that leader (The Democrat Party has none just now) might restore freedoms but more likely will simplymake things more tightly controlled. That leader might be sincerely anti-Communist but once having tasted power that will not prevail.

Those with the means have already begun to divest and move on. Most do not have the resources. Tough shit for them.
Joe Biden will save this country. He will instill a sense of calm and give us all our first hint of competence in four years. Biden's knows how to govern. He will not be in the job to enrich himself, as trump was. He is moderate leader who will be able to work across the aisle to get things done. COVID will nearly be forgotten by the end of 2021...and hopefully so will Donald J trump.
This is a joke, right? ?
The Senate will not convict Trump. Not on January 19th, not six months from now when he's relegated to the ash heap of history. He's done. Stick the fork in him. Politically, financially, legally. His name will be radioactive and his family will be pariahs. Eventually, all but the doe-eyed true believers will be left supporting him. Everyone else...will go, "Trump who?".
Let’s hope so.

But ‘Trumpism’ isn’t going away – the fear, the ignorance, the racism, the hate, the bigotry, and the white grievance politics will remain part of the GOP for decades.

Worse. Republicans will find another Trump to exploit the above and more – but someone unlike Trump with the political acumen to succeed where Trump failed.
I do not believe President Trump will run again in 2024.

The worst thing I believe could happen would be a GOP recapture of both House and Senate in 2022.

America needs four full years under the boot of Socialists-soon-to-be-openly Communists. At that point one of two things will happen:

1. Freedom will be dead beyond rising again without being conquered by a liberating nation. None are on the horizon just now.

2. A charismatic, avowedly brutal leader will emerge. That individual will run an all-out war rather than simply stealing an election. Perhaps even seize power Cuban style.
Problem is that leader (The Democrat Party has none just now) might restore freedoms but more likely will simplymake things more tightly controlled. That leader might be sincerely anti-Communist but once having tasted power that will not prevail.

Those with the means have already begun to divest and move on. Most do not have the resources. Tough shit for them.
Could you please explain what you mean by 'socialists' and 'communists'?

I have a pretty good understanding of those ideologies, but I don't think you and I are meshing gears. Tell me your definitions of each so I might understand you better.
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I do not believe President Trump will run again in 2024.

The worst thing I believe could happen would be a GOP recapture of both House and Senate in 2022.

America needs four full years under the boot of Socialists-soon-to-be-openly Communists. At that point one of two things will happen:

1. Freedom will be dead beyond rising again without being conquered by a liberating nation. None are on the horizon just now.

2. A charismatic, avowedly brutal leader will emerge. That individual will run an all-out war rather than simply stealing an election. Perhaps even seize power Cuban style.
Problem is that leader (The Democrat Party has none just now) might restore freedoms but more likely will simplymake things more tightly controlled. That leader might be sincerely anti-Communist but once having tasted power that will not prevail.

Those with the means have already begun to divest and move on. Most do not have the resources. Tough shit for them.
Joe Biden will save this country. He will instill a sense of calm and give us all our first hint of competence in four years. Biden's knows how to govern. He will not be in the job to enrich himself, as trump was. He is moderate leader who will be able to work across the aisle to get things done. COVID will nearly be forgotten by the end of 2021...and hopefully so will Donald J trump.

Holy Shit!!!
You should take up comedy full time!!! :laughing0301:
I do not believe President Trump will run again in 2024.

The worst thing I believe could happen would be a GOP recapture of both House and Senate in 2022.

America needs four full years under the boot of Socialists-soon-to-be-openly Communists. At that point one of two things will happen:

1. Freedom will be dead beyond rising again without being conquered by a liberating nation. None are on the horizon just now.

2. A charismatic, avowedly brutal leader will emerge. That individual will run an all-out war rather than simply stealing an election. Perhaps even seize power Cuban style.
Problem is that leader (The Democrat Party has none just now) might restore freedoms but more likely will simplymake things more tightly controlled. That leader might be sincerely anti-Communist but once having tasted power that will not prevail.

Those with the means have already begun to divest and move on. Most do not have the resources. Tough shit for them.
Joe Biden will save this country. He will instill a sense of calm and give us all our first hint of competence in four years. Biden's knows how to govern. He will not be in the job to enrich himself, as trump was. He is moderate leader who will be able to work across the aisle to get things done. COVID will nearly be forgotten by the end of 2021...and hopefully so will Donald J trump.

No Biden will bankrupt the country. Check out that list its a doozey. Biden has been sucking of the tax payer tit for 50 years and hasn't accomplished a thing. Yeah he's competent all right.

Work across the aisle?? Seems to me I remember Obama and Biden telling Reps that elections have consequences and they could sit in the back of the bus.

One good thing. After two years of the Biden/Harris shit show the Reps should get the House and Senate back. Oh and Covid isn't going away. Biden will be dealing with exactly what Trump had to deal with.

Trump will run again in 2024 and his 75 million supporters will vote for him. Now tell me that Biden got more votes than Obama?? Ain't buying that but I am buying that this election was the biggest fraudulent election in this countries history. It all started in Italy. Trump isn't done yet so stay tuned.
I do not believe President Trump will run again in 2024.

The worst thing I believe could happen would be a GOP recapture of both House and Senate in 2022.

America needs four full years under the boot of Socialists-soon-to-be-openly Communists. At that point one of two things will happen:

1. Freedom will be dead beyond rising again without being conquered by a liberating nation. None are on the horizon just now.

2. A charismatic, avowedly brutal leader will emerge. That individual will run an all-out war rather than simply stealing an election. Perhaps even seize power Cuban style.
Problem is that leader (The Democrat Party has none just now) might restore freedoms but more likely will simplymake things more tightly controlled. That leader might be sincerely anti-Communist but once having tasted power that will not prevail.

Those with the means have already begun to divest and move on. Most do not have the resources. Tough shit for them.
Joe Biden will save this country. He will instill a sense of calm and give us all our first hint of competence in four years. Biden's knows how to govern. He will not be in the job to enrich himself, as trump was. He is moderate leader who will be able to work across the aisle to get things done. COVID will nearly be forgotten by the end of 2021...and hopefully so will Donald J trump.

Holy Shit!!!
You should take up comedy full time!!! :laughing0301:

As we have been saying....Elect a Clown...Expect a Circus...Laugh it Up

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